Machines of Loving Grace (56 page)

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Authors: John Markoff

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Robot Children
(Moravec), 118

robotics advancement, 227–275

autonomous robots, 250–251

Bradski and, 260–275,

computer vision, 46–54, 114, 120–122, 200–201, 234–235, 242,

DARPA Robotics Challenge, 227–230, 234, 236–238, 244–254,

early personal computing and, 255–256

effect on labor force, 241–244, 269–270 (
see also
labor force)

Google and, 241–244, 248–255, 256, 260–261

Raibert and, 227–232, 235, 245, 247

Rubin and, 238–241,

Salisbury and, 256–260, 267

scene understanding, 47–48, 155–156

self-aware machines and, 9–10, 15, 26, 72–76, 84–94, 119, 122–125, 220–221

touch, 257–260, 271

walking robots, 232

Whittaker and “field robotics,” 233–234

(Moravec), 122–124

“Role of Autonomy in DoD Systems, The” (Department of Defense), 334–335

“Role of Raw Power in Intelligence, The” (McCarthy), 118

Rosen, Charles,
100–105, 143–148

Rosenblatt, Frank, 141–142, 143

Rubin, Andy, xiii–xiv, 99–100, 195–196, 238–241,
249–254, 332

Rubinsteyn, Alex, 157

Rumelhart, David, 143

Rutter, Brad, 225, 226

Saffo, Paul, 10

Salisbury, Ken, 256–260, 267

Samsung, 83–84

Sand, Ben, 80

Sandperl, Ira, 3

Schaft, 245–246, 248, 250, 251–254

Schank, Roger, 131, 180–181

Schirra, Wally, 161, 163

Schmidt, Eric, 41

“Scientist Rebels, A” (Wiener), 70

Scoble, Robert, 319

Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding
(Schank, Abelson), 180–181

Sculley, John, 35, 280, 300, 305, 306, 307, 317

Searle, John, 179–182

Second Machine Age, The
(Brynjolfsson, McAfee), 82, 86–87

Sejnowski, Terry, 143, 144–148, 148–152,

self-aware machines

machine learning, 91

“robot rights,” 15

singularity concept, 9–10, 84–94, 119, 122–125, 220–221

weapons as, 26

Wiener on, 72–76

Selfridge, Oliver, 190

Sensable Devices, 258

Shakey project, 1–7,

Shannon, Claude, 107, 174

Shashua, Amnon, 46–54

Shneiderman, Ben, 186, 187–194, 317

Shockley, William, 95–99, 100, 256

Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory, 96, 98

SHRDLU, 132, 170–172, 174–178

Sidekick (Danger, Inc.), 240

Silicon Valley, inception of, 95–99, 100, 178, 256

Simon, Herbert, 108, 168, 215, 283

Simon (personal computer), 231

Singhal, Amit, 314

Singularity Institute, 17

Singularity Is Near, The
(Kurzweil), 119

Sinofsky, Steven, 217

Siri (Apple), 277–323

Apple history and, 279–281

Apple’s acquisition of Siri, 281–282, 320–323

Cheyer’s early career and, 297–305

Gruber’s early career and, 277–279,

AI issues, 12–13, 31, 190, 193–194, 282

Knowledge Navigator and, 188, 300, 304, 305–310, 317, 318

released as iPhone App, 319–320

Siri (company) founded, 310–320

Siu, Henry, 326

Sketchpad, 230–231, 306, 308

SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), 20–21, 37

Sloan Foundation, 180

smartphones, advent of, 239, 312

Snowden, Edward, 29

Software Psychology
(Shneiderman), 188

Sol-20, 210–211

Sony, 23, 245, 246

Southworth, Lucy, 242

speech recognition.
language and speech recognition; Siri (Apple)

Sproull, Bob, 231

SRI International

CALO, 31, 297, 302–304, 310, 311

inception of, 3–4, 99–105

Intuitive Surgical and, 271

naming of, 2, 180

Prospector, 128

SRI name of, 180

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL)

Brooks and, 98–99, 196–201

McCarthy and, 7–8, 111–115

Salisbury and, 256

Stanford Cart, 120–122, 200–201

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Robot (STAIR), 259–260, 265

Stanford Industrial Park, 254–255

Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 293

Stanford Research Institute.
SRI International

Stanford University

Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, 133–134

Microsoft and, 189

Mycin, 127

Program on Liberation Technology, 16, 342

Stanford University Network, 134

Stanley project, 19–23, 35–36,

Starfish Prime, 126

Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Calculator, 142

Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”), 134, 182, 183, 203

Strong artificial intelligence, 12, 26, 272

Suarez, Daniel, 45

Suitable Technologies, 243

Sun Microsystems, 134

Sutherland, Ivan, 230–232, 255, 306, 308

Symbolics, 128

Synergy, 134

Syntelligence, 128–130

Taylor, Robert, 31, 159–165

Teknowledge, 128, 134–140

Templeton, Brad, 333

Tenenbaum, Jay “Marty,” 289, 290

Terman, Frederick, 255

Tesla, 46

Tesler, Larry, 8, 138

Tether, Tony, 21–22, 28–32, 234, 236, 297, 302

Thinking Machines Corporation, 119

“Third Industrial Revolution” (IR3), 88, 89

Thrun, Sebastian

Bradski and, 260, 263–265

goals of, xiii

at Google, 35–40, 55–56, 152–153

Shashua and, 49–50

Stanley project and autonomous vehicles, 19–23, 35–36,

time-sharing concept, 111–112, 197–198

Tools for Conviviality
(Illich), 213–215

Total Information Awareness, 29

Toyoda, Akio, 90

Toyota, 60, 90

traffic jam assist, 45–46, 52, 57, 164

Trower, Tandy, 190, 327–332

Tufekci, Zeynep, 328–329

Turing, Alan, 13–14, 106

Turkle, Sherry, 173, 221–222

ubiquitous computing (UbiComp), xv, 193, 274, 281

Understanding Computers and Cognition
(Flores, Winograd), 182, 188

United Auto Workers (UAW), 68–73

University of Massachusetts, 283–287

University of Pittsburgh, 127–128

University of Utah, 47

URBAN5, 308

Urmson, Chris, 56

Department of Defense.

Valid Logic Systems, 133–134

Vardi, Moshe, 9, 86

Varian Associates, 125–127

Veblen, Thorstein, 343

vehicle detection, 49

Velodyne, 42, 51

VeriFone, 291

Verizon, 320

VerticalNet, 302

Vicarious, 154–155

Vignette, 295

Vinge, Vernor, 9–10, 85

Visser, Binne, 65

Vlingo, 319

Volvo, 45

von Neumann, John, 75, 106

Walter, W.
Grey, 200–201

Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 109

Watson (IBM program), 225–226

Weiser, Mark, 193, 274, 281

Weizenbaum, Joseph, 14, 113, 172–174

West Coast Computer Faire (1979), 212

Whittaker, William L.
“Red,” 32–35, 37, 43, 56, 202, 233–234, 264

Who Owns the Future?
(Lanier), 82–83

Widdoes, Curt, 133–134

Wiener, Norbert

control theory and, 161–162, 216

8, 97

God & Golem, Inc.,
75, 211–212

The Human Use of Human Beings,
8, 70, 98

on labor force and automation, xix, 10, 68–76, 89

Wier, Craig, 292

Wiesner, Jerome, 110

Williamson, Matt, 237

Willow Garage, 241–244, 259–260, 267–270

Winblad, Ann, 139–140

Winograd, Terry

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, 183–184

early career, 170–172,

IA views of, 15–16, 170–178,

Program on Liberation Technology, 16, 342

SHRDLU, 132, 170–172, 174–178

Wozniak, Steve, 112, 214

Wyrobek, Keenan, 258


Alto, 189, 198, 255

Dynabook, 115, 198, 306

graphical interface of, 189, 194

Internet of Things and, 193

Jobs and, 281

Kay and, 115

Palo Alto Research Center inception and influence, 7, 38, 138–139, 255–256

Winograd and, 178–179

Yahoo!, 259

Yale University, 180–181

Yaskawa (robot), 243

Zakos, John, 222, 223

Zuckerberg, Mark, 157

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