Lust - A Stepbrother Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Lust - A Stepbrother Romance
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Chapter 13



Jessica bounces up
and down on my dick in the backseat of my car. She’s running her hands up and down
her body while she moans and fucks me slowly.

“Oh, Ethan, baby.
I missed my baby’s good dick.”

She looked good
when she fucked me slowly like this. It was definitely a turn on but lately it
was all she had wanted to do. Make love and not fuck. It was getting boring as
fuck. I didn’t want to be all touchy and emotional during sex all the time the
way she did.

“Oh, yeah, baby.”
She rocks back and forth even slower, smiling down at me with love in her eyes.
“I could fuck you for hours.”

I bust all over inside
of her fat pussy and she climbs off, moaning. “That was so great, baby, I
missed you.”

“I missed you,
too.” I lean over and kiss her on the lips softly. “We better get back to the
party before anyone notices that we’re missing. “

I put my cock back
into my pants and climb out before she has a chance to try and keep me there
any longer. She was annoying the fuck out of me all morning. We were at her
family cookout and I had only seen Elizabeth one time from afar. As soon as I
caught her eyes on me I had kissed Jessica nice and hard on the lips just to
piss Elizabeth off. But that was it. I hadn’t seen her since and it was really
starting to piss me off.

It was bad enough
that Lacey had been avoiding me since I had seen her in the kitchen the day
before but now Elizabeth wasn’t playing along with what I wanted either. Both
of the girls I was seducing playing hard to get
not something I was that fond of.

As we walk back
toward Jessica’s uncles house I shiver. Who the fuck had a cookout at this time
of year, anyway? It was ridiculous. Jess was lucky she was hot and just the
type of trophy girl I needed on my arm or I would have been done with this

I finally spot
Elizabeth when we get back to the house. She’s in the corner talking to some
guy I have never seen before. What the hell? Who the fuck was this guy?

He moves away from
her and she lifts her head back, laughing loudly at something he said. Now that
I’m closer to her I can see she’s wearing a little sundress again today. This
one is orange with little sunflowers on it. It hangs low on her huge tits and
shows off her thick ass. What a fucking little slut she was.

I was sick of her

It was time to
show her who was boss.

I take my phone out and shoot her a text.
“Meet me in the kitchen, now.”

When I see her
check her phone a second later I feel a thrill shoot through my body. I turn to
Jess. “Work is blowing up my phone about this case. I need somewhere with some
privacy to go and call them back.”

Jessica sticks out
her bottom lip, the way a child would who isn’t getting her own way. “You said
no work today.”

“I know, babe, but
you know how dependent that place is on me. I’ll try to keep it short.” I kiss
her on the head and take off toward the kitchen before she has a chance to
protest anymore.

I needed to get
away from her.

Elizabeth walks
into the kitchen a few minutes later, a smile on her face. I grab her by the
wrist and pull her into the pantry that lines the wall on the other side of the
kitchen. I shut the door behind us.

“Who the fuck was
that?” I demand.

She frowns. “Who
was who?”

I look at her huge
busting out of her dress and feel my cock
start to throb in my pants. God, she was such a good little girl, it made me so
hot. Being around her, knowing that I could get such a good girl to do such
nasty things.

“That guy you were
just talking to!” I snap. “You were all over him.”

“Edgar? He’s our
family attorney. He’s like 45.”

“Yeah, well, you
clearly want him. So why don’t you go fuck him? Forget about me, you clearly
don’t give a fuck about me.”

Elizabeth shakes
her head back and forth. “It’s not like that, I swear. Ethan, why are you being
this way? You’ve got it all wrong, I swear to you.”

I let my eyes
drift down to how good she looks in her little dress.

“Yeah?” I take a
step toward her and push her hair behind her ear. “Do I have it all wrong,
Lizzie? Are you all mine?”

She doesn’t answer
me, looking unsure.

Pleasure shot
through me. I loved making her admit what a bad girl she was deep down inside.
“Are you my good little girl, Lizzie?”

She bites her lip,

“All mine, huh?” I
nuzzle my head into her neck. “Say it.”

“I’m all yours,”
she whispers.

I lick her neck up
and down slowly. “Yeah? I like the sounds of that.” I lick her again and then
close my lips over her smooth skin, sucking and biting on it just long enough
to be sure I’m going to leave a hickey. The thought of her having to explain it
to people later was funny to me.

“You want me to
kiss you, don’t you, Lizzie?” She nods her head yes and I lean into her but as
soon as she puckers her lips up to get my taste I pull back sharply.

She looks at me,

“You have to beg
me to kiss you, Lizzie.”

“Please,” she
says. “Please kiss me.”

I grin and lean
in, crushing my lips on to hers. I dig my tongue into her mouth nice and deep,
dominating it. I put my hand around the back of her head and dig her deeper
into mine, not letting her up for any air for a good two or three minutes. When
I finally release her she’s breathing heavy, trying to let air into her lungs,
and her face is all red.

“You’re a good
little kisser. You know how to work that mouth, huh?” She doesn’t say anything
and I let my eyes drift down to her boobs. “Look at you in that little dress.
You wore it just to tease me, didn’t you? I know your tricks, Lizzie. The
question is did you wear a sexy little bra, too?”

She doesn’t answer
again, looking down from my gaze with a guilty expression on her face. My cock
starts to rise in my pants. Fuck. “Why don’t you show me like a good girl? Pull
that dress down and show me your bra.”

She reaches down
slowly and pulls the fabric of her dress down, revealing a neon green bra with
flowers. It was so tight that her fluffy tits were overflowing out of it.

“Just like I thought, you’re such a bad
girl, Lizzie. Trying to tease me. Now pull them out of that bra.” She
hesitates. “Now.”

She pulls one out
and then the other, letting them fall perfectly against her chest. I had almost
forgot how beautiful they were. Huge and natural with nice big nipples that
were sticking straight out.

I reach out and
grab one in my hand, massaging it slowly while I look into her eyes. “You’re so
nasty, Lizzie. I can’t believe you’re making me do this to you. Rub on your big
boobs at your uncle’s house with your family just a few feet away. You’re so

She moans into my
touch and I smirk. “You like that, huh? You like when I play with your big pink
tits, huh? Or should I say my tits?” I laugh, using both hands to massage them
now. They barely fit into my hands they were so fucking big.

“Yes,” she
whispers. “They are all yours.”

I dig my face into
her boobs, getting lost in them. I lick around one of her huge nipples before
shoving the entire thing in my mouth. I suck on it really hard for a good
twenty seconds or so before dropping it and switching to her other one, not
taking my eyes off of her the entire time.

I loved her big

“I can’t believe
you’re making me suck on your nipples with your dad a room away, Lizzie. You’re
so nasty. You like hooking up with me when your dad is in the next room,

She doesn’t
breathing heavy and watching me kiss all over her
tits instead. “
,” I moan. “It’s okay, we all know
who your real daddy is, anyway.”

She ignores me and
I pick my head up to look at her. “Don’t we, Lizzie?”

She laughs a
little, trying to play it off as a joke. “We better get back out there before
someone figures out we left.” She starts pulling her dress back up but I stop
her, yanking her hands down and making her keep her huge smooth boobs out.

,” I say as I nuzzle her neck. “No one is going to
notice. Come on, daddy missed his little girl, don’t leave yet.” I kiss her
again on the lips, not letting her go anywhere.

We make out for a
few minutes and then I slip my hand between her legs. She was all fucking wet
like a bad baby girl. She pulls away, pushing my hand away. “We can’t, we have
to go back.”

I push her hand
away and shove my hand between her legs again. “Come on, just let me feel you
for a second. Daddy wants to see how wet he made you.” I shove my hand inside
of her panties before she has time to resist again and shove it inside of her
tight little pussy.

She gasps as I
feel all around her wetness.

“Oh, yeah. You’re
nice and wet, baby girl.” I shove my fingers in and out of her fast, finger
fucking her.
She was so dripping wet
I couldn’t stand it
. “Who’s your daddy, Lizzie?”

She moans as I
keep fingering her.

“Say it, Lizzie.
Say who your daddy is.”

“You are, you’re
my daddy,” she finally says.

“Good girl, now
cum for your daddy like a good little girl, Lizzie.”

She moans as I
keep sticking my fingers in and out of her sweet little pussy. “Yeah, good
girl, that’s daddy’s good little girl, cum all over for me.”

My words send her
over the edge and she bursts all over my fingers.

I yank my fingers
out of her and suck on her juicy cum. I grab her while she pants heavily,
trying to get
under control again, and kiss
her on the lips. “See how good you taste?” I ask her.

She nods and I
laugh. “God, you’re so fucking nasty. Get on your knees,” I demand, undoing my
pants and pulling my huge hard cock out. “I’m going to look at you while I jerk
off then I’m going to cum all over your boobs so you have to walk around for
the rest of the day with my semen all over your fluffy pink

I shove her down
on her knees before she has time to answer and start to beat my dick back and
forth while I look at her pretty little face. She shakes her huge
up and down with her hands, giving me a nice little

“Who’s your daddy,

“You are,” she
tells me. “You’re the best daddy I ever had.”

The words send me
over the edge and my cum goes flying all over the place. All over her big boobs
and sexy little green bra. “Oh, fuck, that’s so hot, Lizzie! Yeah! Daddy like
that a lot!”

She gets up
quickly, trying to dress herself. “I really have to go! It’s been way to long
already.” She starts to leave the pantry but I grab her, pulling her back.

I stick my hand up
her dress and yank her matching green panties down and bring them up to my nose
to smell. “I’ll be keeping this as a little present for your daddy.” I shove
them in my pocket. “Now have fun out there, walking around with no panties on
like the nasty little girl you are.”

She turns around
and I smack her ass hard as she walks away.

Now that’s what I
call a fucking cookout.


Chapter 14



I had been
avoiding Ethan ever since our little run in in the kitchen the day before. And
I had been ignoring Nathan ever since he said he wouldn’t tell Ethan about what
had happened between the two of us if I agreed to play along with his stupid
little game.

I couldn’t believe
what a creep he was.

It was his fault I
was even in this situation to begin with!

And now I had to
worry about going along with his stupid plan.

I had been
thinking about nothing but what he had said for the last 24 hours, locking
myself in my room and considering all my options.

In the end the
choice was simple. I needed Ethan, no matter what the cost. And that’s what I
keep telling myself as I walk into Nathan’s room and close the door behind me.

He looks up from
where he’s sitting on his bed, surprised.

“Okay,” I say. “So
tell me the rules.”


Chapter 15



I cross my hands
across my chest uncomfortably and glance around the lingerie department of the
department store, I’m convinced at any moment that someone I know is going to
come walking in and catch me shopping for underwear with my stepbrother. And
how exactly would I explain that one?

Gee, well, you see
what happened was that I’ve been obsessed with my stepbrother Ethan for years
and when I came home for thanksgiving break we finally hooked up. Only I came
to find out that it was really his twin stepbrother, Austin, just pretending to
be Ethan in order to get me into bed. And I was scared once Ethan found out I slept
with Austin he would never look at me the same way and any chance at being in a
relationship with him would be ruined so I decided to play along with Austin’s
twisted game for the entire week and do everything that he said.

Yeah, it was a
sure way to make my entire family look crazy.

And I guess in a
way we were.

Austin holds up a
green lacey bra that looks like it would barely fit over one of my nipples let
alone my entire boob. I cross my hands over my chest and scowl at him.

Austin grins.
“Now, sis, that’s not the attitude I was hoping for on our shopping trip.”

It was the Monday
after Austin and me had slept together and he had gotten me up at the crack of
dawn before anyone was awake to take me out shopping. It was one of his rules
in his game of control over me for the next seven days. I had to wear whatever
he picked out for me. Somehow the knowledge that I was wearing whatever he
wanted me to got him all hot and bothered.

It was ridiculous.
And I couldn’t believe I was actually doing it but every time I started to have
second thoughts I saw the image of Ethan popping into my head, Ethan who was
perfect for me in every way. Ethan who I had known I belonged with ever since I
met him. And if following Austin’s fucked up rules for a week was all I had to
do to get this mess to go away forever than I would do it.

“Okay, I think we
have enough for now,” Austin says. His muscular arms are covered in all
different sorts and colors of panties and bras. “Let’s get to the dressing

I roll my eyes but
follow him anyway. Under any other circumstances I might find the situation
amusing. Austin walking around carrying a bunch of women’s lingerie, he looked
so out of place with his broad frame and sexy dark features. But being there
because he was making me took the humor out of it all together.

Once we reach the
dressing room I start grabbing the garments out of Austin’s arms with more
force than necessary and scowling at him. The lady who Austin flagged down to
help us is all smiles and has a glossy look in her eyes whenever she looks at

“It’s so nice to
see a man who’s not afraid to take his girlfriend out shopping for this kind of
thing. Most men would be intimidated just setting foot in this department!” She
practically squeals as she opens up one of the fitting rooms for us.

I roll my eyes but
of course Austin is eating it up like the bigheaded jerk he is. “I’ve always
been very comfortable with my sexuality ever since I was younger,” he tells the
woman as he puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him, not
even bothering to correct the fact that I’m not his girlfriend. Of course, it
might be a little weird if he admitted he was my stepbrother and out shopping
with me for this kind of thing.

“Well, it
certainly shows,” the
says to him, giggling a

I feel a little
pain of jealously creep into my body, which is stupid and makes no sense. I
mean the woman is at least 10 years older than us but still for all she knows
Austin really is my boyfriend and she’s just falling all over him right in
front of me. It’s really rude.

“I know you aren’t
supposed to do this kind of thing but do you think I could sneak in there with
her?” Austin says it in kind of a whisper, like the two of them are sharing a
private secret that no one else can know about.

My eyes grow wide.
“Oh, no. That’s actually-“

“I mean I am the
one who’s going to be seeing them, I just want to make sure she makes the right
choices, that she gets the ones that look the best on her.”

I can practically
see the smoke that’s shooting out of my ears. The ones that look best on me,
was he kidding? He was being so sexiest right now. Like I needed a man to tell
me what underwear looked good or bad on me. Asshole.

To my horror the
woman just keeps giggling. “Of course,” she whispers. “Go on in, it’ll be our
little secret.”

“Thanks so much,”
Austin says, reaching out to pat her on the shoulder.

Wow. Way to flirt
with another woman right in front of me. I hated the annoyance that was taking
over my body from his actions but I pushed it out just as soon as it had come,
convincing myself it wasn’t jealously but just aggravation toward the situation
as a whole.

Once the door is
safely shut behind us I toss a bunch of the underwear in my hand at his face.
“You can’t be in here with me!” I hiss.

He pushes the
flying garments away from his face. “Stop that!”

“Get out of here!”
I demand.

Austin smirks and
sits down on the small seat that lines the wall of the tiny dressing room. “No
way. I’m not going to miss you trying this stuff on. I need a nice mental
picture of what’s going on underneath your clothes. Besides, how will I know
what my favorites are if I don’t see them on you?”

“I don’t care if
you know or not! You aren’t going to watch while I try on a bunch of skimpy
lingerie! It’s gross!”

Austin laughs.
“It’s not gross, it’s sexy.” He holds up a bright yellow thong. “Maybe we
should start with this.”

“I won’t try
anything on in front of you,” I tell him, crossing my arms across my chest.

Austin raises his
eyebrows at me. “My rules, Lacey. Remember?”

“I’m not doing
it!” I tell him, challenging his authority.

Austin shrugs;
like he could care less either way then gets up from where he’s sitting. “Okay,
suit yourself.”

He has the door
open and he’s halfway out it before I stop him. I don’t know what I thought
would happen. That I would put my foot down and he would let me get away with
changing the rules or something? It was a stupid plan and one that he had made
clear within seconds wasn’t going to work. He was in charge and I was his puppet,
at least for now.

“Fine, fine,” I
sigh, pulling him back inside the dressing room and closing the door behind

He smirks, happy
that he’s won. He takes his seat back on his post and watches me closely as I
pick up the yellow thong and bra set that he wanted me to try on first. I hold
the fabric in my hands, turning it back and forth between my fingers. It was so
skimpy and thin, not the kind of thing I would ever pick up if I went shopping
for bras and panties alone.

Austin watches me
closely and finally I hand the thin laces over to him. “Hold them.” He takes
them without a word and I start to pull my gray tank top over my head. But
before I can fully get it off, Austin’s hands are over mine, keeping it in
place. For a second I think he might have changed his mind and doesn’t want to
see me dress and undress after all but the notion is short lived when he wraps
his hands around my writs and pulls me closer to his sitting body.

“Let me help you,”
he whispers. His voice is all raspy and sexy and I immediately feel my heart
start to thud heavier inside of my chest. He sets the yellow items in his lap
and slowly runs his fingers up and down the side of my shirt. After a few
seconds he starts to pull it slowly up my stomach, running his fingers up and down
my skin with ease. He yanks the shirt over my head and tosses it on the floor
like it’s a piece of garbage. Shivers shoot up and down my body as he runs his
fingertips up and down the side of my skin, never taking his gaze away from me
the entire time.

I force myself to
slow my heart race down. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing
that this is turning me on in any way. I see a smirk creep onto his face and a
flash of annoyance creeps through me when I realize I’m too late, he’s already well
too aware of what he’s doing to me.

“Austin,” I
whisper, not trusting myself to talk fully.

He doesn’t answer,
choosing instead of take his hands and run them up and down my legs a few times
before popping the button on my shorts open. He uses his fingertips to tease my
skin around the fabric slowly, waiting for what feels like forever to finally
slip them off.

I suddenly feel
nervous standing in front of him in just my bra and panties, I know it’s silly
since just a few days ago I was having sex with him. But still… here… and
now…it just felt weird.

He looks my body
up and down with his intense and beautiful gaze, enjoying every second. I put
my hands over my chest as a immediate reaction and he immediately yanks my
hands down to the side of my body, enjoying the power he has over me.

He yanks me toward
him, aggressive now, and I can’t help but gasp. He smiles at that then yanks my
underwear down and kicks them across the floor. He holds the yellow material
out for me to step into and I obey, letting him take his time sliding them up
my body. Next he unsnaps my bra effortlessly, disregarding it the same way he
did with my underwear seconds earlier.

He doesn’t slip
the yellow bra on me right away, instead enjoying the fact that he gets to look
at my boobs for as long as he wants.

“Nathan,” I say,
looking away from his piercing gaze. “This is wrong.”

He smirks, taking
the yellow bra and slipping them over my boobs and reaching around my back to
buckle it. “Yeah? It feels really wrong,” he jokes as he runs his fingers over
one of my boobs through the fabric.

I feel myself
starting to turn red and force myself to regain my composure for about the
millionth time since we walked into the dressing room. I hated myself for even
agreeing to this plan. Hated myself for going along with any of Austin’s sick
games that fed his need for power. But it was for Ethan. It was so I could have
a chance with the man that I really wanted. The man I had always wanted.

“Turn around,” he

I sigh and then
swing my body around in a circle for him.

Austin shakes his
head. “No. Do it again, slower.”

I meet his gaze
for a second but don’t move.

“Again,” he tells
me, challenging me. “Slower.”

I obey him,
knowing that giving him attitude won’t change the fact that I’m going to eventually
do what he says anyway.

The whole routine
continues for the next twenty minutes or so. Austin helping me put on multiple
pairs of undergarments and sexy lingerie to make sure that he likes the way
they look on me. The whole thing is a total waste of time since of course he
ends up liking every single thing he picked out, just like I knew he would.
Under normal circumstances I would welcome someone taking me to the mall and
spending hundreds of dollars on new things for me but not like this, not under
these circumstances.

Finally, we’re
down to the last thing I have to try on. It’s a little orange thong and
matching silk bra with a diamond border on it. It’s something I would never
even consider wearing on my own but Austin is obsessed with it. He keeps making
me turn around over and over again and telling me how sexy I look.

“Sexy? I look more
like a stripper,” I tell him, annoyed.

“Mm,” Austin
moans. “My stripper.”

I roll my eyes.
“Okay. Are we done? Can I get dressed now?” I start to gather my clothes from
where Austin
them all over the small
space so I can get dressed and get the hell out of there. I was trying to tell
myself that it was because he was becoming more and more annoying and full of
himself in my eyes and I couldn’t stand the sight of him for very much longer.
And I’m sure that was part of it but deep down I knew it was more than that,
too. The truth was that I was only human and as annoying as Austin was he was
still fine as hell. Needless to say as much as I hated to admit it this whole
situation was starting to turn me on.

And I didn’t know
how much longer I would be able to hide it.

“Not yet.” Austin
grabs my hand and yanks me to my feet, pulling me toward him. “There’s one more
thing we have to do before we can get out of here.”

I raise my
eyebrows at him and that’s when he takes his hand and sticks it between my

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