Lust - A Stepbrother Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Lust - A Stepbrother Romance
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Chapter 9


I stare at the
ceiling of my bedroom; trying to make sense of the situation I got myself into
last night. Had that really happened or had it been a dirty dream that I
couldn’t seem to wake up from?

It had to be a
dream, because if it wasn’t it meant that I had hooked up with all 3 of my
triplet stepbrothers. And not only had I hooked up with them but I had enjoyed
myself in the process.

The door to my
room swings open and my eyes lock with Travis’s. I can tell from the look on
his face that I hadn’t been dreaming. No, it was reality. Travis had been deep
inside of me last night while Liam stuck his dick between my breasts. And after
they were done I had gone ahead and sucked on Tyler’s dick at Travis’s command.

His gaze locks
with mine and I immediately feel my heart start to speed up. I had been
obsessed with Travis for as long as I could remember but until last night I had
never thought that anything would come out of my crush. Oh, how wrong I had
been. I had gotten all I ever wanted from Travis and then some.

His dark features
search mine, gazing into me deeply as he shuts the door behind him. He makes
his way over to the bed and motions for me to move over. I obey without
thinking twice.

Travis was the
oldest of the triplets and the one who was always in control. Not just of the
other two twins but of everything in his life. He liked to exercise control in
every aspect possible. It was something I had always admired from afar,
something that had always turned me on to him from the shadows of my bedroom.
Who would have ever known that he would be hiding out in the shadows with me
one day?

“Good morning,” he
whispers, turning his body to the side to look at me. “How did you sleep?”

His face is so
close to mine that it would only take a few inches of movement for us to touch.
I let out a little laugh. “How do you think I slept?”

He grins. “If you
slept anything like me then pretty damn good.”

I shove him away a
little bit playfully. “I bet you did! Last night was… crazy,” I finish.

“Crazy?” He inches
his body even closer to mine. “That’s one way of putting it but I can think of
some other words to describe it.”

“Oh, yeah?” I make
no effort to move away from him even a little. I couldn’t help how much I
enjoyed his closeness. “Like what?”

Travis leans in so
close to me that all I can make out are his beautiful blue eyes. They shine
bright and clear, even in the darkness of my bedroom. “Like hot.” He leans in,
kissing me roughly. “And sexy.” Another kiss. “And amazing.” Kiss. “And so
fucking good.” Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

I feel myself
blush instantly.

I couldn’t believe
Travis was in my bed right now, kissing on me and flirting with me like it was
the most natural thing in the world. What was life right now? If someone would
have told me 24 hours ago I would be laying in my bed with my stepbrother while
our lips locked I wouldn’t have believed them.

Not in a million

I giggle, clearly
beside myself. “Where is everyone?”

Travis raises his
eyebrows. “Where is everyone at 6:30 in the morning? Where do you think they
are? Sleeping. And after last night Liam and Tyler will probably be sleeping
for a very long time.”

“So, why aren’t
you sleeping?” I ask him, praying that the answer has to do with him not being
able to stop thinking about me the way I can’t stop thinking about him.

“I have to be up
at 7 anyway. I promised my mom I would go with her to pick out new curtains for
the living room. She’s trying to do special activates with each of us
separately to make us feel special or some shit, something she read in some
book.” He rolls his eyes at how ridiculous his mother is. “Lucky for me I got
picked to go curtain shopping with her.”

“Lucky you,” I
tell him, grinning. Then I fake hurt. “That’s so weird she hasn’t asked me to
do anything one on one with her!”

“Oh, I’m sure she
will soon,” Travis says, shaking his head back and forth while he plays along
with my game. “You know how much she loves you and all.”

“Jerk.” I push him
playfully; we both knew how much my stepmother disapproved of me. “So, is that
the only reason you aren’t sleeping?”

“Why else wouldn’t
I be sleeping?” He looks confused.

I shrug, trying to
act like I could care less about the answer either way. “I don’t know, I didn’t
know if maybe there was another reason.”

“Oh,” Travis says,
nodding. “I get it. Well, there was something else weighing kind of heavy on my

“Such as?” I push.

“Oh, just this
girl. She’s pretty sexy.”

“How sexy?”

sexy,” he says, putting extra empathize on the word
so. “In fact I was kind of hoping I would get to see a little more of just how
sexy she is before I went out for the day with my mom.”

My pulse starts
racing and I feel like an electric shock is shooting through my entire body.
“You were?”

“I definitely
was.” He takes his hand and pulls the blanket away from my body, his eyes
traveling up and down my boobs. “Pull your shirt down, Alyssa.”

A shiver shoots up
and down my spine. This was real. This was happening again. It wasn’t just a
one-time thing; Travis wanted me again, here and now. He had come back for

I don’t move and
he reaches out, pulling my shirt down for me so that only my bra is covering my
breasts. He licks his lips, enjoying the view of them in my red bra. “Are you
going to take them out like a good girl,
? Or
should I help you with that, too?”

I know what he
wants and I want to do it but I feel helpless and paralyzed. I felt more
nervous with just Travis here than I had with all three of them. All three of
them was easier, they just fed off of one another and did what the others said.
This seemed more personal for some reason. It was just
me and
. Like a private show just for him that I wanted so desperately to
get right.

He grows tired of
waiting for an answer and reaches over slowly taking one boob and then the
other out of my bra. “Play with them,” he demands.

I bite my lip in
embarrassment. I had never played with my own boobs before. His eyes burn into
mine letting me know that he means business. I reach up slowly, taking one in
my hand and starting to rub it back and forth slowly for him. I had never
touched myself before and I hoped I was doing it right.

“Yeah, that’s
nice, Alyssa. Now bounce them for me, nice and slow.”

I reach my other
hand up and take my other breast in it. I start bouncing them up and down
really slow for him, just like he told me to.

I see his chest
starting to move up and down faster and faster as he watches me. A second later
he reaches under the blanket and slips his hands inside of his shorts, starting
to touch himself as he watches me. “Faster, Alyssa, bounce them faster for me.”

I do and I see his
hand moving up and down faster and faster inside of his shorts as he watches
me. He looked so hot when he touched himself, it was almost too much to handle
and I can feel myself starting to grow wet between my legs. I push them
together and up and down faster and faster for him.

“Yeah, Alyssa,” he
says. “Now pull on one of your big nipples.”

I pause, unsure of
what to do. Pull on one of my nipples? Wasn’t that a little weird?

“Do it,” he snaps.

I look down and
realize that he’s taken his penis out of his shorts without me noticing and now
it’s standing tall at full attention, ready for the show that I’m giving out.
He keeps stroking it frantically, wanting me to play along with him game.

I give in and
reach up, pulling on one of my hard nipples gently. They’re super sensitive and
just the slightest touch sends a little ache through out my body. Damn
me and my pointy nipples

“Harder,” he says,

I try again,
trying to make it look like I’m pulling harder than I actually am.

“No,” Travis
snaps, not falling for it. “Like this.” He reaches up with the hand that’s not
busy jerking himself off and yanks on one of my nipples super hard.

A shooting pain
goes through my body and I let out a small yelp.

He laughs,
enjoying every second of it. “Yeah, that’s what I like to see, Alyssa. Now
bounce those big fucking tits faster.”

I do and he continues
beating off. After a few more minutes of this he puts his hand over mine and
guides me into bouncing my boobs at just the pace he wants me to go. He goes
faster and faster, thrusting them so hard that they practically smack me in the

“Oh, yeah, look at
those things move! Fuck!” He screams out so loud that I’m scared someone might
hear him. Then he yanks my head down and sticks his huge cock into my mouth,
letting his cum loose down my throat.

He tastes so
sweet, unlike anything else I have ever had in my mouth before. I feel
accomplished that I could make him cum like that, proud that I had gotten him
off. He was so sexy, so powerful, and I had gotten him off. That was all me, no
one else.

And I didn’t need
his triplet brothers around to do it, either.

I pull my bra up
over my sore boobs and try to regain my composure.

“Wow,” Travis
says. “Now that’s a nice way to start the day off.”

“You’re telling
me,” I tell him without thinking.

He smirks. “Yeah?
You liked that, huh?”

Before I can
answer we hear the sound of a door opening down the hall and footsteps making
their way down the stairs toward the kitchen. Travis sights. “I better get back
to my bed, mom’s probably going to make coffee to wake me up with.”

“Okay, I’ll see
you later.”

“Yeah, see you
later.” He crawls out of my bed and leans down to kiss me on the top of my
head. I swear I’m like a little schoolgirl again at the contact. Once he
reaches the door, he pauses for a second, and then turns around.

“What is it?” I
concerned about the look that’s creeping into his

Travis still
doesn’t speak, like he’s trying to decide if he should say what he says next or
not. “I told Liam and Tyler this already but I feel like I should tell you,

I swallow down the
lump that’s starting to form inside of my throat. What could he possibly have
to tell me after what we had done last night and this morning? A feeling of
dread creeps into me as a horrible thought pops into my mind. What if it had to
do with a girl? What if he was going to tell me he was talking to a girl or
something? Or what if he wanted to let me know that he didn’t want me to think
this was a big deal or anything, that it was just a hook up to him!

“What is it?” I

“I don’t want you
hooking up with either of them outside of my presence,” he tells me slowly. His
jealous and dangerous gaze burns deeply, letting me know that this isn’t
something that’s up for discussion. Like I said, Travis liked to be in control
and this was definitely something he needed to make sure he kept in his grasps.
“Do you understand what I’m saying to you, Alyssa?”

I look at him with
wide eyes. “Yes, Travis, I understand.”

“And you’ll follow
the rules?” he presses me even more, wanting to make sure that he’s absolutely
clear on what he expects out of me while he’s out of the house.

I clear my throat.
“Yes, of course.”

He nods. “Good.”

And then he leaves
me alone in my room to continue my over thinking.


Chapter 10


My stepbrothers
have been highly inappropriate all morning long. I’m not sure if Travis would
be pissed about flirting or not but something told me he probably wouldn’t be a
fan of it. It occurs to me a little too late that I should have asked Travis
exactly what it was he considered hooking up.

I mean was making
out a hook up to him? Or was giving head? Or did he mean I shouldn’t go all the
way with either of his brothers without his presence? The possibilities were
endless, hooking up meant different things to different people.

I pop more of my
pancake into my mouth and try to avoid Liam’s eyes on me from across the
breakfast table. Tyler had been
more subtle
ever since
he woke up but Liam was practically drooling over me right in front of my dad.

“You look
different today, Alyssa,” my father announces from the head of the table where
he’s munching away on the pancakes that he made for us just like I am. He takes
the pitches of syrup and pours a bunch more liquid over his hot food, drenching
it even more than it was before. “You’re practically glowing.”

My stepbrothers
start snickering from the other side of the table.

“Oh, she’s glowing
says, still laughing.

“Isn’t she,
though?” my father asks, completely missing Liam’s sarcasm. “So, what gives,
honey? Why are you in such a good mood?”

I shrug, trying to
play it cool, but I can feel a blush creep into my face. “I don’t think I’m in
a particularly good mood. I guess I just had a good nights sleep, or
something,” I mumble the last part.

More snickers from
my stepbrothers.

“Why are you
blushing, then?” My dad leans across the table to study me closer. “You’re
practically as red as a tomato.”

“That’s true,
Alyssa, you are awfully red. What are you thinking about?” Liam asks helpfully.

“Yeah, I’m curious
now, too.” Even Tyler can’t help himself from playing into the joke.

“Nothing!” I tell
them a little too eagerly. “I just woke up on the right side of the bed. Is
that a crime?”

“There’s no need
to get all worked up, we were just curious.” My father drops his fork and
pushes his chair back from the table without waiting for my response. “Come on,
Tyler, we better get going.”

“Where are you
guys going?”

“I’m a man short
so Tyler is going to help me out at a job sight today,” my dad informs me. He
picks up his plate and walks it over to the sink. “Can you take care of these
dishes, Alyssa?”

“Is Liam going,
too?” I ask a little panicked. I wasn’t sure it was the best idea for me to be
alone with Liam in the house. He was definitely the most aggressive and
inappropriate out of the triplets.

My dad shakes his
head. “Nope, only enough payroll for one today. Liam will stay here and keep
you company.”

He says it like
it’s a good thing and not a complete disaster.

Did Travis know
about this?

Liam shoots me a
wink from the other side of the table.


My dad glances at
his watch. “Damn, we’re running late. We better go.” He walks over to me and
kisses me on the top of my head. “Have a good day, sweetie. Please make sure
you clean up before your stepmother gets home,” he says the last part slowly,
like he knows she would find any excuse to yell at me just as much as everyone
else in this house does.

“I will.” My voice
comes out as practically a whisper since I’m still thinking about the fact that
in just a few short seconds I’m going to be completely alone in the house with

Tyler hesitates
even after my father is up and moving, clearly not wanting to go to work as
much as I don’t want him to go to work. My dad calls him from the front of the
house and finally he pushes his chair back and heads toward the door. “I’ll see
you guys later,” he mumbles.

“Bye, Tyler,” I
call out after him helplessly.

The front door
slams shut and Liam looks at me with mischief in his eyes from the other side
of the table. “Well, looks like it’s just me and you today, sis.” He leans back
and sets his feet on top of the table.

I hated myself for
it but I couldn’t help but notice how good he looked this morning, even if he
was even more full of himself than Travis. His dark hair was all wet and messy
from the shower. His blue eyes bright, and his dark skin all tan and sexy. He
was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a gray zip up. Most girls might not
find anything practically appealing about him right now but I had always loved
guys who dressed all rugged and sexy.

And on this
morning Liam was definitely rugged and sexy.

I don’t answer
him, starting to clear the table instead. His eyes are on me the entire time,
watching me as I make any move. It’s making me feel kind of uncomfortable, like
I’m the subject in an experiment or something. I start to rinse the dishes off
and get them ready to put in the dishwasher when I feel him behind me.

He takes his
fingertips and rubs them up and down my shoulders, sending chills up and down
my back. Damn, why hadn’t I put on something a little more bulky this morning?
I was in a pair of tight white leggings and a pink tank top, not exactly the
least revealing thing I could have picked out.

“Let’s go watch a
movie,” he says, nuzzling into me neck.

“I have to do the

He waves me off.
“Ah, come on, they’ll be gone all day. You know how my mom is once she starts
shopping.” He starts rubbing my shoulder gently. “Come on, watch a movie with
me, I’ll help you with these later.” He makes another little push into me. “I

I spin my body
around to face him and push his muscular arms away from me. “Come on, Liam, you
have to stop. You know the rules.”

I can see surprise
flash through his eyes. He was clearly surprised that Travis had let me know
about the no hooking up outside of his presence rule. It only lasts a second
though and he recovers quickly. “So watching a movie together is having sex

“Well, no, but-“

“Exactly,” he cuts
me off, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the family room with him. “Come
on, it’ll be fun. I never get to spend alone time with you.”

I’m pretty sure he
smirks when he says the alone time part but it could just be my imagination.
Once were in the living room, he flips the T.V. on and chooses some random
movie without even asking me if it’s okay with me or not.

I stand in the
entryway to the room, still unsure of if I should stay or not. I glance behind
me into the kitchen where the sink full of dishes is waiting for me. Liam takes
the chance to grab me and pull me closer to him, more into the family room.

“Liam, I really

,” he tells me. “The beginning is the best part.” He
pulls my body down on the couch with him, grabbing a blanket off the end and
throwing it over the top of us. He moves so fast, it’s almost impossible to
keep up with what’s going on. He pulls me into him harder so that I’m laying
down with my ass against his crotch.

“Liam, we can’t.”

“What? Laying
together is a crime now? It’s no big deal. Now
watch.” He wraps his arms around me. I’m not sure if it’s to be cute or to hold
me in place but either way as much as I hate to admit it, it feels nice.

The movie starts
and I start to watch, allowing myself to enjoy the comfort of Liam’s arms and a
lazy movie day on the sofa. Part of me feels guilty, like Travis is my
boyfriend and I’m doing something wrong. But I wasn’t Travis’s girlfriend. So
then why did I feel so bad?

I wasn’t sure if
Liam was right or not. I wasn’t sure if Travis would look at this as a
violation of his code. But when it came to girls Liam would know what his
brother did or didn’t mean better than me.

“Are you sure this
wouldn’t make Travis mad?” I ask after a few minutes.

“I’m positive.”
Liam works his hands to my shoulders, starting to rub them slowly. “We aren’t
doing anything wrong. We’re just watching a movie together.”


I try to
concentrate on the movie but it’s kind of hard with Liam’s hands. He keeps
going deeper and deeper into my skin, making me feel all hot all over the

“How does that
feel, sis?” he whispers into my ear in a raspy voice.

I swallow. “It
feels fine.”

“Just fine, huh?”
he says, not buying it for a second.

I don’t answer,
looking at the screen of our plasma T.V. instead.

Pretty soon,
Liam’s hands seem to be getting lower and lower, heading right toward the front
of my shirt. Before I fully realize what’s happening I realize that he’s
feeling on my boobs through my shirt, grabbing at them full on while he moans
into my neck.

“We can’t.” I try
to push his hands away but it’s not much use. He’s stronger than me and
determined to get a good feel in.

“Yes, we can,” he
moans. “This is not a big deal. This is nowhere near hooking up. Come on, just
let me feel on you through your shirt, Alyssa.” He keeps grabbing them, faster
now. “Pretty please?”

I don’t answer but
I don’t stop him either. It felt so good. And I knew he was right, this wasn’t
anywhere near hooking up. I can feel his breathing getting heavier and heavier
in my ear. “Mm, yeah,” he moans.

After a few more
minutes I can tell he’s growing more and more annoyed at the fabric separating
him from my boobs. He starts to nudge my shirt down a little bit. “Don’t worry,
Alyssa, I just want to feel them through your bra, that’s it. I promise.”

I let him pull my
shirt down and cup his hands around my bra. It wasn’t that big of a deal. I
mean I still had a shirt on, kind of.

“Damn, look at
that.” He bounces them up and down really fast. Unlike Travis this morning, he
actually does hit me in the chin with them a few times. The sight of that’s
gets him even more excited and he thrusts them into my face a few more times.

Geez, he got
really rough and into it. Even more than Travis.

“Where did you get
those fucking big ass tits from, huh Alyssa?” He keeps squeezing on them. “You
must feed them really good, sis.”

I gasp. “I… I try
to feed them good.” I couldn’t believe I was playing along with him but I
couldn’t help it, I was starting to get turned on now. I literally felt like I
was going to cum in my panties. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Yeah, you do a
good job. Alyssa? I need to stick my hand in your bra.”

“No! That’s too
far, Liam. We can’t.”

“No it’s not.” He
moves even closer to me, pulling me back into him. “Come on, it’s driving me
crazy, baby. Just for a minute, okay?”

“I don’t know.”
Part of me felt like letting him go down there for a second wasn’t that big of
a deal, but another part of me felt like it was against the rules. What if
Travis walked in right now and saw us like this? What would he say? Clearly I
needed him to elaborate on the terms of his rules way more than he had.

“Just for a
second,” he says again. And then before I can stop him he pulls back the fabric
of my bra and lets his hands get lost inside, exploring and playing with my

The same tingles
overwhelm me even more than a few seconds ago and as I look down I realize that
he’s pulled both of them completely out of my bra, letting them hang out over
the fabric naturally.

I gasp and try to
put them back in but he pushes my hands away, stopping me. “No. No way. Come
on, let those big soft boobies stay right there.” He runs his fingers around
them slowly, not letting go of them for a second. “Look how pink and big they
are, girl. God fucking damn.” He keeps bouncing them up and down, laughing a
little as he does.

I can feel his
cock through his pants, all hard. He digs it harder into my butt as he plays
with my boobs, starting to grind it into me. “Yeah,” he says, thrusting his
hard cock harder and harder against me. “Come on, Alyssa, let me get mine.” He
dry humps me even harder, panting into my ear. “FUCK!”

I start rocking
back and forth with him off impulse, letting him have his fun.

He takes one of
his hands away from my chest and it pulls me out of it a little, reminding me
that this is reality and not a dream. I go to pull my bra up but he yells at
me. “Leave them right fucking there.”

A second later I
hear him unzipping his pants.

I gasp. “No, Liam.
This has gone too far we need to stop.”

“Relax, I just
want to rub it on your butt, Alyssa. Come on, that’s nothing.” A second later I
feel his hard cock on my ass through my leggings. He slaps it against my butt
hard while he feels on me through my leggings. He keeps moaning as he beats his
cock again my leggings. “I know you like this just as much as I do, Alyssa.
You’re a bad girl deep down.” He takes his hand and shoves it between my legs.
“Fuck, I knew it. I can feel how wet you are through your fucking leggings,
Alyssa! Fuck yeah!”

I rock back and
forth into him as he touches on my pussy. I couldn’t help it. He was
I was so turned on right now it was crazy. I knew I
should stop him but I wasn’t thinking clearly. All I could think about was how
good it felt. And we weren’t really hooking up Liam said, I mean our clothes
were still on. So that didn’t fully count, did it?

He keeps rubbing
my wet pussy and smacking his dick against my ass, laughing and moaning the
whole time. “Come on, baby, come for me. Come all over right through those
leggings.” He keeps rocking his fingers over and over again. “Yeah, get yours,
Alyssa. Come
come for me like a good girl! Be a
good girl and cum all over in those little leggings, Alyssa!”

BOOK: Lust - A Stepbrother Romance
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