Love Me ~ Through the Storm (18 page)

BOOK: Love Me ~ Through the Storm
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Craig Wolz is one badass motherfucker and is built like a Sherman Tank. He’s not your run of the mill private investigator, no, he doesn’t have an office or business cards. If he doesn’t want to be found, you won’t ever see him. I’m lucky as fuck, that CJ’s aunt Connie is married to the dude.

At first, I was leery to trust CJ with something so important, but after meeting with Mr. Wolz last night, I quickly changed my mind.  He may be only five foot ten or so but he’s solid muscle from his day of being Special Forces in the Army. I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of one of his fists.

When Mr. Wolz said he’d take my case, I offered to meet him anywhere, I’d come to him, no matter the distance.  So here I sit at the Waffle House out by Interstate 65. Screwing around with Oakley this morning made me run short on time so I skipped eating breakfast to make it here on time.

I watch him pull up in a new souped-up Dodge Charger. I like his style. He strides through the door like he owns the place; he commands attention. Taking off his sunglasses, he glances around, spotting me quickly.

I motion him over then stand and put out my hand, “I’m glad you’re taking my case, Mr. Wolz.”

He gives my hand a firm shake. “Call me Craig, please. Mr. Wolz is my father and makes me sound like an old man.” Craig takes the seat across from me. “CJ told me of your troubles, I think I’ll be able to help.”

I hand over Gretchen’s employee file, “This is the information we have on Gretchen Fortenberry. It appears that CJ has everything in order and was quite thorough. So, even if she was under eighteen, how would I have known?”

“Stupidity isn’t a defense. In Tennessee, even a reasonable mistake of age is not a defense to statutory rape.” He signals for the waitress.

“What if it was consensual? I have a tape that shows her coming on to me, hot and heavy.”

The lady refills my cup of coffee and sets a cup in front of Craig.

“Doesn’t matter. It’s illegal for an adult, someone over the age of eighteen, to have sex with someone younger than eighteen, even if the sex is consensual,” he says matter-of-factly.

“So, basically I’m screwed? If she really was seventeen at the time, I’m going to jail and I haven’t got a libel defense.” I cradle my cup in my hands.

“Look, Kane, I’m not here for your legal defense, I’m not a lawyer.” He opens up the file folder.

I let out a long sigh, “Sorry, man, so how can you help me?”

“First, I’m going to the District Attorney to see what evidence they have on you. Who’s your attorney on record?” He glances over the file asking, “What day was it that the two of you had intercourse?”

“Marshall White is my attorney. Uh, hell if I know when I slept with her. Do you remember every date that you fucked someone? Why the fuck do you want to know that?” I say, clenching my fist. Looking down to compose myself, I notice my knuckles have turned white.

“Because your innocence could depend on it. I verified she turned eighteen earlier this year.” He pulls out the copy of her driver’s license and slides it across the table to me. “So why don’t you see if you can jog your memory somehow.”

“All my videos are time stamped! I’ll get the footage from the studio and check the date.” I motion for my check.

“I’ll get together with White, and we’ll give you a call after we talk with the DA. Until then, stay out of trouble,” Craig tells me.

All I want to do right now is rush to the studio and get that stupid tape. I intended to destroy it a few weeks back but now it could be my saving grace. Finally, me being so meticulously organized is paying off because I don’t have to think about where to look, I can put my hand right on it. This may turn out to be a really good day.

CJ is already at the studio when I arrive, “Hey, man, I thought you had a meeting with Craig this morning?”

“Yeah, over and done. I’m here to get exhibit one. To prove she was eighteen when I fucked her.” I say, walking into my office.

“See, I told you he was good,” he says, following me.

“I’m the one who remembered this,” I pull the video out of the locked filing cabinet then sit at my desk and pop the video in my computer.

“There it is, date stamped for May 17th,” I say.

“From memorizing her file over the past twenty-four hours, I know that she was born in March,” CJ says and gives me a high five.

I pop in a blank CD and copy the file. “I’m keeping a copy of this—the worst mistake of my life—as a backup until this shit is finished. Then I’m torching every motherfucking one of them.” I’m almost giddy as a teenager going out on his first date and as relieved as the quarterback at his girlfriend’s negative pregnancy test.

“We’ll have a party. I’ll bring the keg,” CJ says.

“Man, that’s one party that will be all on me! I’ll gladly invite the whole freaking town.”

“The video was on for the whole shebang so it shows her coming on to you. Awesome!” CJ says, watching over my shoulder.

“What are you two watching?” Oakley asks.

Oh, Shit!
I minimize the screen, “Baby, I didn’t know you were coming by. How did you even know where this place was located?”

“Oh, I have my ways,” she laughs, “CJ, right?” she asks, walking behind my desk to stand next to me.

“Yeah, Baby—Little Sister?” CJ asks, drawing his eyebrows together. “Kane, you didn’t say that you guys were dating yesterday when I was at the police station.”

“You didn’t tell your best friend we were dating?” Oakley slaps my arm.

“CJ, I’m dating Oakley.” I shrug. "There, now he knows.”

“I thought you two were like family. Does it feel like incest?” CJ asks, trying to be funny.

“Gross!” Oakley crinkles her nose.

“You can leave now, CJ.” I point at the door.

“What? Is it too soon to joke about stuff?” He holds up his hands and shrugs.

“Incest isn’t anything to joke about, it’s a seriously disgusting crime, you pervert. Don’t ever joke about something like that around me again. I know someone who’ll cut off your balls.” Oakley crosses her arms and snarls her lips.

“Leave, CJ,” I say, cutting my gaze over to him.

“I’m going, geez.”

“And shut the door on your way out,” I tell him. I pull Oakley down in my lap and kiss her lips.

“What were you watching? Was it one of your pornos? I want to watch it with you. I’ve never watched one.”

“Well, you’re not watching this one, but you can watch any of my others.” I set her up on my desk.

“Why not this one?” she asks while she unbuttons my shirt.

“Because this one is my get out of jail free card. Promise me, no matter what happens you won’t watch this. I don’t want you to watch me with someone else because that can’t be good for a relationship.” I lean to kiss her neck.

“Why were you watching it?” She reaches for my belt.

“I was only looking for the date of the video, that’s all, baby. What brings you by?”

Oakley pulls my belt from the loops.

“I think I like what’s going on here,” I say.

“You do?” She unbuttons my jeans. “I have a small favor to ask of you.”

“I’ll be glad to do you any favors you want.” My zipper goes down.

“So sweet of you to offer. I have an appointment this afternoon with Dr. Fowler and I want you to go with me.” Oakley pulls down my jeans after I stand.

By all means, she needs easy access.

“I told you that I’d take you to every appointment, baby, but why did you pick Dr. Fowler?” I toe off my shoes and step out of my jeans.

Oakley puts her fingers in the waistband of my underwear. “But I need for you to go in with me, please.”

My boxers fall to the floor, “I don’t think you need me to go in with you.”

“Please.” She takes my chubby in her hands and starts stroking.


She releases me and removes her shirt. “Kane…” She unhooks her bra.

I slip it off her shoulders.

“You promised you’d be with me every step of the way.”

Her hands are back on my fully erect cock.

“I’ll go with you, whatever you want.”

“I knew you wouldn’t let me down.” She puts her arms around my neck.

“Never.” I tell her and I mean every word.





Our first session with Dr. Fowler is today. I’ll admit that I’m a little nervous because Kane still doesn’t realize that this appointment is for him, too. In the back of my mind, I fear a tad that this will piss him off so much that he might leave me. But, I’m willing to take the chance because this could be a turning point in his life.

“Oakley and Kane,” the receptionist calls. “Dr. Fowler is ready for both of you.”

“For both of us? What the hell is she talking about?”

“She knows you’re coming with me.” I reach out my hand for his and give him a reassuring smile.

“This doesn’t feel right, baby. What’s going on? Just tell me.” Kane says, taking both of my hands and staring at me intensely.

“Will you just trust me? That’s all I ask, well, that and give this a chance.” My eyebrows draw together. “Kane, I love you with my whole heart. You’re such a good man with a big heart. I want you to have the support you deserve.”

“Oakley, is my mother going to be on the other side of that door?” Kane asks, narrowing his eyes.

“Uh, maybe.”

“Jesus, Oakley! Why? Why do you want me to do this? Why is it so important?”

“Kane, I would give anything to have my parents back. No matter what their problems would be, but I can’t. They’ll never see us get married. They’ll never be here when we have children. Wouldn’t it be nice for them to have a grandparent in their life?” I plead with him.

“You want to marry me? You want my babies?”

My heart just skipped three beats and time has stopped “Yes, Kane, I want everything with you. I’ve always been yours, we just had to wait until the right time.”

“I’ll go in here and give Deb a chance, but it doesn’t change that Ruby is my go to parental person. It goes you, our kids, Ruby, then if Deb shows herself worthy, I’ll fit her in there somewhere.”

“You’re the best, Kane and that’s why I freaking love you.”

“I love you, too, but don’t ever try and pull this kind of crap on me again.” He pulls me to him and gives me a peck on my lips.

“I promise.” I touch my forehead to his then I take a step back and jiggle our hands. “Let’s do this. We own this.”

With that, Kane and I walk into Dr. Fowler’s office to change our lives forever.

Dr. Fowler’s office is a cluttered mess. I’m surprised she can find anything.

“Kane, Oakley, come in please. Sit anywhere that makes you comfortable,” Dr. Kris Fowler tells us with a wave of her hand. She walks to her Keurig coffee maker and pours in purified water from a gallon jug. “Would either of you like a cup of coffee or tea?”

“No, thank you,” I answer her.

“None for me, thanks,” Kane says.

“I’m so glad you decided to give counseling a try, Kane,” Dr. Fowler says, taking her beverage from under the pot.

“I thought this was a joint session?” He looks at me accusingly.

“It is a joint session today, but I would like to meet with each of you separately, if that’s okay.” She says, nodding her head.

Ah, she’s good.

Kane nods his head. “Let’s see what today holds first.”

“I know that I have abandonment issues, and I want to get better,” I tell her.

“Yes, she has anxiety attacks, too.” Kane says.

“Okay, let’s get to work,” Dr. Fowler says. “I’m going to record our sessions if that’s all right with both of you?”

For the next hour and a half, Kane and I both pour our hearts out about our childhoods. Kane, being the sweet loving guy he is, keeps getting tissues for me. Now at the end of our meeting, I feel raw.

Kane is silent on the way home, and I don’t know what to say to make things better.

Kane’s phone rings and he answers it through his Bluetooth. “Go for Kane.”

“Kane, it’s Megan. Kane, I really need your help,” she sniffs.

Oh, great! It’s the baby momma. Just what he needs tonight.

“What do you want, Megan? I’m busy.” He looks over to me and mouths sorry. “And I’m all out of money.”

“Kane…” Megan lets out a little sob.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Kane changes his tone.

“It’s Gunner, he, umm, he’s sick, Kane.” Megan’s crying now, uncontrollably.

“Shh, it’s okay, I’ll be there in just a little bit, okay? Where are you?” Kane asks softly.

“I’m at Jenie’s, and we need your help.”

“I’ll be there as soon as possible,” Kane tells her.

“Okay.” Megan hangs up. 

“Oakley, I’m so sorry, baby. I’m sorry that you have to deal with her. Would you rather I take you home first? She sounds really upset and if he’s my son, I feel like I need to be there.”

“Don’t apologize, Kane. This proves to me the kind of man that you are. I want to go and be there for you.”

“Thank you, that means a lot to me,” he says, pulling in his lips.

He looks even more upset than he was before.

“Who’s Jenie?”

“Oh, that’s Megan’s aunt. She adopted Gunner. They’re good people. You’ll like her.”

Megan first thought that my brother Clay was the father of her baby. Right before mom and dad’s accident, she told Clay she was pregnant, but was getting an abortion. We ended up moving to Alabama and when we came back for a visit about eight months later, Clay ran into Megan. Needless to say, she was about ready to pop. Clay was furious and it almost ruined his relationship with Lizzie. My brother, being the guy he is, tried to get full custody of the baby when he found out, but the paternity test proved he wasn’t the father. So, then Megan pointed her finger at Kane.

Since Jenie had already been on a rollercoaster of being a mom, not being a mom, Kane decided he would just be Uncle Kane to Gunner.



Jenie lives in a middle class neighborhood with large oak trees lining the street. All the yards are landscaped beautifully, and Jenie’s isn’t any exception. There’s a little red wagon sitting on the front walk, making the place look like the picture perfect family atmosphere.

Megan opens up the door and runs downs the walk, throwing her arms around Kane’s neck before we’re barely out of the car.

“Thank you. Thank you so much for coming, Kane.” Megan looks over at me, “Oakley? Oh, sweetie!” Megan throws her arms around me, too. “Thank you both for coming. Come inside, please.”

Jenie has Gunner in her arms, rocking him back and forth in the rocking chair. She puts a finger to her lips, “He finally went to sleep.”

“What’s wrong with Gunner?” I ask.

Megan looks over at the baby with tears in her eyes, “They think he has Leukemia. His team of doctors wants to do genetic testing on both of us.” Megan wipes tears from her eyes.

“When did you find all of this out? Do you need more money, Jenie?” Kane asks.

“Kane, you’re more than generous as it is when you don’t have to give us one red cent. It’s not about the money. We need you to go get the testing done,” Jenie says.

“I’ll do anything you need. If he needs bone marrow, I’ll give him mine.” Kane walks over, placing his hand on Gunner’s head.

I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight in my life than Kane bent down, running his finger down Gunner’s nose.

“Where do I need to be and when?” Kane whispers.


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