Magical Mayhem (10 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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"What are you doing in here?"

"I want to make love, Montague," she answered, a bit surprised by his reaction.

"Megan Jeannine Marley! I left you in your room well over an hour ago; you should be sleeping instead of starting something we can't finish!" He sat up to look down at her in disapproval, and to his horror, Megan burst into tears.

"I can't even get this right!" she sobbed.

"Stop crying," he said, patting her arm. "You were getting it right. I was having a wonderful dream."

"You're angry!" she accused.

"I'm frustrated," he corrected her. "It's too soon to make love, Megan."

"Right!" she said sarcastically. "You don't want me! Just one more thing I suck at!" She was angry and feeling sorry for herself.

"You need that cute fanny of yours spanked, young lady," Montague told her. She tried to scoot out of reach when he reached for her, but he was fast and caught her by the wrist and gave a powerful tug that propelled her face down over his lap on the bed. His hand rested on her bottom while he scolded. "That kind of talk is uncalled for, Meggie, and from now on I will turn you over my knee and spank you each and every time I hear you put yourself down. Is that clear?" he wanted to know.

"Yes! You can let me go back to my room now!" Her feelings were hurt and she wanted to cry.

"Not just yet, little girl. You earned a good spanking for that attitude of yours and I'm not going to send you back to bed until I'm positive you know exactly what I think of your putting yourself down."

"Someone might hear you!" she exclaimed, trying to get him to stop before he started. She would not cry in front of him right now! She'd never before offered herself to anyone, and to be turned down was more than she could bear!

"They will come closer to hearing you," Montague announced.

"I swear I will leave here the first chance I get if you dare to spank me right now, Montague!"


Chapter Seven

"I mean it, Montague. If you spank me right now I will leave and I promise I will never speak to you again! You have truly hurt my feelings and I don't even want to be in this room with you. Let me up right now!" Megan was yelling at him and she didn't care if she was overheard. She simply wanted to be alone so she could cry. Her heart was broken. It was beyond humiliating to offer herself to the handsome man, only to be scolded like a little girl who didn't know what she was doing. She wanted to pack her bags and head for home right now. She kicked her legs. "Release me, Montague!"

"Megan, you need to settle down," Montague ordered, giving her upturned bottom a sound spank. "I mean it. Settle right down and listen to me."

"There is nothing more to say," she said; the tears she was holding back were threatening to spill, and she could no longer refrain from crying, and once she started, she was sobbing and feeling so sorry for herself that she pounded her fists on his legs. He hauled her up and sat her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her so she couldn't hit him anywhere.

"Why are you crying, honey? What did I do that upset you so much?"

"You are treating me like a little girl! Do you think I make a habit of offering myself to men, Montague? Well, I don't. This is the first time ever, and you pushed me away like I am a pest! That hurts!" she told him, crying big tears that rolled down her cheeks.

Montague took out his handkerchief and wiped her face. "Shhhh now. I am sorry your feelings are hurt, Meggie. It's just too soon for us to take that step. We need to know each other a lot better before we make love... and frankly, there is no way that is going to happen in my parents' home. Mom would be scandalized, and Dad would want to have my hide for taking an innocent girl to bed under his roof. Megan, it isn't that I don't find you attractive; I do. But, you are worth waiting for. You deserve a wedding ring on your finger, and a wedding to remember. You deserve to have your Dad walk you down the aisle, and your Mom to take you shopping for a wedding dress and veil. Meggie, it takes time for all this to happen. Yes, I feel passion for you, but we can't satisfy that passion yet. We need to make sure the passion has something more behind it. I'm sorry I scolded and didn't explain. I wouldn't hurt your feelings for anything."

Megan nodded her head, feeling foolish. "I'm sorry I overreacted."

"You were hurt, and not thinking clearly."

"You aren't going to spank me, are you?" she asked him, feeling kind of shy and very guilty.

"Do you need a spanking?" He wanted to know.

"No," she quickly answered.

Montague smiled, and then stated, "I think you'd better get back to your own room, young lady, or I might be very tempted to put my hand on your sweet fanny."

Megan giggled, but she headed for the door of his room. "I am not sure whether or not I'm happy that we didn't make love, Montague, but part of me is relieved."

"Go on, honey. It will happen when the time is right." Megan left, closing the door quietly. She wasn't about to raise the entire household. This time when she went to bed she was able to go to sleep.

Montague was the one who lie awake after Megan left his room. He knew that Meggie was warm and willing and he couldn't help responding in a physical way that made him hard as could be and looking for release. He knew that sleep wasn't going to come easy.

* * *

The next few days passed quickly. She went with Montague to the hospital to visit with his father, and he made sure his siblings were putting their school work first and getting it all done. He told them that the best thing they could do for their Dad was to do well in school so he wouldn't have to yell at them when their grades came out at the end of the quarter. He convinced them that their Dad would be happy as could be with good grades, and his siblings agreed to work hard and make him proud. Megan was pleased to see how Montague was able to handle his sisters without hurting their pride or resorting to yelling at them. She decided he would make a wonderful father.

Montague waited until his father was home from the hospital and doing much better before he decided it was time to get back to work. He and Megan had spent some time each day rehearsing and practicing, and he was itching to perform on stage again. Megan wasn't as eager. In fact, she dreaded the very thought of setting foot on another stage, but decided it was best to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to keep her job.

They drove to their next job and found their accommodations quite satisfactory. Just as before, they each had separate bedrooms in the suite. Montague insisted that she call her parents and tell them where she was staying and give them an invitation to come and watch the show. Megan's Mom answered the telephone and pelted her with all sorts of questions about Montague's family, most of them quite personal, and not something she could answer with him listening to every word. She talked all around the issue, and her Mom finally realized that Montague was in the room and she stopped snooping, for which Megan was grateful. She finally issued an invitation for them to come to a show, and just as Megan knew she would, her Mom took down all of the information and promised to get back to her after she'd spoken to Megan's father. The woman never made a decision on her own.

This hotel was brimming with people and Montague warned her that the audience would be full of children. She looked at him oddly and asked why that should be a problem. He explained that kids tended to be more curious and thought nothing of interrupting a show to ask questions. He added that he might have to change their routine because of it and warned her to pay attention so she didn't get lost if he did so. As far as Megan was concerned, it was simply one more reason for her to be nervous. The stage fright started just as soon as she got up the next morning. They had a show that night and she was miserable already. Her stomach wanted her to stay in bed and call off, but since Montague was downstairs in his bedroom, it wasn't possible. He was up early and knocking on her door to announce breakfast had arrived.

"Just put on a robe and come down and eat while the food is hot," he bossed, in what she was coming to realize was his big brother tone of voice. He was so used to bossing his sisters around that he did it to her, too. "Did you hear me, Meggie?" he demanded when she merely groaned.

"Yes, Montague! But, I'm not hungry this morning," she insisted, only to be told to come downstairs pronto.

She dragged herself out of bed and put her robe on over her nightgown, and she slid her feet into her slippers. She made a quick dash into the bathroom to use the john, brush her teeth, and to run a hairbrush through her long hair. She had to look presentable before she went to stare at food that she knew would come right up if she ate it.

"Are you already having stage fright, Meggie?" he asked after taking one look at her face.

Megan nodded. "I hate this, Montague."

"It isn't fun. You need to battle it, Megan. Sit down and nibble on some toast and have some tea. That will help."

"Stop bossing me around."

"I am your boss, remember?"

He was already dressed and looked handsome as could be, while she felt like a limp dishcloth that was ready for the laundry basket! "I know you are my boss, but there is a difference, Montague. Being the boss does not entitle you to tell me when to eat and what to eat." She was feeling very grumpy and she was picking a fight, and she didn't care.

"If I have to spank you before breakfast, I am going to be very irritated. I do not like cold eggs."

"You are a bully."

"You are in need of a serious spanking," he told her and his dark eyes gave her no doubt that he meant the words. "Sit down right now and stop trying to provoke me. We have too much to do this morning to do battle. I'm sorry you don't feel well, but you need to make an effort to control yourself, Megan."

He pulled out a chair for her, ever conscious of the manners he was raised with and Megan found herself sitting at the small table in the dining area of the suite. The first thing she noticed was the dishes. They weren't the usual 'hotel' style, but were actually pretty... and delicate. She was positive that these dishes were only used for certain rooms in the hotel, and it made her feel special. She loved the hand painted pattern, and couldn't help smiling as she added honey and milk to her tea.

Montague smiled when he saw her eyes light up as she looked at the dishes the hotel used to serve their breakfast. It was so like Meggie to appreciate something pretty, and if it made her smile for even a moment, it was worth a million dollars to him. He didn't know what he was going to do about her stage fright. He was pretty sure it was just as bad as the first time, and other than spanking her, he knew nothing that would take away her angst. He felt like a rogue barking at her when she felt so miserable, but he was pretty sure she would curl up into a ball of uselessness if he allowed her to feel sorry for herself. Still, he hated pushing her. He ate his own breakfast and watched as she forced down some toast and a bit of fruit.

"I can't eat anything else, Montague. I'll go and shower and get dressed so we can go and set up for the show." She was up and running for the winding, open staircase that would take her upstairs to the master suite, which he insisted she use. His bedroom downstairs wasn't nearly as large, but it was nice and had more than enough room for his toiletries in the attached bath. The suite also contained a small half bath, a large living/dining area, and a small kitchenette. Montague had performed in the hotel before and was pleased that they continued to book him.

He was surprised when Megan was ready so soon; he simply wasn't used to a woman who could be ready so quickly and still look so lovely, and he had to be honest, Megan Marley was a beautiful woman. He crossed the room and gently pulled her close to hug her. "You are lovely this morning, Meggie."

"I don't feel lovely," she informed him. "I'm not sure I can do this, Montague."

"You'll be fine once the show gets started," he reminded her.

"But, I hate feeling this way beforehand." She made a face. "I feel like I'm going to throw up... again!"

"Do you want me to spank you?" It wasn't a threat, but an offer. Her green eyes widened and he felt guilty.

"You spank too hard, Montague."

"What if I promise to ease up a bit?"


"Okay. We'll try it your way, hon, but if you change your mind all you have to do is ask."

He made sure he had a key to the door and then opened it for her to precede him into the hallway. A hotel staffer was there to assist them by unlocking the door to the stage area and turning on the lights so they could unpack Montague's equipment and set up the stage the way he wanted it. He told Megan what he wanted her to do, and when she was finished with one task, he gave her another to do while he inspected the former. It took them a while to get ready to practice, and he stopped often to add something, take away something else, and perfect the patter. If he thought she needed to do something differently, he told her, and Megan nodded. She wanted to do her best. The morning flew by and it was time for lunch when they told the stage hand they were through until afternoon when they rehearsed with the lighting and sound people.

"I asked for lunch to be brought to our room today," Montague told Megan. "I wasn't sure you'd feel like going out."

"I feel a bit better, Montague. I think it was because we were so busy I didn't have time to think."

"Good," he said with a big smile. "I'll just have to keep you busy."

"Slave driver!" she teased him right back.

When they reached their suite, room service was just arriving with their meals. "Something smells good," he commented to the young woman.

"I hope you and the lady enjoy it, sir," she said, efficiently pushing the cart into the suite and making short work of setting up the table for two. "Please enjoy," she said with a smile as she made to leave. Montague gave her a tip and she thanked him before leaving them alone.

Megan took the time to run upstairs to her bathroom and wash her hands before coming to the table. She had to admit she was hungry, and the food smelled delicious. There were sandwiches of a couple varieties and large bowls of a hearty vegetable soup. Megan loved soup, and it was giving off the aroma that was so tantalizing. Montague seemed hungry, too, and he nodded when he tasted the soup. "Perfect," he told her. "Try it, Megan." She did and had to admit that he was right. The soup was as good as it smelled.

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