Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Lost in Flames (Lost Series Book 2)
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They held tight as the EMT's worked on her. He was close enough to see her. The bloody body inside wasn't her. It couldn't be her. He fell to the ground, tears falling, and he couldn't care less. This was the second time that day he'd gone on his knees for her. "I can't lose her."

The shock held him in a frozen state. Maybe it was in his head, because everything else just couldn't have been real. Not his soul-mate having two EMT's trying to resuscitate her on the blood-stained gurney.

He didn't know how long he was on his knees watching them work on Tessa, but when he heard the words 'she's stable for now', he jumped up.

"He can't ride in the ambulance," the EMT that hopped out and slammed the doors shut said, and then, he was running to the driver side.

Mike hurried to his own truck until he was jerked to a stop. "Let me go!"

The officer didn't let go. "You don't need to drive. Get in my car. I'll get you there."

He did as he asked. It was a risk for him to drive. Especially with his hands shaking and the flashes of Tessa's limp body lifting under the shock of the paddles.

"She was in the trunk. I think that's the only reason she made it this far. It took less damage than the rest of the car."

He knew the officer was trying to distract him and felt thankful for it, but nothing would help until he was sure she was alive, looking at him with her blue eyes. "I was told she wasn't in there. How did the accident happen?"

He cleared his throat. "I was trying to pull him over for speeding. It wasn't until after the accident that we found out he was involved in a possible kidnapping. I'm sorry. I never would've approached him like that if I'd known the truth."

Mike found it hard to accept his apology, even if he knew the man wasn't at fault. He glanced over and saw the name on the badge. "It's not your fault, Officer Pratt. I just need to know she's okay. I shouldn't have left her."

Pratt didn't say another word and Mike realized the man couldn't promise that Tessa would live. From the little he'd seen, it would take a damn miracle. Something he wanted so bad. Something he needed.



Chapter Nineteen



Jacob clicked end on his phone call with Craig. The relationship was over. He ended it quickly and Craig sounded good with it. It was always easier to break up with someone who felt the same way. He could've tried to be a little more respectful, but they didn't exactly live near each other and with their schedules, he wouldn't have seen him for almost a week. That was too long. Maybe he didn't feel the same way as Jacob, considering he just wanted to be single and Jacob wanted Ryan.

As much as he tried to fight the feelings, he couldn't anymore. That's why he was parked right outside Ryan's house, ready to tell him how he felt. Unfortunately, he couldn't move from the fear gluing him to the seat. One deep breath, another, then another, and he gave up on that technique.

"You can do this. Just take the plunge." He didn't think it could really hurt more than never telling the truth.

The door opened and Ryan stepped out. Spotting him sitting there, he stopped on the porch. There was no turning back after that. Jacob got out of the truck and headed toward him, ready to take the plunge.

"What are you doing here?" He locked his front door and seemed in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, I needed to talk, but it can wait." He went to step back out of the way and shook his head. "No, it can't. You were right. I'm going to tell everyone the truth. Starting with Sophia. I've been an ass for keeping the truth from everyone."

Ryan dropped his gaze for a second and then looked back up. "I'm glad you finally see that. No matter what, you won't have to worry about your family not being supportive. They love you and nothing can break that apart."

He had more than feelings and attraction for Ryan. Jacob loved him. And even more with the way he was looking at him right then.

"Ryan, I also need you to know—" His phone rang and he tried to ignore Sophia's ringtone, then Nick's sounded right after. That's when he knew something was wrong, especially when Ryan's began to ring, too. "Hello?"

"Hey! You need to get to the hospital. Tessa has been in an accident and we're heading that way now. Mike is already there; Marcus just called us. Her ex had her in the trunk of a car when he tried to escape the cops. All I know is they wrecked and it's not good."


Ryan's eyes grew big and he hung up at the same time. "Sophia told me. Let's go."

He hurried to his truck and Ryan followed. On the drive, he couldn't stop his hands from shaking. His brother loved that girl and she was already becoming family. They all thought everything was going to be fine since her ex was locked away. "This doesn't make sense. Mike can't lose her."

Ryan didn't say anything; he just covered his shaking hand.




"I know." Ryan couldn't imagine losing someone he loved and wanted to spend his life with. It was obvious Mike loved Tessa and if she didn't survive the accident, he'd blame himself. If any of them had been in his shoes, they'd do the same.

When Jacob turned his hand to put theirs palm to palm, Ryan hated he didn't pull away. He wanted what they had to be real, but it was too late. He'd had a blast with Harrison, and even had plans over the weekend to have him in town. Sophia wanted to meet him, and he wanted him to meet her. The feelings for Jacob would always be there and he couldn't change that, but he had to fight this. Harrison was a good man and he deserved to have someone who cared for him.

They'd just started seeing each other and it could end or it could last forever. Ryan didn't know and honestly didn't care as long as he could be happy and not lonely anymore. "I know this probably isn't the time or place, but I want you to know I'm proud you want to come out. It's great, but you should do it only if you want to. Not because I was pushing you or anything. I've always had feelings for you and it was stupid. I've dealt with that and have met someone."

Jacob jerked his hand away and gripped the steering wheel. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I just wanted to comfort you. You didn't grab my hand." He studied Jacob's face and saw the tightening of his jaw. "I just thought I'd tell you so you weren't worried I'd make a move again or anything. And I didn't want things to be weird or for you to feel bad for me."

"I understand. I'm glad you're happy." Jacob smiled.

Ryan decided Jacob's smile didn't reach his eyes because of everything happening with Tessa and ignored any other reason that could have caused it.



Chapter Twenty



Mike tried to be strong, doing everything in his will power to keep from screaming, punching a wall, or just falling to his knees. He prayed over and over; he watched the doors they rushed Tessa through and was up every time they opened. The pity in the nurses' eyes was enough to make him want to yell. They told him nothing and time seemed to stretch indefinitely, making his wait seem like forever.

"Mike!" Sophia hurried toward him with Cooper holding her hand, makeup smeared on her face from crying. "I'm so sorry! Have they said anything?"

Shaking his head was the only answer he could give. If he spoke, he'd break, and they wouldn't be able to make out the words. He had no will to try. Not until he knew Tessa was safe.

His brothers were right behind her, along with Ryan and a few officers. He ignored them. When they'd said Richard was in jail, he and Tessa had dropped their guard and came back to town. They could've stayed away or if they knew there was still of chance of danger, he never would've left her side. The woman he fell in love with could die.

His future wife.

Marcus came toward him and he mustered all his strength and will and walked away. He prayed Marcus got the message. His fists balled, he watched the doors. Sophia grabbed one of his hands and kissed it, but her gesture didn't loosen the tension.

"Everything is going to be okay."

He prayed she was right. "She has to be." Tears slipped down his cheeks and he moved around the corner, away from the audience. It didn't matter once he was out of sight. He fell against the wall and slid down until his head rested on his knees.

The sobs broke through and he covered his face. Sophia had followed and just held his head, stroking his hair back, just like their mother used to do. "She was supposed to be at home, safe. I left her alone to fend for herself."

"Stop. You didn't know her ex wasn't really in jail. None of this is anyone's fault but his." She sniffled, making her stern tone obsolete.

The doors swished opened again and this time, a doctor came out. He looked around, and Mike jumped up and rushed to him when he realized he was looking for him. "Is Tessa okay?"

If the Lord was real, then she would be. The doctor looked at her chart, and then back at him and asked a question that nearly had him on the ground, crushed by growing impatience.

"Are you a relative?"

"I'm her fiancé." He bit his tongue to keep from getting arrested for assault. "How is she?"

"It was touch and go at first, but we were finally able to get her stable. She has a few broken bones, a concussion, and we managed to stop the internal bleeding. At this point, it's wait and see, but I'm confident she'll pull through," he reassured them with a smile. "She's being kept unconscious for a little longer to keep her calm and to give her the needed rest. You can see her if you want. I'm sorry, but only you can go in."

"It's okay." Jacob nodded. "Go on. She's a strong woman after everything and she'll be okay. Go be with her. And congrats."

They all hugged him and he kept ignoring Marcus and the other people around. Except for the one who'd driven him to the hospital, who stayed even though he didn't know them, and now had a look of relief on his face from the news. Mike gave him a courtesy nod and then followed the doctor back to Tessa's room.

There were so many tubes and wires, he panicked. "If she's going to be okay, why does she need all this?"

"She's being given something to help her sleep and for pain. If she wakes before we stop giving her the medication, she'll be groggy and won't stay awake long." The doctor looked at the screen beside her bed, noting the steady rhythm displayed there, and gave a wary nod before returning his gaze to him. "The next twenty-four hours are critical and we'll be in and out periodically."

Mike gave a quick jerk of his head in understanding and when he was alone, he walked over to the bed and had an insane urge to kill Richard all over again. The man had been a lucky SOB for dying in the wreck. Mike hated the thoughts going through his head, but he could be a sadistic person when it came to his family. Hopefully, he'd never have to worry about being in that situation again.

The rise and fall of her chest proved she was alive. She'd survived the worst. He, on the other hand, felt like he'd been put through a meat grinder. He picked up the hand that wasn't wrapped up. Every bit of him craved for her to show signs of a response.

The bandage around her head hid her beautiful blonde hair, and bruises marred her pale skin. God, how he wanted to switch places with her. "Tessa, you have to stay with me. I hope you know that I wouldn't survive without you. I love you, and when you're out of here, we are getting married. No exception."

The door opened and a nurse came in. He refused to move away, but watched everything she did. His fiancée was vulnerable and he'd let no one harm her. Even if this meant no sleep for the next twenty-four hours. He did that often with his job, so he could do it now to make sure his love was safe and to be there when she woke up.

As he sat there alone, with only the sounds of the bed moving ever so often to change her position and the noises outside the door, he pictured her walking down the aisle in a white dress. She'd be breathtaking and if his knees held up, he'd be lucky. She had to survive. If that day didn't come, he'd dream of it forever. He enclosed her hand with his when he kneeled on the floor beside the bed and prayed—the first time in so long that he took a moment to do so.

He opened his eyes and rested his head gently against her side. She wouldn't wake until they let her, but he stared at her closed eyes and just waited. It was all he could do at that point.




Tessa kept her eyes closed as she listened to the sounds of the hospital. It wasn't until the memory hit her that she blinked them open to see where she was and who was there. Richard wouldn't have brought her to a hospital. He'd have let her die before doing so. When she found Mike, she started to speak, but her throat proved too dry to get anything understandable out and the cotton mouth didn't help.

So, she just stared at him with his head resting against her. The circles under his eyes gave her pause, careful not to wake him up. He was there for her. She loved him so much more in that moment and knew her feelings would only grow from there. A nurse walked in and smiled at her. Tessa shook her head and then looked around until she saw a cup.

The nurse picked up on what she wanted and instantly got her some ice water and held it against her lips so she could drink. The liquid felt like heaven sliding down her throat, so soothing, and also helped with the cotton mouth a little.

"How are you feeling?" the woman asked quietly to keep from waking Mike.

Like crap, but could be worse, considering what she'd been through. "I'm just happy to be alive."

She wanted to ask what had happened to Richard when Mike stirred. The nurse smiled and left the room. She was grateful for the privacy. After thinking she'd never see him again, she needed a moment.

"Mike." She went to raise her right hand until she saw the cast and winced. Instead, she tugged the one from under his head and lifted it to brush through his hair. "I love you."

He mumbled and then his eyes popped open and he was on his feet. "Tessa! How are you? Do you need anything? Thank God you're awake!"

She must be heavily medicated since she didn't hurt as bad as she ought. And who knows whether it was the meds causing the tears and laughter at the same time or just all the emotions bombarding her at once? "I'm okay. I didn't want to leave you, Mike. Please don't hate me for leaving you."

He cocked his head, his mouth falling slightly open.

The loss of words didn't settle her twisting stomach. She dropped her gaze to the suddenly very interesting hospital bedding and began picking at it with her good hand. If she looked up, the tears brewing in her eyes would start to fall. She squeezed them shut and refused to look up when he grabbed her hand.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I know he forced you to go. You were in the trunk of the car when he wrecked, which was the only reason you survived. The rest of the car was pulverized." He touched her chin softly. "Please look at me. Your face is bruised and I don't want to force you to show me those beautiful eyes."

She opened up and saw the tears in his eyes, too. What babies they both were! It hit her then, what he just said. "If the car was destroyed, then that means Richard is—"

"He's dead. You never have to worry about him hurting you again. Not that he'd have ever gotten another chance if he had lived." The veins in his neck strained against his skin.

"Calm down." She attempted to lean up but it was pointless. "I can't come to you, so get over here and kiss me."

The stiffness in his body relaxed and he moved in. She savored the kiss, ignoring the slight stinging from what she assumed was a busted lip. A little pain was worth the extraordinary pleasure she felt when his lips connected with hers.

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