Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2)
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Chapter Eight



Mike sat beside Tessa, trying hard not to stare, and failing. The cowgirl hat his sister loaned her fit her as if she were born to be a country girl. He could make it happen if he could get her to realize how good life could be with him. From the way she kept glancing his way, he might have a chance.

"I want to dance." Nick raised a brow at Tessa then looked at Mike. The
'don't think about it'
look seemed to have worked, because he stood to search for another girl to dance with. Not that it took him long. There would come a time when he'd be shit out of luck. That day would come when he finally made it through every woman in town or they came to their senses.

Nick was a complete horn dog to hide behind a jackass façade. When he quit his minor league team, they'd had an idea he'd done so for his ex. He could've gone into the major league, yet he became just the high school coach. He'd told them being an athlete just wasn't what he wanted to do with his life and Jacob and Mike let it go. Especially when they saw how happy he was, being a coach. Most people might think it crazy to give up something so amazing, but Nick loved working with kids.

Nick's ex had moved right after he left town and there were rumors she got pregnant later and married. Nick never handled it well. Six years and he didn't show more than a passing interest in the women he met.

Tessa laughed at something someone said and he grabbed her hand. When she accepted the gesture, he felt the tension in his body float away and nothing mattered but her. As long as she was comfortable, he was okay. They really didn't expect to have any situations arise. Having an officer outside put him more at ease. If Tessa would just tell them what was really going on, then things could be handled. Surely, she could put a restraining order on the person after her.

If he could earn her trust enough, he could really protect her. He noticed the way she studied her surroundings. Not with worry, but with interest. He wanted to kiss her right then. Not that he didn't have the urge to do so constantly; he just really wanted to right then—in front of everyone. He wasn't worried about what people thought. She belonged to him and he'd make damn sure she realized it before she ran away.

He refused to let her go without a chance to show her what was meant to be. Running wasn't how people should live, especially not his Tessa.

"Mike, so you think you're next, like Nick said?"

He'd been so caught up in his own thoughts, he barely caught his sister's question. It took another moment to realize what she meant. It helped when Tessa blushed and turned away.

"His theory is nonsense, but I guess you never know when you're going to meet that someone you're destined to be with," he replied.

Who gave a crap how sappy he sounded as long as Tessa picked up on what he meant?




Tessa really liked Sophia. Which wasn't really the best thing to add along with her growing attraction to Mike. She was growing attached to all of them. His statement about meeting the right person didn't help one bit.

"I'm going up on stage tonight," Cooper, Sophia's handsome husband, said. His whole demeanor showed confidence and protectiveness.

She'd noticed the way he kept his arm around his wife to keep anyone from bumping her. The one guy who came close to even touching her nearly ended up on the floor.

The sight had sadness welling inside her. No one ever cared enough about
to do such a thing. Most people would think Cooper was acting over-protective or controlling. Not Tessa. She saw the adoration in his eyes when he looked at Sophia. She'd just smiled up at him and rolled her eyes when he eyeballed the drunk man.

As Cooper stood, he slapped Ryan on the arm. "Let's go."

Tessa didn't know Cooper, but by the way everyone stopped and watched him get on stage, she figured he must be pretty good. She was both surprised and disappointed when Mike let go of her hand and his chair scraped across the worn wooden floor. But then, he reached out his large hand to her and waited. Barely a breath later, she placed her hand into his and lifted to her feet.

She loved to dance, although not when she had to do so for a good appearance at large charities or business events. Being in a small crowded bar proved a more intimate and casual experience—as if she had a choice. Mike tugged her against his hard body, causing a shiver up her spine. At first she was stiff, unsure if she'd be able to relax. After their almost kiss, it was awkward.

Mike leaned down to whisper in her ear, his lips barely brushing her skin. "Just relax. I recognize everyone here."

The realization that he believed she was nervous about being in danger helped relax her. She wouldn't tell him the real reason. If she gave in to him, she feared she wouldn't be able to leave when the time came. And there was no way around her leaving him. "I'm surprisingly not scared. Not with you."

A true statement. She wasn't afraid of what he thought she was. Not completely. But, she did fear falling for him and getting hurt or for him to get hurt. Unfortunately, she was too late to prevent herself from falling.

He trailed his hands down her back, just above the waist line of the jeans Sophia had loaned her. Both of his thumbs caressed back and forth. She twisted her face from his view and closed her eyes, biting her lip.

The song coming from the jukebox ended and it grew quiet for a few seconds. Her thoughts drifted, then Cooper started singing on the stage with Ryan playing the guitar. "He's really good."

"He is." Mike stared into her eyes.

The intensity in his gaze had her turn away again and rest her head against his chest. "We shouldn't do this."

"Dance?" His voice vibrated against her head.

If only that were the only issue. "You can't look at me like you do. We can't have anything more than you helping me. I can't risk your life."

"You have nothing to worry about with me."

When she heard the clicking of a camera, she opened her eyes quick, recognizing the sound. They'd found her! She nearly ran off, but Mike held her tight.

"It's okay. They show up sometimes if they hear Cooper is going to be singing." He pointed to the stage where they were playing. "This was faster than usual though."

"Oh. He's famous?" She never really listened to the radio much and since running away, she didn't keep up with celebrity gossip.

"Yep. You've never heard of Sebastian Cooper? I thought everyone knew him." He laughed, but ended that quick when he looked around with concern. It's getting bad. Come with me."

The bar crowd was getting out of hand with patrons annoyed with reporters and what looked like some fans. She spotted a group of women with short skirts, low cut shirts, and too much make-up.

Mike led her back to the table, where Sophia looked upset. "This place is getting ridiculous. I've never seen this many people show up like this. Especially so fast. Cooper can't even make it back over here."

Sophia stood and looked like she was about to try and make her way to him. That was something he wouldn't want and when, Tessa looked at him across the way, she caught him shake his head at his wife. She stopped and a redheaded woman in a conservative dress halted in front of her, obviously just realizing who she was.

"Mrs. Cooper, how did it feel to realize your husband cheated on you?" The woman held a notebook and pen in her hands.

Sophia's eyes widened. Tessa grabbed her hand and tugged her away from the journalist, then, Mike showed up to hide them both.

"You need to leave." The aggression in his voice didn't even faze the vulture.




Chapter Nine



Cooper finally made it over to Sophia and froze at the sight of her pale face. "What is it, sweetheart? We're leaving now. I'm sorry. They've never gotten this bad before."

"Sebastian Cooper. I just asked your wife about your recent affair. Were you two having problems? Is the baby yours?" the woman reporter asked easily as if she'd asked if he liked pizza.

That answered why his beautiful wife looked so hurt. He shoved around another reporter who stepped in his way, a bigger man who obviously frequented too many fast food restaurants.

"Who was the woman? Is it another singer? One of your back-ups?" the man asked.

Seeing tears in Sophia's eyes had him fuming. He gripped the guy's shirt and pushed him farther back, then picked her up and carried her out. "You better not believe a damn thing they are saying. I have no clue where that shit came from and I'll be finding out. Believe me."

She lifted her head and he nearly tripped when her eyes held his. "I know it's crap. You're not the first celebrity to have reporters and journalists making up lies just to sell magazines. It just shocked me and I hated that other people in town heard the accusations. I don't want anyone seeing you that way. Even my brothers looked pissed as if they believed it."

He didn't miss the looks they'd given him, but his only concern was the woman in his arms. "Let's get you home. You shouldn't be having to deal with this stress."




Sophia was glad Cooper got her out of there. The crowd had turned insane and the things they said hurt. With every piece of her soul, she believed Cooper, but the shock upset her so much. They'd avoided bad media attention so far and she was thankful for that.

"You're going to be in trouble for shoving that guy." Many times she'd rolled her eyes at his overprotective needs, but not then.

"I don't give a shit. He deserved it. The jerk better be glad I didn't do worse and the other one is lucky she's a woman. If he'd asked the same questions, let's just say it would've ended with you bailing me out of jail."

She hoped his fans ignored the lies. Everything Cooper did was for his family and the fans. Why did others have to make lies up?

Probably because all people cared about was juicy gossip, not about how much Cooper gave to the community and to charities. If people bought magazines and clicked links on the Internet to learn about the true things that showed the good of a person, then maybe lies wouldn't have to be created by the media.

"I love you, Cooper. This will blow over and it will all be okay." She believed this, but wasn't naïve enough to think it wouldn't keep happening. "I said for better or for worse and I meant it with all my heart."

"Yes it will or I'll kick all their—"

"Hush and just say you love me." She laced her fingers with his.

His laughter filled the truck. "Yes Ma'am. I love you too."



Chapter Ten



Mike shook his head at how quickly the crowd thinned after Cooper and Sophia left.

"That was terrible. I really hope she's okay." Tessa still held his hand and he tried not to bring her attention to it.

Ryan came over to them. "She just texted. They were headed home. She said all those things the reporters said weren't true. I must have missed something."

"I'd say so. The damn reporters were rattling off crap about Cooper cheating. I personally don't believe it. The way he loves her and the fact that we'd be fighting over who killed him is enough to prove what they spouted were lies," Jacob said. He looked down at their hands and then at Mike.

Tessa did the same and jerked her hand back, folding both arms across her stomach. He really hoped the pissed off look he gave Jacob proved close enough to chewing him out. Of course, his brother just shrugged his shoulders and then held his arm out for Tessa to take it. "I know it got crazy in here, but would you like to dance with another Johnson brother?"

The jealousy charged at him and landed a sucker punch in the gut. When she took his brother's arm, Mike fisted his hands.

He's just trying to get under your skin and it's working. Asshat.

He caught Tessa's gaze once and then Jacob said something that made her laugh. Mike really liked the sound and sight of her laughter, but selfishly wished he'd be the one to bring it out of her—every time. Not Jacob or anyone else.

Nick propped against the bar beside him and captured his attention while she spun around the floor with Jacob. "Hmmm. You can't keep your eyes off her. Can I expect a sister-in-law soon?"

"No. She's not going to stay." He wasn't an idiot to believe she didn't already have one foot out the door.

"I guess I understand why you decided to let her crash with us considering her situation. Not that I mind." Nick nodded to a girl who gave him a dirty look and shot him a bird. "Well."

"What do you expect after the way you go through women? Concerning Tessa, the house she was in caught on fire, so I offered our extra room. No big deal." He watched her tip the cowgirl hat back. It wasn't her style and he knew it. Didn't mean she didn't look drive-a-man-crazy sexy. He turned to Nick. "Where did your date go anyways?"

His brother just snorted. "She wasn't really a date and she got on my nerves quick. The airhead women are beginning to drive me nuts. I think I'll try someone who can speak in complete sentences."

"So, she found out how much of a hound dog you are and left."

He turned back to the dance floor to find Tessa and Jacob, but only found Jacob arguing with Ryan near the door. Panic set in and his heartbeat sped up with an overwhelming fear hitting him. After one more quick check and coming up empty, he stomped over to Jacob with a sudden need to beat his brother if Tessa wasn't found before he made it. "Where's Tessa?"

They both stopped cold in their argument.

"Calm down. She went to the bathroom." Jacob pointed to the back of the bar.

"I saw her step outside," Max, the bar owner, jumped in the conversation obviously able to hear from the bar with most of the people gone for the night.

He and Jacob both cursed. Mike had the handle to the bar door when it opened. Ice blue eyes stared back into his. "What were you thinking? I thought we talked about being careful?"

Having all eyes on him didn't concern him when his heart pounded relentlessly in his chest. His whole body shook with fear and rage mixed together.

Sirens sounded outside, getting closer quick. Then the door opened again, forcing him to jerk Tessa out of the way.

"Mike! Your truck is on fire. I called it in and they're pulling in now." Zeke, an older officer, spewed quickly. "I didn't see who did it. With all the people showing up for Cooper, there was no way to really keep track."

"Y'all keep an eye on her." He hurried outside just in time to see them putting out the fire. "Shit!"

Seth came over after his truck was free of flames. "I knew you were an idiot for taking her in, and then you bring her out in public."

He scrubbed his face with both hands and shook his head. "Look, don't start with me. This night already turned to shit. I don't need your crap, too. Marcus thought it was a good idea as well. We didn't expect all the extra people to show up. If anyone strange was here, it was impossible to tell with the show of out of towners."

"Whatever. I guess she's innocent, since you were with her when this started." Seth walked away.

Only issue, he wasn't with her the whole time. Not when she'd gone outside alone. He wasn't sure for how long. Could it have been
long? No way … not possible. But it didn't matter, because he still trusted her. He was glad nothing happened to her when she did leave. His truck being set on fire just meant she'd been that close to danger.

Tessa came outside with his brothers and Ryan surrounding her. She looked pissed and worried. "I'm so sorry! Was anyone hurt? Please tell me no." The fear gathered in her eyes proved sufficient to banish any doubts. Her haunted past showed in the way she shook, holding herself tight.

All he wanted was to gather her in his arms, and he didn't stop himself. "No one was hurt. This isn't your fault."

"It is!" Tears leaked down her cheeks. "All of this is my fault. I wanted to leave before anyone ended up hurt or worse. I can't handle it. Not again."

Not again.
There lay the truth. Her situation seemed to be worse than he first realized. She feared for her and other's safety, because she'd already lost someone. Yet, he refused to back down from the fight she had been burdened with.

"Zeke. Please drive us home." He refused to release Tessa, with her quiet sobs against his shirt so painful to witness. If he could kill the bastard causing her to break into pieces, he thought he could do it without remorse. It frightened him how much he wanted to murder the man. "Ryan, will you call Cooper and tell him what happened?"

He hurried off with the phone already to his ear. Jacob and Nick just stood there, waiting.

"The house is already compromised. We could go somewhere else, but I think y'all would still be in danger at home. Can you find somewhere else to stay until we figure out what to do?"

"No," they answered in unison and then Jacob finished, "That's our home, too. Even if you don't stay, we're not leaving it unprotected from whoever the idiot is."

Tessa burrowed deeper into his chest, shaking harder.

"I don't really know more than what I've told you. She either really doesn't know or isn't telling us." He probably should have talked to his brothers alone, but he couldn't let her go.

She tugged as far as he'd let her. "I need to leave. If I go, everyone will be safe. I promise."

"Everyone but you. No ma'am. That's not happening. I'll see y'all at home." Mike maneuvered to the police car and they climbed in the back. As petty as it was, he liked that she wasn't pulling away from his embrace. It felt like he was protecting her from harm and he'd stay that way as long as possible.

The beams of the car lit up the front of his home. Another car sat in front of it. Marcus got out and waited on them.

"I went ahead and checked the house. I haven't seen anything that says anyone was here. When they called about the fire, I figured I'd beat you here. Whoever did this probably wouldn't do something here. At least not tonight."

"Did anyone see anything?" He'd hoped the ride over gave them enough time to find out.

"No." Marcus jerked his head to the side. "Can I talk to you a moment?"

"Will you be okay?" He didn't care to leave her side and knew Marcus had something to say that he wouldn't like. Why else would he ask to speak alone?

She nodded and went to sit on the front porch.

"What is it?" It wasn't right of him to be upset with the officer, but he hated the gut feeling he had.

Marcus glanced over his shoulder at Tessa. "I began a search for arsons from New York that linked with the name Tessa. Her name is Tessa Stenerson. Her…ummm… husband is from a very wealthy family."

The word just floated around in his head, keeping him from being able to speak. He'd had the feeling an ex had been torturing her, but he didn't completely think it through and definitely hadn't fathomed she could've been married.

"Now, they were separated," Marcus reassured.

"That's good to know." The words weren't meant to come out of his mouth, but they did and he was sure Marcus picked up on his sarcastic tone.

"A report from the NYPD stated she'd grown angry and started a fire where she'd thought her ex-husband's location to be. Only he wasn't there, and her friend was. He was killed in the fire, Mike. She denied it and said she'd been in the house when it caught on fire." Marcus placed a hand on his shoulder. "They believed she went in to help her friend when she realized her mistake."

"Why wouldn't they arrest her?" None of this made sense and he didn't believe any of it.

"No evidence. She ran off and started going by another last name. I'm telling you this for your own good. You should let her stay at the station—"

"She stays here. She wasn't the one who set my truck on fire," Mike interrupted the sincere offer. There was no way he'd let them take her away and he wasn't going anywhere without her.

"Are you sure? Was she really with you the whole time at the bar?" he asked with suspicion lacing his tone.

He gritted his teeth. "I'm sure. I'll talk with you later about my truck. Just make sure your officers are keeping a good watch."

Marcus left and when he could barely see his taillights, Mike took a deep breath and twisted around to catch her sitting on his porch. She wasn't there. With the lights on, he could see her through the bay window. She paced back and forth, those arms of hers wrapped around her waist. If she held them there anymore, he wouldn't be surprised if they became stuck. That seemed to be a constant gesture on her part.

They needed to talk. She had to tell him her side of the story. No more secrets.




Tessa felt sick to her stomach. Nothing unusual for her. He was back and destroying her life. Arriving in the small town had almost been a relief. She believed she'd really lost his trail. How stupid to let her guard down. Deep down she'd hoped he'd stop looking.

Why did he care so much? Because he didn't like to lose.

She answered her own question.

"We need to talk." The deep tone made her jump, even though she heard the door open when he came inside.

Loath to look at him, she took a breath to gain her strength and turned to find him closer than she'd realized. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out before he kissed her. A brief touch before he pulled away.

She touched her lips with her fingertips, still wondering if she'd imagined the scenario.

"I had to do that before we talk. You've kept quiet about what's really going on and I've let you. Now I've got to be the bad guy." He crossed his arms over his broad chest, never removing his gaze from hers.

He was kicking her out. It didn't surprise her. Not after she put him and his family in danger. Yet, it didn't make sense for him to kiss her before doing so. "I'll stay somewhere else if I'm still not allowed to leave town. I never meant for any of this to happen. Please believe that at least."

"I'm not letting you leave, Tessa. I just want to know the truth. Please." He still didn't touch her and she was okay with that since she was certain her legs would turn to jelly, sending her to the floor.

She sat down on the couch and waited until he joined her. The heat of his leg made her aware of his closeness. Tears formed in her eyes. It was hard to tell him about Richard. He might've assumed who could be after her, but he could run far away if he knew she was married. "First I want to tell you I'm married. We separated and for sure would be now."

He wasn't shocked and she assumed Marcus already broke that news to him. "I know."

She picked back up with her story, relieved he didn't look at her differently.
. "I didn't come from a wealthy background and lost my mom and only parent before I could finish college. When I got married, Richard's family really didn't approve of me. We were in love, at least that's what I thought. I really don't know if he thought he was at that time or not. He's unable to love. That was finally proven about a year after we were married."

"It's okay. I've got you." The comforting words felt good, but she still freaked out.

She'd practically began hyperventilating in his arms. After a few minutes, she was glad he was patient with her, and she started again. "I planned on leaving him, but he wasn't about to let that happen. He thought that I'd fear leaving. At first I didn't. I was completely ready to be free of him and his family. To them, I was only a gold digging whore and to him, I was brainless arm candy."

"Now that seems like the biggest load of you-know-what I've ever heard. I haven't known you very long and I am without doubt sure that you're no gold digging whore, nor are you brainless." He held both her hands in his and squeezed.

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