Lessons of the Heart (13 page)

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Authors: Jodie Larson

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Lessons of the Heart
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As I’m unpacking my suitcase, my phone beeps in my purse. Knowing who it is, I quickly swipe at the screen.


Hi? I give him my phone number and all he types is hi? What the hell?

Another message comes through, this time making me laugh.


I settle against the headboard of my bed, barely noticing how comfortable I am in having this conversation with my former teacher. Can I call him a former teacher?
Don’t think, just feel
I tell myself.


His response is almost immediate.






Whoa. That’s probably the first time he’s ever directly said anything like that to me. Yes, we’ve been dancing around it, saying we feel something toward each other but nothing this direct, at least not that I can remember saying out loud. My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I type my reply.






There’s a knock on my door and I smirk, knowing who’s going to be on the other side. I open the door wide and am greeted by his hands cradling my face. His warm breath beats on my lips followed by the gentle brush of his mouth against mine. He steals my breath on a gasp and I succumb to the kiss, grabbing his biceps to keep him close. His fingers thread through my hair as his tongue explores my mouth, gently probing inside with slow, deep licks.

This kiss consumes me, igniting a fire within that cannot be extinguished. It’s everything I want from a kiss and more because it’s from him. I can feel his heartbeat against my chest and I fight the urge to drag him into my room.

We slowly pull away, keeping each other in our sight. With a gentle brush of his lips against my nose, he smiles and backs away.

“That is a proper goodnight,” he says, swiping his key in the lock.

“Uh huh,” is all I can say. He’s kissed me speechless, which is quite the feat I must say. I’m always the girl who knows what to say and when to say it. But as this beautiful man stands across the hall, looking at me as if I’m the only person in the world, all my words are gone. Nothing is left. The only thing that remains is him.

“Goodnight, Britta. Get some sleep.”

“Uh huh.”

I’m left with his quiet laugh as his door shuts and latches, leaving me standing in the doorway in a stupor. He just kissed me to within an inch of my life and then left me to dwell on it. Turning back into my room, my head fuzzy and dazed, I lie on my bed and stare at the white ceiling above me.

He likes me.

I like him.

He kissed me.

He’s the best kisser I’ve ever kissed.

This is bad.

I’m so fucked.

night of tossing and turning, being unable to get the kiss out of my head long enough to settle my body down. Damn his perfect lips, his perfect face and eyes. Damn him for being a teacher and not meeting him six months from now when we would be able to make a go of it.

My phone beeps next to me and I run a hand down my face, still trying to wake up. I glance at the screen and roll my eyes at Penny’s name.




I look at the clock and register that it’s only seven.


My phone rings and I’m guessing she has more to say than what she’ll be able to type.

“So Trav and I want to get a head start on wandering around today. Can you be ready in an hour?”

I fall back onto my pillow and throw my other arm over my eyes. “Do I have to? I mean, can’t I just meet you somewhere later today? I’m exhausted and would like to just veg for a while.”

“I don’t want to ditch you here in a hotel by yourself. That wasn’t my intention when I invited Travis to come along.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m a big girl. I can entertain myself just fine.” I look over at the door and smile, thinking of how I could pass the time if I had the chance. “How about we meet up for lunch or something later? Let’s say around one?”

Rustling and giggling come over the line and I hold the phone away from my ear slightly due to her high-pitched squeal.

“One sounds fine. How about that café down the street?”

“Your favorite one with the kickass panini?” I ask.

“Yep, that’s the one.”

I nod. “Sold. I’ll meet you there at one. This way you guys can have some time alone together. If anything changes or you need more time, just let me know by noon so I can plan accordingly.”

“You’re the best Britt. Love you lots.”

“Love you too. Bye, nut job.”

I hit end call and place the phone back on the table next to the bed. Now I’m fully awake when I don’t need to be. God this sucks.

Another beep of my phone and I’m half tempted to throw it across the room. I just want to get some sleep but I’m happy to see the newly saved contact name on my screen.







I wait for his reply while twirling the phone between my fingers. What is taking so long for him to respond?

The knock on my door is the answer to my question. I throw the covers off me and pad barefoot over to the door, holding it open just enough to look at the impeccably handsome man staring back at me.

“Morning,” he rasps. Man, his early morning voice is sexy.


“Can I come in?” He shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels. How can I say no to that?

I open the door and stand to the side, staying partially hidden behind it. James walks past me and I fluff my hair slightly as I secure the door again. I turn and find him standing in front of my bed, just staring at me.

“Um, I’m going to go in here for a quick second. Be right back,” I say, pointing to the bathroom.

He doesn’t say anything, just nods his head and smiles. I quickly dash inside and begin to make myself halfway presentable; brushing my teeth and hair and trying to make more of the tank top and sleep shorts that I’m wearing. A futile effort but I have to try. My choices are to have half of my ass hanging out or most of my stomach showing. I opt for the stomach, the lesser of two evils.

When I walk back into the main room, I find him sitting on the edge of my bed, his hands folded neatly in his lap. He’s wearing jeans and a sweater, perfect for the early winter weather. I know technically it’s still considered fall, but it is positively freezing outside. But his sweater looks nice and warm and soft that I want to just cuddle up next to him and nuzzle my face into his chest.

James clears his throat when I lean against the wall and twist my fingers together in front of me.

“Are you going to get dressed?”

I look down and smirk. “I am dressed. See, clothes?”

He shifts on the bed and looks mildly uncomfortable. “I can see that. There’s not a whole lot there, though.”

I roll my eyes and walk closer to him. “I’m covering all necessary parts. Nothing is inappropriately showing.”

He runs a hand over his face and I sit on the corner of the bed, far enough away from him so he doesn’t completely lose his shit. He’s uncomfortable, I can tell, but at the same time I can feel the need radiating off him. James looks everywhere except at me.

“Do I make you nervous?” I ask quietly.

He turns his head and smirks. “I think I answered that question last night. But just in case you weren’t sure, yes, you make me nervous. Especially when you’re barely dressed and looking how you do at this moment.”

“And how do I look?”

“Are you kidding me?”

I shake my head, genuinely wanting to know what he’s thinking.

“You look radiant, sitting there with your messy bed hair and wild eyes that still have a touch of sleep to them. Like you’re just waking up from a dream. Seeing you this way is better than any other time I’ve looked at you. Even more than homecoming night when you were dressed in your finest. This simple look, this everyday look, is when you’re at your most beautiful.”

A flush creeps upon my cheeks. His words are so beautiful, so perfect, and they make my heart twinge slightly with a mixture of delight and fear.

“Why do you have to be so sweet?” I whisper.

James inches toward me and tucks some hair behind my ear. “I’m not always sweet. I can be an ass sometimes and also have some possessive qualities that may not be as flattering as they could be. I’m jealous and moody when things don’t go my way, but I’m also faithful and understanding and patient. So very patient because when I look at you, I know that I need to take my time to do this right. Screwing this up by going too fast is not something I want to do.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat and turn to fully face him, hitching my knee onto the bed. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

He swallows hard and wipes his hands on his jeans. “You don’t have to say anything you don’t want to say. I told you last night I like you and today I’m saying it out loud, just in case there was any confusion. I know things are going to get…tricky…with this. And I know you said before that you’re not looking for a relationship. And I get it. I do. But I’ll wait until you are because the way I feel when I’m around you, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I’ll be patient for you.”

“You’re unbelievable, you know that? Not many guys are like you. If there isn’t some instant satisfaction or gratification, they bolt without looking back. But you know there’s a mountain to climb and you’re willing to scale it until you reach the peak.” He opens his mouth, but I place my index finger against his lips to silence him. “And I get jealous too, so I understand where that comes from. Such a weird byproduct of emotions between two people. Moody I understand. I am a high school girl. Drama comes with the territory, even though I like to surround myself with people who live without it.

“And what we’re thinking of doing? Of possibly pursuing at some point in the future, be it immediately or later on down the line? It’s crazy. But I get it. I understand how you feel because I like you too. So much that I’m addicted to you and it scares me. I worry every day that others can see it written across my face or read into the smiles I give or the tone of my voice. I’m afraid that someone will find out that I enjoy kissing you and everything will be destroyed.”

He moves even closer, our knees touching. “No one will find out. Nothing will happen.”

“You don’t know that,” I whisper.

James tilts my chin toward him. “You’re right. I don’t know that. But I know that I would move heaven and earth to not let it happen. I’ll protect you, whatever the cost.”

“This is crazy.”

“I know.”

“You’re going to be bad for me.”

He smirks. “I know.”

“But I like you anyway.”

“I know.”

Our lips connect in a chaste kiss, letting go of everything else to see where this is going. We cannot fear what isn’t there. There are only obstacles if we make them and we’re going to try like hell not to let any appear.

I smile against his lips and enjoy the warmth of his minty breath against them. “I think I better get dressed now.”

His green eyes connect with mine and a low rumble echoes through his chest. “Please hurry. That tank top is killing me.”

Laughing, I get off the bed and grab some clothes out of the dresser. “Funny. I thought it’d be the shorts that did you in.”

The heat of his stare burns my skin as he devours every inch of available flesh before him; my feet, my thighs, the tops of my breasts. Every piece is singed by the fire showing in his eyes.

He clears his throat and I laugh. “Those too.”

I shake my head and walk into the bathroom to put him out of his misery. Boys are such simple yet crazy creatures.

Ten minutes later I emerge fully dressed with my hair pulled back into a low, messy ponytail draped over my shoulder. “Better?” I ask, giving him a twirl.

“Much,” he says, standing from the bed. His soft lips press against my forehead and I smile at the simple gesture.

“Now you can take me out for breakfast,” I say.

He laces his fingers with mine. “Is that so? Maybe that wasn’t my intention at all when I texted you this morning.”

“Pfft. Whatever. Come on,
Mr. Dumont
, we need to eat.”

Those green eyes flash again and I giggle as I grab my purse and head toward the door. He stops me by tickling my sides, creating a loud snort to escape. I bang my head against the door while still laughing, enjoying the similar sound of my assailant.

“That was not funny,” he says, slowing his ministrations against my body.

I gasp for air and look over my shoulder before opening the door. “I thought it was hilarious.”

We walk into the hall with our residual laughter dying away slowly. My stomach hurts but in a good way, and my legs feel shaky but not from the tickling he just gave me. No, it’s more from the fact that he had his hands on me. Something so easy as that can mean so much.

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