Magical Mayhem (2 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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"I like it, Dad. Traveling around is a lot of fun."

"You aren't going to meet a stable man doing that!" her Mom chimed in, and Megan realized that she was on speaker phone, something her parents frequently did when they wanted to gang up on her.

"I'm not trying to meet a man, Mom."

"We want grandchildren, Meggie," her Dad chimed in. "It's time that you come home and get a normal job right here and meet a nice young man and get married."

"Dad, do we really need to have this conversation again?"

"Selling blenders isn't a good job, Megan. And, if you want to sell small appliances you can get a job at your Uncle Jimmy's place."

"I am not going to work for Uncle Jimmy, Dad. I'm no longer selling blenders. I got a new job today that pays a lot more," she said when she had no clue how much she would be making. The way it is set up, I have my lodging provided, and my hours are pretty reasonable."

"What are you selling now?" George Marley asked, his voice reflecting his disapproval.

"Nothing. I am working as a magician's assistant, getting cut in half and made to disappear. Doesn't that sound like a lot of fun? We are scheduled for a lot of shows, too, so I won't be home any time soon."

"What the heck is this all about, Megan Jeannine? One minute you are working for a company, and now you are a magician's assistant? What happened? And don't you tell me 'nothing'. I know better. Did you get fired again?" he demanded, his tone letting her know precisely what he thought about that.

"I quit, Dad. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and I was offered this fantastic job. The money is good, and once I learn the routines, I'll find this boring, I am sure. I am happy, and I was hoping you'd both be happy for me." She put some pout in her voice.

"Hell no, we ain't happy! Your Mom is right. It's time for you to come on home and get yourself a husband and have kids. What do you know about this magician? He might be broke and you'll be working for nothing."

"Dad, this hotel is a fancy place. They only book top acts. I'll be fine, and I really need to hang up now. I have to get packed up and moved to my new room so we can start rehearsals. I'll call you when I have more time to talk."

"Little girl, don't you dare try to put me off. I can always tell when you are trying to hide something from me. You either tell me what is really going on or I'm going to come down there."

"Dad, you couldn't afford to rent a closet in this hotel, and the tickets to the show are very expensive, too. Relax. I can take care of myself."

"Like you did when that jerk artist wanted you to work as his assistant and then he tried to rape you?"

"I managed to defend myself, didn't I?" she asked, hating the fact that the very memory made her tremble. What her parents didn't know is that another model heard her screams and hit the artist over the head with one of his sculpted pieces. She still had nightmares about the incident and woke up screaming and in cold sweats.

"Yes, that is what you said, but your Mom and I know better. Neither of us likes the idea of you working for a strange man. What must I do to convince you to give up this foolishness and come on home?" her Dad pleaded.

"Dad, I'm not a child. I am capable of making decisions concerning my work. I wish you and Mom would realize that and stop trying to make decisions concerning my life! Now, I really must go. Montague is going to be furious with me before we even start, and I really don't want that. I am going to say goodbye now. I love you both." She disengaged her phone and started gathering her belongings and putting them into her suitcases. She was nearly finished when the telephone on the bed table rang. She crossed the room to answer it and jumped when Montague's voice came through the wire.

"I expected you a good hour ago, young lady! Hurry up!" He gave her his room number, which she wrote down since she was notorious for messing up numbers. Finally, she had everything gathered. She knew that Montague was waiting on her, and she had a desire not to test his patience since she feared he had very little patience to spare! She used the elevator and when he opened the door to his suite for her she was stunned to see how much nicer his rooms were than hers!

"This will be your bedroom, Megan," Montague told her as he held open a door to another room for her. "There is a lock on your door, and it won't insult me if you use it. I would lecture my little sister if she didn't use a lock in a situation such as this. Have you let someone know where you are and that you are now working for me?"

"Yes, my Dad called, and I informed him and Mom of my change in employment."

"Were they dismayed?" he asked, grinning boyishly.

"They were. Mom wants me to move home, get pregnant and have lots of children."

"That sounds familiar," Montague said with a rueful smile. "My parents are constantly badgering me about marriage and children, and carrying on the family name. I feel like that is the only reason they talk to me. I am their only son and the Montague line will die if I don't produce a male heir."

"You don't have a girlfriend, or a fiancee?" Megan asked, making sure of her facts. She was very attracted to the handsome man, and she was sure she would find it heartbreaking if she suddenly learned he was attached to another woman.

"No, there is no one." She smiled.

"And you, Megan? Is there anyone in your life I should know of? I don't want some jealous boyfriend coming up on stage and punching me in the nose."

"No, there is no one at all," she answered truthfully. She put her belongings in her bedroom, and this room put the other one to shame. It was decorated in subtle tones of green and ivory, with punches of rose to add color. The bed was huge, and there were so many pillows that they covered almost the entire surface. The carpet in the room was so soft her shoes sunk into it every time she took a step. She had her own flat screen television and a small refrigerator in case she thought it too arduous to walk into the main room of the suite and find something to eat. Her closet was spacious, and when she opened the doors and walked inside, she immediately found the costumes that Montague was certain would fit her. The one that really captured her attention was a deep emerald green, and it sparkled when the light hit it. She slipped off her clothing and quickly tried on the dress. Just as Montague predicted, it fit her well, except for the length. She quickly and expertly pinned up the hem.

"What is taking so long, Megan?" a masculine voice growled outside the door just seconds before it flew open. "I hate waiting. Are you decent?"

"Yes, I am, which does not mean I appreciate your walking in on me."

"You are in my employ, young lady."

"I am hemming my dress," she explained.

He took it from her hand. "What you are wearing is good enough to practice in, so let's get started.

An hour later he was frustrated with her, and she was growing angry with him. Nothing she did pleased him, and he kept telling her, "No, no, NO!"

"Stop yelling at me, Montague! If you would slow down and explain exactly what it is that you are trying to do, I might be able to do what you expect of me!"

"Very well. I will explain once more," he said in pained tones." She listened intently, but messed up the trick once again. "You are doing this on purpose, young lady! You are testing me to see what I will do, so I will put an end to this by showing you exactly how I deal with little brats."

Megan was in shock when he took her by the arm and pulled her over to the sofa. He took a seat and in the next moment, he pulled her facedown over his lap and he started spanking. "Stop this at once!"

Montague ignored her. "You went out of your way to earn this spanking, young lady, and you will have it! Maybe by the time I am done, you will find it easier to concentrate on your part and stop making it more difficult than it is."

"I am trying, and this won't prove anything because I quit!"

"You can't quit. I need you."

"Then stop spanking me! I'm not a child!" she squealed. He ignored her and continued spanking her with his hand, which felt like a hard board. She was soon pleading nonstop, but even then he continued to set her bottom on fire. "Please stop! Please!" She burst into tears, and that seemed to be what Montague was waiting for.

He stood her on her feet and said, "Now you will do this correctly, hear me?" He started the trick once more and Megan managed to do it well enough to suit him. He made her do it over and over and over until she thought she would drop from fatigue.

"Please...! Enough for now!" she begged.

"Do you want another spanking?" he demanded of her.


"Then you will do what I say until I tell you otherwise. Once this is mastered, we will start with another. There is no time to waste, Megan."

"But, I am still in pain!" she cried out.

"Yes, and that pain is helping you concentrate, isn't it?" he asked of her, his dark eyes seeming to look through her. "I will settle for nothing less than your very best, Megan. Now stop whining and we'll continue. I want to see a pretty smile on your face this time."

Megan wanted to tell him to go to hell, but the thought of admitting to her father that he was right kept her doing what the magician demanded of her. Her bottom was burning, and she was exhausted. Finally, she felt like screaming. "Enough, Montague! I've done this trick so much now I could do it in my sleep! No more! I need a break!"

"What you need is to learn who is in charge here, young lady."


Chapter Two

Megan quickly backed away from the look of purpose in Montague's dark eyes. She wasn't about to permit him to spank her again! "I know you are in charge, Montague, but I am a mere mortal, and I need a five minute break or I am going to pee all over this expensive carpet!" She saw his eyes fill with chagrin and she took off running for the bathroom in her bedroom, feeling as though she narrowly escaped another spanking. She probably would have peed all over him if he'd dared to turn her over his knee again! The thought made her giggle as she imagined the look of shock that would appear on his face if that were to happen!

After Megan relieved herself and washed her hands, she lifted her skirt and lowered her panties once again so that she could survey her bottom in the mirror. It was still red, but there weren't any bruises. It still smarted quite a lot, and she wasn't about to permit him to spank her again! It simply wasn't ethical.

She took a minute to look in the small refrigerator to see if Montague's former assistant left anything behind to drink, and she was startled to find the refrigerator was completely stocked. She grabbed a bottle of water, opened it, and took a big sip. She felt as though she could face practicing again. She headed for the living area of the large suite and saw that Montague was standing in front of the window looking outside.

"I'm ready whenever you are, Montague," she called to him.

He turned to face her and looked at her for a few moments before saying, "I am sorry I didn't realize that you sincerely needed to rest a moment, Megan. When you need a personal break again, just tell me, and I promise I will listen. I fear I am truly a perfectionist when it comes to my passion, which is magic."

"I'm not trying to be difficult, Montague," Megan told him. "It simply takes me a while to learn something new. I'm willing to work hard, however, and that will make up for it, I promise."

"Okay, let's do the first trick over again... Just to make sure you have it down pat," he added when she gave him a dirty look. But she didn't say one word, and he was pleased when she did everything on cue. "That was good, Megan," he praised her. "Now this next one is a bit more about timing...." he explained, and noticed that she was trying to concentrate as he explained. He could see the exact moment she lost him. He stopped. "We'll go through it to this point, and make sure you are on board." To his surprise, Megan managed to do that much without messing up.

Megan did her best to concentrate, and while things were going better, she still was messing up entirely too often. She was afraid that Montague was going to fire her at any moment.

"It is time for dinner," he suddenly announced. "I am not in the mood for room service and I would rather not eat in the dining room here, so let's go out. You're dressed just fine," he said when she opened her mouth to ask. "Just get a coat..."

Megan heard him call down to have his car brought to the side entrance, and she thought he was terribly bossy, but she couldn't afford to upset him over trivial things. She was hungry, and surely she would be able to find something to eat wherever they went. She simply hoped it wasn't too expensive.

Her next shock was Montague's car! It was a bright red convertible, with the top up because it was too chilly to have it down. It was also very, very expensive! He opened the door for her, and she sank into the soft leather seat.

"What kind of food do you like, Megan?" he asked as he started the car. The engine purred softly, and she was so impressed she was suddenly tongue-tied. "Do you like Italian?"

She looked at him and took serious note of the clothing he was wearing. It was all very, very expensive, and his watch was a Rolex!

"Megan, what is wrong? We don't have to eat Italian if you'd prefer something else...?"

"Somewhere inexpensive. I don't have much money to live on until I get paid again," she finally confessed, fearing he would go somewhere extravagant.

"Megan, I will pay for your meals as part of your salary. You worked hard today, and I want you to enjoy life on the road. Now then, do you like Italian food, or would you prefer something else?"

"Italian is fine," Megan answered. She couldn't help but feel relieved that he intended to pick up the check when he pulled in front of a restaurant and a valet attendant came and opened the door for Megan, and then he took the expensive car and parked it. They went inside and the maitre d' came immediately to escort them to a table. The man seemed to recognize Montague, and welcomed him profusely as he seated them.

"Your server will be with you very soon." Megan found herself wondering if the man was really Italian, or if his accent was fake. The server was male and Montague ordered wine for them. The waiter also had an Italian accent.

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