Japan's Comfort Women (47 page)

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Authors: Yuki Tanaka

Tags: #Social Science, #Ethnic Studies, #General

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Cape Town 167

Bandung 62, 68, 69, 72, 78

capitalism, Japanese: sex industry and development of

Bangkok 79, 80

xvi, 170–1, 182



Caribbean 99–105

Dalian 172

Celebes 28

Damste, Lt-Col. 62

censorship, Allied 124 –5

dance halls 135

Changcheng Border 11

taxi dancers

Changchun 172

Danyang 15

Changzhou 45

debt 37, 42, 161, 170

Charming Members to Musumesan 130


Chechnya 177

Dietzel, Mrs 62

Chengde 12

discipline: comfort stations and 11, 22, 24

Chian JDsei
113, 119, 125

Dongah Ilbo

Chiapit Internment Camp 68

Dongshi 22

Chiba 143

drugs 58–9

Chicago Sun

drunkenness: American 93, 95, 96, 100, 101, 121–2,

China 13–14, 15, 18, 19, 31, 44 –50, 63, 84;

129, 148, 149; Japanese 56, 57

Chinese prostitutes 8, 16, 168, 172; comfort

Dutch East Indies 26–7, 45, 180, 181; Chinese

women 13–14, 15, 18, 19, 31, 44 –50, 84, 177,

women 77; comfort women 61–83; Eurasian

181; Japanese brothels 167, 171, 172; Japanese

women 77, 78; internment camps 45, 67–72, 73,

sexual violence 45–6, 47; Manchuria 8, 12, 33, 35,

74 –5, 76; Japan occupies 60, 61–7, 82; Japanese

37, 45, 59, 171, 172, 179, 180; People’s Liberation

brothels 66; prostitution 66

Army 46, 179; Qing dynasty 33; Russian prostitutes

dysentery 97


Isamu, Lt-Col. 13, 20, 21

Ecuador 100–1

Ch’oe Myong-sun 41

Edajima 137

Chongging 168

Ehwa Women’s University xv

Chuxian 14, 45

Eichelberger, Lt-Gen. R. L. 123–4, 163

Cideng Internment Camp 69

El Mina 96

Cilento, Sir Raphael 103

Embree, John 85

Cirebon 69

Enloe, Cynthia 178

Civilian Morale in North Queensland

Eretan Wetan 61

Clifton, Allen 126–7

Eritrea 92–3, 97, 100

clubs 65–6, 68–9, 69–71

escape 58, 77, 78

colonialism 180–2

eugenics 32

comfort stations (
): Allied plans for 87, 89; China extortion by Allies 117, 118, 120, 126

45; and discipline 11, 22, 24; Dutch East Indies

61–83; facilities and decor 51; numbers 12–19,

feminism, Japanese xv, 112

27; organization 19–28; Japanese Army and 10,

Fernandez, Rufina 50

11, 65; Japanese Navy and 11, 27–8, 65, 137,

Fish, Hamilton 106

168; payment 57, 77, 78, 80, 136–7, 147, 153–4,

Flores Island 62, 78, 79

173–4; and rape prevention 10, 12, 27, 32, 173;

food as currency 128, 136, 139, 146, 147–8

time limits 51; types 18–19; and VD prevention 9,

foreign currency 170–1, 182

10, 24, 27, 30, 32, 98, 108, 109, 173;
see also

comfort women

Fort Bragg 91

comfort women (
): Allied indifference to Fort de Kock 71–2

77–83, 84 –7; Chinese 13–14, 15, 18, 19, 31,

Foshan 17

44 –50, 84; contempt for 174; daily life 50–60;

France 95, 168

Dutch East Indies 61–83; Filipina 31, 44 –50;

Fujisawa 122

health problems 52–3 57; Japanese 14, 18, 23, 52,

Fujiwara Takao 118–19, 150–1

133–66; Korean 9, 10, 11, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25,

Fukada Masuo, Maj. 26–7

26, 31, 32, 36, 37–44, 45, 84 –6; Malaysian 31, 60;

Fukai Katsu, Dr 156

medical examinations 11, 30, 65, 78, 94, 95, 163,

Fukuchiyama 137

170, 171, 172; and morale, 11, 22, 24, 56, 109,

Fukuoka 113

179; numbers 28, 31, 137, 155; restrictions upon

Fukuyama 126

30; Taiwanese 15, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 37–44, 45;

Fukuzawa Yukichi 171

transporting 25; Vietnamese 60

Funakoshi 136

Complementary Regulation for the Venereal Disease

Fushibushi Senichi, Col. 23

Prevention Law (1945) 158, 162

concubines 82


Conditions of Public Peace and Order
113, 119, 125

gangsters, Japanese,

condoms: American 89, 90, 91, 98, 100, 101,

Gaoxiung City 26

147, 152; Australian 102; captured Italian 93;

Gayn, Mark 143, 148, 153

Japanese (Assault No. 1) 11, 24, 30, 57, 78, 156,

Gedagan Internment Camp 69, 73


geisha 16, 86–7

contracts 77, 161

Geneva Convention 73, 77

Cooney, Col. H. A. 101

Gerhart, Gen. 107

Cunningham, Gen. A. 120, 151

Gestapo 119

Curaçao 100

Gordon, Lt-Col. James H. 151–2, 156, 157, 162

Curtin, John 103

Graaf, Mrs de 62



Great Kant
Earthquake (1923) 35

International Tribunal for the Far East,
Tokyo Groth, Nicholas 177

War Crimes Tribunal

Guangdong 15, 56

internment camps,
Dutch East Indies

Guangzhou 16, 17, 22, 45

Ishibashi Ukichi 156

Guatemala 101

Ishida, Capt. 73, 76

Guomindang 179

Ishikawa City 178

Italian Army 93, 97

Hachinohe 113

Hirobumi 33–4

Haikou 17

Itsukushima 136

Hakata bay 113

Itsushima Tsutomu 130, 149, 164

Hall, Gen. 123–4

Halmaheila Internment Camp 73, 74, 75


Hangzhou 15

Japan: Ainu 180; Army Accounts Department 24;

Hankou 37, 55

Army Section of the Imperial Headquarters 24 –5;

Hanley, Col. Lawrence 90

Central China Area Army 13, 20, 21, 23, 24;

Hara Zenshir
, Maj. 18, 21

Central Liaison Office 118, 120, 124, 160; China

Harada Gennosuke 153

Expeditionary Army 20, 22; comfort women 14,

Harris, Brig-Gen. Charles 86–7

18, 23, 52, 133–66; Dutch East Indies 60, 61–7,

Hashimoto Kingor

82; economy 131–2, 170–1; 11th Army 29;

Hawaii 167

emperor’s divinity negated 161; fascist organisations

Hayao Takeo, Dr 29

140; fear of rape by Allies 112–16, 133; 55th

Heilman, Col. F. A. 91–2

Division 20; 15th Division 30; First Japan-Korea

Henan 17

Convention (1904) 33; food shortage 131; 14th

Henson, Maria Rosa 1, 47–8

Battalion 46, 47; 14th Infantry Regiment 10;

Higashikuni Naruhiko, Prince 115, 133

14th Mixed Infantry Brigade 11; Imperial

Higashiyama 149

Military Headquarters 65; Ishi Corps 56–7;

Higuchi Keishichir
, Maj-Gen. 27

Korea colonized 33–7, 172, 180, 181; Korean

Himeji 136

Army 22; Kwantung (Kanto) Army 8, 11, 18, 21,

Hirabayashi, Grant 85

22; Manchuguo 8, 13, 15, 21; Manchuria 8, 12,

Hiratsuka 122

33, 35, 37, 45, 59, 171, 172, 179, 180; Medical

Hiro 136

Bureau 27; Meiji Restoration (1868) 33, 167,

Hirohito, Emperor 21, 32, 123, 161

170–1, 182; Military Administration Bureau 22, 23,

Hirooka, Capt. 50

27; Ministry of Finance 142; Ministry of Foreign

Hiroshima 41, 113, 125, 126, 156; atomic bomb 136,

Affairs 8, 9, 15, 27, 118, 150, 168, 172; Ministry of

139, 165; US troops arrive in 136–7

Health and Public Welfare 32, 156, 157, 159, 160,

Hishitani, Mr 140

161; Ministry of Home Affairs 19–20, 25, 116, 119,

Hitler, Adolf 104

125, 133–4, 137, 139, 141; Ministry of Justice 20;

Hixon, Col. C. E. 107

Ministry of Labor 20; Ministry of Public Welfare

Hogbin, Dr Ian 103

20; Ministry of the Army 14, 69, 76; Ministry of

Holland: indifference to comfort women 77–83, 87;

the Navy 28; Ministry of War 22, 23–4, 25, 26,

National Archives 64;
see also
Dutch East Indies 27, 28; National Eugenic Law (1940) 32; navy 8–9,

Hong Kong 44; Japanese brothels 168

9–10, 13, 28; 104th Regiment 14; Police and

Horikiri Zenjir

Security Bureau 116–17, 119, 125, 133–4, 137,

Hosono Mieko 121

141; POW Management Bureau 76; Preventive


Health Department 156; scorched-earth policy

Hukbalahap 48

do Sakusen) 46; Second Japan-Korea

Hull, Gen. 106

Convention (1905) 33; Shanghai Expeditionary

Huzhou 13, 45

Army 10, 20; ‘Siberian Expedition’ (1918–22),

10–11; 16th Army 82; Southern Army 22, 27, 76,

‘I&I’ 165

81; Soviet Union 18; Special Service Agency 10;

comfort stations Supply Headquarters 24; surrender (1945) 8, 59,

Ichikawa 149

81, 84, 112, 135, 140; Taiwan colonized 180, 181;

Ichikawa Tokuji, Dr 157

Taiwanese Army 22, 27; 10th Army 20, 21; 3rd

Iinuma Mamoru 13, 20

Division 14; Third Japan-Korea Convention (1907)

Ikeda Hayatato 142, 143

34; 13th Division 14; Tokk
119, 140; Tokugawa Ikeda Hirohiko, Supt 135–6, 137–8

regime 167, 168, 180; treaty of amity with Korea

Ikeda Sh
, Col. 72, 76

(1876) 33; war reparations 150;
see also
kempeitai Iloilo 47

Japan Broadcasting Commission (NHK) 114

imperialism 180–2

Japan Industrial Development Bank 142–3

Inchon 35, 38

Japan Workers’ Federation, 140

indecency by Allies 120, 121;
see also
physical abuse Japanese Association for Control of Venereal Disease



India 101, 167, 180; BCOF 126

Japanese Naval Special Police Force 79

Dutch East Indies

Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49
84 –5

International Convention for the Suppression of the

Japanese Restaurant and Bar Business Association

Traffic in Women and Children (1921) 26


International Rubber Industry 24

Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty (1910) 34



Japan’s Virtue

labor brokers 23, 37, 38–9, 41, 42, 44, 45, 135, 145,

Java 61, 62, 65, 66, 68, 76, 79–80, 82

169, 173

Jember 69

Lampersari Internment Camp 73

Jingui 46, 47

Lazzarini, H. P. 103–4

Jinzhou 12

leisure centres 136

Jiujiang 15, 37

Li Xiumei 46–7

Jong Jingsong 38

Liberia 92

comfort women licensed prostitutes: Japanese 134, 135, 156, 161, 162,

168, 171; Korean 36

Kaburagi Seiichi 147, 149

Liem, Dr 62

Kadena Base 178

Liu, Lake 8

pilots 146

Lizhuang 46

Kaneko Takanosuke, Prof. 32

Logie, Col. 153

Karachi 89, 97

looting: Allied 115, 118, 124; Japanese 11, 13, 24,

, 10, 14, 18, 25

28–9, 30

Kasumigaura 136

Lushun 172

Kawanabe Torashir
, Lt-Gen. 133

Kawara Naoichi 27

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas 114, 116, 119, 123,

Kawasaki 113, 138–40

159–61, 162, 163, 165

Keihin National Highway 143

McDonald, Lt-Col. Hugh 158–9

kempeitai 29, 115, 171; and comfort stations 13–14,

mafia, Japanese,

17–18, 20, 22, 23;
Conditions of Public Peace and Order
Magelang 69–71

113, 119, 125; and escapes 58; procurement 26, 27,

maids 42, 130–1, 164–5

69, 71; regulates prostitution 11; and spies 30

Mainichi Shimbun

Khabarovsk 171

malaria 97


Malaysia: comfort women 31, 60

Kilbride, Dr 106

Manchuguo 8, 13, 15, 21

Kim Il Myon xv

Manchuria 8, 12, 33, 35, 37, 45, 59, 171, 172, 179,

Kim T’aeson 42


Kim Tokchin 39

Manhattan Project,
atomic bomb

Kimbara Setsuz

Manila 47, 50, 54

Kimura Heitar

marriage 164 –5

Kitabayashi Yoshiko 131

Masbate 47

Kitamura Eibun 42–3

massacres by Japanese 13

Kluckhohn, Clyde 85

Massawa 92–3

Kobe 136, 140

Matsui Iwane, Gen. 13, 20–1

Kobe Shimbun

Matsumura, Dr 18

Kodama Yoshio 138, 140–1

Matsuoka Y
ji 140

Kojong, King 33

May Act 89, 90–1, 98, 101

Kokubo 72

Mebus, Mrs 62

Kokusai Gomu K

medical examinations,
venereal disease Kokusui D
mei 140

Melbourne 103

Konoe Fumimaro, Prince 21, 133, 141

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