Love Me Twice (17 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Love Me Twice
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“Relax. There’s room if you let go, sweetheart. Trust me.”

She went lax beneath him and he held still a moment, letting her adjust to the new feeling.

“Open your eyes now. See? How does it feel now?”

“Good. It feels good, full.”

“You’re tight, sweetheart. I’m going to move now. I’ll go slow, but I don’t know how long I can last.”

When he pulled out a fraction and flexed his hips, driving back inside on a slow but powerful thrust, her hips rose to meet his. The balls rolled with his cock, massaging inside her sheath. Sean cursed under his breath, as the sensation threatened to bring him to the brink.

“Oh God, Sean.”

“I know, baby, I know.”

He set a slow rhythm that she matched. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The physics lesson never meant more than it did at that moment. For every movement he made, Celeste countered with one of her own. The added roll and slide of the balls increased the pleasure exponentially. He didn’t care where they were, didn’t care who might hear them. All that mattered was bringing them both to fulfillment.

It didn’t take long. Celeste shifted, moved her hands to his ass, and dug her fingernails in. He was too far gone to care that she’d defied his order to keep her hands behind her neck.

Sean fell on her, slid his hands beneath her ass, and tilted her pelvis. The change in angle sent them both over the summit. Her hips pitched against his, and he held on, matching her wild ride with one of his own. The wild, desperate, cock-draining orgasm began in the small of his back and shot like lightning to his balls. Molten lava flowed through his cock and spewed out in great gasping spurts.

Her inner walls clenched around him, drawing every last drop from his cock, and as he lay collapsed on top of her, his sanity with it.

They lay that way for a long moment. Their panting breaths filled the confines of their cozy alcove. The band played a familiar tune that was both fast and loud. Sean was grateful for it. Hopefully, it served to cloak other sounds. He was afraid neither one of them had held anything back when they’d come. He knew he hadn’t, but he’d been deaf, dumb and blind at the time.

As blood returned to his brain, he catalogued their surroundings and pushed to his forearms so he could see Celeste’s face. His cock was softer, but not flaccid, and still held tight by her body. He wasn’t in any hurry to change the status quo. She lay beneath him, her eyes closed and her face radiant with afterglow. He loved seeing her like this. She was a beautiful woman, but in the minutes following her orgasm, she glowed from within, as if an inner light filled her and made her skin luminous.

If he could, he’d keep that look on her face all day, every day. His cock hardened again at the thought of keeping her that satisfied. It wouldn’t be a hardship on his part, of that he was certain.

Her lips parted slightly, and he bent to her. His lips covered hers in a soft kiss. He traced the lovely curve of her lower lip with his tongue and she responded, opening further for him. She was as sweet as a honey, and his tongue explored every crevice, drinking in her flavor.

He moved his hips, pulling his cock out of her tight sheath and sliding back in, slow. Celeste wrapped her arms around him, and her hips met his in perfect rhythm. This time, he kept the tempo excruciatingly slow. She didn’t seem to mind. Little sounds of pleasure broke from her, whispered against his ear, or mumbled into his chest.

Their hands and lips explored every inch they could reach without breaking the intimate connection. He didn’t have to coax her to respond. Her body fused with his in a seamless dance, both in perfect sync.

Where the previous coupling had been wild and reckless, this time they took the time to discover, to relish the slow buildup toward their goal.

Sean leaned on one forearm and bent his head to her breast. He’d never get enough of drawing her flesh into his mouth. He lavished attention on one, then the other. Everything about her breasts was perfect to him. He cupped one in his palm and squeezed it gently so the nipple rose to his lips. Perfect size, perfect shape, perfect color, perfect taste. There wasn’t a better feeling than this – his cock gloved by her pussy, her breasts his for the taking.

Love for her swelled within his chest. He bracketed her face with his hands and looked at her. Long dark lashes lay like fans on her gently rounded cheekbones. He brushed his thumbs across those rosy cheeks just to feel her skin. Each time his cock slid home, a soft puff of air escaped her parted lips.

God, he was lost. Living the rest of his life without her would be unbearable, but he knew he could do it if he knew she was happy. It would be pure torture to know she was with Drew, but only her happiness mattered. Sean sent up a silent prayer that Celeste would choose him, and then he kissed her parted lips and increased the tempo.

“Open your eyes, sweetheart. I don’t want you to have any doubts about who you’re with.”

“Sean.” A whisper from Mona Lisa lips.

“Celeste. Come for me, sweetheart.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Her eyes fluttered closed, and he whispered close to her ear. “Look at me, Celeste.” And then he took them both over the edge once again.

* * * * *

He didn’t want to leave her, but they couldn’t stay in Muses all night. Well, they could if he wanted to, but he’d proved his point. It was time to move on. She had come out of subspace easily and seemingly without any guilt or regrets. Sean rolled to the side and covered her with her discarded sarong. Heedless of his own nudity, he parted the curtains enough to signal to a waitress. She returned a few minutes later with two heated towels on a tray and passed them through the curtain to him.

Celeste made no protest as he cleansed her, removing the balls as he did so. When they were dressed once again, he offered her a glass of wine and plied her with bites of cheese and crackers. He needed to make sure she was okay, had come safely back from her pleasure trip.

“You were fabulous.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Just Sean now. We don’t have to live in that world all the time.”

“I know. I like that world though.”

“I know you do. I do too. I can’t tell you how much pleasure I get from giving you what you want.”

“It works both ways, Sean.”

* * * * *

Celeste stretched her arms above her head and felt a twinge or two in places she didn’t normally notice. Last night had been incredible. Sean had taken her to heights she didn’t know she could reach, and then they’d danced the night away to the fabulous music of the all girl Muses band. It had been a long time since she’d allowed herself to sink so deep into subspace. She’d been frightened at first, had done her best to stay in control, but Sean’s sensual onslaught had weakened her even as he assured, and she’d slipped under his control. Like always, she had no regrets. The pleasure Sean had given her was like nothing she’d ever experienced with anyone else.

When he’d returned her to her cabin in the wee hours of the morning, they’d made love again. Where Sean was concerned, she didn’t think she would ever get enough. She fingered the collar around her neck. Sean had resumed the dom/sub relationship before he left, issuing commands she wasn’t sure she could adhere to.

Drew would surely have something to say about the collar. Sean had commanded that she wear it throughout her day with Drew. He’d also commanded that she sleep with his rival. In the sub role, she’d had no right to argue or question his order. She ran the conversation over in her mind, trying to make sense of it.

“You’ll be with Drew later today. We made a deal, and I won’t go back on the agreement. However, I won’t stand by and let him try to take what’s mine without a fight.”

“Yes, Sir.” She understood Sean’s possessive streak, but as he said, they’d made a deal. The two of them had demanded she choose between them, and she couldn’t do that without searching her heart and soul for the answer. Sean’s next words had started a fire burning in her gut. He’d gone too far.

“Wear my collar today. I want Drew to know I’ve claimed you.”

She’d been turning that over in her mind, wondering how it would affect her time with Drew, when he spoke again. “What?”

“I said, I command you to sleep with Drew.”

On her knees, her eyes downcast, she broke protocol and jerked her gaze to his face. He was serious. She’d seen that determined look before, but beneath she saw what it cost him to utter the words.


“You’re mine, Celeste. I have no doubt about that, but I know you do. I’m sure you’ll come to me when this is over, but I won’t have you at my feet with another man on your mind. Sleep with him. I know you want to. I know you need to.”

“But Sir, Sean…”

“No. Don’t argue. Nothing you can say will change what we both know is going to happen tonight. Drew is going to fuck you, and you’re going to let him. I command you to. Know that when his cock is buried inside you, it’s because I commanded it.”

Stunned, she couldn’t form a single word of protest. Her mouth hung open and she’d forgotten her submissive role. Sean reminded her.

“Did I say you could look at me?”

“No, Sir.” She averted her eyes, too shocked to do anything else.

“Do you understand me, Celeste?”

“Yes, Sir.” She took a deep breath and dared to speak without permission.

“What if I don’t want to sleep with him?”

“Don’t do this, Celeste. This is hard enough as it is. This has been coming for years, ever since I let him have your ass. I know you love him, but I love you enough to let you decide for yourself. It’s the only way you’ll ever know for sure.”

Now, in the mid-day light, she wasn’t at all sure she could obey Sean’s commands. Wearing the collar was one thing, and she hadn’t made up her mind about sleeping with Drew. She didn’t know if she could do it just because Sean wanted her to.

Drew’s fidelity was in question, for one thing. The bite mark on his shoulder had been fresh, and he hadn’t denied it.

Celeste went through her morning routine on autopilot. She hadn’t done a thing to find the eco-terrorist since she’d been onboard the
, but she knew from Sean that Bree and Drew had been working the case without success. She didn’t know how she was going to explain her absence from her job when the cruise was over, but worst-case scenario, she’d use her saved vacation time.

It was only fair, she surmised, as she strolled along the Mediterranean Deck, coffee cup in hand. With things so strained between her and the two men in charge of this ship, she’d have a hard time selling this cruise as business now. She didn’t think Bree would appreciate doing all the work and having her take a portion of the credit for it.

Some vacation. She paused to watch the body-painting contest and realized that to most of the passengers on the
, she was having one hell of a vacation. Two men, one woman caught in the middle. She sized up the crowd gathered to watch couples compete by painting each other’s nude body. Sex. Everywhere you looked. Half the crowd had elected to go au natural on this warm day, and a good portion of the mixed crowd was engaged in some degree of touching, ranging from kissing to outright copulation.

No, her situation wasn’t anything to raise an eyebrow on the

Celeste wandered past the competitors, searching for a quieter area. She had to sort through her thoughts before she saw Drew today. Sean’s orders clanged in her head like a buoy marking dangerous waters. She scoffed at her imagination, only it wasn’t her imagination. This was real.

Sean was right. She did need to explore her feelings for Drew. Her fear of those feelings had been at the heart of her flight all those years ago. She realized that now. She’d been so afraid what she felt for Drew would be stronger than what she felt for Sean, and instead of facing her fears, she’d ran. Sean understood it. In hindsight, she saw that he’d understood back then, and his fear of losing her had driven him to issue the ultimatum.

So what had it cost him this morning to order her to sleep with Drew? And if she did it, how much more would that hurt him? Especially if she found her feelings for Drew were as deep as she feared they were? That would destroy Sean, and likely, destroy all of them.

Celeste stopped and leaned on the railing. At the front of the ship, the stiff wind swept her hair off her face and it slapped against her neck and shoulders. She laughed into the wind like a dog with its head stuck out of the car window. No wonder dogs liked it so much. It was fun and exhilarating, and helped wipe troublesome thoughts from her mind. She closed her eyes and inhaled deep. Salt accumulated on her lips and her tongue flicked out to moisten them.

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