Lassoing His Cowgirl (4 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: Lassoing His Cowgirl
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Dinner seemed to go on and on when I really just wanted it to be over. I guess it was obvious to all that I was attracted to David even though I didn’t want to be. He was smart, handsome, strong and sweet, but weren’t they all until they didn’t get their way. If they didn’t, they turned into beasts. I never told my family what happened, only told my mom that he dumped me for someone else. Kara came up to check on me and we started talking.

“Evie, what is the matter? David is a really good guy. Stacy and Ryan swear to it. Do you think your brothers would really let him approach you if they thought otherwise?”

“Kara, they think they know him, but they don’t. This could all be an act, a little diversion for the city boy.” I tried to hide my tears, but her sympathy was killing me.

“You know that not all city boys are bad, right?” I wanted to think that, but after what Kevin did to me, it was hard to believe.

“They really aren’t. A city boy saved my life once. He was a police officer who took me in and made me a part of his family. His wife worshipped him and catered to him just like I do to Ben, and your mother does for your father. But did you notice that they treat us like we are the most important people in their lives? Your father is still chasing your mother around the kitchen, just to steal a kiss. I know that something had to have happened with this ex of yours, but don’t let that be your excuse for giving up.”

“You don’t understand. I trusted him and his lies.” I wanted to spill my guts out on how he humiliated me, then tried to rape me, but I couldn’t. She would tell Ben, word would spread to the men in my family, and that would be it. I would have to worry that they would kill the whole Frat.

“Sweetie, the man I was living with was screwing a girl in my bed. I assure you trust is not easy to get back. You were there the night I left, and Ben was going out. I was crushed and then he called me and guess what? I believed him because overall I knew that Ben was a good man, slow moving to act, but a really good man, the best man in fact.” I watched the love and trust Kara had in her eyes for my brother and it gave me hope.

“I guess I could give him a shot.” I wasn’t looking forward to it. Kevin had never made me feel what David did, and I gave up my dreams to cope with what happened. The damage David could cause would be unrepairable. I went to sleep with a goal in mind to try and see if David was a good guy or was it just an act.

Chapter 6:

The next week went by really fast. I only had a week to woo her and I was stuck on the phone and my computer all day trying to get shit done. She had been different this last week. She was less hostile and had dressed like a girl at least twice. I was looking out the window and saw her and day three of the pretty sundresses, which was a bad idea today because two of Ben’s new hands had been working hard, and she came out in a fucking sundress. At first I thought she wore it for me as she looked up at my window, but she went straight up to them and flirted with one of the burly hands. I saw red and dealt with the situation head on. I was down and out of the house in seconds. When I reached them I gave those fucks a death glare that meant business. I may be a computer nerd, but I was all fucking man and for her to pull this shit wasn’t cool.

I grabbed her by the arm and told the fellas, “If you know what’s best for you, you will put your heads down and stop looking at her.” I turned to her and said, “Come with me.” We walked into the stables and thankfully it was empty, they had been extremely busy with all the birthing around here. I pinned her just inside the barn door, against the wall. I saw the fear in her eyes and I didn’t like that shit at all.

“Listen, I am not going to hurt you, but what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trying to get me in a jealous rage, baby, cause that is what you are doing. What the fuck are you wearing?” She tried kicking and almost got me in my baby maker, but I used my thigh to hold her in place. She was still trying to squirm, but she wasn’t giving it that much effort.

“Let me go you asshole, you don’t own me. I could flirt with whoever I want.” She practically spitted out.

“Evelyn, tell me now. Tell me you are not interested. Tell me you aren’t wet. Tell me you don’t want my kisses. The ones that have you all over me.” I knew I had her there, she stood no chance when I had my mouth on hers. Every time she gave me that lip this week, I took it and left her panting.

“I don’t…” She tried to get out, but my lips were attached to hers and just on cue she melted into me. I used the wall for leverage as I wrapped her legs around my waist and put my hands in her hair. Our passion got out of control for a second, but I pulled away before I fucked against the barn wall. I wasn’t going to let our first time be in a barn or anywhere else because I wanted to rip someone else’s heart out. She needed a lesson and she was going to get it.

“Baby, if you flirt with a motherfucker again I am going to kill the fuck. I may seem like a paper pusher to you, but when it comes to you there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do if a motherfucker tried to take what’s mine. And that kiss right now, said you are mine.”

“Just because I like your kisses doesn’t mean anything. Maybe I just like kisses, maybe I might like Kyle’s kisses, too.” Was she fucking insane? I don’t know. Was she trying to make me go ape shit on them?

“If you let another motherfucker kiss you I will break his neck and bury his body like Jimmy Hoffa.” I paused and grabbed her chin, “Nobody will ever find the fuck.” She looked scared again, but this time I didn’t care. I turned the tables on her ass.

“Would you like that shit, if I flirted with someone else?” Hmm, instant change in her tune. “Your sister is pretty, would you like it if I worked with my shirt off and asked for her help. She goes to school in Dallas doesn’t she? Would you care for it? If you felt a fucking tiny bit of what I feel for you, you would be hurt real bad.”

She started crying and I didn’t like that shit. “Baby, are you crying because you are scared I’ll hit you or some shit? I am angry, but I never hit a woman.” She shook her head no. “Then Evie, tell me why you are crying.”

“You want my sister.” She sobbed, as she tried to get away from me, but I pushed my hard body on letting her feel my need.

“Who do I have pinned to the wall here? Who is driving me insane with her beauty, her feistiness and that attitude? You babe. I don’t want your sister, yeah she is pretty, but so are a lot of women, but that doesn’t mean I want them. I am just trying to prove a point. It hurts like hell to watch you flirt another guy.” Every thought passed through my mind by the time I got down there, but the biggest one was fear. What if she was only playing me?

“I am sorry, I just…” She sheepishly said hanging her head in shame. Needing to see her eyes I lifted her head up, and looked into the eyes that had me feeling fucking crazy, and just stared.

When I finally drank in enough of her beauty I asked, “You just what, baby?”

“I just wanted to see how you would react.” I was confused. I already showed her I was a jealous fuck at the store the other day.

“Did you get what you wanted? I am almost nailed you to wall here with my cock. Is that what you were hoping for? Because I will tell you, I am tempted babe, seriously tempted, but you deserve better, like taking you in my bed.” I stared at her with confusion when she said the next shit and was going to need some clarification.

“That’s not what I wanted. I wanted to see if you would take your anger out on me.”

“With my fists, babe?” She nodded shook her head minutely and I knew there was more. Her brothers would never harm a hair on her head and being the baby I am sure she never got a spanking especially from those parents of hers. They were the most laid back and caring people I had ever met, especially considering her father was a former soldier.

“Who hit you? Who dared to touch my girl?” I was ready to end another motherfucker. It has been a long time, but once you got your hands dirty once, one more didn’t make a difference.

“No one.” What a fucking liar. Did she think I was stupid?

“You are fucking lying to me and I don’t tolerate that shit. Who is he? I bet it was that ex-boyfriend of yours. Tell me now.” I growled, as I latched on to her arms. I didn’t realized I was squeezing so hard until she yelped, I dropped my hands from her body and stood back. “Oh god, Evie, I am sorry baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you babe.”

“No I am fine, it was just a little too hard. I didn’t mean to make you angry with me.” The sadness in her eyes had done a number on me.

“Baby, I am not mad at you and you should be the one pissed at me. Let me see your arms.” I pulled her into the light. There was a light red mark on one arm, nothing that wouldn’t clear up in a minute or so, but I still felt like a total prick.

“I told you I was fine,” she rubbed her arm to show no damage then in a sneak attack she kissed me stupid. She had never instigated a kiss and I was fucking lost. I think a part of her wanted to get fucked up against a wall. I tasted her lips and desire, losing myself in the kiss.  She found her ass pinned to the wall again, but this time I didn’t stop at a kiss. I wanted and needed more.

I lifted her legs around my hips and slid her dress up, gripping her ass in my hands, slipping them under her panties. Evie felt incredible, but it was not enough. One of my hands pulled down the strap of the little dress and I bent down and took her pretty little pink nipple into my hungry mouth. Her sighs were music to my ears. She clawed my back as she continued to moan with my touch. My hips began to push into her. I wanted her to feel my need for her and she did alright as she dropped her legs from my waist and slid her hand down giving me a nice fucking caress through my shorts. That was it, I had to pull away or I would fuck her right there. I was glad I did too because I heard hooves.

“Shit!” She was trying to straighten herself out. I fixed my shirt to cover the steel beast in my shorts.

“Just so you know, this discussion is not over, my Evie.” I kissed her lips as her father and brother, Ben came in.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Ben Jr., said as he laughed at our flushed faces. He looked down right at my shorts and added, “Maybe not.”

“Sweetheart, your mother was looking for you. You two are supposed to be going out today.” He looked at her trying not to laugh at the paranoid and embarrassed blush covering Evelyn’s face.

She started to walk out of the barn and I wasn’t having that. I rushed to meet her and gave her a quick kiss, “I see you later baby, have fun and remember what I said.” I tilted my head for emphasis.

“I told I was just testing you. I am sorry. I would never mean it.”

“Yes well just remember if the tables were turned. Be good.” I gave her a little spank on her ass as she left with a giggle.

I turned to see a shocked father and brother, and if they hadn’t heard her giggle my ass would have been a world of hurt.

“Did I just witness that?” Ben Jr. said, looking at the now empty doorway.

“Me too, and here I was about to smash your face in and here you got my little Evie to giggle. I haven’t heard that in at least a year. When the guys said you stormed off angry with her. Well I didn’t know what to think.” Ben Sr. said.

“Look before you jump the gun let me say, I was fucking pissed and no doubt your asses would feel the same if your women purposely dressed up to flirt with other men, but I would never hurt her.” I would leave out that accidentally squeezing her arm too hard.

“She wouldn’t do that.” Benny didn’t believe it because his sister was too tomboyish to know how to play girl games like that, but they must not know what I do.

“She sure as hell did. She told me she was testing me to see if I would hit her. Now let me ask you guys have you ever hit your women?”

              In unison they said, “Hell no!”

              “Well then explain to me why a woman who has never seen a man hit a woman in anger be testing me for it. Even Ryan in his misplaced fury never hit my sister.”

              “Are you telling me, son that someone dared to put their hands on my baby girl?” Their fury was just as strong as mine.

              “That’s what she tried to play off, but I know it had to be that fuck she moved to Dallas with.”

“She didn’t move with him, he was already going to school there and met her here, he is a friend of one of the boys in town and that is how they met. Homegrown, she wished to be close and that is why they were at the same school and started dating. All I know is she said she didn’t like school or the city and had begged to come home. She hasn’t really been off the ranch since. Whatever he did to her he is a dead man. I need to call Ryan.” Junior was ready to tear the bastard apart.

“Hold up son, let us figure out if it was him.” His dad said when it was clear in his eyes he didn’t want to wait either.

“I know it was. Kara had a talk with Evie last week after dinner and she told me that she trusted this fuck and he broke that shit. So tell me who else was she dating that would make her scared of his fists.” Ben was huffing and puffing and it was making the horses rowdy as fuck.

“Calm down and let’s get this shit straight then we bury him.” I said, even though I was already thinking ahead to what I wanted to do to him. We all went inside. With the women out it was easy to get a plan together after we made something to eat. We’re guys, food is a must. It was twenty minutes into our plan when I got a call from Michael. He had a deal that would only work if I would join forces. He begged me to consider it because he couldn’t get down to Dallas for the meeting and Michael had trust issues with his employees after the fiasco he had last year. I thought about the fact that it was because of him that Ryan and Stacy worked out their shit. If they hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met Evie.

When I told the Bens, little Ben said, “She will understand. The women know we have to work when we have to. Just call Michael back and tell him you can. You will be back in no time and then we will deal with Kevin.” So I called him back and told him I could, but it would mean I needed to leave today to meet his client in Dallas first. Fuck! What a fucking choice.

I tried her cell, but it went to voicemail. Ben Sr. told me the girls had gone out to see a movie and do some shopping so they wouldn’t have their phones out until they got out of the movie. I packed my shit and got to the airport. I would call her from there. I tried, but she didn’t answer, so I sent her a message. I called her again when I landed and she still didn’t answer, so I sent her another text.

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