Japan's Comfort Women (45 page)

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Authors: Yuki Tanaka

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77 Ibid., pp. 153–155.

78 Hamada Mieko, “Watashi no Sh
gai o Fuminijitta Mono” in Mizuno Hiroshi ed., op. cit., pp. 232–242.

79 Ibid., pp. 249–253.

80 Itsushima Tsutomu, “Gait
e no Shinshitsu” in Itsushima Tsutomu ed., op. cit., pp. 81.

81 Ibid., pp. 81–82.

82 Mizuno Hiroshi, op. cit., p. 285.

83 James Bone, “Beyond the Call of Duty” in
The Weekend Australian Review
, December 20–21, 1997, pp. 4–6.

84 Itsushima Tsutomu ed., op. cit., pp. 67–69.

85 Kitabayashi Yoshiko, op. cit., p. 297.

86 Ibid., p. 292.

87 AWM Collection, AWM 267/6/17/Part 17.

Chapter 6: Japanese comfort women for the Allied occupation

1 Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira,
Minnawa Shiranai Kokka Baishun Meirei
( Y
zankaku Shuppan, Tokyo, 1992) pp. 3–4; Kaburagi Seiichi,
Hiroku: ShinchE-gun Ian Sakusen
(Shufu to Seikatsu-sha, Tokyo, 1972) p. 11. The original source for this information is the diary of Hosokawa Masasada, who was private secretary to Prince Konoe at the time.

2 Mentioned by Hosokawa Masatada in his diary. See Duus Masayo, op. cit., p. 22, and Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., pp. 4–5.

3 Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., p. 4.

4 R
Fujin Sh
nen Kyoku ed.,
Baishun ni kansuru ShiryD
( R
, Tokyo, 1955) pp. 12–13.



5 Relevant sections extracted from 17 official history books of 15 prefectural police divisions as well as the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Headquarters were reproduced in
Kikan SensD Sekinin KenkyE
Nos. 13 and 14, 1996, under the title of “Nippon Keisatsu no ‘Ianfu’ Seisaku (1), (2)” (hereafter, NKIS Part I and Part II).

6 NKIS Part I, p. 53.

7 Ibid., p. 53.

8 Ibid., p. 53.

9 Ibid., p. 54.

10 Ibid., p. 55.

11 NKIS Part II, p. 66.

12 Ibid., pp. 62–63.

13 Ibid., p. 63.

14 Ibid., pp. 63–64.

15 Kanagawa-ken Keisatsu Hombu Keisatsu-shi Hensan Iinkai ed.,
Kanagawa-ken Keisatsu-shi Ge-kan
(Kanagawa-ken Keisatsu Hombu, Yokohama, 1974) pp. 346–347.

16 Ibid., p. 347–348.

17 Ibid., p. 352.

18 Ibid., pp. 355 and 360.

19 NKIS Part II, p. 66.

20 Yamada Meiko, op. cit., p. 117.

21 Itsushima Tsutomu ed., op. cit., pp. 30–36. The source of information is a testimony by one of the rape victims.

22 Osaka-fu Tokk
Ikka, “Ky
Kokusui D
mei no D
sei” (September 19, 1945) and Osaka-fu Keisatsu Buch
, “Nippon Kinr
sha D
mei no Kanka ni Okeru Kessh
Jumbi Und
ni Kansuru Ken” (September 27, 1945). Both of these documents are included in
Naimu-shD ShiryD
in the collection of the Japanese National Diet Library ( JNDL) Collection. See also Awaya Kentar
Gendaishi Hakkutsu
tsuki Shoten, Tokyo, 1996) p. 71.

23 Awaya Kentar
, op. cit., p. 72;
Kobe Shimbun
(September 8, 1945).

24 Duus Masayo, op. cit., p. 30.

25 Ibid., pp. 32–38; Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., p. 9.

26 Kaburagi Seiichi, op. cit., p. 25; Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., pp.

13–14; Duus Masayo, op. cit., pp. 61–63.

27 Kaburagi Seiichi, op. cit., pp. 16–17; Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., pp. 10–11; Duus Masayo, op. cit., pp. 41–45, 51–52; Mark Gayn,
Japan Diary
(William Sloane Associates, New York, 1948) p. 233.

28 Duus Masayo, op. cit., pp. 52–53.

29 Ibid., p. 53; Kanzaki Kiyoshi,
Baishun: Kettei-ban Kanzaki RepDto
(Gendaishi Shuippan-kai, Tokyo, 1974) pp. 134–136.

30 Kaburagi Seiichi, op. cit., pp. 20–21; Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., pp. 21–23; Duus Masayo, op. cit., pp. 90–96.

31 Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., pp. 26–27.

Yomiuri HDchi Shimbun
Mainichi Shimbun
, September 3 and 5, 1945.

33 Duus Masayo, op. cit., pp. 54–55.

34 Kanzaki Kiyoshi, op. cit., p. 134.

35 Ibid., p. 142; Mark Gayn, op. cit., p. 234.

36 Kanzaki Kiyoshi, op. cit., p. 135; Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., p. 17.

37 JNDL Collection, Kempei Shireibu J
Chian JDsei
, No. 29 (August 30, 1945) in Japanese Army and Navy Archives, Reel 229.

38 Cited in Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., pp. 27–28.

39 Kaburagi Seiichi, op. cit., pp. 25–26.

40 Ibid., p. 26; Kanzaki Kiyoshi, op. cit., pp. 136–137.

41 Kaburagi Seiichi, op. cit., pp. 7–28; Kanzaki Kiyoshi, op. cit., pp. 137–138; Duus Masayo, op. cit., p. 67.



42 Kaburagi Seiichi, op. cit., p. 28.

43 Ibid., p. 28; Duus Masayo, op. cit., p. 54; Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op.

cit., p. 52.

44 For details of Japan’s prostitution industry prior to the end of World War II, see, for example: Yoshimi Kaneko,
BaishD no Shaki-shi
( Y
zankaku Shuppan, Tokyo, 1992) Chapters 1–12; Fujime Yuki, “The Licenced Prostitution System and the Prostitution Abolition Movement in Modern Japan” in
Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique
, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1997.

45 Duus Masayo, op. cit., p. 94.

46 Mark Gayn, op. cit., p. 232.

47 Duus Masayo, op. cit., p. 133; Kaburagi Seiichi, op. cit., p. 30.

48 Itsushima Tsutomu, ed., op. cit., p. 238.

49 JNDL Collection,
Chian JDsei
No. 394 (September 15, 1945) in “Chian J
sei Kempei Shireibu 1945, August–September,” Japanese Army and Navy Archives, Reel 229, T1555/f02498–02511.

50 Kaburagi Seiichi, op. cit., pp. 50–55.

51 Ibid., pp. 35–36.

52 In his memoirs, Kaburagi mentions “the Admiral of the US Pacific Fleet” who was entertained at the
kura Villa one night. A “dancer” called Emiko, from Oasis of Ginza, who served the Admiral, complained to Kaburagi the following morning that she had had to serve him five times during the night and was thoroughly exhausted.

See Kaburagi Seiichi, op. cit., pp. 43–44.

53 Ibid., pp. 42–43. In his diary, Mark Gayn, a correspondent for the
Chicago Sun
, also refers to a special club called the Daian Club, at which American guests were treated to “good food, liquor, and women on the house.” This club, which was not part of the RAA’s organization, was run by a multi-business operator and gangster, And
Akira. Gayn described And
’s various tactics “of the shrewd, well-organized and well-financed Japanese campaign to corrupt the Army of the United States.” He concluded that “the weapons are wine, women, and hospitality, and the objective is to subvert the starch and purpose of the occupation.” See Mark Gayn, op. cit., pp.

124–125, 245–246.

54 JNDL Collection, Kanagawa-ken Chiji Fujiwara Takao, “Gaihi G
gai” (September 13, 1945) in MOJ 8, “Japanese Government Documents and Censored Publications,”

Reel 4, “Police Intelligence Reports.”

55 Duus Masayo, op. cit., pp. 83–84.

56 “Memorandum for the Record by James H. Gordon, Subject: Conference with Major Philip Weisbach” (September 30, 1945) in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP, Box 9370, “Venereal Disease Control: 1945–1946,” Document No. 3. In this memorandum, “Mokojuna” seems to refer to “Muk
jima,” one of the well-known red-light districts in Tokyo.

57 Kanzaki Kiyoshi, op. cit., pp. 144 –148.

58 “Record of Health: Examination of the 3rd week of October” in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP, Box 9370, “Venereal Disease Control: 1945–1946,” Document No.


59 Duus Masayo, op. cit., pp. 153–155.

60 Mark Gayn, op. cit., pp. 212–215.

61 “GHQ Public Health and Welfare Section, Welfare Sub-Section, Memorandum for the Record” (December 29, 1945) in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP Box 9370, “Abolition of Licenced Prostitution.”

62 Ibid.

63 Kobayashi Daijir
and Murase Akira, op. cit., pp. 21–23.

64 Ibid., pp. 21–23.

65 Cited in Duus Masayo, op. cit., pp. 174–175.

66 Kanagawa-ken Keisatsu Hombu Keistasu-shi Hensan Iinkai ed., op. cit., p. 693.



67 “Commander Naval Activities Japan” (August 2, 1946) in USNA Collection, RG

331, SCAP, Box 9370, “Venereal Disease Control: 1945–1946,” Document No. 50.

68 AA Collection, A5954/1886/2 “Report by Commander-in-Chief, British Commonwealth Occupation Force for Month of September 1946: Part IV – ‘A’ ( Personal) Matters, Section 12 – Medical;” AWM Collection, AWM 114/267/6/17 “Notes on VD Control Officers (10 October 1946)” and “Control of VD (12 September 1946).”

69 AWM Collection, AWM 114/267/6/17 “Notes on VD Control Officers (10 October 1946)” and “Control of VD (12 September 1946).”

70 A series of memorandums by James H. Gordon under the title of “Conference with Dr. H. Yosano and Dr. Fukai” in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP, Box 9370, “Venereal Disease Control: 1945–1946,” Document No. 5.

71 “Memorandum for the Record by James H. Gordon, Subject: Conference with Dr.

Yosano, Tokyo Health Department, on Venereal Disease” (October 26, 1945) in ibid., Document No. 19.

72 “Memorandum for the Record by James H. Gordon, Subject: Conference with Dr.

T. Ichikawa, Professor of Urology, Tokyo Imperial University” in ibid., Document Nos. 19 and 20.

73 “Memorandum for the Record by James H. Gordon, Subject: Visit to Yokohama”

(November 3, 1945) and “Memorandum for the Record by James H. Gordon, Subject: Plan for the Use of Anti-Venereal Drugs Released to Japanese form US

Army Stocks” (November 4, 1945) in ibid., Document Nos. 16 and 24.

74 “Memorandum for the Record by James H. Gordon, Subject: Visit to Yokohama”

(November 3, 1945) in ibid., Document No. 25.

75 “Incoming Message, Restricted, Routine from Washington (SPMDW) to CINCAFPAC

(For Sams Public Health and Welfare Section)” (November 22, 1945) in ibid., Document No. 45.

76 Duus Masayo, op. cit., p. 151.

77 “Regulation No. 45 issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. The Complementary Regulation for the Venereal Disease Prevention Law in accordance with Imperial Ordinance No. 542” (November 22, 1945) in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP, Box 9370, “Venereal Disease Control: 1945–1946,” Document No. 28.

78 Ibid.

79 “Memorandum for the Record by Hugh McDonald, Subject: Conference on Venereal Disease and Related Legislation” (December 6, 1945) in ibid., Document No.


80 “Memorandum for the Record by Philip E. M. Bourland, Subject: Venereal Disease Control and Treatment Problems in Tokyo” ( June 6, 1946) in ibid., Document No.


81 “Letter from Tokyo–Yokohama Chapter Army–Navy Chaplains Association. to SCAP, General Headquarters” ( January 11, 1946) in ibid., Document No. 45.

82 “Memorandums by Public Health and Welfare Section, under the title of ‘Control of Venereal Disease’ ” ( January 22, and February 2, 1946) in ibid., Document No. 45.

83 “Memorandum by C. F. Sams, Chief, Public Health and Welfare Section, Subject: Venereal Disease Contact-Tracing in Tokyo” in ibid., Document No. 43.

84 “From BCOF to Army Melbourne, COS 8177. TOP SECRET for JCOSA” (September 12, 1946); “Joint Chiefs of Staff in Australia Agendum. Report by C.N.S. (K) and C.O.S. (I) on their visit to Japan – Subsequent Action. Appendix C, Medical – High Incidence of Venereal Disease Within BCOF” in AA Collection, A5954/

1886/2, “British Commonwealth Occupation Forces: Incidence of Venereal Disease” (September 4, 1946–July 27, 1956).

85 “Memorandum by Crawford F. Sams” (December 26, 1946) in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP, Box 9370, “Abolition of Licenced Prostitution.”

86 AWM Collection, AWM 114/267/6/17 “Duties of Personnel Comprising the Anti-VD Team” ( June 28, 1946).



87 “Letter from T. Katsube, Chief of Liaison Section, Central Liaison Office, to GHQ”

( July 17, 1946) in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP, Box 9370, “Venereal Disease Control: 1945–1946,” Document No. 55.

88 “Memorandum sent from H. W. Allen, Colonel, AGD, Asst. Adjutant General to Imperial Japanese Government, Subject: Abolition of Licensed Prostitution in Japan” ( January 21, 1946) in ibid., Document No. 37; “Memorandum for the Record by M. H. McDonald, Subject: Elimination of Licensed Prostitution in Japan”

( January 7, 1946) in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP, Box 9370, “Abolition of Licenced Prostitution.”

89 “Memorandum by Director of the Police Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, submitted to Superintendent-General of the Metropolitan Police Board, Subject: Guidance and Control regarding Abolition of the System of Licensed Prostitution”

(May 28, 1946) in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP, Box 1416 “Japanese Taxes on Prostitution.”

90 “Memorandum by Crawford F. Sams” (December 26, 1946) in USNA Collection, RG 331, SCAP, Box 9370, “Abolition of Licenced Prostitution.”

91 “Memorandum by James H. Gordon, Subject: Venereal Disease Problems in Japan”

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