Loving Hart (32 page)

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Authors: Ella Fox

BOOK: Loving Hart
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My father gave me his smuggest smile. “Oh, I can’t wait to wipe that ugly fucking smirk off of your face you little fuck.”

I was just about to knock him out when my mother grabbed my arm.  “Now Hank, let’s not waste time with drama.”

Turning to me, she smiled.  Her teeth gleamed in the overhead light, making her look like the disgusting predator that she is.
  “Come in
Spencer.  We have some
to show you.”

I stepped into the house, stopping at the front table.  “This is as far as I go.  Either you tell me here or you can both go fuck yourselves.”

It was only when my father’s hand shot out to grab a manila folder that I realized there was anything on the table.  Handing it to me, he smirked.  “Read it and weep
you little shit.”

What I saw when I opened the file folder changed everything. 

Delilah and Dominique weren’t Mr. Hart’s biological children.  Their real father w
as named Todd
Rand, and they have
a brother named Flynn. 
I recognized Flynn right away, and my stomach clenched up tight because he’s easily one of the most famous people on the planet right now, and he has been for the last ten years as the lead singer of the band “Renegade Saints.”

Turning the page, I saw something even more troubling.  Mr. Hart might not be the father of Delilah or Dominique, but he did have two more children.  A boy named
and a girl named Leah.  Looking at their dates of birth
, I swore under my breath.  Dillon
is sixteen days younger than Dante, and Leah is
just th
irteen months younger than that
.  When I read the name of their biological mother, I almost passed out.  They were my mother’s children
.  The information on the paper indicated that
they had been
given up for adoption when Dillon
was a year old, and Leah was just born.  Their adoptive parents had been killed in a freeway shooting
when Dillon was ten and Leah was nine
, and the children became wards of the state.  I knew Dante was going to flip out when he realized that.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to play it off.  Shrugging my shoulders I asked, “So what? I get that this is interesting, but I don’t get why you think it’s some big deal.  The Hart
s will deal with this
the way they do everything else, quietly and with dignity.
  You’re the one that should be ashamed
mother.  You let your children grow up destitute.  How could you?

It was Marceline that shook her head at me, her eyes alight with some emotion I’d never seen her express before.  “
How could I?  Please.
was a little brat who never slept, and I never wanted a daughter.
Mike had asked us to keep him just until he was sure that Dante wasn’t going to die of crib death or something.  He needed an heir, and the thought was that if Dante died, we’d replace him with
It’s not like we were trying to keep everyone healthy.
The reason I agreed to get pregnant with you was that
Big Mike liked to fuck me large
, and your father decided it couldn’t just be big Mike knocking me up. When his fucking stepmother saw that I was pregnant, it forced us to keep you.  We had never intended to.  We didn’t like
or want

Smiling at me she continued, “
Depending on what you do
now Spencer, there
might not
be a
chance to deal with it quietly and with dignity.  This is a huge story.  Flynn Rand has sisters that he never knew about.  We could sell that to
in a heartbeat.  Even better, we’ve got pictures and video of Todd Rand with Connie Hart.  That’s worth a fortune.  As for those two bastard Hart kids, I bet they would love to open their front doors to find the press asking how it feels to find out that their family
a Fortune 500 company
, something they have a biological right to as well
. Wouldn’t Dante and that little gold digger he married earlier enjoy being bombarded by the press on their honeymoon?  That would be a wonderful memory.”

It cut me to the quick when I realized the emotion I was seeing in her eyes was pure joy. 

hose bastard Hart kids?  Those are YOUR children too.  Don’t you care at all?”

She looked at me like I was a complete idiot.  “God, you’re dumb.  No, Spencer.  I don’t care. I never have.”

Through clenched teeth I asked, “
What is it that you people want?”

She smiled
like I’d just told her she was beautiful
before her smile turned to a glare.  “
Just think… if you’d just given me the money I asked you for months ago, we wouldn’t be here now.  But you didn’t, and now this is happening.
What I want is to destroy that family like they destroyed your father.  You think that once you skipped out of here into their waiting arms that Sandra Thomas didn’t pull strings to have your father blackballed in the business world?  That cunt ruined our lives.  We’ve got nothing left thanks to her and those filthy fucking Hart brats.  That’s what I want. What I’
ll settle for is half of your
and Dante Hart is going to
contract some work out to your father.  Some big work too, no bullshit.
  You’ve got
two weeks
to get the ten million dollars together
to talk to Dante about improving your father

s career.  If we don’t hear from you by then, prepare to be swallowed up in a shit storm.  And just so you know, this might just be the tip of the iceberg.  There could be more fun in our bag of tricks.  Don’t fuck with us
.  You won’t like the result.
Make sure you share the photos of him and
together.  I bet he’ll love that.”

With the manila folder still clutched in my hand, I walked to the front door to leave.  Turning around, I looked at them both in disgust.  “You’ll hear from me.”

Once the door closed behind me, I hauled ass to my car and headed for Delilah’s.  There was no way I was ruining Damien’s engagement night, and Dante was already up in the air flying.  This problem would have to wait until morning.
  I was really upset and shaky, and I needed Delilah
more than I ever had before.


Chapter Twenty-Five:  Delilah


I knew something was wrong with Spencer before I even picked up the phone.  I’m not sure how I knew, but I did.

Picking up the phone I blurted, “Spencer, what’s wrong?”

He sounded awful, not like himself at all.  “I need you
Delilah.  I’m a fucking mess.  Can I come over?”

I said yes
with no hesitation.  Whatever wa
s wrong, I need
to know.

I paced in front of my door, flinging it open when I heard his car pull up
and I watched as he got out with a folder in his hand. When he saw me standing there, he ran to me, lifting me up off my feet in an enormous embrace. 

Holding him tight I asked, “Baby, what’s wrong?  What happened?”

Walking to the couch, he sat down and pulled me into his lap.  “My mother’s been trying to get in touch with me for a while.  She called me tonight and told me to get my ass over there or else, so I had to go see her and my father.  It didn’t go well.”

My hatred of Spencer’s parents flared.  The two of them are wretched, miserable excuses for
human beings
, and I hate that they’ve upset him.
  I hated that he had to be in the same room with his father, hated that Mr. Cross was still trying to pollute Spencer's life with his evil.

Knowing how much he hated talking about them, I didn’t force him.  Instead
I wrapped my arms
around his neck and kissed him passionately.  He held nothing back, giving me everything he had and more.  I knew I was doing something he’d be mad
at me for later when he realized
that I was pregnant when this happened, but I need
to feel him.  I always need
to feel him. 

Our tongues dueled as he held me tight, our passion for one another as out of control as ever.  He moaned into my mouth before cupping my face in his hands and pulling back to stare at me.  “
I need to tell you things Delilah, important things.  We should probably wait.”

I shook my head at him, tilting my lips up for another kiss.  “Let me love you Spencer.  We can talk later.”

He stopped kissing me for another moment so that he could stare into my eyes.  “
I want you to know that the reason I came here tonight wasn’t for this.  I came because when the shit hit the fan, you were the person I thought of first, the only person that I wanted to be with.  I love you
Delilah.  Every single part of me loves you in ways I can’t even articulate.  You’re mine angel, and for as long as I live, I will love you. No matter what, I promise you that will always be a constant.”

I silently prayed that he would still love me when he found out that I had his child growing inside of me even as I melted into him when he covered my mouth with his again.

Pulling back, I ran my hands over his face as I peppered it with kisses.  “Take me to the bedroom baby.  Make love to me.”

Standing, he carried me to the bedroom before standing me next to my bed.  I stared at him as I took off my clothes, beyond happy to have him here with me.  He smiled at me when I was naked, and I preened under his hot gaze. 

He was stripped before I was, and he sprawled on the bed and watched me undress. When I was finished, he held out his arms to me as he looked into my eyes. “Come to me baby.  I’ve missed you so much.”

I walked to the edge of the bed, drinking in the sight of my beautiful man
.  Nothing turns me on as much as seeing him naked, knowing that I’m going to be touching every one of his sexy muscles
.  I knew I was going crazy without him, but now I realize that I was starved for his love.  I got into his arms as I straddled him, leaning forward to kiss him.

Pulling back, he smiled at me.  “I want you to climb up here and straddle my face.”

I hesitated, but he held my eyes with
his, and I could see that he was desperate for me to
do it
.  “I need
to forget baby, need to let everything go except you.
You're the only thing that matters, and I need to wipe everything else away.
your pussy on
my mouth now, Delilah.  Give yourself
to me.”

I was nervous but I complied, standing up so that I could position myself over him.  As I started to bend my knees, I was a nervous wreck as I got closer and closer to his
.  It felt so…
.  What if I smothered him?
I finally got where he
tentatively sa
t over him.  He
grinned, wolf like and feral up between
legs at
.  “Grab the headboard baby, and hold on.”

Leaning forward, I grabbed the top of my wooden headboard in my hands as he pulled me down firmly onto his mouth.  He dove into me with his
tongue, feasting on
me like he’d never get enough.  I knew I was coating his
lips and tongue
with my arousal, but I was losing control and couldn’t hold myself away from him.  When he stiffened his
tongue and started thrusting into
me fast and hot, I thought I’d explode. 

me with his fingers, holding me open so he
could fuck
my clit with his
, and I helplessly shifted on top of him.
When he added
two fingers
and started
thrusting in time with
tongue lick
s, I shouted
as I came all over his face.

I tried to pull back, but he wasn’t having it.  Wrapping his arms tighter around my waist, he pulled me
in tighter as he continued to tongue me.  He was fucking me as deep and hard as he could with his tongue, and I was no longer trying to keep my weight off of him.  The more he licked, the more I ground against him, feeling my juices flooding his mouth.  When he sucked my clit back into his mouth, I came again with a wail.

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