Lassoing His Cowgirl (3 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: Lassoing His Cowgirl
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              “Fine city boy, you want to learn how to ride a horse. I will show you. Let’s see what you got. After I come back from the store, I come and get you” I said, as I took a bite of my food. I liked to eat and if he didn’t like it, good then I will lose him faster. I wanted him to see the real me, so he would go running. I wasn’t meant to be a city man’s wife. A strange idea popped into my head, maybe we could be lovers, hell that sounds like a great idea. If he keeps looking at me like that it may just work. Who am I kidding? I wasn’t that type of girl.              

              “Going after we come back from the store will work perfectly.” He said confidently, as he finished off the last of the food on his plate.

Did he think he was coming with me to the store? “I said I was going to the store, not you.”

David gave me a look that said don’t play that game with me. He put down his fork and looked me right in the eyes and said calmly, “Babe, I said I am going with you. I don’t want any of those cowboys trying to steal my girl while I am just sitting here. Understood? Now finish your food so we can go.” He stood up and took the plate and put it in the sink. He started washing it when my mom swatted his hand. “Relax David, you are a guest here.” Abashed the city boy came back to the table to enjoy his coffee as he continued to stare at me.

“Not for long, it seems.” My dad said with a shrug and laughed into the glass of milk he brought to his mouth. I don’t know what the hell he meant by it, but he seemed to think it was funny.

Chapter 4:

              We left the house and got to the truck when she tried to do the driving. I stopped her and pinned her lightly against the car door. “Babe, when I am around, I do the driving and you sit in the passenger seat, looking pretty.” I took the keys from her hand and bent down to sneak a quick peck on her lips. Big mistake, I was like a shark at the scent of blood, I was frenzied. She didn’t know how to quite handle my level of insanity right now. My hands pinned hers above her head as I took her mouth again. I didn’t want to stop. If it was not for the sound of a vehicle driving by, I would have been lost.

              Damn for a woman who scared off men, they must have not kissed her. Thank to fucking god. I pulled away and looked at the disheveled Evie, “You good baby?” She looked a bit stunned as she rubbed her lips. Then she was back.

              “Don’t call me that! I am not your baby.” She jumped into the passenger seat pissed off, like she wasn’t a hundred percent in that kiss, but her ass had been all over me. “Don’t kiss me again David. I don’t want to be anything to you.” I was trying to control the pissed off feeling I was getting. Of all the chicks I have tossed to the side this one wants to play hard to get.

              “Listen Evelyn, I don’t know what hang ups you got. I know I got my own, but I am going to tell you one thing is for sure, you are mine.” I started the truck, trying to calm down. I was normally a laid back kind of guy who didn’t care for confrontation. Yet this girl is itching for a fight. One that she wasn’t going to win.

              “Whatever city boy,” was all the response I got from her. When we got into town I parked in the town’s only grocery store parking lot. Which had space for about twenty cars, max. It was weird to be here in small town, America. In Chicago this would almost be considered a convenience store, it was that small. I guess my surprise was clear on my face when she snapped off, again on my ass. 

“If you don’t like my home town and its small ways you can go back to your precious city.” Damn this woman was in love with this place and a hate for the city.

“Baby, I am not going anywhere for two weeks. Also I am not disgusted by it. It’s just so different from the usual. Do you ever go into the heart of Dallas?”

              “Not really, I only went there for dinner with the family and my ex-boyfriend and I used to live there when I tried college out there.” She lived with her boyfriend. What the fuck? I can tell her parents are very open minded, but she was what seventeen or eighteen at the time? I had a lot of nerve. If I got my way they were going to be having another wedding soon.

“You lived with a man.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement of pure disbelief and anger.

“No I didn’t. I said we lived here, but I stayed at a dorm and he was living at his fraternity.” She tried to pass it off as nothing, but I could tell she was upset.

“You are beautiful baby, whatever happened between you was for the best because now you got me.” I smiled down at her. She laughed and shook her head. Now talk about beauty, her laugh was alluring and had done a number on my untried heart. We walked into the store and everyone was eying us, like it was weird for us to be together. She kept introducing me as Ryan’s brother-in-law and it was starting to piss me off. I know we just started this relationship, so we needed to know each other before she felt comfortable to call me her boyfriend/fiancé. Hell, she hadn’t even agreed to it, not that I was giving her a choice. I tolerated it, until we ran into this really ridiculously handsome cowboy. I wasn’t next to her when he approached, I happened to go grab some pasta and was on my back.

“Hells bells, if it is not my first girlfriend, little fiery Evie.” He actually picked up and hugged and I was ready to break his jaw. The thought that this fuck took her virtue made me angry. I know high school fucks are constant, well not for me it wasn’t, but for most it was a lousy fast fuck several times a day.

“Oh my, how are you? I haven’t seen you in like forever.” I listened, as she cheerfully greeted him. I was ready to fight when he said, “Well I just moved back, can you believe it I have been gone for nearly ten years. I am on break and visiting my aunt and uncle and since your sister-in-law moved out I am staying there.”

“Hey baby, who is this?” I tried to act calm, it was obvious that they hadn’t seen each other since they were kids which means nothing went on with them, but I didn’t like the way they were smiling at each other.

“David this is J.R. Smith, his aunt and uncle own the bakeshop.” Then she turned to fuckface and said, “This is David Montgomery, Ryan’s brother-in-law.” This J.R. character was smart because he knew not to push it. “Actually, I am her man. So it was nice to meet you, bud. Come on Evelyn.”

“I’ll see you around.” He waved after Evie and she replied, “Can’t wait.” I growled as I paid for the groceries. I know I had no reason to be a jealous prick, but her ass was smiling too much at this fuck. I didn’t talk to her all the way back to the house because I didn’t want to go off and sound like the crazy fuck like I was feeling. I didn’t know I had a crazy, jealous, possessive ass living inside of me. Once we got back I carried the groceries inside and started to walk up the stairs, when she asked, “Do you still want to go riding”

“Sure babe, let me go change” I said with a smile, as I came back down the stairs and gave her a little peck on the cheek. I wanted her to know that we were good, I just wasn’t. I felt insane and needed to try to handle the craziness that was consuming me.  


Oh, shit this man is something else. What am I going to do? He doesn’t seem like he is going to give up any time soon. My resolve is weakening by the second. I want him more than I ever wanted anyone else.

When he kissed me I wanted to climb on top of him. It was the best kiss I had ever had and I know that if he continued I would be putty in his hands.

“Come on then. We want to get out before the sun hits its peak.” I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away. It just made it plainer to me that he was not the one. I know his type, I have dated his type before, and look where that got me, living back at home scared to follow my dreams. Enough I need to get over what Kevin did to me, its life and it isn’t always fair. City boys don’t live by the same code of honor as most country boys. It doesn’t help that the women are so willing to be bad in the city. Here you have a reputation to protect and are less likely to be promiscuous.

“Okay baby,” I hated when he called me that. The feelings it evoked were mixed, a bit of excitement and an unhealthy dose of bitterness.

In the stables my father already saddled up the horses for us. I was giving him, Rodeo. He used to be a wild stallion, but he was getting on in years and wasn’t as rough as he used to be. As much as I wanted to scare David away, I didn’t want to kill him. Stacy would be upset and that would upset Ryan. I could have gave him one of the female horses, but for some reason I didn’t want the playboy riding another female. Crazy that I was hit with such a silly reaction since I was sending him packing, but there it was.

“These are ready to go. You two have fun out there and my little sweet, don’t kill the boy.” My dad winked at me like he knew I was up to no good as he walked out of the stables. He always supported my antics. My parents have a way of guiding us quietly and helping us make our own way. I am even thinking about going to school again somewhere rural or starting online because of their support.

“Thanks dad. Come on Montgomery, time for you to get on up.” Those were the wrong words to say to this pig.

“Too late babe. You have kept me up.” He winked at me with that sexy smile that made his words all the more powerful.

“Oh well, you best find a way to get someone else to stable you because it won’t be me ever.”

He came around to where I was standing in between the horses and said, “Evie, beautiful Evelyn, you will be the one to handle him and settle him down for the night, because it’s you and no one else. Got that, babe? I have needs and normally I am never overcome by them, but babe all I can think about is mounting you.” I tried to control the shaking that started to take over my voice.

“David, please stop while you are ahead. I said I wasn’t interested now move along.” He stepped away in anger and I guess that is what he needed to mount Rodeo because it got up there like a professional.

“I am trying to let it slide that you are a little girl and a bit confused by me, but I will let you know something sweetheart, you are more than interested. I can see it in those pretty blue eyes and in the way you shiver when I am near and I can damn near smell your desire.” The deep timber of his voice mixed with his Chicago accent was sexy as all get out. I didn’t realized that they had a funny way of saying things until the wedding.

I ignored his question and mounted my horse Star Fire and started instruct him how to hold on and command control of his horse. We were just about to set out when my mama came into the yard.

“You look nice up there David, but you are missing one important thing.” She took from behind her back a nice new black Stetson.

“The sun can get harsh even without it being the peak time. Put it on, let’s see how handsome you look.” He obliged my mother and place it on his head. He turned to me and smiled. I was like a deer in headlights. The man was gorgeous and he didn’t need the hat for improving, but lord almighty did it do things to the female parts of me.

“Do you like it babe?” I was still focused on trying to stay on my horse instead of melting to the ground when I said, “huh?”

Both he and my mama smiled, “Evie babe, I asked if you liked it.” I didn’t like that he was getting to me and worse because he knew it.

“Yeah you know it looks good, but looks aren’t everything and you will be tossing it aside in two weeks anyway, so let’s get a move on. Excuse us mama.” I turned forward and started to trot out of the yard as Mack held the gate open. He was not a bad rider, it took a little getting used to, but once he got the hang of it, he looked like he belonged on horse.

Chapter 5:

I think this woman is trying to kill me. The ride had been fun and I could see why she liked it, but hell I was sore in places I didn’t know could get sore. I felt like a Bugs Bunny cartoon where they walk all bowed legged into a saloon. Shit, I wonder how she deals with it. Well I guess as a woman being open like that and getting rubbed against is pretty common. It sure as hell better not be with her. I don’t know why the hell it ticked me off so much that she wasn’t a pure girl. I am sure she banged the college boy she left with and it got to me. I knew she wasn’t like the women I fucked in the past and not like my mom, but the thought of her with someone else brought out the beast in me.

I just got to the top of the landing when I saw her going into my room. I tried to hurry, but the aching was rough. Going into the room, I heard the water running. She came out of the bathroom, “Hey baby what are you doing in here?” I must have scared the shit out of her because she jumped and dropped the used towels I had left from this morning in the room, on the floor.

“Oh shit, baby, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s okay I just didn’t think you would make it here that fast. You will need a bath. I have set it up and before you go and tell me something dirty, just save it. You are too sore to use it, I assure you. So just take a nice hot bath and get back to being a jackass later.” She huffed as she picked up the towels and marched right out of the room. When she turned walk down the hall I caught her looking back into the room at me. Smiling, I made my way to the bathroom, really slowly.

The bath felt great for my beat up body. I was even too sore to get hard. After about an hour the water was cool and I was able to get out and join the family for dinner.

“So you were able to get moving again, city boy?” My little vixen said with a sassy attitude. I walked right up to her and gave her a big kiss on the lips.

“Yes, thanks baby for the bath. You really know how to take care of your man.” Ben spat out his drink and laughed as Evie sat there speechless.

“You are such an ass. Ben aren’t you going to kick his ass for talking to me like that.” Evie expected her big brother to defend her and normally he would, but I had a talk with all of them already about my intentions and hell Ben has been waiting for her to tame her wild cowgirl rear.

“Brat, for what, you ran him a bath with that salt stuff and he didn’t have to ask. I have been wondering how long it would take for you to finally learn how to be a good woman.” Evie turned red as she sat there stewing.

“Ben, you shouldn’t pick on your sister, it is not nice.” Kara said, as she swatted her husband. 

“It’s too easy, darlin’, besides she needs a thicker skin if she is going to live in the city one day.”

“I am not going to live in the city, and especially the Windy City, so get that through all of your heads.” She stood up to leave and before she could I grabbed her arm and said, “Sit down.” I don’t know what possessed me to order her about in front of her family, but that shit worked.

“Ben, I will fight my own battles.” I said letting him know to go easy on her. “Baby, eat your food. You haven’t ate much and we were out all day.”

And like that the submissive missy that was just here made her exit and out came the old viper, “Please city boy, that was nothing, and not that it is any of your business, but I snacked while you were recovering.”

“Aw, and you didn’t bring him anything to eat? See David, she still has a long way to go. I don’t think two weeks will be enough.” I shook my head and thinking she was going to try and leave again I placed my hand on her thigh and stopped her from rising.

“Jackass Ben, it will take a lifetime to be some stupid wife who lets her husband roam and I stay home all day with the babies and catering to his every need.” I got it now. I understood what her problem was. That fuck in Dallas had cheated on her. He was a frat boy so he probably had whores lined up and my poor girl got caught in the middle.

I brushed her cheek, and whispered for her ears only, “If you let me in, I would never hurt you.” She didn’t speak again that night as we all talked about the horse that was about to birth any day now.

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