The King's Highway (Days of Dread Trilogy Book 1)

BOOK: The King's Highway (Days of Dread Trilogy Book 1)
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Five-Star reviews of                                                                                                                                                                                     The King’s Highway


Oh my dear Caryl!! Thank you so much for sending me a copy of The King's Highway!  As you know I devour books and I can't remember when I have enjoyed reading one as much as this one.  If I really like a book, I can read it in a day. 

I read this book twice in two days. I couldn't quit reading.  It has to be right up there with my all-time favorite books.  If anyone is thinking they won't read this book because it is labeled mid-grade, I would encourage them to reconsider.  You will miss a blessing. 

Anyone who is reading age from the mid grades to senior citizens (that's me) will love this book. The characters in the book are delightful.  I was right in the story with them following them all the way from their home in Irving to Red River County, anticipating every danger.  A fun, fun book!!

--Louise Koiner, a Clarksville, Texas beta reader



The King’s Highway is a C. S. Lewis-type story, using symbolisms of the Bible. I loved the book! Loved the characters’ personalities! It held my interest, and I didn’t want to proof, just to read for enjoyment. It has just enough building to the climaxes with their adventure along the King’s Highway, with added depth that keeps the reader pondering about God, Jesus, and angels.

--Lenda Selph, a New Boston, Texas proofreader and lover of books



I loved the story! The Kings Highway is an extraordinary view of how one teen reacts when placed with the responsibility of caring for his siblings as all chaos breaks lose in his town. Airplanes have fallen out of the sky and all electrical usage is no longer available. Jackson is left with no other choice than to travel with his siblings from their apartment to the grandparents’ house over 100 miles away. Jackson, questions his beliefs due to the events that take place. Loved the storyline! The book will keep you intrigued up until the last page and excited for the next book to come out.  This series is unique, creative and well thought out.

        --J. Raymond, a Jackson, Michigan reader


“The King’s Highway” by Caryl McAdoo begins with a normal morning for three school age children. As their mother leaves for work and they get ready to head off to school, the unthinkable happens throwing their world into a tailspin like a jumbo jet falling from the sky. Assisted by a dog and an old man, the three siblings seek safety with relatives in the country. As their two week journey takes them through experiences no children should encounter, they begin to wonder if they will make it to their destination. After recent events, is there no safe place left on earth?

This first novel in the Days of Dread Trilogy fits the mid-grade classification in that the chief characters are mid-grade children. It is so much more than a dystopian story since it fits so well into the quest genre. Just as C.S. Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia” are much more children’s novels in that they are dearly loved and read by adults worldwide, even so “The King’s Highway” takes the adult reader hostage and keeps them enthralled to the very end, a point when they will want more story.

This book is so well written and edited that the critical eye of this reviewer found not one typo or mistake. For sure, every detail in the world Caryl McAdoo depicts fits perfectly with the projected future environment after another world war. It is to be dearly hoped that the author isn’t being prophetic in the scenario depicted in this book. Here’s looking forward to the next book “The Sixth Trumpet” due out hopefully before the Lord returns.

I read this story in an advanced reader copy and am under no obligation to provide a positive review.

–Cassandra Wessel, multi-published author and avid Pennsylvania reader



This book is a work of fiction. Any references to events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, places, characters, and events are products of the author’s imaginations, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


2015 by Caryl McAdoo


First Edition

October 1, 2015

Printed and bound in the United States of America

ISBN-13  978-1517-0957-65

ISBN-10       1517-0957-6X

For contact with the author or speaking engagements, please visit

Or write Post Office Box 622, Clarksville, Texas 75426





I will sing! I will dance! I will rejoice in the Lord my God!
In my heart, there is no one—nothing—to compare with the Lord God Almighty Who saved me out of the clutches of sin and death then kept me and blessed me so much that I could never praise and worship him enough! But as always, when He gives me a song or a story, right back, I give Him all the glory! He invited me to be His own almost fifty-six years ago, and I’ve never regretted surrendering my life into His care. 

At sixteen, Aria’s age in this story, I met my Ron, and we’ve been an item ever since! He is my love and my life. The kindest and most gentle man I know. His wisdom amazes me, and his devotion to God is an ever-present example to our children and our children’s children who choose to honor and respect him as I certainly do. I love life with my best friend.

I love you, O’Pa—more today than yesterday, but less than tomorrow. I’ll love you for all eternity and am so blessed to be one with you.

And the grandsugars! Sixteen of them, and each one owns a piece of my heart! Michael Lawrence McAdoo, Naomi Elizabeth McAdoo, Mercedes Michelle McAdoo, Seth Ebeling McAdoo, Caryn Elise Bailey, Anna Lavonne Bailey, Joi Lynn Bailey, Matthew Ross McAdoo, Wesley Coleman Bailey, Gregory Brahm McAdoo, Christian Cain McAdoo, Benjamen Cash McAdoo, Keldan Joy McKinney, Atticus William Russell Chronister, Haven Kate Bentley, and a new Baby McAdoo coming in early 2016!

These wonderful young people I love. They are always in my heart and in my prayers, and I dedicate this story to them.




Days of Trouble

       by Caryl McAdoo © Sept 7, 2011


Days of trouble and days of dread

Days of tribulation are just ahead

Horrible days such as the world has never known.

The sun’s getting hotter every day

The earth groans with labor in so many ways

Stars will be falling from the sky; there’ll nowhere to hide!

But keep your eyes on the Eastern skies

Lift up your head; your Redemption draweth nigh!

God’s beloved Son, the pure and Holy One

He’s coming soon, and His reward is in His hand!



Heaven will open, behold a white horse!

Its rider is Faithful and True, of course.

On His head there is written a name no man knows but He Himself!

His eyes will burn bright as flames of fire

And on His head there will be many crowns

In righteousness, He will judge the world and make war

Chorus (as above)



He’s bringing His armies to settle the score

At Armageddon, blood will flow no more

From His mouth comes a sword, an iron scepter he carries in His hand.

Yeshuah will reign in Jerusalem

For one thousand years there’ll be peace for all men

Jesus Messiah, Yeshuah HaMashiach is He!

Chorus (as above)


He’s coming soon, and His reward is in His hand! 3X
Chorus w/ new words: 
He’s the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords

All nations bow; and proclaim that He is Lord!

I’m His beloved one, My Bridegroom is God’s Son

I’ll be one with Him throughout all eternity!


Days of trouble, days of dread




In Christ, I can do all things for He strengthens me!
(…even math in my head!)

Without Him, maybe I could get a book written, but you probably wouldn’t want to read it
Perhaps I could write a song, but the lyrics probably wouldn’t rhyme and the tune might sound flat.

He helps me every day, and whatever I accomplish that is worthwhile, it is because of Him. I’m so thrilled that He made me in His image to be creative. I loveLoveLOVE the process of creating. Thank you, Father!

And when I start acknowledging, my husband is always right under God. Ron McAdoo has loved me almost fifty years, and I know it hasn’t always been easy, But he committed himself to me and has stayed by me just as he promised.

I love him, and must always give him thanks for his never-ending support, wise counsel, and everlasting encouragement.

A group called the Christian eVALUaters are the first readers of my manuscripts to help make it the best it can be and support me on social media with every cover reveal, book launch, and promotion, and they review all my books!

Authors need a few special volunteers, and every one of these ladies—and the few gentlemen, too—deserve and have my deep gratitude.

I’m also blessed with Lenda Selph, the comma-kazi queen, who proofreads my finished, edited manuscript
Louise Koiner and Jeanette Raymond helped catch uh-ohs, too! Thank you, ladies!

And all my readers! Thank you for reading my stories, for leaving reviews, for clicking ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ on Facebook, tweeting, and recommending my stories to your friends. Thank y’all! I pray for God’s blessing to be showered on you for blessing me! My cup overflows!





And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

                                                       Daniel 12:1



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