King Charles II (113 page)

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Authors: Antonia Fraser

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Monck, Nicholas,


Monmouth, James, Duke of,
; birth,
; question of paternity and legitimacy,
; removed to grandmother’s care,
; Catharine of Braganza’s friendship with,
; chance of succeeding C,
; at Great Fire,
; marriage,
; growing popularity,
; Master of Horse,
; interest in Exclusion controversy and claim to succession,
; flawed character,
; intended as titular Lord Lieutenant of Ireland,
; Captain General,
; ‘clement victor’ in Scottish insurrection,
; as Shaftesbury’s Exclusion candidate,
; dismissed as Captain General,
; alliance with William of Orange,
; return from Holland,
; progresses round country,
; dismissed from all offices,
; in Rye House Plot,
; pardoned but banished from Court,
; in Holland again,
; claim to have been promised succession,
; accuses James of poisoning C,
; not mentioned by dying C,
; rebellion and execution,

Monmouth and Buccleuch, Anne Scott, Duchess of,

Orléans, Philippe Duc d’

Montagu, Edward,

Montagu, Ralph, engineers fall of Danby,

Montespan, Madame de,


Montpensier, Anne-Marie Louise de (La Grande Mademoiselle),
; C’s youthful courtship of,
; later romance with C,
; disgrace after Turenne’s capture of Paris,

Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of,
; unwelcome to Engagers,
; invades Scotland,
; unaware of C’s negotiations with Covenanters,
; apparent betrayal of by C,
; capture and execution,


Moray, Sir Robert,

Mordaunt, John, 1st Baron Moorgate of Reigate,
; forms new Action Group,

Morland, Sir Samuel,

Morice, Sir William,

Moseley Old Hall (Staffs),
; C’s hiding place,

Motteville, Madame de,

Mulgrave, John Sheffield, 3rd Earl of,
; in revived Privy Council,
; seeks Princess Anne’s hand,
; on C’s ‘natural aversion to regal formality’,

Mun, Thomas,

Munster, Bishop of,

Naseby, battle of (1645),

Nash, John,

National Covenant (1638),
; C’s acceptance of,

Navigation Acts,

Nedham, Marchamont,

Neile, Sir Paul,

Neuburg, Wolfgang Wilhelm, Count of,

Neuburg, Elizabeth Amalia of Hesse Darmstadt, Countess of,

New Delaware,

New Forest, restocking with deer,

New Jersey,

New York,

Newburgh, Sir James Livingstone, 1st Earl of,

Newburn, battle of (1640),

Newbury, second battle of (1644),

Newcastle, William Cavendish, Earl (later Duke) of,
; as C’s governor,
; eulogy of C,
; on C’s riding,

Newcastle, Margaret, Countess (later Duchess) of,

Newcastle Propositions (1646),

Newcastle upon Tyne,

; racing at,
; new palace at,

Newport (IoW),

Newport, so-called Treaty of (1648),

Newton, Sir Isaac,

Nicholas, Sir Edward,
; as Secretary of State,
; scepticism over Louis XIV’s promises,
; on C’s vacillation,
; on prospects of Spanish assistance,

Nineteen Propositions (1642),

No Addresses, Vote of (1648),


Nore, the,

North, Francis (Lord Guilford),

North, Roger,


Northern Association,

Northumberland, dukedom of,

Northumberland, George Fitzroy, 1st Duke of (natural son),

Norwich, George Goring, Earl of,

Nottingham, Charles I raises standard at (1642),

Nymegen, Peace of (1678),

O’Neill, Daniel,

Oak-Apple Day (May

Oates, Titus,
; and ‘Popish Plot’ fabrication,
; brief imprisonment for perjury,
; awarded State apartments and allowance,
; later fantasies,
; fall of,
; reinstatement,

Oatlands Palace,

Oblivion, Act of, offered by C (1651),

Observator, The

Old St Paul’s

Oldenburg, Duke of,

Oldmixon, John, quoted,

Oliva, Peace of (1659),

Ollard, Richard,

Opidar, Signor,

Orléans, Anne-Marie d’ (later Duchess of Savoy),

Orléans, Gaston, Duc d’,

Orléans, Marie Louise d’ (later Queen of Spain),

Orléans, Philippe, Duc d’ (‘Monsieur’),
; marriage to Henriette-Anne,
; homosexuality,
; attempt to stop wife’s last visit to England,
; and her death,

Orléans, Henriette-Anne, Duchess d’,

Ormonde, James Butler, Earl, Marquess and 1st Duke of,
; in Holland with C,
; Irish venture,
; C’s renunciation of,
; in C’s Court at Spa,
; and Action Party,
; and C’s alleged Catholicism,
; commands guards regiment,
; considers English situation, favours invasion,
; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland,
; installed in Order of Garter,
; fall engineered by Buckingham,
; again in charge of Ireland,
; tackles land question and anarchy,

Orrery, Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of,

Osborne, Sir Thomas (later earl of Danby, q.v.),
; and fall of Clarendon,
; Lord High Treasurer,

Ossory, Rhomas Butler, Earl of,

Otway, Thomas,
; quoted,

n; Charles I’s headquarters at,
; Charles I leaves,
; Court removed to during Plague (1665),
; Parliament at (1681),
; Parliament dissolved,

Oxford University,
; congratulatory verses on C’s marriage,
; decree upholding arbitrary rule,

Pall Mall, Nell Gwynn’s house at,

Palmer, Barbara,
Villiers, Barbara

Palmer, Roger (later Earl of Castlemaine),

Paris, recaptured by Turenne from Condé,

Pascal, Blaise,

Pastor Fido, Il

Paulet, Sir John,

Pearse, James,

Pedro II of Portugal,

Pegge, Catharine,

Pemberton, Lord Chief Justice,

Pembroke, Philip Herbert, 5th Earl of,

Pembroke, Philip Herbert, 7th Earl of,

Pendennis Castle,

Penderel brothers, and C’s escape from Worcester,

Penderel, Humphrey,

Penderel, John,

Penderel, Richard,

Penderel, William,

Penn, William,


Penrith, C proclaimed King at (1651),

Penruddock, Colonel John, rising of (1655),

Pentland Rising (1666),

Pepys, Samuel,
; account of C’s escape from Worcester,
; at C’s return to England,
; and republican plots,
; at coronation,
n; admiration for ‘lovely Lady Castelmaine’,
; on ‘the Dutch business’,
; on mood of discontent (1662),
; praise for yacht
; and plague,
; on decline of C’s popularity,
; on wretched year 1666,
; on Catharine’s alleged pregnancy,
; on Buckingham,
; on Louis XIV’s ‘greatness’,
; on ‘sliding’,
; as Navy Secretary,
; also cited and quoted,

Pepys, Mrs,

Percy, Sir Henry, Baron Percy of Alnwick,

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