January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (145 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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Tai sighed. “Mia is not my girlfriend. We are friends spending time together for a month and working together.”

Masina nodded. “I know, pure heart. Do not expect more, for it is not to be yours.” Her tone was dead serious. A mother’s warning, definitely one we should heed. “Now go,” she flicked her fingers out effectively excusing us. “I have much to do for dessert.”

Tai looped an arm over my shoulder and led me out back again. By this time, I’d sucked up the remains of drink number two and was passionately needing a third. I shook my glass and we hit the open bar where tall see-through jugs sat filled with the strawberry colored liquid.


Back at the bungalow after way too many Lilikoi’s Passion’s, we sat out on the beach, toes and bums in the sand, dark ocean the only sound around. The waves crashed hard against the shore, the white foam and silky ocean reflecting a perfectly bright moon. The ocean seemed endless from where we sat, the murky depths ready to swallow us whole at any time. I loved and feared the ocean in equal parts. It was something I had a great deal of respect for. It was also something I never underestimated.

I leaned back on my forearms and crossed my ankles looking at the shirtless man next to me. “What do all the tattoos mean?” I asked.

“All of them mean something, girlie. Which spot in particular has your attention?” His eyes were as dark as the ocean behind him but not as scary. I could willingly be taken prisoner into those beautiful black pits.

Sitting up, I traced the sun burst on his shoulder, allowing the point of my finger to caress each ray of light. Goosebumps rose on the surface of skin I touched.

“That was my first. It was an incredible honor. In my culture, the sun typically stands for riches, brightness, grandeur, and leadership. For me, the way the rays reach out across my heart show my desire to lead with my heart. To be rich in the ways of love like my
. And one day, I hope to serve as a great man at the head of my business and my family. Again, like my
. That is why I asked my father to share it.”

“That’s really special.”

Tai’s chest shifted and puffed out more as he inhaled. “In the way of Samoans, if you want to get
or the ink, you must earn it. And you must have a willing member of your family who will share it with you so that your lives will forever be linked. He stood up and dropped his shorts leaving him completely naked. He turned to the side, his cock semi-erect and nothing close to the levels it reached when he was really turned on. With a sweep of his hand, he traced down his ribs to a crescent shape with a circular pinwheel design in the center.

“These markings I received for my brother, Tao. It was his wish to find harmony in his life. He fought a lot. With our parents, me, our sisters, brothers, kids at school. When he found his way, he wanted to share that journey in his life with me.”

I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them. “And the turtle?”

He grinned and ran his hand down to his abs. Not abs. Lust squares. Each square ab on his body made me lust after it. I wanted to lick and bite my way through every inch of that torso and midsection, tattoos and all… hell, especially because of the tattoos.

“Another request of mine that I share with my youngest brother. The turtle symbolizes longevity, wellness, and peace. It’s something I desire for my family and myself.”

“What about the waves and swirls? Do they mean something or are they just filler?” I asked honestly and he laughed.

Shaking his head, he used a finger to trace the swirls all over his body. By this point, his shaft had hardened, and I was ready to get story time over, but I was interested in why he would tattoo an entire half of his body and leave the rest pristine…devoid of ink.

“The ocean in our culture is very prominent, not only because we are surrounded by it, literally at its mercy, but because historically, Samoan’s believed that the ocean is where you went when you died. Since I surf, and my culture is to always be near it, I give it a place in the story of my life and my family’s lives.” He continued and showed me bits here and there that were for a couple cousins, his other brother and so on. He even broke the rule and got the same flower every woman in his family had on her foot.

I noticed it at the party but hadn’t mentioned it. At the time, I did find it odd that every woman in that house had the exact same tattoo on her foot. Turns out it was their lineage. It was the female version of paying the same respect to the family by permanently marking your body.  

“My last question, I promise!”

He rolled his eyes and sat his bare bottom on the towel we’d brought with us. I bit down hard on my lip while feasting my eyes on his erect cock. I wanted that massive appendage in me like I wanted that million dollars to pay off Pops’ debt.

“Go head, girlie. Ask it. But while you do, remove your clothes. Slowly.”

I looked around as if someone was magically going to appear on a private beach. Hey, I was a Vegas girl. You never knew when a creeper was hiding behind the bushes. Of course, here there weren’t any bushes. Just miles of palm trees and sand. Standing up, I tugged off my tank, unbuttoned my shorts, and let them both fall to the sand.


“What, the question or the removal of my clothes?” I added seductively.

His eyebrow quirked up. “Both.”

I unclasped the hooks at the back of my body, my bra loosening so that I was holding it in front of me. “Why is the entire right side of your body free of
?” I tried the Samoan word for tattoo on for size. He grinned at the use so I must have said it correctly. Go me!



“I want to see your melons. Drop your arms.” I let go of my bra and let the girls bounce free. Nice size Ds that were pretty damn perky in my opinion. My hands instantly fondled each large globe brazenly. Tai groaned and leaned back widening his legs. “You seeing this, girlie?” He shook his head in mock indignation.

“I sure do. Now tell me so we can get to the happy ending of the evening.”

He wiggled a finger and I shook my head. He used that come-hither finger again and, not being able to deny the wet coating my thighs nor the desire racing through my body, I walked over. He slammed me down onto his lap. Without a word, two of his fingers slipped between my folds and sunk deep, his thumb pressing hard into the knot of nerves aching for attention. My head flew back and I arched on his lap, giving him perfect access to my breasts, which he took greedily.

Tai had me bouncing on his lap, forcibly digging his fingers deep, and fucking me beautifully with those fat digits. When he bit down on my tender nipple while simultaneously twirling his thumb around my O-trigger, I lost it.
being my hold on one helluva orgasm.

Once I came down, he took my mouth, kissing me hard, long… mesmerizingly. When he pulled back, I felt drunk all over again, only this time I was drunk on him. Ready to be his willing slave if he’d just give me another sip of his sweet pleasure.

“I left the side of my body pure for me. That half of my life is mine alone and will only be shared with my future wife and children. When the time is right, I will share the markings of my son’s lives and hopefully their sons.”

My hair fell against his face when I pressed our foreheads together, lips barely touching. Just enough so you could feel the slight humidity when sharing one another’s air. “You can’t even be real,” I whispered against the moisture on his lips. “Men aren’t ever that selfless.”

“Oh honey, I’m far from selfless, and plan on showing you when I take what I want from your wicked body.”

“Yes, please.”

With that, he gripped my ass and walked me to my bungalow.


Chapter 5


Cock. Specifically, Tai’s
cock, left an impression. A big one. The space between my thighs was swollen and well-used after last night’s sexcapades. His hunger for me was insatiable. He took me so many times that my pussy felt empty, devoid of the fullness he gave. Last night was one for the books. A night of pure unadulterated, dirty, filthy sex. The kind every woman wants, but rarely gets.

A grin slipped across my face so wide it was impossible to hold back as I made my way up the stairs to the beautiful beach house, which was the location of my first photo shoot for D’Amico Designs and the “Beauty Comes in All Sizes Campaign.” When I held my hand up to knock on the door, it opened and a scrawny, overly thin hipster-type guy greeted me.

“Thank God, you’re here. Mia right?” he said and gestured with a wave to follow him in. I took in his appearance. Wearing all black, his skinny jeans looked glued to stick-like legs and a black t-shirt that was tucked haphazardly into his pants, revealed that his waist was the size of my thigh. I followed him at a fast clip, my flip-flops flapping loudly along the tile floors. “She’s here,” he said to the room as we entered the living area. A few heads looked up and nodded, but that was it. The living room didn’t look like your normal comfy living space with couches and TV. It had been transformed into a workspace for makeup, hair, and wardrobe. Racks of swimsuits and cover-ups lined one wall. Another had a wall of mirrors with seats that mimicked stations at a salon. Several heads were being worked on while upbeat music played in the background.

The man that had yet to introduce himself slapped his hands over the back of a leather chair. “Sit.” I did as instructed, mostly because I didn’t know what else to do. I could see through the open French doors and windows that led out to a massive pool and garden where Angel, the designer, and the photographer, were setting up equipment and ordering attendants around. When I modeled for Alec, it was mostly just me, and there wasn’t much in the way of hair and makeup. That wasn’t what his art was about. This reminded me of an upper scale shoot like I’d done for a few ads and commercials during my brief sojourn into acting prior to becoming an escort.

“I am Raul, your stylist, makeup artist, and hairdresser all in one. I am everything and a bag of Cheetos.” He winked. I scaled his thin gothic look and thought he could use a bag or
of Cheetos right about now. The only color on his body was his light brown skin and purple hair. It was shaved on the sides and smoothed into a pompadour style. With the length of the hair that fell over the back, it made me wonder if he spiked it up into a Mohawk. He pulled my hair off my neck and into a ponytail, making quick work of my make-up. We chatted idly while he did my hair, weaving beautifully bouncy curls into the long tresses.

Raul called a few orders out to other people standing around until one googly-eyed super tall, incredibly skinny woman brought over a bathing suit, handing it to Raul. He looked her up and down slowly, licked his lips, and thanked the girl. She preened for him and turned to help another stylist.

“Your girlfriend?” I asked as he made finishing touches to my hair.

“Not yet,” he said confidentially. “Working on that. She’s shy. Don’t want to scare her off, but we’re going out this weekend.”

“Good for you!” I smiled and he grinned, fluffing and spraying his masterpiece, making sure nary a hair was out of place.

With one last poof of the hair and burst of spray he announced I was done. I looked in the mirror and barely recognized myself. I looked frickin’ awesome! My hair was shiny, filled with body, and loose curls that swayed elegantly as I moved my head from side to side. The makeup was nothing short of a masterpiece, Michelangelo quality. My green eyes were popping and so bright, I gasped at how beautiful they were, and I knew they were one of my best features. The rest of the look was very sun kissed and bronzed, seemingly natural only with an entire face full of makeup to achieve said “natural beauty.”

“You’re a genius.”

“I know,” he said and handed me a shimmery black bathing suit. The top was a tankini-halter paired with bottoms that had two white strings at each hip. More coverage than my normal bathing suits which was nice for my first run. “Go change over there where the other girls are going.”

I entered the room to see a variety of women of many shapes and sizes in various stages of undress. Assistants were mingling from woman to woman, spraying things on their skin, and sealing bathing suits to specific areas.

A curvaceous black woman approached me. She had on a complex white suit that crisscrossed at the breasts into larger swaths of fabric that covered her stomach then nipped at the hip where the design went into a boy short. On her shape, and with her espresso-colored skin against the white, it worked, and she was definitely comfortable with her curves. “Hey girl, I’m MiChelle,” she said, pronouncing it as ‘Me-Shell’, and holding out her hand. I shook it with a smile.

“Mia.” I looked around the room and the other girls waved.

MiChelle locked an arm around my shoulder. “Okay, that hot blonde beeotch is Taylor,” she pointed to a woman who was having her very large breasts taped into a bathing suit. Her blonde hair was gorgeous, falling down to her ample booty. My guess, girl was a solid size sixteen possibly even an eighteen and looked smokin’ hot in the black suit. She waved. “That right there...”—she pointed to a brunette with cropped hair that was slicked back into a Robert Palmer girl, complete with the bright red lips—“is my girl, Lindsay.” She was probably a tad smaller at a fourteen or sixteen,

She took me farther into the room where a set of identical twins were sitting, their hair being pinned in complicated designs, both wearing the same bathing suit in a different color. Their red hair was a deep mahogany with striking swoops of caramel blonde running through it. Each had one blonde swoop of hair left down to curl around their face. “Hi,” they both said at the same time then giggled like teenagers. Actually, the more I looked, the more I realized they were teenagers just with a lot of makeup on.

“Misty and Marcia, our twin babies. We all watch out for them. Keep them out of trouble… don’t need them turning into some island hoochies. Right girls?”

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