Lust - A Stepbrother Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Lust - A Stepbrother Romance
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I didn’t expect
skin to be so soft, but it is. It’s so soft that
all I can think about is leaning down and biting it as I massage her neck. I
can tell she’s nervous, but still enjoying herself. I don’t blame her for being
a little tense, she’s probably been dreaming about hooking up with Ethan for

A tiny part of me
feels a little bad for playing her the way I am but not really. I mean we
looked exactly the
she was still getting to hook
up with Ethan’s body, just not his mind. And it’s not like she was in love with
him or anything. That would be crazy, especially since she barely knew him. I
was the only one who really knew my twin and not the Ethan he wanted everyone
to see.

He didn’t keep
anything from me though.

We were
twins knew everything about one another.

She moans a little
bit, twisting her neck more into my grip.

Damn, I couldn’t
wait to hear more of that moan.

I let my hands
drift down a little lower and get closer to her, nuzzling her neck a little. I
feel her gasp and I grin at the shock that I’m sending through her body.
Wasting no time I open my mouth and start to suck on her neck.

She giggles, pulling back from me a
little. “Ethan, what are you doing?”

I look into her
deep pretty eyes. “Something I should have done a long time ago.” Then I push
her hair out of her face and kiss her on the lips full on.

I expect her to
hesitate, to pull back, or ask me what I’m doing again. But she doesn’t.
Instead, she sticks her long smooth tongue inside of my mouth and starts
teasing me, dipping it in and out and all around in every direction.
She’s such a good kisser
it takes me off

I grab her by the
back of the head and pull her down on the bed, slamming her sexy body into the
mattress. She opens her mouth wider and I grind my crotch into hers. My already
hard cock sticking out at her through my pants, I had been trying to keep him
calm since I saw her and he couldn’t take it any longer. I kiss her neck slowly
and then make my way with my mouth down her throat to her huge boobs. I dip my
tongue into her cleavage and she gasps loudly, making me feel even harder than
I just was a second ago.

I yank her shirt
up over her head and toss it on the floor. I take in her perfect stomach and
, licking my lips in anticipation. She
blushes when she feels my eyes on her and I grab her again crushing her pretty
lips onto mine.

I pull back a
second later and she runs her hands up and down my stomach in awe and I grin,
happy that she’s so impressed by my stomach.

I reach over and
pull the strap of her pink lacey bra down and her eyes meet mine. A second
later she reaches her hands around and unhooks her bra slowly. I yank it off
her quickly, scared that at any moment she could change her mind and put it
back on.

Her huge boobs
fall out of her bra and they’re even better than I imagined they would be. All
pink and fluffy with huge nipples that are so hard they’re poking straight out
at me. I practically lunge at them, taking one in each of my hands and
massaging them up and down.

They were so big
and soft, all natural. Not like some other girls I had hooked up with that had
fake boobs. I sink my mouth into them and they taste so good. She moans while I
suck on her huge dark nipples, trying to fit the entire thing in my mouth as I
devour them.

“I’ve wanted this
for so long,” she gasps in her sexy little voice.

I suck on her
giant tit in my mouth even harder, wanting to show her that they were
her huge boobs belonged to me.

“Ethan,” she yells
out when I bite her hard nipple a little with my teeth.

I feel taken back
a little bit when she screams my stepbrother’s name, kind of unsure for a
second but I bounce back fast, burying my head in her huge chest. I was already
obsessed with these huge things.

“You have no idea
how long I’ve dreamed about this.”

“Me too.” I take
my head out of her chest long enough to tell her.

“Really?” She
moans. “You never said anything. I mean I know you had a girlfriend in high
school but…”

I yank my head up
to her lips and start making out with her again. I really wasn’t in the mood to
have some big heart to heart with the girl in the middle of our foreplay. “Can
we talk about this later?”

“Oh.” She giggles.
“Right. Sorry.”

I shoot her a
cocky grin then kiss her again, pulling her up against me roughly. I reach down
and shove my hand between her legs. Jeez, she was so wet I could feel her
dripping through her shorts. I moan into her mouth and I can practically feel
her blushing at the fact that I’ve figured out how turned on she is. I yank her
shorts down hard, taking her little pink panties with them.

I pull back,
looking at her naked body in awe.

She’s perfect.
Huge bouncy
, a tan toned stomach and muscular
legs. “You’re beautiful, Lacey.” And it even surprises me how much I mean it.

She blushes and I
can tell she’s still insecure about her body. She takes her hands and holds
them in front of her stomach a little bit, trying to cover herself. I move her
hands away slowly, not wanting her to cover even an inch of her perfect body.

I yank my shorts
down, exposing my hard cock. Her eyes grow wide when she sees it, like she’s
never seen a cock before or something and I smirk. “What is it, baby?”

“It’s huge,” she
tells me.

I nod. “Yes it is,
and it’s all yours.”

I grab onto her
ankles and drag her closer to me, spreading her legs apart I start to rub her
pretty little pussy. It’s dripping wet and I put my fingers in my mouth so I
can taste her juicy little pussy juice. Damn, she tasted so good and that pussy
smelled amazing, too. I get my fingers nice and wet and run them over my cock,
jerking off a little while I look at her pretty little face.

After a few
seconds of this I reach down and spread her sexy pussy lips apart and slowly
insert my huge cock inside of her. She was so fucking tight and I had to work
at it a few minutes to get myself inside of her, stretching her out around my
giant member.

If it got
uncomfortable she didn’t tell me, letting me go as deep inside of her as I
wanted. I enjoy my self fully, rocking back and forth inside of her slowly at
first as she moans over and over again.

“That feels so
good,” she tells me.

I grin. “No,
Lacey, that pussy is so good, you don’t even know.”

And it really was.
It was the best pussy I had had in a really long time. I speed up inside of
her, thrusting myself harder and harder inside of her and after a few seconds I
can feel her hot cum juice all over my dick.

She blushes, like
she can’t believe she actually just came but it’s so hot to me. So hot that I
need to explode all over the place and fast. I look up at her cute little face
all embarrassed and I know I need to blow my big load all over her soft face.

“Lacey,” I moan.
“I need to cum on your face.”

eyes grow wide. “No, I mean… I’ve never done that

“Please, baby. I
need to, you’ll like it.”

She still looks
unsure and I yank my cock out of her pussy fast and stand up on the bed. “Come
on, baby. Please I’m about to burst.”

She hesitates and
I grunt loudly stroking my dick back and forth hard.

She looks at me
and finally gets up, kneeling down on the bed beneath me. I grin and stroke my
cock over her pretty little face before I explode all over. It’s a huge load
and it goes everywhere. In her mouth, eyes, even a little in her hair.

I feel so
satisfied. I would get off in the future just remembering this moment. The day
I came all over my stepsister’s sexy face.

Damn I was

A feeling of fear
crept into me because suddenly in that moment I knew.

I knew that I
needed to have her again.





I glance over at
Ethan sound asleep next to me. He almost took my breath away he was so good
looking. I couldn’t believe I had had sex with him like 14 hours ago. After we
had slept together we had both showered and ordered food. The whole thing was
very strange to me.

sex itself wasn’t bad
it was actually really hot
That was kind of the problem. It didn’t seem like it had much emotion, and when
I tried to act like it did Ethan kind of shut me up fast. He had said we would
talk about it later but we never did.

If anything he was
acting totally weird the rest of the night. Not really talking and when he did
he was acting like we had never had sex at all. What was wrong with him? Did he
regret it or something?

We had passed out
on the sofa together. Not cuddling or anything, just kind of… sitting. I really
needed to get out of my own head. I mean I was acting ridiculous. I had finally
gotten what I wanted after all these years. Ethan and I had hooked up, sure it
hadn’t gone down exactly the way I thought it would have but so what? Everyone
knew the second you had sex with a guy he become more into you. Right?

And if most guys
didn’t, Ethan would. He was different. Ethan didn’t just go around hooking up
with anyone. He had had a serious girlfriend in both high school and college.
He had only been single for like five months, if Ethan slept with someone it
was because they meant something to him, because they wanted to be with them.

The thought
instantly makes me feel better and I get up to change and put on a little
makeup before Ethan wakes up. So what if he was acting a little strange last
night? He had just slept with his
course he was going to be a little out of sorts. He probably thought I was the
weird one with being so comfortable with it.

I put on a little
bronzer and
chap stick
, brush my teeth, and change
into a little tank top and shorts. Hopefully him seeing skin as soon as he
wakes up will remind him of how good the sex was we had yesterday.

When I walk back
into the living room Ethan’s still sound asleep on the couch. I study him for a
second, enjoying how peaceful he looks. The same taste of the butterflies that
always swim around in my stomach when he’s around start taking over my stomach
and I can’t help the huge smile I feel come across my face.

I force myself to
stop gaping and leave the room. The last thing I need was for him to wake up
and catch me staring at him. I decide to make him breakfast. He used to tell me
I made the best pancakes he ever had so it was kind of a tradition that I would
make them for him whenever we were both home.

I’m walking out of
the pantry with all the ingredients in my hand to get to work when the back
door swings open and my stepbrother walks in. The first thing I feel is
annoyance. I thought Austin wasn’t coming home for another day. How the hell
were Ethan and me supposed to get anymore-alone time now? Austin was always
following Ethan around, bothering him.

Only Austin
doesn’t look like Austin.

He’s not walking
with his usual swag. He’s not dressed in the usual clothes he wears. His hair
is even different. Plus, he’s wearing his glasses. He hated his glasses. I
frown, trying to figure out why Austin is trying to copy Ethan’s style exactly.

Then my eyes drift
down to his luggage.


The kind of tags
you get when you’re flying on an airline.

But Austin
wouldn’t have to fly anywhere… the drive was only a matter of hours for him. It
didn’t make any sense. A feeling of pain takes over my body as I try to make
sense of the things my mind is putting together.

I glance to the
sleeping body on the couch and know that it’s true.

I had slept with
Austin, not Ethan.

I drop all the
pans and ingredients I’m holding and they land on the kitchen floor with a huge





I walk up the
driveway of my childhood house with a huge grin on my face. I can’t help
I had the best sex last night and this morning.
Elizabeth had been tense at first, playing her little game. But just like I had
thought she was a little freak once I
sweet talked
into bed.

I had even gotten
some nice good morning sex.

The image of her
bouncing up and down on my huge cock while she moans and holds her giant
pops into my mind and I feel my cock start to
squirm. I take my phone out and shoot her a text.


I swing the back
door open and step inside my
I was definitely
going to have to fuck her again, and soon. I don’t even get to shut the door
behind me before my stepsister comes walking out of the pantry with a bunch of
stuff in her hands.

Fuck, she wasn’t
the same little girl I remembered.

I take in her
round tits and skinny waste and immediately start thinking about my tongue
licking her sweet pussy up and down while she moaned my name and called me

My dick rises in
my boxers.

Suddenly she was

wanted her
I had to have her
. I wanted anyone
who was a hot little piece of ass. And we all knew I got what I wanted.

eyes meet mine and then she drops the stuff she’s
holding all over the floor.

creeps into me, still had the same effect on her.

This would be

BOOK: Lust - A Stepbrother Romance
11.01Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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