Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2)
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Tessa twisted to find a woman with short brown hair falling in different lengths around her slightly rounded face. From the looks of her large belly, she was expecting another soon. "How could you tell that worried me?"

She really didn't know why that was the first thing she asked when she'd just met Mike's sister. The words just came out and all sense of manners left her. She'd been taught over the years to always introduce yourself, unless you were with your husband. Then you waited on him to make the introductions. In her experience, that came only if he felt it necessary.

God, it seemed like she'd lived life a hundred years ago.

"Your face turned paper white. I'm Sophia and I'm taking a crazy guess and saying you're Tessa. I'd say Mike's told me all about you, but that would be a lie. He does seem fond of you though." She laughed and tugged Tessa with her. "Let's go get you ready. We can talk while the men chat."

The fear she'd felt about meeting Mike's sister didn't last. Until they were in the room and she started pulling clothes from a bag.

"So, you like my brother?"

The answer screamed in her head and she worried it came out loud, but was relieved to see Sophia still laying out the clothes and looking at her, waiting for an answer. "I do. He really helped me out by letting me stay here. He's a good man."

Caution. She'd say anything, except what was really in her head. Like the fact she couldn't quit thinking of him, and when he neared, she couldn't stop staring at him. Or when she could smell his soap before he got close. Twice they'd nearly kissed and she should have been relieved both moments were interrupted, but she wasn't. The urge to know what his lips felt like pressed against hers grew stronger every moment she found herself around him.

"Nice way of skirting the question." Sophia held up a pair of jeans. "These might be a little loose on you, but hopefully it helps the length of them on you. Your legs are a little longer than mine."

Tessa tried to hide her embarrassment, knowing the feelings that were forming about Mike more than likely showed on her face. Especially after Sophia bringing the subject up. "I'm sure they'll be fine."

When Sophia left the room, she tried the pants on and found they actually fit better than she imagined considering Mike's sister had more curves. Tessa always wished she had a little more, rather than be a stick.

A simple t-shirt lay on the bed and she smiled. The clothes they wore were so simple, made for comfort, instead of what she was used to having to wear on special occasions. When she finished dressing, she looked in the mirror and for once liked what she saw. She didn't feel dead inside and her eyes showed the difference, too. How amazing to wear something she actually liked! If she told Sophia that she didn't like the outfit, then the sweet woman would've probably found something else. Not that she would've told, but she had a
in the matter.

Not like in the past.

"I'm dressed." She looked up when the door opened and blushed when Mike and Sophia walked in.

"You look great!" The other woman hugged her. "I'm glad my clothes fit this well on you. Anything you need, just let me know. It's not like I'm wearing any of my old stuff at the moment."

She touched her pregnant belly and then gave Mike a scolding look. "Speak and quit staring at her."

Tessa found herself staring at Sophia's belly and touching her own. Having children was a dream she'd long forgotten and she needed to keep it that way.

"You look perfect." He winked at her. "You ready to get to know how crazy my family can be?"

"I'd resent that if it weren't true."

Sophia grabbed her hand and led her out past Mike and downstairs.

The feel of his gaze on her warmed her in ways she couldn't explain. She wasn't sure if she was prepared for his family get together, but she'd try for him.




Chapter Seven



"I can't get out of town this weekend. I have to go, but I'll call you later." Jacob clicked end and turned to find Nick behind him, a huge grin across his face.

Now it will start. The aggravation, the teasing.

Nick didn't say a word, just kept smiling and walked into the living room where everyone was relaxing on the couches. Cooper sat in the recliner with Sophia in his lap. It would be interesting to see her get up with her growing belly.

Mike held Wyatt in his lap on the couch with Tessa on his right, so Nick thought to steal the other free seat on his left, which would put him beside Ryan, who'd taken the loveseat. That wasn't happening. Instead, he just stood there.

"Guess what I just heard?" Nick wiggled his brows. "Seems like Jacob has been going out of town for more than just work."

Mike tore his attention from Wyatt. "Oh really?"

"Yep. I just heard him telling 'his work' that he couldn't make it." Nick's eyes widened and his mouth dropped dramatically as if he'd just heard some unreal news.

"And that makes you think it's not work, because…?" Mike didn't look convinced.

"When do you ever see him leave the room to talk business? He was whispering, too." His twin ignored his 'I'm going to kill you', look.

Jacob rolled his eyes. The taunting didn't really worry him until he noted the glances exchanged between Ryan and Sophia. After nearly two years, he was sure they hadn't seen him that day at the mall. Sophia never said anything and neither did Ryan. Now, he had a niggling suspicion they knew the truth—that just moments ago he was speaking to his boyfriend, not a girlfriend.

No one had a clue—that's what he'd thought. Including Ryan. Had he been a fool to think this?

It wasn't that he didn't trust Ryan to keep his secret; rather, it had more to do with his attraction toward him. Craig attracted women and men constantly, but he didn't have a thing on Ryan. Even if Craig could be an underwear model.

Ryan was just Ryan. Funny, smart, sexy, and he could pull off the country boy look just perfectly. His hair was lighter than Jacob's, and it always hung just right, framing his handsome face. And his smell… Jacob tried hard not to take deep breaths around him. Whatever cologne he wore intoxicated him and drove him insane…

Which was why Jacob stepped over to the bar—away from that scent—and took a seat on one of the stools. If he sat beside Ryan, where their legs would probably touch, he wasn't so sure he could keep himself from sniffing or closing his eyes to enjoy the feel of their bodies being so close.

"Is it true?" Mike asked.

"No. He just assumed as usual." Jacob propped his elbows behind him on the counter. If he just acted relaxed and calm, they'd believe him. He took slow, steady breaths. Everyone knew he wasn't anything like his twin. He could get pissed like both of his brothers, but he could also be the cool one of the three. He proved that by not freaking out when he realized Cooper was seeing their baby sister. Now he had to act as if what Nick just said didn't faze him a bit.

"Sheesh! None of you believe me. Oh well, I'm good with knowing you're finally getting some. I was beginning to worry you were too caught up in your work to care. That's not normal." Nick shook his head.

Mike kicked his leg. "What about you? We haven't seen you with a woman either."

Cooper cleared his throat and jerked his head toward Wyatt. "And I think you should be careful what you say. There are little ears around now."

"I'm pretty sure he's clueless about what they're talking about." Sophia looked up at her worried husband.

"I have been with women. I'm sure a lot more than Jacob here. Though, I don't know for sure since he's obviously been hiding his from us." He shrugged his shoulders. "So they haven't been serious. Sophia cheated by getting married first. I'm a firm believer that we should only get married by age. Oldest first. Looks like Mike is finally giving in to the life of eternity with one woman. And well, Jacob is older than me."

"By a few minutes!" Sophia giggled.

"Wow, Nick. You definitely have an interesting idea about marriage. And once again, YOU don't know when to keep your comments to yourself." Jacob grinned inwardly when Mike and Tessa's cheeks turned red. "Tessa, as you can see, you should just ignore my brother."

The doorbell rang and he jumped up to get the pizza. With the order paid for online, he took the five boxes of pizzas and two boxes of cheese bread after handing a twenty as a tip for the kid.

"Thanks, man!" The youth took off toward his car.

Jacob went to shut the door with his boot but Ryan was there to help. "I got it."

His smell bombarded him. Jacob let him take a couple of boxes, their hands grazing. The simple touch had him clenching his teeth, hoping no one, especially Ryan, noticed what the contact did to him.

The others started with the salads Mike had thrown together last minute. While he waited, Jacob grabbed a beer from the fridge and twisted the top off of the bottle. He lifted it to his lips, spilling it when someone bumped him from behind. "Shit."

He noticed Sophia holding her belly. "Sorry. It's bigger than I realize."

"It's okay. I'm going to change shirts though. Be right back." He didn't want to spend the evening smelling like beer and the truth was, it gave him a moment alone after that stressing conversation his brother had started before dinner.




Ryan couldn't have gotten a better moment to speak with Jacob alone. As everyone went to sit, he took the opportunity to get away. Luckily, the downstairs bathroom was in the middle of remodeling, so he'd have to go upstairs. "I'll be right back. Had too much tea."

The look Sophia gave him proved how close they were. She knew his every thought, it seemed.

Instead of walking straight down the hall, he turned into Jacob's room. The sight of the man standing shirtless forced him to fight to catch his breath again and to keep his thoughts away from places they shouldn't go. Jacob's well-defined muscles bunched and twisted as he searched for a shirt, then he paused when he sensed his presence. Ryan stepped further into the room. "So you were talking to your girlfriend?"

"Not you, too." Jacob scrubbed his hand over his face, shaking his head.

There was no way to ignore that he hadn't found a shirt. "I know the truth. So does Sophia."

Jacob kept his gaze averted. "I have no idea what you're talking about. We should get back downstairs."

Tired of the theatrics, Ryan shoved Jacob against the wall, grabbed his face, and kissed him—perhaps the most idiotic thing he'd ever done, but the greatest, too.

The hot mouth beneath his didn't respond at first and then Jacob's lips parted to accept the attack. Jacob curled his hands on his shoulders, held tight for a moment, then shoved him away. Ryan's legs went out from beneath him when he hit the bed. If only things had gone in the direction he'd fantasized about when he pictured Jacob pushing him onto the mattress.

But no; good stuff just didn't happen that easily. Jacob just stood there breathing hard. Staring.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again," he bit out.

Rejection hurt. As well as the anger in Jacob's tone and in his glare. As many times as he imagined kissing the man, he never thought he'd see such disgust in his eyes. He ignored the pain. "I'm confronting you because your secret is going to hurt everyone around you if you don't open up. It has already hurt Sophia that you didn't trust her enough to tell her."

"Like you have any room to talk. Why are you still trying to keep yours anyways? Everyone knows." Jacob jerked a shirt from its hanger and put it on before exiting without another word.

After Ryan gathered his composure, he went back downstairs and fixed his plate. The only open seat stood across from Jacob and that was a relief. He could just ignore him now, which wouldn't be possible if they'd had to sit beside each other. The conversation going on around him faded in his mind as thoughts raced through it.

Jacob was right. He had no room to talk when he still tried to keep his own secret. Ryan looked up at Jacob and smirked when they finally locked eyes.

"I'm gay."

The conversation came to a complete stop and Jacob's mouth dropped open, along with the fork he'd been bringing to his mouth.




Nick just laughed. "Well, it's about time." He started back on his food as if nothing had happened.

Maybe no big deal for Ryan, but to him— He better not think about it…

So the man's news wasn't really a shock to any of them. Now if he just came on out and said the same thing, he wasn't so sure they'd be as nonchalant about it. There would be pain, too. That's why he kept quiet and his relationship stayed out of town. No one had to know about him, even if Ryan didn't think the same way.

Damn the bastard for pushing the issue. And damn him for kissing him.

"So, when are you going to tell your dad?" If Ryan thought he could just drop a bomb on them and Jacob would then speak up, he was way off the mark. Telling
was nothing compared to telling his own dad, the one man who ignored all the signs and acted oblivious to the truth. Jacob really didn't want Ryan to go through the pain it would cause him to do so, but it pissed him off to think he'd spoken up just to push the truth.

"Soon. This is just the first step. It gets old keeping secrets. Don't you think?" Ryan wasn't backing down from their fight.

Nor would Jacob. "I guess so. I'm glad you feel that way and opened up to us."

He could feel Sophia staring at him and glanced her way. If he ever told anyone, it would be his sister. He didn't fear she'd feel differently about him; it just wasn't her secret to keep for so long. With Ryan, it was just different.

No one had a clue about Jacob and he wanted it to stay that way.

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