January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (121 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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My back hit the wall as the door slammed shut. Wes’s lips, and hands were all over me. Just where I wanted them. The four of us, now drunk, took the limo back to the penthouse. Hector gave me the thumbs up as Tony ushered him to their room. I took that as the okay to have a man here in their home. Though there wasn’t much that could have prevented me from staking my claim over Wes that evening. The whiskey combined with the ache to have him, was far too strong to deny. And that’s how I came to be flush against the wall with Wes’s hard body pinning me in place.

“Christ, I missed you. Missed this body.” His hands curled around my breasts. “I need you naked. Now.” He squeezed both breasts at the same time earning a low moan from me.

Without hesitation I lifted my shirt over my head and flung it to the floor. His hands pulled at the button of my jeans. Before I could shimmy out of them his hand was
. Right
feeling me, playing in the wetness he’d coaxed.

Wes’s tongue licked from between my breasts up my neck where he stopped at my ear, biting down. “I love the way you feel. How your body responds to me. Proves that regardless of what you might say, you want me.”

One long finger went deep, another followed it. So good. My head tipped back and hit the wall. “I never denied wanting you.” I admitted breathless. 

“But you try to.” He pressed his hand deeper, his fingers hooking just the right spot, his talented thumb twirling around the center of my arousal, sending me into a pleasant oblivion. He was right. I did try to deny how much he affected me. Had to. It helped keep distance between us, but not now. In that moment, I was all in.

“I need you,” I whispered as the pleasure spiked.

“Have you been with anyone since me?”

“Wes,” I warned. This was not the conversation I wanted to be having when his hand was knuckles deep and his palm was being coated with my desire for him.

He kissed me, tongue delving deep before pulling back. “Have you been with anyone bare?”

“Only you,” and I meant it. Alec and I had always had sex with condoms. Wes and I hadn’t ,but I trusted him, still trusted him. His eyes were dark as they searched mine. Then he removed his hand from inside me, and pushed my pants and panties down. I kicked them off while unbuttoning his pants. He pushed them down just far enough to release his thick cock. Jesus I’d missed that part of him. So long, thick and ready for me.

In one swift move Wes had his hands on my ass and my legs around his waist. “Hold on to my shoulders, sweetheart.” I did what he said. When he got the right leverage, he pushed me up the wall, my back grated along the rigid surface, burning the skin. The spike of pain added to the pleasure of the spontaneous moment. Wes pressed the wide knob of his cock at my cleft and pushed in. One of his hands held me at the shoulder the other at the hip. He yanked me down hard, impaling me.

“Oh God.” Filled to the brim with his giant cock was sheer bliss.

“Shhh sweetheart, they’ll hear you.” He reminded me of where we were. In my room at Hector and Tony’s penthouse, fucking my first client while still working for my third. I’m certain there was something psychologically twisted about that but I didn’t care. Wes felt so good deep inside me, filling me with everything I missed over the last two months since I’d last seen him. 

He pulled out and then pressed back home. His lips came down over mine and I sucked on his tongue, ravaging his mouth, his kiss, like food to a starved woman.

“You remember this.” He pulled out then rammed back to the hilt. I gasped and nodded, so far into my lust-induced haze I could only focus on the feeling between my thighs; the intense pleasure building deep in my womb as he moved in and out.

“I won’t let you forget how good it is,” he said moving out, followed by a sharp twist of his hips in again.

“When I’m gone, I want you to feel me.” Out and then with both hands at my hips, he slammed in. I bit down on my lip as lightening shot through me, my body heated, tingled from every pore. One more thrust and I was going to lose it. Give it all up to him just like he wanted.

“Remember me,” he said between clenched teeth. Those were the same words he’d said to me the last time we made love. This time they were tinged with pain and pleasure, and everything in between. He slid out, held me high and wrapped his arms completely around my back. I tightened my thighs around his waist and dug the heels of my bare feet into his back. Strung up on his cock, he tipped his hips back pressed me hard against the wall and rammed home.

The orgasm exploded through me, splintering pleasure out in all directions. Wes’s lips came down on mine hard, holding me in his kiss as he jerked violently, pumping his release deep within me, bathing my insides with his essence. His mouth prevented my keening cry from spilling past my lips. I bit down hard on his lips as the last vestige of our combined passion slowed and petered out.

Our skin was slick with sweat and coated in our joy for one another. We shared the air panting in each other’s faces as we rubbed our foreheads together, sealing the connection we’d had since the very beginning.

“You gonna forget me?” His tone was kind but laced with worry.

“Never,” I promised.

“Let’s get you cleaned up. I’m nowhere near done with you.” He held me close and walked us over to the bathroom across the room.

“Thank God, because I want you again,” I announced while peppering kisses all over his face, licking the salty taste of him off his neck, and enjoying the one man that I’d never lose a taste for.

He set me on the vanity and withdrew. Fluid from his release slid onto the tile counter. He stared at the space between my legs watching his essence leave me.

“Now that, I’ll be thinking about later,” he admitted, a boyish grin firmly in place.

I smacked his shoulder. “Get the shower going, pervert.” I reached over and wet the washrag on the counter, cleaned between my thighs and got another to wipe down the counter. I tossed the two cloths into the hamper.

Wes must have used that time well for he was now gloriously naked. Jeans and shoes in a heap on the bathroom floor. His sun-kissed skin and sleek surfer’s muscles never looked better. I walked the couple steps to him and placed both hands on his square pecs. I pressed my forehead into his chest and kissed the center. He was warm, familiar, and everything I missed about a life I wanted, but couldn’t yet have. Tears started to form as I kissed the skin over his heart.

His hand cupped my cheek and his thumb wiped away a single tear. “I know. Me, too,” he said softly. “Let’s just enjoy the time we have, yeah?”

I nodded and followed him into the shower. He spent long minutes washing my hair. “It’s grown a couple inches.”

“Yeah, it grows fast,” I said.

“So beautiful,” his eyes followed the suds that slipped down my hair, to the tile floor around our feet and down the drain.

While I finished rinsing he soaped up his hands. He never used the buff puff when we showered together back in Malibu. “Hands-on type of guy?” I waggled my eyebrows at him.

“Don’t you know it?” He placed his hands on my shoulders and massaged the soap into the tight tissue. It was heavenly. Strong fingers rubbed out every knot I had before moving seductively down my chest and over my breasts. He flipped me around and pressed my back to his front. Then he held both globes in his hands, running his thumbs and forefingers over the erect tips. My nipples twitched and tingled at every pass of his delightful fingers until they were tight and mimicked the tops of pencil erasers. Hard, high and round.

I moaned and leaned back into him, shutting my eyes. “I love your tits. They’re large, full, and perfect for my hands. They tighten just so when I slide my fingers over them.” His words filled the room as thick as the steam around us, adding to the heady feeling, making it feel dreamlike. Wes played with my breasts until I was gasping, moaning, pressing my hips into the air restlessly.

“What do you want?” He licked a line down my neck as he continued the sweet torture of my now oversensitive breasts.

“I want you inside me. Please.” I begged shamelessly.

“Lean forward, sweetheart. Grab onto that towel bar. Tilt that sweet ass for me.”

I clutched at the towel bar above my head at the back of the shower. Reminded me of the kind you see in fancy hotel rooms where the towels were away from the spray of water, yet conveniently placed so the guest wouldn’t have to leave the warmth of the shower without covering up. In this case, it made a perfect bar for me to hold onto.

Wes lined up his feet alongside me, pressing mine father out. He gripped my hips, tipping them up the way he wanted. I waited, my breath caught in my throat. Excitement buzzed around me like a swarm of angry bees, the anticipation, the knowledge that I’d be struck with his erection tantalizing and forbidden.

Wes rubbed the cheeks of my ass. Expertly he widened my flesh, opening me from behind, then the crown of his cock was at my entrance. The barest hint of his manhood teasing against swollen flesh.

“You want it, sweetheart? You want me to fuck you hard?”

“God yes, please Wes. Love me like you do.”

“Love?” He questioned pressing an inch inside. I tried to squeeze my thighs together, to force him further in. He held me back, only allowing movement when he permitted it.

“Yes, show me.”

With a twist of his hips, his fingers dug into my sides before he thrust forward…teeth-chattering hard. I held onto the rack, jarred by his movement, my feet lifted up off the ground, hung up on his cock just the way he liked. He set me back down. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. I’d never been more complete with a man. When he pulled back I almost cried, emotionally needing him to stay within me, stay close.

“Don’t leave…” I choked out.

“Right here.” One of his hands came over mine on the bar and held. Then he shifted back and pushed in. “Feel me, sweetheart. I’m right here. With you. In you. Part of you.” 

A fluttering sensation spread out from where we were joined, like butterfly wings flapping all over my body. Teasing, tickling, layering mouthwatering pleasure all over me. It was unusual, different, unlike any sexual experience before it.

“I’m going to come,” I told him losing the ability to speak. The pleasure taking my body, mind, and subconscious on a journey I never wanted to come back from.

“Yes,” he swirled his hips, stirring his hardness within forcing me to gasp. “You’re going to come until I’m done. You’re going to squeeze me sweet Mia, proving I control this body. When I’m inside you, it’s only us. Me and you. The way it should be.” He pulled out and jabbed high and hard. I squealed, lost in a sexual daze once more. Burning, hot electricity zipped through every orifice, searching for a way out, a way to expel the pent up excitement.

That’s when the babbling started. He fucked my body in long, consistent strokes. I lost it. Chanting, saying useless, nonsensical things.


“In me…”






That’s when Wes slid one of his hands around my waist, the other gripping the bar above as if he was going to do a pull-up. He lifted his muscular body up on his toes and pressed me down on his dick. His rock hard cock reached so high, splitting the tissue inside me wide, forcing his entrance to a place high within that no man had ever been. I lost control. The orgasm shook me. Physically shook me, convulsing around him as if electrocuted. My pussy locked down over him and he roared through his release, his teeth biting down at the juncture where my neck and shoulder met. Spikes of pain shredded through me, adding kerosene to a fire already burning out of control.

He pulled one orgasm after another out of me, until I lost count of how many times he took me over the edge. All I knew is that when he finally stopped fucking me, the water was stone cold and we were both shivering. Wes rinsed my languid body off with the cold water. He covered me with a towel as I stood and leaned against him. There wasn’t much more I could do. He’d fucked me dumb. My brain was no longer sending signals to my limbs. Everything just stopped working.

Wes hefted me up and out of the shower once he had me mostly dry. Then he pulled back the covers, put me in bed and snuggled up behind me. His body was plastered against mine, the moisture from the shower gluing us together in a way I adored more than I’d ever admit.

He sighed warmly against my neck. “I don’t want to leave you tomorrow.” I closed my eyes and pulled his arm around me between my naked breasts. His hands were near my lips. I kissed his fingers.

“You have to go,” I whispered knowing that I needed him to leave as much as I wanted him to stay.

“I know.” His tone was forlorn but strong.

“But it means a lot that you don’t want to.” I wanted him to know that this time was important. That any time with him was special.

“Oh Mia, I’m not going to let you take this away from us.”

“I don’t want you to. For the next nine months, I hope you’ll remind me of what could be.” I pressed his hand against my cheek and tried to remember how he felt. Lock it into my memory so I could revisit it always.

“I’ll never let you forget what you could have. What’s waiting for you.”

On those words, cocooned within the warmth of his embrace, I slipped into dreamland.




The sun streaking through the opened blinds hit me directly in the eyes, tearing me from the most blissful dream of Wes and me surfing. Of course in my dream I was an expert at surfing, even though I could only hold my own as a beginner in the real world. I needed to get back to the ocean to practice if I was ever going to be anywhere near the way dream Mia surfed.

Slowly I snaked a foot out behind me and felt nothing but cold sheets. Startled, I sat up and looked to my right. He was gone. Nothing but an indentation in the pillow next to me and a piece of paper where Wes had been.

The paper must have been pulled from my own stationery that was lying on the desk.

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