Love Me Twice (15 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Love Me Twice
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Having her this close was pure torture. Her scent called to him like a bitch in heat. Like on the first night when he’d noticed her at the poolside mixer, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He’d been drawn to the overall package. It had been too dark, and too crowded to see details, like the gold highlights in her red hair, or how her skin was the color of cream and just as soft. He’d found out those things, and more when she’d taken him to her cabin and played the shy, quiet one with him. Now he knew, that had been an act, but he couldn’t regret the deceit. They’d spent hours touching and tasting and finally, making love. Drew shook off the last thought. No, not making love – having sex. That’s what it had been, just sex. But, God in heaven, great sex.

She pursed those perfect, plum colored lips as she studied yet another file. Drew’s cock pressed harder against the zipper, and he resisted the urge to adjust himself. The discomfort reminded him he wasn’t supposed to be thinking of Bree that way. But, sweet Jesus, he couldn’t forget how those lips looked and felt wrapped around him, or the way her soft little hand had played havoc with his balls and his sanity.

He forced his gaze away from her lips. A bridge of freckles spanned her pixie nose. A similar band ran along the top of her breasts, marking the uppermost edge of a swimsuit or bra. Drew’s tongue wet his lower lip, itching to trace that line again. He knew that underneath her clothes, where the sun had been denied access, her body was flawless. From the top of her breasts, to the crease where her thighs met her hips, not a single freckle marred the expanse of sweet cream.

Drew grabbed a pen and doodled on a pad. Anything to keep from reaching for her, hauling her ass back on the desk and plunging in her again. This was insanity. His body wanted Bree with an intensity that was foreign to him, but his heart ached for Celeste.

Celeste, who was with Sean, was probably wearing his collar again, and doing unspeakable things for the bastard. His blood boiled at the thought. He closed his fist around the pencil and the wood snapped, just like he’d snap Sean’s neck if he hurt Celeste.

“Drew? Hey, you still here?”

He tore off the top sheet of paper and wadded it into a ball before he dropped it and the broken pencil in the wastebasket underneath the desk. “Yeah. I’m here. Did you find anything?”

“No. Nothing that raises any red flags. Still, without complete background checks it’s impossible to know if any of these people told the truth on their applications. I don’t suppose anyone did that extensive a check when they hired these people?”

“I don’t know for certain, but I wouldn’t think so. We can check with the human resources department. Unfortunately, they’re in Miami. We can get a satellite connection and talk to them.”

“You’re probably right. It wouldn’t be cost effective to do that kind of check on every new hire, especially in these high turnover jobs. Besides, we don’t have any reason to believe it’s a crew member.”

“It could be anybody. It’s like finding one particular fish in the ocean. Not going to happen unless that fish jumps on your boat and says, here I am.”

Bree laughed, a full, easy laugh that reminded him of the way she let go when she came. She didn’t hold anything back then either.

 Christ, he was going insane.

Chapter Ten

Celeste woke mid-morning, showered, and grabbed a sandwich from the twenty-four hour café on the Odyssey deck. She’d been so angry with Drew the previous evening that she hadn’t slept well. He was right, she didn’t have any place judging his behavior, but still, it hurt to think he’d been in another’s bed one night, and hers the next.

What woman wouldn’t want him? She knew from experience how those hands and lips could make a woman forget everything, and everyone. Well, almost everyone. She had to admit, though she’d never tell Drew, there were a few times she’d fantasized that Sean was the one touching her, making her feel like the most precious thing on the planet.

Not that Sean didn’t make her feel that way. He did, but Sean went at it from a completely different angle. Drew didn’t understand the type of relationship she had with Sean. No one could, unless they’d experienced it. When she submitted to Sean, she knew he had nothing on his mind but her pleasure, and he’d do whatever it took to see that she reached the highest peak possible.

Sure, it was nice to ease into an orgasm now and then, and Sean knew how to do that too. She felt free when she submitted to Sean. He knew when she needed to hold back, when she needed to let go. Because Sean took responsibility for the decisions, she didn’t have to worry about anything.

It had taken her a while to accept that she liked to be submissive in the bedroom. In the beginning, she was afraid she’d be doing all the giving, but when she realized Sean gave more than he took in the relationship, acceptance had been easy.

Sean came to her cabin mid-afternoon. She opened the door to him, and stepped aside so he could enter. She closed the door and turned to him, her eyes downcast, her hands behind her.

“Welcome, Master.” The excitement of submitting to him sizzled through her. Her clit throbbed, and her pussy creamed in anticipation of his attention. She wasn’t disappointed.

“On your knees.”

Celeste closed the distance between them and sank to her knees in front of him.

“Where’s your collar?”

“On the desk, Sir,” she answered, keeping her eyes downcast.

Sean went to the desk and returned. “Look up.”

She tilted her chin. Sean fastened the collar around her neck, and Celeste dropped her gaze to the floor. “Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re welcome. I need you, Celeste.”

“Yes, Sir. Anything you desire.”

“Take my cock in your mouth. Use your hands and your mouth to make me come.”

Celeste stifled a groan as desire coursed through her. Sean stood perfectly still with his hands fisted at his sides while she removed his sarong. His cock rose, hard and ready from the thick tangle of dark hair between his legs. She took his balls in one hand and his cock in the other and guided the plump head to her lips. A pearl of pre-cum was there for her tasting. It wouldn’t take much to make him come, but she knew how to prolong his pleasure.

She ran her tongue over the head of his penis and tasted the creamy drop. She did groan then, and took him deep inside the heated cavern of her mouth. With one hand, she rolled and stretched his balls, while the other hand wrapped his shaft from the base to her lips. His musk was an aphrodisiac that fueled her desire to serve him.

Sean shifted his feet further apart, and his hands bracketed her head as she rocked over him, taking his cock deep with each forward movement. Her tongue spiraled and stroked, and his grip tightened. His hips bucked in perfect rhythm to her ministrations.

Her spirit soared. This was familiar ground. In the past, she had performed this service for Sean on a regular basis, and many times, it had led to long evenings of pleasure for both of them. Once his sharp need abated, Sean would turn his attention to her pleasure, and she’d never been disappointed before.

His hands and hips urged her to a faster pace, but Celeste resisted, setting a pace she knew would maximize his pleasure, and hers as well. She reveled in the control he placed in her hands. It wasn’t often a sub was allowed so much freedom, but she’d earned it from years of faithful submission.

“Celeste.” He hissed her name through teeth clenched tight. It was her cue to end it. She increased the tempo, and suctioned his cock with all the strength she could muster from her cheeks and jaw.

“God almighty!”

She tugged on his balls, and his hands closed like a vise on her skull. He thrust his cock to the back of her throat. She swallowed his cum as he rocked into her with uncontrolled jerks. A sense of feminine satisfaction swelled inside her. Sean was a powerful man, dangerous in the right situation. But when she held him in her mouth, he was completely at her mercy.

Celeste dropped her hands to her sides and remained perfectly still while Sean’s cock softened in her mouth. When he eased from her, she dropped her gaze to the floor between his spread feet and waited.


She stood and clasped her hands behind her. Her eyes remained downcast. If she had pleased him, he would reward her. Sean could be lavish in his rewards. Anticipation warmed her belly and pooled between her legs.

“You did good. I’m prepared to reward you.”

She smiled inside, but let nothing of her secret cross her face. “Thank you, Sir. It’s my pleasure to serve you.”

“As it should be. However, you’ll serve me further by accepting the pleasure I can give you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Sean crossed to the desk and returned with the small desk chair in one hand, and a black velvet drawstring pouch in the other. He must have brought it with him, but she hadn’t noticed it at the time. He positioned the chair between them.

“Lose the clothes, Celeste.”

Celeste unfastened her sarong and let it fall to the floor. The scrap of lace over her crotch followed so she stood naked before him.

“Place one foot on the chair, and put your hands behind your head. Eyes to the ceiling.”

She had to shift her weight to remain balanced, and as long as the ship didn’t make any sudden moves, she would be able to maintain the pose. It didn’t escape her that Sean had chosen a pose that left her totally exposed and vulnerable. A shiver raced along her spine, and just like that, she began the first slide into subspace.

He strolled around her, and she could feel his heated gaze on every inch of her skin. “You are lovely. I can understand why other men want you. Drew can’t help himself. Did you let him see you?”

Oh God
. “Yes.”

“Did he touch you?”


He stopped behind her, and with one finger drew an invisible line along her spine from her nape to the small of her back. His hot breath tickled her ear. “Did he fuck you?”


“Tell me, Celeste. What did he do to you? I want to hear all the details. Did he kiss you?” He moved to stand in front of her. “Look at me.”

She lowered her eyes to his and saw the tortured expression he tried so hard to conceal. She couldn’t fathom why he needed to hear the details, but she knew he did. He needed to know what she had allowed Drew to do to her.

His hands closed over her breasts and squeezed them hard enough to make her gasp.

“Eyes on the ceiling again.”

She complied, closing her eyes and biting her lower lip as his mouth closed over her right breast. He sucked hard, flattening her nipple against the roof of his mouth. A jolt of pleasure-pain shot from her breast to her pussy. She focused on maintaining the pose. There was nothing she could do about the moisture dripping from her.

“Tell me, Celeste. I want to hear every detail. Now.”

She told him, leaving nothing out. As she spoke, Sean’s hands and mouth followed the path she described. Breathless and trembling, she orchestrated Sean’s assault with her words. He sucked her breasts exactly as she described Drew doing the night before. She was weak and wobbling when Sean’s mouth closed over her clit, and his tongue wiped away the memory of Drew between her thighs.

Sean’s hands on her hips steadied her as the orgasm swept through her. Her arms ached from the unnatural position, and her knees were jelly.

“Is that all?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Well done. I have a gift for you.”

She couldn’t imagine what kind of gift he could give her that would be better than the one he’d just bestowed, but she kept her face upturned and willed her muscles to remain in the pose.

“Relax your hips.” He placed one hand on her hip to steady her. “That’s good. Keep your eyes on the ceiling.”

She tensed, and sucked in a breath as his fingers probed her swollen and sensitive core.

“Relax again, sweetheart. This will feel good.”

Something smooth and cold swiped through her juices and then, like a magician, Sean’s fingers and the object disappeared into her channel.

“Breathe, sweetheart.” His fingers fluttered inside her. “Clench your pussy around my fingers now.”

She did her best Kegel exercise.

“That’s good, sweetheart. Hold it now.” His fingers slipped from her, and his big hand cupped her mound.

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