Lassoing His Cowgirl (2 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

BOOK: Lassoing His Cowgirl
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Chapter 2:

It was the day of the wedding and I had missed the little girl at every fucking turn. I swear there were several times that I thought I felt her near. Which is fucking insane, since I have never even met her. If I didn’t know better I could have sworn that she was purposely avoiding me. There was no way I couldn’t run into her at least once since I arrived two days ago. The first night she had gotten back so late that I actually fell asleep.

It was time to get my sister and walk her down the aisle. When I walked into the bedroom, I got my first up close look at my future wife, she didn’t know it yet, but she would be. I had no doubt about what I was feeling and that feeling was leading me to the altar. After meeting her family I could tell that she was raised with morals, even if she was a bit rough as the guys had put it. She kept staring me like she was debating whether to stab me in the eye with the scissors she was holding or something else, which I let my mind believe was physical interest.

“Good morning, David, doesn’t your sister look lovely?” Mrs. Elliot had said, but I hadn’t noticed her yet, since I was staring at little Evie, as they called her. I turned to my sister and Ryan’s mom was right, “Stacy you look like a goddess. Sister, you look so beautiful. Come, it is time to give you to your anxious groom downstairs.” Stacy hugged me tight as the ladies started to march out, but my eyes fixated themselves on the last one to exit. I willed my instant erection down and adjusted myself before we left the room.

I made a decision right then and there that by the end of the night, she was going to know where I stood. She made that promise hard to follow through with because she avoided me at every turn. It wasn’t until I saw her laughing with some young twerp that I made my way to her. She saw me, but there was nothing she could do to get away this time. I winked at her just I approached with a smirk.

“So you are the lovely, Evie, who has been hiding from me.”


You have to be shitting me, why does he seem to follow me with his eyes. Damn those eyes were amazing.  He was a lady killer for sure and I knew that was not something I was willing to deal with again. When I first saw him from across the field, I almost fell off my horse and that pissed me the fuck off. I had been riding before I could walk and I had never fallen before. Mr. Montgomery was a hazard to my health, both physical and mental.

The city boy had to be hot as hell. I was trying to avoid him and it had worked these last two days. It wasn’t until this morning that he left me with no chance to run. I don’t know what it was that had me running fast, but I couldn’t stop myself. Damn it, now he is walking this way.

              I had just been cutting a loose string from Christine’s gown when he strolled into the room, like he owned the place. His arrogance pissed me off, I don’t know why he looked at me like that, well that’s because he probably didn’t know that I was not a girly girl. In my gown, I looked like I was a really pretty girl. It was Stacy’s idea to make us look as good as she would be. She was a sweetheart and I couldn’t say no, especially after what Ryan had accidentally put her through.

              The heat outside had nothing on the heat that man created in me, but I wasn’t going to fall all over him like some simpering nitwit. We all stood as we waited for David to walk Stacy to my anxious brother. While everyone watched for her arrival, I stupidly was looking for him. My goodness when he walked through the garden, every bit of me melted. The man was a work of art, truly made to perfection and his eyes were on mine. I tried to pretend I was staring at Stacy.

              His face was so handsome that it was hard for me to look away long enough to examine the rest of him. That too had been a treat, I watched as the muscles hidden under that finely tailor tuxedo move with every step. I am telling you, for a man who works at a desk, he has a lot of muscles. I thought they were big the first day, but as he walked I could see them all. I had the strangest urge to let him touch me with those strong hands, to let myself feel him and all that strength.

              Oh shit, he caught me staring. I flushed and looked around the room and was grateful that everyone else had been looking at the bride and groom. For the rest of the ceremony I didn’t see him again, well I forced myself not to look, but I could feel his eyes on me. I hid from him most of the dinner at the reception, dancing just started when he approached.

              “So you are the lovely, Evie.” Damn, my light skin turned, I am sure, bright red as I stood there talking to Rory Connors. He was a nice guy, not like his slutty cousin who was spending the next month or so killing time, waiting for her trial for trying to kill Kara, my new sister-in-law.

Time to put my game face on, “I don’t know about lovely, but yes I am Evelyn. Mr. Montgomery, this Rory Connors.” I wonder if I could be terse enough to get rid of him. My shitty attitude scared most men away.

“Mr. Connors, it’s nice to meet you and it would be a hell of a lot nicer if you would get lost.” My eyes opened wide in shock and anger.

“Excuse you! Who the hell do you think you are? It would be nicer if you were gone. Rory and I were busy talking.” I was pissed as I narrowed my eyes at him. Did they have no manners in Chicago? Rory was smiling, uh-oh that might not be good. He was known to be a bit short tempered, nice, but short tempered.

“Haha, Mr. Montgomery, I think you have been off more than you can chew. Best of luck, she’s something else.” Rory shook his head, smirked and walked away, he stopped and turned back and I thought maybe he was going to knock Montgomery out, but he looked at me and said, “Be nice, kiddo and by the way, it’s nice to see you dressed like a beautiful young lady.” Rory winked and turned and left.

What the hell had I missed? I knew Rory had no interest in me, his feelings lie elsewhere, but to warn this ass about my temper. Well, city boy is going to get a taste of the true me.

“David,” I gave him attitude as I said his name. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you could just move on. I am not interested. I want a cowboy not some man who sits in an office all day and getting his nails done. So beat it, bub.”

I pointed my finger in his chest and all I got was a chuckle, then he said, “Bub, wow. Evie, my sweet little devil, I know all about the tomboy routine and if you think your attitude is going to scare me, you are wrong. I grew up on the Southside of Chicago, there isn’t anything you got that is going to run me off.” He got all up near me and I wanted to pull him close, and at the same time I wanted to knock him on his ass for being so damn smug.

“We’ll see, you will be running back to the city for a city whore soon.” I tried to not think about what I was saying because the thought of it was not something I would like to consider.

“How about you put away the claws and dance with me.” I didn’t get a chance to refuse when he dragged me out on the dance floor. Damn him, I couldn’t make a scene. My parents warned me to behave. Like I misbehaved at all in the last like two months or so.

“Before you say some smart ass shit, stop now. I am not above spanking that ass of yours.” I left my mouth open. I didn’t know what to say. He just threatened to spank me and for some reason it sounded like a good thing. When he pulled me close, I could smell his cologne and his natural male aroma. It was heady as fuck. I wasn’t interested. I am not interested. I don’t want to be interested. Damn, I was very interested. “I don’t want to dance with you.” I was lying my ass off.

“Yeah well, I don’t want to be falling for a girl nearly half my age.” Oh shit, damn, my face was going to be in a perpetual shade of red. The man was smooth.

“Save your bullshitting ass flirtin’ for some other little lass down here. I am on to you.”

“Are you really? I don’t think so.” He pressed me tightly against him and whispered, “I want you to be on me.” I shivered at his nearness. I was a damn pathetic mess.

“Tell me besides trying to bite guys heads off what do you do for fun?”

“I like to have barbecues where I roast their nuts on a spit.” My biting words were having the opposite effect on this ass. Placing his forehead on mine he said in a whisper, “I am looking forward to your spit on my nuts,” I flushed in outrage and tried to head butt him, but he moved out of the way.

“Behave, baby, and I promise I will too.” He said as he caressed my back and I knew his ass was lying.  As soon as the dance was over I tried to get away, but he had one more thing to say to me.

“Tomorrow we are going out on a date, so be prepared. I have two weeks to enjoy and I will be enjoying them with you, cowgirl.” His hand caressed my cheek with such tenderness and sensuality. “And one more thing, I forgot to say how beautiful you look tonight.” David slid his finger across my lips and I purred. He gave me a knowing smile, and it pissed me off.

I turned and huffed away. “Asshole!” I could hear him laughing in a deep timber. Great his laugh was hot too, what a jerk.

My mother gave me a small smile and I shook my in anger and marched away to my sister Christine at least she was on the same page as me. She had enough of bossy men.

Chapter 3:

My little ruffian was a cutie. I wanted to smack her ass and kiss her lips. There was nothing I could do to fight the feelings she was bringing out in me, her feisty little ass. The rest of the evening I danced with my sister and then stood around talking all of cowboys about updating their cattle data reporting systems and had several interested in my companies programming systems. I went to sleep that night deciding how I was going to play this. Evelyn was a stubborn little thing that told me that in no uncertain terms that she preferred cowboys. I was going to learn to be a cowboy. Not that I was going to live here, but I was going to give her two weeks to decide if she could compromise if I could.

After waking up at five and deciding to work for two hours, I called my assistant and had her working non-stop, so I could extend my vacation and spend it with the lovely Evelyn. When I got downstairs, her mother was cooking. “Good Morning Mrs. Elliot. Do you always cook so early?” Surprised that she would be up so early after a late night.

“As it happens I am a little late on getting it started. Ben, Jr and the rest of the hands have to be out working, so I like to make sure they are well fed.” What? I thought that shit they showed in the movies and the TV shows was full of shit, but here is June Cleaver cooking up meals at the ungodly hour.

“I smell coffee, is there any for me?” I could really use some since I couldn’t get her off my mind. It wasn’t until my body gave into fatigue that I actually fell asleep.

“Absolutely, what would you like in it?” She stopped working on breakfast and turned to pour me a cup.

“Mrs. E, don’t do all that. I can make my own. Thank you though, you husband is a lucky man. Is there any more beautiful and sweet women like you around?” I smiled at her causing her to blush.

“Hey, buddy move along and find your own. This one is taken.” Ben Sr. came up and pushed me aside before he took her in his arms and bent her down and kissed the shit out of her. Damn by the time he lifted her up she was dazed and he gave her a nice smack on the ass, and turned to get the plates.

“I got two daughters. Although, I think Christine is more up your alley.” He said as he set the plates on the counter. That was when I felt her behind me.

              “Yeah, well I am not going to lie, my interest is in the other one.” I could hear her quick intake of breath as she gasped.

              “Yes, my feisty beauty I am talking about you.” I turned to her with a smile and a “Good morning!” Damn this is what she looked like when she woke up. I would be fortunate to wake up to that gorgeous face every morning.

              “Please, spare me city boy. Mom, I am going for a ride into town this morning. Do you need anything?” I was coming with her whether she liked it or not. She was a natural beauty and I am sure she had all the guys in town wanting her. I heard rumors that she scared off most men, the ones she didn’t she dated and one she even had gone away to college with, but within the month she was back home. I wanted to know what her deal was and I wanted it only from her mouth.

              “Sure I could use a few ingredients. I will make a list. Give me a minute.” Mrs. Elliot walked to a kitchen drawer and pulled out a piece of a paper and pen with the quickness. The woman was fast, I wondered if she was a morning person who got tired by noon and was done for the day, but I’d seen her at dinner several times and she hadn’t slowed down even a little.

“Don’t worry mom, I am not going yet. I want to eat and brush Candy.” She stopped and went back to cooking. Wow what a wife. I wonder if Evie here would be like that, hell no. She would probably tell me to go fuck myself. I turned to look at her and said, “So baby, are you going to cook me breakfast in the mornings?”

“Drop dead!” She stormed out of the room and I shrugged.

              “You got your hands full, son. She is a trial in a half, but she is a sweetheart underneath.” He shook his head before grabbing his wife’s ass. Damn the man couldn’t keep his hands off her for one minute.

              “Yeah the girls are complete opposites even though they got enough attitude for ten women. Just like the boys though, one of the girls likes living on the ranch and the other wants to run as far from it as she can.”

              “Just so you know I am not giving up on her. I may be thirty four and she’s twenty, but I want her. I just have to convince her that she wants me too.”

              “You are going to have a hell of a time doing it and if you can stick to it, I am sure you will be happy. And she isn’t twenty, she just turned nineteen a couple of months ago. ” He shook his head at me as his wife handed us both a plate of food. Only nineteen she’s a fucking kid, but I wasn’t going to be swayed.

              “Thank you Mrs. Elliot.” I took a seat at the table just as she came back in. “By the way, there is no if. Sir, I am sure of my course.” I wasn’t going to give up until I had no chance at all.

“Do you know how to ride a horse, Mr. Montgomery?” She looked at me with tension in her eyes.

“Since, I lived in the city most of my life and rarely saw a horse, the opportunity passed me by. Why babe? You going to teach me? That’s so sweet of you.” Her dad winked at me. Hey, I needed to get in with her anyway I could.

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