Lust - A Stepbrother Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Lust - A Stepbrother Romance
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Chapter 5


I couldn’t stop
thinking about my stepbrothers. I knew it was wrong and against the rules but I
couldn’t help it. There was something thrilling about the way they had treated
me. Like I was so sexy that they couldn’t control their selves around me.

I liked the

I wanted them to
always be that way with me.

I wanted to feel
dangerous with them.

I’m still thinking
about it later that night way after dinner as I’m tossing and turning in bed. Why
couldn’t I get the way they were looking at me out of my head?

I’m so caught up
in my own thoughts that I don’t realize Travis is in my room until I look up
and see him standing next to my bed. I sit up, startled. My eyes land on Liam
and Tyler at the front of my room. What were they doing here? What did they

“Sit up,
,” Travis tells me.

“What’s going on?”
I ask, sitting up in bed. “What’s wrong?”

Travis shoots his
brothers a look and then turns his attention back toward me. “Nothing is

I don’t say
anything, looking from each of their perfect faces to the other instead.

“I think you know
why I’m here, Alyssa.”

I swallow the lump
that’s in my throat. “I don’t,” I tell him, even though I do.

“Yes, you do.”
Travis tells me, calling my bluff. “I’m here because you want me to be. I’m
here because you want me. Don’t you?”

I look up into his
eyes. I did want him. I had wanted him for as long as I could remember. All I
can bring myself to do is nod.

“I want you too,
Alyssa,” he tells me.

There the words
I’ve wanted to hear for as long as I can remember.

“You do?” I

“I do,” he nods.
“But I’m a package deal.”

I look up at him
with confusion. “A package deal?”

He nods toward the
other two triplets. “If you want me you have to want my brothers.”

I look at Liam and
Tyler in shock. Liam stares back at me, his eyes burning into mine. Tyler looks
away uncomfortably.

“You mean I have
to sleep with all of you?”

Travis looks
uncomfortable for a second. “Eventually, yes. Not tonight. Tonight I’ll break
you in and have my fun with you while they watch. Maybe get off while they look
at you…”

I gasp.

Was he really
suggesting what I thought he was?

“But if we go down
this road its under the condition that eventually you’ll have us all… we’ll
work up to it…” he trails off again. “If you want me you have to have us all,

My eyes grow wide
at Travis’s words. I can’t believe what my stepbrother is saying to me. If I
wanted to have him I had to have my other stepbrothers too? As in… all 3 of

Travis looks down
at me with his perfect blue eyes, they burn into me with desire and lust. He’s
begging me for my permission, begging me to let him take me and have his way
with me.

But while his twin
brother’s watch?

And then have a

I hated the
confusion that flowed through my body. How could I even be considering such a
crazy idea? Letting my three triplet stepbrothers dominate me and do whatever
they wanted with me? Why was the idea so thrilling?

What was wrong
with me?

I bite my lip. Did
wanting to do it make me a slut?

I look up at
Travis again. I reach out and run my fingers over his muscular chest. He snaps
my hand away, burning his eyes deep into mine. “No,
all of us.”

I look over at my
other two stepbrothers. The same looks on the outside, but all so different on
the inside. The thought of pleasing Travis thrills me. The thought of pleasing
them all thrills me. I always had a weird connection with them. A connection
that I was never really able to explain to anyone else.

I felt like I
belonged to them.

I look from one
set of eyes to another and then to another.

Back and forth and
back and forth.

And then I smile
shyly. Finally giving into my desire.


And I bet if I was
miles away I would still be able to see their smiles.

Chapter 6


Liam grins and
locks my bedroom door. Tyler looks unsure for a second and then crosses over to
the other side of the room and sits down on a old desk chair that’s sitting in
the corner.

I look back and
forth between Travis and Liam unsure of what to do. I feel weird now that I’ve
agreed to what I just did. Travis reaches down and pushes a piece of hair
behind my ear and runs his finger over my lips. Then he reaches down and kisses
me full on the lips. My eyes widen in surprise, I couldn’t believe I was actually
kissing him. He tasted so good.

He pulls back
after a second and runs his hands down my neck. “Lift your hands up.”

I do and he pulls
my shirt off over my head.

Tyler clicks on
the light in the corner and my dark room springs to light. For the first time I
realize they’re all in their boxers. Almost like they came ready to party.

I hadn’t worn a
bra to bed so my boobs fall naturally over my chest after Travis takes my shirt

“God damn,” Liam
says, his eyes on my chest.

I blush.

Travis reaches out,
taking one of my breasts in his hands and starting to massage it up and down.
“They’re so soft,
.” He whispers.

“Her nipples are
huge, bro.” Liam says loudly.

Travis reaches out
and starts playing with one of them. “And hard as fuck, too.”

I can’t help it.
The thought of all 3 of them sitting here getting turned on by me is making me
so fucking hot.

Travis leans down
and takes one of my nipples in his mouth, working it in and out with his
tongue. He links one of his hands underneath my big boob and holds it up to his
face, looking me right in the eye as he sucks on by big nipple. I feel myself
start to get wet in my legs.

Gosh, he was so
good with his tongue.

He takes his mouth
away from my boob and smirks. “You like that,

I nod.

“Say it,” he

“I like that,” I

“What do you
like?” He pushes me.

“I like when you
suck on my nipples.”

He smirks and goes
back to sucking on my boob, this time he bounces it up and down into his mouth
roughly. He starts kissing them next and digging his head inside of them.

Liam’s eyes are on
mine the entire time. “You like that, Alyssa?” he asks loudly. “You like having
your stepbrother sucking on your big pink

I don’t answer and
Travis bites down on one of my nipples hard, letting me know that I’m to play
along with whatever his brothers want.

“Yes,” I answer,
hating how much I mean it.

“Does it feel
good?” Liam demands loudly.

I nod and glance
at Tyler. He’s still sitting in the corner, not saying anything. But I can see
a huge bulge in his boxers from where his cock is growing hard. Travis sucks on
my boob harder and I open my mouth, trying to not let out the loud moan that’s
building inside of me.

“Yeah,” Liam
smirks. “You look like you like it.”

Travis pulls back
now and I can see his hard on begging to come out of his boxers just like Tyler
and Liam’s. He grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet, taking my body in. “You’re
so beautiful, Alyssa.” He pulls me closer to where Liam’s standing in the
middle of my room and runs his hands through my hair. “Now kiss my brother.”

I look at him with
wide eyes. “But you said…”

“I said they
wouldn’t fuck you and they won’t but they should still get to taste how good
you are, Alyssa, it’s only fair.”

I nod and allow
him to push me toward Liam.

He grabs the back
of my head hard, digging his tongue into my mouth. He kisses me harder than
Travis, rougher. With more power and control. We keep making out for a few
minutes until Travis pulls me away from him. “Okay, that’s enough. She’s mine

He pushes me back
on the bed and pulls my black shorts down, tossing them on the floor. He sticks
his hand between my legs and pushes my purple panties to the side. “Holy fuck.”

“Is she wet, bro?”
Liam asks eagerly.

“She’s fucking
soaked,” Travis says, pulling his fingers out of my legs and sticking them in
his mouth. “She tastes amazing, too. Nice and sweet.”

Liam snickers.
“Like candy.”

Travis laughs and
pulls his boxers down, exposing his penis. My eyes grow wide at how big he is.
I had never seen such a big cock
it glistened
in the light like something from another planet. Travis spits on his hand and
starts to rub it up and down his cock, getting it nice and wet. Then he yanks
my panties off and hands them to Liam. “You want to keep these?”

Liam grins and
brings them to his nose, smelling them. “Oh, fuck yeah. Smells real juicy,

I was getting
wetter and wetter listening to them talk about how hot my pussy was. They both
they were both turned on by me. And I was
just as turned on by them. Gosh, I felt like such a little slut.

But a hot slut.

Travis climbs on
the bed and spreads my legs apart. He licks his hand and rubs it over my slit
even though I’m already soaking wet. He slides his huge cock inside of my
slowly, not stopping until the entire thing is inside of me.

He smirks down at
me, rocking back and forth inside of my pussy. “Oh, my god, Alyssa, you’re so
fucking tight.”

“Is she really
tight, bro?” Liam asks.

“God, yes. This
pussy feels so good, Liam. Wait until you try it. Fuck.”

He starts digging
deeper and deeper inside of me, pounding
and out. I let out a loud moan. I can’t help
making me feel so good, like I might explode all over.

“Yeah! Fuck her
good bro! Look at her fucking tits! They’re bouncing all over!”

Travis eyes my
boobs and smirks. “Go taste those nipples, bro.”

Liam wastes no
time jumping up on the bed and grabbing one of my boobs in his hands. Again,
he’s rougher than Travis and starts yanking on my nipples and biting them hard.

Travis keeps
pumping inside of me harder and harder and before I know it I cum all over his

“Yeah! Cum all
over that dick, Alyssa!” Liam screams. “What a good girl.”

“She sure is a
good girl,” Travis says. “Look at that fucking cum all over the place.”

That had felt so
good. It had been a long time since I had gotten a orgasm and Travis had made
me cum so fucking fast.

I glance over and
see that Liam took his cock out and is stroking it next to me while he plays
with my tits and watches Travis still getting off inside of me. “I’m so fucking
hard!” Liam complains. “I want to fuck her

Travis keeps
pumping himself in and out of my pussy, a huge smile on his face. “Go for it,
bro. I’m good right here, best pussy I’ve had in a long fucking time. I could
fuck you for hours, Alyssa.”

Liam grins and
sits on my stomach so his cock is facing my boobs. “Hold those big milky
up for your stepbrother, Alyssa.”

I do and he grins,
slapping his huge cock against my nipples.

He was just as big
as Travis’s was.

He spits on his
dick a few times and then shoves it between my boobs. He starts grinding on top
of me, shoving it in and out like he’s fucking a pussy. “Yeah! You like when I
fuck those boobs, Alyssa?”

I moan and he goes
faster and faster, grinning down on me.

“Does she look
like she’s having fun yet, bro?” Travis asks as he keeps digging my pussy out.

“Oh, yeah. She
looks like she’s having a great time.”

“Are you having a
good time,
?” Travis calls. “Do you like when
your two stepbrothers get off on how fucking hot you are?”

I moan loudly and
a second later I feel Travis explode inside of me, sending every drop of his
hot cum into my insides. “Oh, fuck yeah!” he yells. “How’s that cum feel, baby?
How does your stepbrother’s cum feel inside of you?”

“So good,” I moan
as Travis pulls out of me.

“Yeah, you’re
about to feel even better,” Liam moans. “I’m going to fucking cum all over your
big boobs!”

I moan and he
fucks me between the tits harder and harder.

“You want my
fucking cum, Alyssa?”

“Yes,” I moan.

“Beg me for it!
Beg for your stepbrothers fucking cum!”

“Yeah!” Travis
says from somewhere in the distance. “Tell us how much you want him to cum all
over your soft boobs,

“Yeah! Come on,
Alyssa! Beg me for the gift of my cum!”

“Please,” I moan.
“Please give me the gift of your cum.”

Liam moans out in
glee. “Yeah, I’m
give you the best gift of your
life. Aren’t I, Alyssa?”

“The best thing I
ever got,” I whisper.

“Here it comes,
baby! Here comes your special gift!” He shoots his huge load up into my boobs,
sending it flying everything. “Oh, hell yeah! Look at all that fucking cum on
your pink tits, Alyssa!”

He’s grinning down
at me like he’s just done me a huge favor.

Him and Travis
high five one another.

“Damn, you are so
perfect.” Liam tells me. He leans down and kisses me on the lips. “Thank you,

Travis comes over
and kisses me after Liam. “Yeah, thank you, baby. I really needed that.”

“Wait a minute!”
Liam says. “Tyler didn’t get a chance!”




Tyler. I had
almost forgotten him since he had been so silent while the other two took the
lead. I looked over at him now, sitting in the corner with his big dick out.
Stroking it while he watched his twin stepbrothers having all the fun with me.

“It’s not fair,”
Tyler says now. “Everyone else got to have fun.”

He looks at me
with puppy eyes, rubbing his huge cock.

I look up at
Travis, asking for direction on what to do. Even if I wanted to let Tyler have
a turn with me, it was pretty clear who was calling the shots here.

“Go and suck my
brother off,” Travis demands.

I get up slowly
and make me way over toward where Tyler is sitting. I can see pre cum
glistening off his dick in anticipation of me wrapping my mouth around his
cock. I drop to my knees and take his dick in my hand, trying my best to jerk
it off slowly up and down the scope.

I use my tongue to
lick it up and down and get it nice and wet.

He moans, wanting
me to taste him.

I slip it into my
mouth and suck the tip of it for him nice and slow. His eyes burn into mine as
I suck his big penis. He rubs his hand through my hair, staring at me with a
smile on his face.

“Good girl,
Alyssa,” he says softly. “I like when you suck my dick just like that, nice and
slow, like a good girl.”

He was
more gentle
than his brothers. Less aggressive.

I keep sucking and
the whole time he never takes his eyes off of me. “How does my dick taste,
Alyssa? Does it taste good?”

I nod with his
huge cock still in my mouth.

“God, this is such
a nice mental image. Your pretty little eyes looking up at me while my penis is
in your mouth, filling it up.”

I moan and keep

“Open up wider.”

I do and he sticks
more of his huge cock into my mouth. I can feel drool starting to drip out of
my mouth now and ripple down to my boobs. “Oh, yeah, let that drip down to your

He’s smiling down
at me, enjoying the control he has over me.

“Make love to my
dick, Alyssa. Nice and slow. Come on, I want you to show me how much you love
sucking on my dick, sweet little stepsister.”

I moan louder,
working my neck to get him off.

“I think I need to
cum, Alyssa.”

I moan and he
smirks. “You want me to, don’t you?”

I nod, moaning and
sucking deeper and deeper.

His dick jerks and
he explodes all over my mouth.

I jerk back a
little but he holds my head in place. “Swallow that, Alyssa. Swallow every drop
of my cum. It’s all for you.”

I let it drip down
my throat and he pulls out of my mouth.

“That was so
fucking hot!” Liam says from the other side of the room. “I almost got off
again just watching that.”

“Yeah, yeah,”
Travis says. “You two leave. I need to talk put our stepsister to bed.”

Liam and Tyler
leave and I get up off the floor. “I need to go clean myself up.”

Travis nods. “Wait
until we all get back to our rooms. We don’t want to all be walking around in
the middle of the night at the same time.”


Travis leans in
and kisses me on the top of my head. “Thank you for tonight, it was amazing.”

I feel the
butterflies taking off inside my stomach. “It was my pleasure.”

“Don’t forget our
deal. Eventually… you have to have all of us. Fully.”

And then he closes
the door to my bedroom, leaving me alone in the darkness of my own room.

BOOK: Lust - A Stepbrother Romance
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