Love Me Twice (25 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Love Me Twice
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When Drew’s hand moved south, Sean cursed inwardly. He glanced at Drew’s fingers on her clit. She faltered when Drew touched her, but together they found the rhythm again. Her moans of pleasure were all that kept Sean from ending it. He’d do whatever it took to hear those sounds from her, anything.

Celeste couldn’t believe Sean allowed Drew to touch her breasts. He’d always found such pleasure there. Seeing Drew’s hands on her must be killing him, but she knew he did it for her. She wished she could see them both, touch them. But Sean had decreed otherwise. Not that she couldn’t lift her hands over Sean’s head and remove the makeshift blindfold herself. She could, but she trusted Sean. If he wanted her to see or touch them, he’d remove the restraints himself. Until then, she reveled in the decadence of having two lovers, two magnificent cocks buried in her, filling her, stroking her, loving her.

Drew’s hand wandered lower, found her clit and she lost her concentration. Sean’s hands settled on her hips and helped her reestablish her rhythm. Drew continued to play with her clit, applying, as always, the right amount of pressure at the right time. The tight coil of arousal built layer by layer.

She needed to see her lovers, touch them.

As if Sean could read her mind, he slid the blindfold from her eyes. With gentle hands on her forearms, he lifted her arms over his head and released her hands from his bowtie handcuffs. She blinked her eyes to clear them. Night had fallen, and the only light in the room was from the surveillance monitors at the desk across the room. They lent an irregular, flickering light to the otherwise dark stateroom. Having been in total darkness for a long while, her eyes adjusted easily to the low light.

She rubbed her wrists, unsure what Sean intended. Drew continued his slow, torturous assault on her clit. Both men rocked against her in the easy rhythm she’d established. She raised questioning eyes to Sean’s.

He smiled. “Touch all you want. Look all you want.”

Celeste returned his smile. “Yes, Sir.”

Her fingers traced his lips, and then she bent to kiss him. He met her halfway, taking her lips in a kiss that warmed her to her toes.

She broke the kiss, gathered one of Sean’s hands in hers, and pressed his palm against her lower abdomen and held it there. With her free hand, she reached over her shoulder, wrapped her fingers around Drew’s nape, and pulled his face over her shoulder. She kissed him as she had Sean, showing him how much she loved him without words.

Then she allowed herself the luxury of touch. She slid her hands along her lover’s legs, one hand on Sean’s bare leg, the other along Drew’s trouser clad one. She explored the muscles of Sean’s chest; let her hand slip to the spot where their bodies joined. She applied pressure to the base of Sean’s cock, earning a deep groan from him.

Drew managed to throw off his suit coat and his shirt. Unlike Sean, he had no trouble with the cufflinks. He pressed his bare chest against her back. She loved the feel of him behind her. She leaned to one side, and her lovers supported her so she could finger the spot where Drew’s body became one with hers. Her head fell back, and Drew covered her lips with his while Sean held her, one hand on her hip, the other on her breast.

She’d never felt anything so wonderful. They filled her with love. These two men loved her enough to do this for her. It was a heady and powerful feeling.

Sean took her chin in his hand and directed her gaze to his. “It’s time sweetheart. Let go for us. Find your pleasure, and let us find ours.”

He was right. It was time. The coil was wound tight and only needed her to release her hold on reality to let it unwind. She pressed close to Sean and Drew leaned close, sandwiching her safely between the two men who she loved more than anything else.

Celeste let go. The coil unwound like a hurricane across open sea. It swept her with it into a storm of emotion and physical release. Her body slipped its moorings. She couldn’t keep the rhythm, but her lovers took over for her, driving her into the storm. Waves of pleasure broke over her bow and threatened to take her under, but in the midst of it, she heard two voices calling her name, encouraging her.

“That’s it sweetheart, ride it out,” Sean commanded.

“Let it come darlin’, let it come,” Drew encouraged.

She sailed through the storm, safe in their arms, and emerged sated in the calm of the eye. Two cocks moved inside her, hard still. They’d ridden the storm with her, carried her safely to the other side. Her heart swelled with love for these two.

“Love me,” she whispered.

It was all the encouragement they needed. Drew clasped her shoulders. Sean gripped her hips, and together they took her into the storm.

The End

About The Author

Roz has been married to her high school sweetheart for thirty-two years and is the proud mother of two grown daughters, both in grad school. She divides her time between her home in rural New Jersey, and Los Angeles, where her husband works. She’s never without her laptop and prefers to write with her Labrador Retriever, Betty Boop, by her side. Roz admits she’s addicted to Facebook, chocolate, and travel, not necessarily in that order.

When she’s not clicking the computer keys, she’s either on the road, looking for a new adventure or at the gym, where she claims some of her best ideas come to her while she’s on the elliptical. She confesses some of that has to do with the hot, sweaty men to be found there too, but don’t tell her husband. He thinks she goes there to stay in shape!

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