January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (149 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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The music started and the women had the entire crowd enchanted with their routine. It was beautiful and something that I had only ever seen in the movies. It included the hula and other Hawaiian style dances where the women delicately brought their hands above their heads, turned from side to side, swayed their hips and moved their feet. It was lovely and every eye in the crowd was glued to the ladies as they danced.

After they completed two different dances, they asked for volunteers. Gin and I held up Maddy’s thin arm much to her disagreement, and they picked her and a handful of other women. Masina stood next to my girl and winked at me. I held my hands in a prayer position and tipped my head, saying thank you. Having my girl with Tai’s mother was exactly as I would have hoped. Each professional on the stage taught the audience member a small routine. Maddy seemed to pick it up right away as I knew she would. The girl was gifted in everything including dance. Masina cued the music and the audience members followed along with their instructor. Before long, Maddy was smiling, waving her arms in the air like she’d been there all her life. I loved seeing her up there having fun, knowing I was giving her this memory. The first time she left the state of Nevada and it was with me, to Hawaii. She’d remember this forever, as would I. Something that she’d be able to tell her kids about. Please God, let that be years down the road, after she becomes a doctor.

The music stopped and the audience members received a loud applause. The show continued and the longer it went without Tai, the more nervous I became. Usually, the last ones in a performance like this meant it was the most dangerous.

Finally, Afano came out wearing different garb, but still showing just as much skin. His tattoos looked sharply black and oiled, reflecting the fierceness.

“And now I give you our most desired performance. It takes a warrior’s heart to handle the fire knives and my sons...”—when he pounded his fist against his chest, it was so loud you could hear the smack against his flesh—“...my sons are pure of heart and have cleared their minds to bring you this piece of our culture. Men!” He roared and that’s when Tai and his three brothers came onto the stage. Afano and Tai stood at the front, the three brothers in the back. Each held a long stick. Masina came out in a beautiful white dress that flowed in the breeze. She held a torch and lit each end of the stick, patted her guys one by one on the cheek, and returned to the side of the stage. The men stood, legs wide apart, grassy bands around their calves and elbows. Each wore a small blood-red sarong.

“Oh sweet Lord, how am I to control myself when all that is standing right in front of me,” Gin whispered, and I shoved her shoulder.


“No promises.”

We both laughed, but my eyes were on Tai. I felt as though my heart was in my throat as Afano called out commands and then the men made a huge “Hut” sound and stomped their feet. The two lit ends blazed on in front of their faces and then they began to spin the stick. The fire stick. In my head I had to repeat it because I couldn’t believe it. 

Spin. The. Fire. Stick.

Just as I thought I would die with worry, clearly believing they were going to get burned, they all threw the sticks up in the air and caught them, then flipped around and wove through one another, spinning the fire stick the entire time. I had my hand over my mouth and my other fisted in my lap.

The guys did several moves that defied gravity, all things holy, and set a fear so deep within my soul I could hardly breathe.

Then it got scarier.

The four other men backed up and stood in the very back, their legs out wide, their hands holding the sticks above their heads as if they were lighting the stage. The drums pounded loudly, shaking my chest with every “Boom!” And then Tai was alone in the middle of the stage. That’s when shit got real.

My Tai flung that stick so high in the air, did a couple of flips, caught it and spun it around his body, weaving it through his legs and behind his back. The grass blades of his costume could catch on fire at any moment. He flung that thing around the back of his neck, twirled it like a baton with two fingers, and then held up a hand. Afano, from behind, threw his fire stick in the air. Tai went down on a knee, lifted his arm, and caught the second one midair. I gasped and closed my eyes. Once I opened them, he was spinning both fire sticks. The audience was clapping wildly as I just sat there in shock. Frightened out of my mind.

After what seemed like an eternity of Tai doing complicated twists, throws, and flips, the noise of the drums hit a booming roar that I felt deep in my chest, making my toes curl into my wedged sandals. The brothers made a “Hut” sound over and over, while stomping towards Tai then threw all of their sticks into the air at different intervals. Tail flipped, landed on his back, and then bounced each one of them from his feet as they fell from the sky to his hands where he caught them one after another. Then he stood up holding all five fire sticks and made a perfect H symbol. Two sticks in each hand and the last one flat held between his thumbs. Each brother hugged Tai, wet the flames, and then bowed.

The entire dinner party of several hundred people stood up and screamed their excitement, joy, and adoration of the performance. Afano had his family all came up onto the stage where everyone bowed. Tai’s eyes were glued to mine. Tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks as I clapped so hard my hands were burning. He grinned that sexy Tai grin that melted the hearts and panties of every woman within a mile radius before they left the stage and the emcee announced that the luau was over.

“Your May boyfriend is crazy talented,” Ginelle offered while hugging me against her side.

May boyfriend

I guess if I thought about it, that’s what he was. And Alec had been my February boyfriend and Wes my January. I didn’t want to think about what that meant. Most women didn’t have multiple boyfriends in a year like that, but what else would you call a monogamous relationship you have for an entire month where you’re committed to the same man, you go out on dates, meet their family, have fun together, tell each other your hopes and dreams, fall asleep together each night and so forth. If that wasn’t the definition of a boyfriend, I didn’t know what was.

“Yes, he is. Let’s go thank him for the tickets.”

When we made our way to the back, the family had already picked up what they needed and Tai was in a pair of board shorts and nothing else. His chest was still slicked with oil, showing off every delectable inch of his muscular body.

“Can I have one of his brothers?” Gin asked taking in the three guys whose eyes were all over her. Tao, his eldest brother looked at Gin as if she was a nice hearty steak and he was starved. Watching her eyes, the feeling was absolutely mutual.

“Go for it, ho bag. Rock his fucking world. Why not?”

“Man, you guys are making me miss Matthew.” Maddy pouted prettily.

“Oh, so you now know the joys of sex,” she grinned, and shook her head a bunch of times. “Great. That blows. And not in the good way,” I chastised her before she could comment. I didn’t need to know if my little sis was blowing her man. God help me, please don’t let her ask for pointers.

Tai walked up when he noticed us in the distance. His form was so manly. Cut muscles everywhere that felt as good as they looked and bulged with each prowling step forward.

“Enjoy the show?” he asked.

I nodded numbly but couldn’t hold back anymore. I wanted to take a bite out of him so badly. Lust swirled in my veins, moistened my sex, and made me wanton in a way that was indecent. Flinging myself at him, he caught me in the air just as my lips crashed over his. He growled his appreciation and took my mouth hard, his tongue swooping in to taste. I sucked on every millimeter of those lips, rubbing my core against his now hard length through his shorts.

“Girlie,” his voice was a rumble against my lips. “Not the place. But don’t you worry, we’re going to continue this back at the house when the girls are asleep.” His lips moved to my ear. “You will suffer so much pleasure for making me get this hard and having to wait to take you. Be prepared. Be prepared to burn up the sheets with the fire you’ve set.” The way he said it was more than a promise. It was a fact.

Chapter 8


“Oh God, no!” I screamed. “No more. I can’t any…. oh sweet… fuck me!” I howled, pressing my hips up into Tai’s mouth and my hands down on his head. He held the globes of my ass and sucked another orgasm from me. I didn’t think it was possible. He’d eaten me raw. I’d lost count of how many orgasms I’d had against his tongue. All I knew was that if he didn’t put that huge cock inside me quick, I was going to pass out from sheer exhaustion alone.

Tai growled low in his throat, sounding like a wild animal. I now know it as his, I’m-about-to-lose-my-mind, pre-cursor to pounding me into oblivion. He flipped me over on my stomach, pulled my hips up, and back so I was on my hands and knees. “Grab the headboard. I’m too far gone. Need to take this tasty pussy hard.”

He gripped my waist, leveled his hips, pressed the tip of his cock to my soaking entrance, and slowly eased in. One steely hard inch at a time. I held my breath, expecting a wild thrust, but he surprised me by going in soft. It wasn’t for long. “Yeah, nice and easy, get my dick fucking wet, with that juicy pussy.” He eased in and out slowly, and I took long breaths, relaxing my neck down to watch him enter and exit. The condom was coated with my essence. I moved one hand and reached down to feel where he entered me over and over.

“Aw yeah, girlie. You like to feel me splitting your flower open. Nothin’ better.” One of his hands came up to my breast and tweaked, pulled and elongated my nipple. With that, I started pressing back into him with enough force to knock his hips back. “What, what do you want? You have to ask for it,

I hated when he called me
. He knew it pissed me off, which is why he used it during the height of our love-making. Though, you really couldn’t call it making love with Tai and me. There wasn’t even one time where we’d had a slow drawn out session with candles and chocolate or anything remotely related to romance. The closest thing to that was when we sipped on champagne before he took me hard on the hood of his car last week. Nope, Tai and I fucked, and we fucked each other with abandon. I loved
about Tai. We were friends and I would be friends with him after I went on to my next adventure, but for now, I was going to enjoy getting pummeled good and hard with Tai’s fat dick. 

“Fuck me with your Big. Samoan. Fat. Cock!” I roared and shoved my hips back piercing myself onto his member.

“You ready to walk funny tomorrow, huh girlie?” he goaded.

“Is my ass white?” I asked flippantly, looking at him over my shoulder, wiggling said ass.

His eyes were focused on my cheeks. His fingers were clenched around my hips. “Oh yeah,” he said, grinding into my cleft, reaching that high spot I dedicated personally to his dick.

“Then don’t ask me stupid questions.” Crimeny, these men I bed are always asking me dumb.... “Fuck!” my pussy clenched down like a vice as Tai’s cock rammed home. I screamed soundlessly, no air coming out of my mouth as he pounded mercilessly into me. His balls smacked up against swollen flesh adding an element of pain that felt so good I arched up, holding my body aloft and bent back. Tai roughly ran a hand down my chest where he pinched my clit between two fingers. Not pressed and rubbed, no, he pinched, adding more pressure with each mighty thrust. The pleasure rose so high I cracked, broke, and shattered while he held me together long enough to find his own release. This time he hollered his release in a lion-sized roar. So loud I’m certain Gin and Maddy had to have been awakened because the walls seemed to shake with the sound.

That was the last thing I recalled before I blacked out.

When I woke, he was wiping the space between my thighs with a warm cloth, cleaning me. “Did I hurt you?” his eyes were flat, cold, and black.

I shook my head. “Do you want to go back to your bed?” Again, I shook my head still having a little trouble speaking through the sated buzz zipping along every nerve ending. “Are you sure?” his voice cracked a bit, sending warning flares to my mind. 

He sat down next to me and I got up and crawled into his lap his arms coming around me tight. “You didn’t hurt me.”

“You passed out,” he said in a tone so emotional I left the comfort of his warm neck where I’d snuggled to look deep into his eyes.

I cupped both cheeks, forcing him to look at me and really see the truth in my words. “Tai, that was some of the best sex of my life. I’ll remember that until I die. You didn’t hurt me. Last count, I had six orgasms.
. That’s unheard of.” I didn’t tell him that I had a couple other guys that could go rounds like that, but with Tai it was unique. Different intensity, different body parts, words, thoughts. All of it good, but special to him, to what we had in this bed.

Tai tunneled his fingers at the nape of my neck and up into my hair line. “Mia, I lost control.”

I shook my head. “We got heated. Hey, you’re the one that said we were going to burn up the sheets. I’d classify that round—or rounds”—I grinned and he smiled on a huff—“as burning up the sheets. Wouldn’t you?”

He tilted his head and inhaled. “As long as you’re truly okay.”

“Oh honey, I’m more than okay and give me a good night’s sleep and I’ll be ready to take you on again. Only this time… I get to be on top!”

Tai laughed, laid me back under the cool sheets and wrapped me in his warmth. Exhausted, we both crashed.

I woke up the next day with the sun shining in my eyes, the sounds of the beach, a cool ocean breeze kissing my skin, and a sinfully sexy Samoan’s face between my thighs.


Best. Month. Ever.




The walk of shame wasn’t too far since Tai and I had connecting bungalows. I snuck in on bare feet, holding my wedge sandals in one hand and tiptoeing through to find Maddy pouring a cup of coffee and smirking at me. Damn.

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