Lassoing His Cowgirl (5 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: Lassoing His Cowgirl
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I almost let it slip what Kevin did. I didn’t realize how angry that would make David. I got out of there just in time before he could ask me again. Knowing that I was madly in love with him, I couldn’t lie, and I know he would have gotten into trouble. He was just as hotheaded as my brothers. Mom, Kara, Christine and I took in a chick flick and it was great, now it was time to head out to the mall. I had been all giddy, I was going to buy some sexy underwear for my man, my man the thought had me smiling. I have hope for us.

We were driving down the road from the theater when I swear I saw David talking to a pretty blonde whore dressed in a short and tight ass suit skirt, then they hugged. I almost started crying, but I knew he wasn’t there. He was back at the ranch so I had nothing to worry about. Just being in Dallas made my fears and insecurities come back. I shopped my heart out for my man.

It was late when we got back and I forgot to turn on my phone. When I did I seen I had two text messages:

‘Baby, its David call me when you can. Had to go to Dallas, then back to Chicago.’

‘I miss you. I hope you have fun. Call me. Or I am going to worry.’

I walked into the house blindly. My dad asked how the shopping went and I didn’t hear any of the conversation.

“So you miss him already. Damn the man will be back in a few days.” My dad said smilingly, but he didn’t leave for business. He left to meet his sophisticated lover.

“I don’t miss him and frankly I am glad he is gone. I have to call him and tell him to stay gone.” I left before I let my tears fall. I am sure everybody thought I was fucking insane, but he just proved to be like the rest.

I got up to my room and cried on the bed. It was two minutes later that my phone was ringing and it was him. “Baby, do you mind telling me why you didn’t call me back? You can’t be mad at me, I had to go. I will be back in a few days, or maybe you could come here.” The snake sounded all sweet and loving, just like the rest, I knew it.

“That’s not going to work. We are not going to work.” I was firm, thinking of him with her and well I just stuck to my guns, no matter how painful it had been.

“What the fuck?! Is this about me leaving without saying goodbye? I had to go. Shit Evie, I tried getting a hold of you.” I could hear the angry pleading, but they always try to plead their case.

“No it’s not that. I am not looking to move away and I know that your work is in Chicago. So it will never work. I won’t be happy there and it will just end terribly. Let’s stop this before it goes any farther. Goodbye David.” I hung up as my heart broke.

The next week had been the roughest of my life. David had called me once the next day, and I told him it was never going to happen and just to leave me alone, so he did. Nothing here was good anymore. I loved the ranch. I thought I would live here forever because it was perfect, not now. Now it was nothing, but a haunted place to me. All I saw was David. I couldn’t even ride Star Fire anymore. I thought about all the times he went riding again with me in that week because it was something I loved to do.

“Baby, I am going to do what makes you happy. You like riding and despite the fact that my ass hurts in a way I never thought it would, I actually enjoy it.” I smiled as he rubbed his ass before climbing up on his horse. Damn, I couldn’t control the flood gates and I cried myself to sleep.

I had sat in my room on the verge of tears again for the sixth day in a row, when in walked Mom, Kara and Christine.

“Are you stupid, sitting here moping? You have a great guy who wants you.” Christine cried, I thought look who was calling the kettle black, she just settled things with Kara’s cousin Will.

“Some great guy, we passed him hugging some bitch in Dallas, while supposedly left on business.” I shouted out furious that no one understood my pain.

“Wow! You and Ryan are really related aren’t you? How about you talk to him and find out why he was giving some woman a hug.” Kara said shaking her head in disbelief.

“Why, he doesn’t even want me. He hasn’t called since the first day. He didn’t give up the whole time he was here. He goes back home and now I guess a country girl is nothing anymore to the city girls.” My past engulfed me and this was breaking me to pieces.

“You need to get over that bullshit. That loser cheated on you, big deal, it happens to lots of women and men. The man is in love with you. David called your father the other day to see how you were. Don’t be stupid like your brother! I can’t see you go through this too. All my kids, I don’t get it. Your father and I have given you the best example a loving couple and you all let things from your past dictate your future.” My mother said shaking her and hands in frustration. Wow, I guess I might want to get some answers.

I took a shower and got dressed, when I got my socks on my phone rang. Its Ryan’s number. I am sure he is calling to yell some sense into me too. I was starting to feel I was wrong about David and that I really fucked this up.

“Hey bro, how’s it going?” I said before he could respond.

“It’s Stacy. I just got off the phone with your mother and you are so wrong about my brother.” She was angry at me, then she softened again, “Please don’t pull a Ryan. If you really care for my brother you would be here working it out.”

“Everybody says that, but after the last time I spoke to him he just gave up.” I felt defeated and sad because he didn’t fight like I thought he would.

“Well, yeah he and I talked about it last night. Do you know about our family?”

“Yeah a bit, your mom left your dad and moved to England and had another family.”

“Yeah that’s right. But what you don’t know was that my father worshipped my mother and she left him because she didn’t like the life she had. She didn’t want to be stuck in a middle class family with two kids, and I had my own issues with her abandonment and David had his. He doesn’t want to be my father, to love a woman and not be enough for her to stay. You said that you didn’t like the city and he has the fear that if he forces you to come that you won’t stay. If you want to come willingly then I am sure you could never get away from him.” I sat stunned, I shot myself in the foot with my stupid mouth. Ben always said it was going to get me into trouble one day. It sure has.

“Stacy, I am sorry. Is there any way I could come and visit you and maybe he and I could talk?” I had tears swimming, hoping I wasn’t too late.

“Of course, you are my sister now, and Ryan wouldn’t have it any other way. Just keep my brother happy and that is all that matters.” She was all sweet on the phone and I knew why my brother loved her so much.

Chapter 7:

I never worked so hard at the office making deals left and right. I came up with ten new software options and shit, but I was feeling like my world was fucking standing still. I called her dad and he told me she was not herself, but it really didn’t matter because she still didn’t want our life together. I was tempted to move my company down there, but that would take time and I didn’t want to put people out of work just to have the woman I loved.

I have to go to Stacy’s and pick up my car I left there when I was too drunk to drive home last night. I am going to take a cab and stop in and say hi. Stacy isn’t working anymore and is always home. It was only noon when I pulled up and a truck I hadn’t seen before was in the driveway blocking my car. I used the code to get in the house and what I saw next set me the fuck off.

“What the fuck is going on?!” I ran up to the fuck who had his arms around Evie, pulled her away from him and punched him straight in the fucking mouth.

“David leave him alone!” Evelyn shouted, her words pissed me off. She left me and came here for another guy. Fuck, it was like the cosmos wanted to deal me a deadly blow. Was it pay back for killing Stacy’s rapist?

“I told you what would happen if I caught you with someone else.” I was fucking see red and I turned back to the fuck, who was back on his feet and wiping the blood from his mouth. “Here I was willing to move down there to make you happy. This is fucking bullshit!” This man was dead when I got a hold of him after they left. All different ways of disposing of him flooded my mind.

I was about to run out the door to my truck and grab my gun, when the lover boy spoke, “So this is David.” Was this fuck demented or something didn’t he realize I was fucking on the verge of beating him to death.

“What’s that supposed to mean you stupid fuck?” I was all in his face when Stacy, Ryan and Jackie ran into the room.

“David calm down. This is Jackie’s boyfriend.” Evie said trying to call me down.

“What the fuck was he doing with his arms around you then?” I was fuming, he had one sister and now he is trying to get the other.

“Well since you ruined the surprise you crazy fuck. Seriously, I thought Ryan was certifiable, Stacy, but your brother is nuts.” He turned to Jackie and got down on one knee.

“Jacqueline, I love you no matter how crazy you make me. I want to spend the rest of my life getting crazier and crazier. Just don’t make me as crazy as this fuck please. Will you marry me?” Damn, did I feel like a prick or what.

“Oh Matt, I plan to drive you crazy for the rest of our lives and even afterward too. Yes, I love your annoying ass! Yes, I will marry you!” Jackie was squealing with her happiness. I turned and watched as Evie smiled on with tears in her eyes. “Besides who nearly killed my boss? You men are completely nuts without us adding fuel to the fire.”

“Bullshit that outfit you were wearing and the way he put his hands on you. He deserved what he got.” We all watched as the two bickered about these women making us insane. I turned to my woman. She was here and I needed to know why. Last time I thought she did something for me she went to flirt with another motherfucker. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t misinterpreting this shit.


I arrived in Chicago just before ten and took a taxi to their house because I didn’t give anyone my flight details. I just got to their house, and they were having a small get together. I was afraid David would be there. I didn’t look that good getting off a plane that I got on in a hurry after barely surviving a week without him. I rang the doorbell and my burly handsome brother was all smiles when he answered the door.

“Baby sis, I am so glad you came.” Ryan hugged me hard and I needed it.

“Is he here?” I asked nervously.

“No he is not, but if you want me to have him come by I am sure he will be here in a hurry.” He squeezed me again and escorted me into his home. “Guess what? Jackie and her boy Matt arrived.” He didn’t sound so happy about it.

“Doesn’t he work with you?” I thought it was the same guy that they had spoken about so many times over the years.

“Yes they have been sneaking around for a while now.” It was clear that he was pissed about it. I went in and we were all having a good time. Just a little less than an hour later, Ryan went to go show Stacy something in the bedroom. Yeah, I know what he wanted to show her and Jackie had to go to the bathroom, again, it was like the third time in the last hour. It was then that Matt was all giddy and told me that he was going to ask Jackie to be his wife. I was so excited I jumped in his arms and hugged him, just as David walked in. Seriously all hell broke loose. I thought he was going to kill him.

Thankfully he turned his anger on me briefly. God, how I love this man. Was it insane that I was wet with excitement when he got in my face? I am sure it makes me insane, but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.

Once Matt and Jackie stopped sniping at each other, all of us congratulated Matt and Jackie. My certifiable man apologized to Matt before he started on me.

“So why are you here then? I thought this is not where you wanted to be.” Wow, the sting in his words, cut deep.

“I saw you in Dallas hugging that woman.” I blurted out why I pushed him away.

“Seriously, that is why you have been making me live through hell?” His shock and fury kicked up a notch.

“Well look what you did to my future brother-in-law! Would you have liked it if I jumped out the truck and pulled her back by the hair and popped her in the mouth?”

“No, because she is a few months pregnant with her husband’s baby, who by the way was standing right by her. They were a part of the team who Mike needed me to work with and they both had gone to school with us. I will introduce some time when we go back down there.”

“What makes you think I am going anywhere with you, you jackass?” Ryan and Jackie started laughing they knew I was itching for a fight. I know I told him to never call again…Before I realized it he was in my face.

“Because I missed the fuck out of you. Now enough with the talking.” His words, filled with emotion swallowed me whole before his mouth did. I was lost as I always am whenever he kisses me with that sinful mouth. The need to submit is always coming to the forefront of my thoughts and just as I felt his hand slide down to my ass. I heard the laughter, and Ryan say, “Enough! I don’t need to be seeing this.”

My David turned, just removing his masculine hands from my rear and placing them on my waist he said, “This is coming from the guy who knocked up my sister.”

“He’s got a point.” Stacy said while giggling.

“Well, if you don’t care for it I will be on my way.” He winked to Ryan and I was suddenly lifted off my feet and over his shoulder.

“Put me down David. I am not going with you.” I tried to resist, but I was secretly enjoying this.

“Baby, yes you are.” He turned back around swiftly and said to Ryan, “Call your mom because we will busy, but tell her she is putting this wedding together in a week or I am taking her to Vegas.” I tried to protest, but all that got me was a spank on my ass. I cried out in outrage as they all thought this shit was funny. “Assholes!”

“Wait Ryan, I will handle it myself.” He took his cell out of his pocket and dialed the ranch.

“Yes, hello Mrs. Elliot. No, I don’t need Ben, but I did want to tell you that I have claimed your daughter as my future wife and I am in a hurry before she can try and bolt. So next weekend we are free.” I didn’t know whether to be affronted or delighted. I bet my mom wouldn’t agree to such a short span either.

“Yes,” He smiled, “my sentiments exactly.” He hung up the phone and said to the group, “So next Saturday at the Ranch.” I gasped as I realized my fate was sealed. I wanted to revolt just on fear alone, but after this last week of pain maybe it was for the best to surrender.

“Dude you don’t waste any time.” Matt said enviously.

“Nope I am not going to be like all your sorry asses, wasting precious time.” I tried not to smile because he was right for sure. Ryan and Stacy wasted eight months hurting.

“Ready baby?” My heart raced like I was in a sprint, it didn’t help I was still hanging over his shoulder, but it was because we were leaving. I needed to gain some of my armor back.

“I am not marrying you…you…you ass.” I growled out from my position on his back.

“Already said that babe. Now let’s go.” Damn he had me there. It was like I go dumb when he is around.

“Have fun.” I heard one of those traitors say, as Matt followed us out to move his truck.

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