January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (147 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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He snorted. Yes, Tai piggy snorted. “You’re the first woman ever who has told me that.”

“Stalling. What did Masina say about your true love?”

He ran a hand over his prickly dome. I could hear the pointy hair growing back scrape along his calloused hand. “She said her eyes would be the color of fresh cut grass and her hair will be a golden yellow like the sun.”

I opened my mouth and laughed. “We’re looking for a blonde with green eyes!” That’s awesome.

Tai shrugged. “Means she will not be Samoan.” He frowned. “That will be difficult for the family.” His tone seemed tired and uncertain.

Rubbing his shoulder, I moved close then leaned against it. He wrapped an arm around me. “True love always is. I think you have to go through some trials and tribulations to get to the happy ending, to find that happily ever after.”

“Think so?”

“Know so.” I smiled, turned my head, and kissed the ball of his shoulder.

He groaned. “In the meantime, I will enjoy a sultry brunette from the mainland.” Tai shifted so that his hand moved from my knee up my inner thigh where he cupped my sex aggressively. 

My voice was husky and filled with desire when I replied. “Now that, sounds like an excellent idea.”



Instead of turning off toward Honolulu and Diamond Head Beach where we were staying, he turned left and took the Jeep up a long hilly road until nothing but dense trees were the only view out the window.

“Where are we going?”

Tai squeezed my shoulder. “You’ll see. Trust me.” I pouted, scowled, and groaned obstinately. “Hey, hey, turn that frown upside down, girlie.”

“I would if we were home and you were fucking me right now,” I retorted.

His eyes blazed with heat in response to my graphic reply. “Trust me; it will be worth it.”

“Worth missing out on a Tai Niko orgasm? Doubtful.” I grumbled playfully but not really. I wanted to get laid. It had been days, and I was ready for a dose or two or three of Tai lovin’. The song,
All Night Long
, by Lionel Richie ran through my mind.

Finally, the car stopped at the top of a clearing. It was pitch black around us. Only the light of the moon and the entire city of Honolulu below made it possible to see. The view, as I was coming to expect from any location in Oahu, was incredible and worth the side trip. Tai led me to the front of the Jeep, laid out a beach towel, and sat me on top of it. Then he went back to the car, rolled down the windows, and turned up the music. Hawaiian music oozed from the car as if on tropical winds. The night was warm and slightly humid. My skin felt a tad moist to the touch but not uncomfortable. Tai turned off the car and came back with a bottle of champagne. Where he had been hiding that, I had no clue.

“Where did you get that?” I asked.

“Real men have secrets their women don’t get to know about.”

I laughed and accepted the tiny Dixie cup filled with sweet, bubbling champagne. “Am I your woman?” I asked the loaded question. Like his mother said, Tai could not fall for me, nor I him. We had to be clear about the parameters of this thing we had. Fun and friendship.

“For the next seventeen days you are. Then you’re some other schlub’s problem,” he joked and I opened my mouth and laughed out loud.

“Wicked burn!”

“Thank you very much. I learned from the best,” he said and winked.

We sat for a long time and drank champagne until I got tipsy. Champagne was always good for loosening my inhibitions. I watched Tai out of the corner of my eye. He was sitting on the towel, leaning back on his forearms enjoying the view. I know he didn’t drink as much as I did because he had to drive. I turned on my side and traced his jawline with one finger until he turned his head. The man could make grown women weep at his perfection. He was just that good-looking.

I licked my lips while tracing his. The tip of his tongue came out and flicked my finger. I inhaled noisily and gasped when he bit down on the digit. You wouldn’t think a finger would be sensitive. Right then, it felt as though it had a direct connection to my clit. As Tai swirled the finger with his tongue, sucking it into the heat of his mouth, I could feel my panties getting wetter by the second. I pressed my legs together and squeezed, moaning with the pleasure of putting pressure on the achy space between my thighs.

“Your flower is ripe,” Tai said trailing a hand down between my breasts. He lifted up my skirt, and zeroed in instantly on my clit, swirling his finger around it before plunging fully into my cleft. I laid on my back, Tai’s hand moving smoothly in and out. He added another finger. “I can smell that nectar, girlie. Can I taste it? Right here, out in the open?”

I nodded frantically and clasped his strong shoulders. “Please,” I whimpered when a third finger slid in to meet the first two. 

“How about I strip you of all your clothes and take your body hard right now. Ever been taken on the hood of a car, Mia?” I shook my head.

“Only a motorcycle.” I admitted shakily, then tipped my head back when he moved his hand faster, finger fucking me like it was his job.

“Really?” His surprised tone had me groaning. “You’ll have to share that story later.” He removed his fingers and pulled me to my feet in front of the car. He pulled off my panties and stuck them in his pocket. Then he lifted my tank over my head. I yanked at his shirt, needing to feel that brown sugar skin against my erect nipples. Once removed, I clutched at him, slamming my mouth to his in a brutal kiss. He returned it with fervor. As with our previous sexual encounters, it became heated and dirty real quick.

Tai pulled away from my mouth lifted me back up and set me on the warm hood. Enough time had gone by so it wasn’t nearly as hot as it had been when we first parked. “Lay back. I want to see you spread out naked on the hood of my Jeep.” I did what he said, arching my breasts up, needing to do something. The desire firing through my body, the need for him to touch me… anywhere, was hitting epic proportions. “Give your tits some attention. I’m going to be busy tending to the flower between these creamy thighs and the sweet nectar sliding down the crack of your ass.”

Jesus, the things he said I felt straight through my body to my clit, where they crash-landed, throbbing in reply to every filthy word. My Tai was graphic, yet beautiful and raunchy at the same time.

Placing my hands over my breasts, I squeezed the heavy globes. The moment I pinched each nipple between thumb and forefinger, Tai plunged his tongue deep. He growled and I moaned. Between the two of us, we sounded like a pack of wild animals fighting in the woods. When Tai goes down on me, it’s as if he’s tasting the most decadent dessert for the first time. He licks, sucks, nips, bites, and presses in all the right spots. When he set those plump lips around my clit, twirling around the nub with his tongue, pushed open my inner thighs, wide enough to feel a twinge of pain, his black eyes lifted, and our gazes met. He gripped my thighs hard, opened his mouth, laid the flat edge of his tongue against my O-trigger and rubbed. I whimpered, begging him with my eyes, with the force of my legs I tried to lift up but was completely at his mercy. He lifted his mouth for just a moment and I wanted to cry. Tears actually formed in my eyes and my body shook with the need to come.

“Don’t close your eyes. Watch me take you to bliss.” He growled before licking me from slit to clit, setting his lips over my tender bundle of nerves once more, lifting his gaze and sucking hard. My entire body clenched with the powerful orgasm that ripped through the very fiber of my being. I couldn’t move, he had me restrained by the legs with his righteous man hands. When I couldn’t come anymore, I gripped his head with both hands and pulled. My tiny red clit slipped from between his lips looking like a small little cherry. I couldn’t move him any further, but he left the bundle alone and pressed his tongue deep into my cleft, tasting my true essence.

He was feral in his desire to lick up every drop, and he did, taking me to the point where I was almost over the edge again before he pulled away. His eyes were white hot and his cock was practically punching out his shorts. He removed his shorts and his heavy cock looked painfully erect. I started to move off the car to wrap my lips around it and return the favor, but he shook his head. He handed me a foil packet. I ripped it with my teeth, removed the condom, and ran it down the length of his massive cock.

Tai yanked my knees high up on his ribs so quickly that I had to slam my hands down behind me to hold my body up. He centered his cock and rammed home. I screamed out at the sheer size and girth. The man was huge everywhere, and his manhood matched the enormity that is Tai. Within seconds, he was gripping behind my knees and pressing higher, going impossibly deep. I clung to his shoulders and neck the best I could. My nails must have left claw marks in his back, neck and head, but he didn’t stop fucking me. Then he pulled out and flipped me over so that my knees were on the hood. I braced myself by leaning forward and holding onto the cooled metal of the hood near the windshield wipers. He tugged my ass back and lined himself up, pressed my lips wide, and slammed home once more. He was so deep, it was as if he was fucking unchartered territory.

“Gonna fuck you wide open, girlie. Make my mark so you miss this cock when you leave. You hear me?”

“Yeah,” I moaned as he slid his cock all over every internal nerve I had. Shivers of pleasure rippled along my veins. The walls of my sex clutched and pulsated around his stiff length.

“You gonna miss my cock one day?” he practically snarled, wanting to imprint me somehow. 

“Fuck yeah, Tai. Just fuck me,” I screamed as he pulled my hips back and I held on with all my strength.

Tai kept a furious pace. Then he propped a leg up on the bumper for more leverage, pushed my lower back down with one hand, and then brought the other to my tender clit where he gave it a little massage. It didn’t take much until I was barreling into my second orgasm. 

Soaring. Flying. Weightless. That’s what I felt, though somewhere I could vaguely feel Tai fucking me like a rock star, his hips pistoning, sweat dripping down on his chest until he climaxed on a mighty roar.



I didn’t remember the ride back, or how I made it into my bed when I woke for work the next day. As Tai expected, my hoo-hah was sore and sensitive to the touch. Even my undies grated against what Tai would call my “tender petals.” Snickering, I took a shower, letting the hot water sooth and relax the tissue. When I looked down, I swore out loud. On the front of each thigh were four quarter sized bruises, and then another around the back.

“Fuckin’ great. How the hell do you explain this shit to a bathing suit designer? Um yeah, I had crazy sex out in the open on a mountain on the hood of a car. And you know that giant Samoan you hired, yeah, it was totally his fault for getting wild and bruising my thighs while he went down on me. I groaned, and grumbled while I got ready for work.

When I showed up at the set, on the beach down from our bungalows, thank God, my attitude hadn’t abated at all. Tai looked up and smiled when he saw me enter.

“Hey girlie, you look…” his words died on his tongue as I shot daggers at him from a good ten feet away. I set down my bag and proceeded to ignore him stupidly. It was adolescent and silly I knew, but still, my soon to be very embarrassing story as to why Angel D’Amico fashion designer extraordinaire has to airbrush bruises out of his photos was not going to go over well. Tai set a large paw on my shoulder and I flinched it off and glared at him. “What happened between last night when I put you in bed and you showed up here?” he asked, full concern in his tone.

“You happened with your big man hands!” I grouched, lifted up my dress and showed him the ten finger shaped bruises on my thighs.

When I looked up, expecting him to be truly apologetic and sympathetic he absolutely was not. In fact, he was chuckling, holding a hand over his mouth and everything. My entire body turned hot and I placed a hand on each hip. “Are you freakin’ kidding me?” I whisper-yelled. I was mad, but I was still a professional and didn’t want to be the model chick that caused issues at the shoots.

At that moment, Raul walked up to me. This time, he wore white from head to toe. Turns out he wasn’t actually gothic. As he explained it, when he chose a color for the day, he committed wholly to it. So from the tip of his toes to his neck he’d wear entirely the same color. Today was white. Even his shoes were white Converse. The purple hair remained. He said that was him being whimsical.

“What’s the problem here?”

I narrowed my eyes at Tai. “Nothing,” I said through clenched teeth.

“She has bruises on her thighs,” Tai admitted immediately and had there been a knife close, I would have stabbed him in the eye; as it was, the makeup brushes were looking like a good possibility as a weapon of convenience. “We got a little crazy last night; you know how it is,” he said clasping Raul on the shoulder. “Think you can fix it?”

Raul’s lips barely twitched. “Let’s see them.”

I rolled my eyes and lifted up my dress. Raul came down to his knees, held my legs, and looked closely. “I’ll need ten spoons put into the freezer now!” he said behind him. The girl that he’d been dating the last week and a half jumped to it with a “Got it!” over her shoulder. “No problem, honey. I’ll lighten the bruise with the cold spoons and then cover them up.”

“Oh, thank God. I’d hate to have Angel have to airbrush the images.”

Raul’s eyes turned hard. “Honey, Angel D’Amico will no sooner airbrush a picture he’s taken of a woman wearing his designs than he would cheat on his hot wife, Rosa. He’s an artist first. He would never edit his photos. It’s important to him that every image is raw.”

“Oh. Okay, but you can help, right?” I looked at him with my best puppy dog eyes.

He led me into the chair for hair and makeup. “For you, anything.”

“Thanks, Raul.” I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

“What about me? I’m the one that asked him.” Tai added from behind me.

I cringed and flipped my hair off my shoulder. “You’re the one that went all man-hand crazy on my thighs!” I challenged.

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