Love Me Twice (16 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Love Me Twice
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“This should keep you focused. Keep the pressure up, sweetheart. Don’t let it slip out.”

She held the pose, every thought now focused between her legs, and particularly on the full feeling inside.

“You may look now, sweetheart. This is what you have inside you.”

Celeste looked, but held her pose. On Sean’s open palm lay a shiny metal orb about the size of a large marble.

“If you’re good, I’ll let you have this one too. Now, dress me.”

Released from the awkward pose, and still shaking from the orgasm, she had to concentrate to keep the ball from slipping out. She bent to retrieve his sarong and wrapped it around his hips.

“Dress yourself. No panties.”

She bent again, and the ball shifted inside her. She clenched her pelvic muscles tighter and managed to wrap the sarong around her.

“Let’s go to dinner now. If you let the ball slip out, I’ll put it back in, no matter where we are. If it slips out in the middle of dinner, I’ll spread you on the table and slide it back in with everyone watching.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Every step was a struggle to keep her pelvic muscles tight enough to keep the ball from slipping. The slightest movement made her aware of the foreign presence inside her. The ball shifted and massaged her inner muscles making her wet with need. The added moisture made it more difficult to keep the ball deep inside.

They chose a table in the center of the main dining room, Zeus’s Temple. Sean took the seat across from Celeste, and placed the second silver ball on the table next to his place setting. Throughout the meal, Sean made sure she knew the ball was there. He touched it with his index finger, rolled it beneath his fingertip, or pinched it between his thumb and index finger, lifted it a fraction of an inch and dropped it to the tablecloth. The not so subtle reminder only made her more aware. Exactly his intention, she was sure.

She squirmed through dinner in sensual torment. It was easier to hold the ball in place if she sat still, but the secret fullness and movement when she shifted on her seat was arousing and too exciting to forego.

Celeste wiggled her ass against the seat and the ball shifted again. Sean dropped his fork on his plate. It clattered loud enough to get her attention. He leaned back in his seat and watched her.

“Does that feel good? Does it feel like I’m fucking you when you move your ass like that?”

“Yes, Sir, it does.”

“Don’t move again until dinner is over. Just imagine me buried inside you. I can’t have you coming yet.”

They finished their dinner. It seemed like an eternity as they waited through several courses and dessert. If Sean’s intent was to drive her crazy with need, he’d accomplished it, and more. She was slipping further under his spell with every interminable minute. Between the ball, his blatant reminders, and his heated gaze, Celeste was a candidate for spontaneous combustion. By the time he took her hand and escorted her out to the open deck, she had only one thing on her mind – having him inside her.

Sean knew how to rev her engines. Her clit ached, and her sex was swollen and wet with anticipation. She knew enough about physiology to know a woman’s body reacted much like a man’s when it came to arousal. An extra supply of blood routed to the parts necessary for mating, resulting in physical changes as well as mental ones. The physical ones were easy to catalog – increased heart rate, swollen genitals, and dilated pupils. The mental ones were more difficult, but they were there too. Celeste recognized the mounting urgency, knew Sean understood and deliberately stalled so she would be beyond caring where he took her, or how he took her, as long as he relieved the need growing inside. Deep subspace beckoned to her.

The warm salt-tinged air did little to divert her attention. Sean pulled her to a stop mid-ship, and pressed the ball into the palm of her hand and closed her fingers around it. “Warm it. Unless you prefer it cold.”

Querido dios
. “Thank you, Sir.”

She walked beside him blindly, the ball in one hand, her other captured by his. She kept her pelvic muscles clenched as tight as possible. The ball continually shifted inside her. It, more so than the collar, staked his claim on her for the evening. He knew it, and so did she. It only made her want him more.

He led her to Muses, a bar on the Arcadia deck where a live band played vintage dance music. A waitress, wearing a costume of sheer fabric that hid nothing, escorted them to a private alcove near the dance floor. Sean ordered a bottle of wine and a tray of fruit, cheeses and crackers. When the waitress left, he pulled the concealing curtain closed.

“We can see out, but no one can see in. Trust me, I’ve tried.”

Celeste wasn’t so sure, but she was beyond caring. She stood with her eyes downcast, waiting for Sean’s instructions. Sean sprawled on the round chaise like a god awaiting his slave to service him. The waitress returned with their order, and when she’d placed it on a low table next to the chaise and departed, Sean spoke.

“Is the ball warm now?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. You’ve done an excellent job of keeping one in. Let’s see how you do with two.”

Her heart rate kicked up a notch, and her palms grew damp. The band began to play a slow dance. The heavy bass backbeat throbbed through the soles of her feet and traveled along her nerve endings as if she was hooked to electrodes.

“Hand me the ball, and remove the sarong.”

She did as he commanded so she stood before him wearing nothing but his collar.

“Hands behind your head, sweetheart. Eyes on the ceiling.” He shifted to the edge of the chaise, close enough she could feel his breath on her stomach. “Lift your leg, and rest your foot on my thigh.”

She didn’t know if she could do it and not lose the one ball already inside her, but she clenched her pelvic muscles and lifted her foot off the ground. Sean’s hands helped steady her, one on her hip, the other around her ankle, guiding her foot into position.

“That’s good, sweetheart. Now, let me see if you still have the ball.”

Two long fingers entered her without ceremony. They made contact with the ball and eased it as far inside as they could reach. Celeste sucked in her bottom lip and stifled the cry of pleasure his touch invoked.

“Very good. Now let’s fill your sweet pussy.”

She held her breath while Sean slid the second ball inside her and used his fingers to spin it around before he pressed it high and tight against the other one, and she quit trying to fight her need. She slipped into subspace.

“There. Tighten your muscles, sweetheart. Pretend it’s me inside you, and hold me in.”

She concentrated everything she had on her pelvis and clenched her muscles tight. His fingers slipped out, and he guided her foot to the floor.

“Don’t move unless I tell you to. Don’t let the balls slip out, no matter what.”

Celeste stood motionless. She counted the pinprick stars on the ceiling and clenched her full pussy as tight as possible. Sean poured wine into a glass, and as best she could tell, leaned back to observe her. Her legs trembled with the effort it took to maintain the pose. Time spun out into an unquantifiable eternity. At last, Sean moved.

“How does it feel to be filled? Do you want to move? To feel the balls move inside you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Soon. First, I want to touch you.”

His warm hands came to rest on her hips, and from there, explored her torso from her stomach to just beneath her breasts. When she squirmed under his touch, he scolded her and nipped one distended nipple with his teeth. Celeste closed her eyes and bit the inside of her cheeks. Every touch was like adding tender to an already blazing fire. She wanted to touch him too, but understood the waiting, the building of desire, would only increase her pleasure once Sean allowed her to come.

She stood like a statue while he dipped his finger in the wine and painted her nipples, and then sucked them clean again. It was rapturous torture and through it all, she continued to hold the balls inside her clenched vagina.

“Spread you legs for me, sweetheart.” His hands on her inner thighs guided her legs apart until she was almost spread-eagle on her feet. The position increased the exertion needed to hold the balls in, as well as the concentration necessary to accomplish the task.

“Keep the balls inside, and don’t move a muscle.” He spread her outer lips and coated her clit with wine.

She knew what he was going to do then, dreaded it, as well as craved it. When his tongue touched her throbbing clit, it took all her strength to remain stoic. He continued to paint her with wine and suck it off, and she stood stalwart, her hands behind her head, her face tilted to the heavens, her jaw locked and eyes screwed shut and her pussy clenched vise-tight. She fought back the orgasm as he built it, one lick, one suck at a time.

“Don’t come, sweetheart. Not yet.”

He held her open with both thumbs, and his breath fanned across her damp clit. Just when she thought she couldn’t hold it another second, he pressed her closed and guided her legs together.

“Excellent. You may drop your arms now, but keep your eyes on the ceiling.”

Celeste breathed a sigh of relief as blood rushed to her fingertips. It was infinitely easier to hold the balls in when her legs were together. That alone allowed her a brief moment of relaxation.

“Dance for me, Celeste. Hear the music? Put your arms behind you and move your hips to the music. Spread your legs, sweetheart. Keep the balls inside.”

She opened her mind to the music and let it sink into her soul. Her body began to move, tentatively at first, then with more confidence as she perfected the art of holding her pelvic muscles tight and letting everything else go loose and become fluid with the music. The balls shifted with each movement, like riding Sean’s hard cock on a roller coaster. She knew, once she crested the hill, momentum would carry her over the top and rocket her into space.

Chapter Eleven

Sean watched her body twist and writhe to the beat of the music. She’d fought it, but eventually she’d slipped all the way into subspace, that wondrous state where she was completely open to her need. Her need called to him, her trust humbled him. After all this time, she still trusted him to keep her safe, to see to her needs. He’d never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

 Propped on a small mountain of pillows, he should have been comfortable, but his cock pulsed with the backbeat and his little head had taken up a mantra he couldn’t shake.
Take her. Fuck her. Claim her
. The phrase repeated like scratched vinyl, while the band continued to play a slow love song. She was his, always would be, no matter what that asshole Drew thought. The only thing that mattered was that she knew it, that she accepted it wholeheartedly. No doubts. No reservations.

That’s what this night was about, cementing their relationship, so that even if she succumbed to Drew tomorrow, when it came time to choose between them, she’d know there was no choice. Celeste was his.

 “That’s enough.” She stopped but kept her eyes averted. “Join me on the chaise, on your back, knees up and spread.”

She followed his command without making eye contact. When she was in position he added, “Hands behind your head, eyes closed.”

Sweet heavens, she was beautiful. Her skin was as flawless as cream, and the neatly trimmed black hair highlighted her sex like a negative spotlight, reversed dark on light. Her breasts were flawless orbs that fit perfectly in his palm, or in his mouth. He’d never tasted anything as sweet as her berry nipples, and no bee had ever been drawn to a flower’s nectar the way he was to hers.

He moved between her legs, and was brought low by the beauty there. “I’ve got to touch you, Celeste.”

“Yes, Sir.”

God, she was wet and swollen. Her outer lips were as plump and red as a plum. He touched her with one finger, and felt the connection all the way to his balls. He had to have her. Now.

“Relax for me. I’ve got to be inside you.”

“The balls. . . . ”

“Will be fine.” He came over her, and with one hand, guided his cock to her entrance. “Open for me, Celeste. I’ve got to have you.”

The moment her pelvic muscles relaxed, he rammed his cock inside. The walls of her tight sheath stretched and made room for him and the metal balls. She gasped at the sudden intrusion and tensed her muscles again. He held still, propped over her on his hands.

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