January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (116 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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My eyes went to his, only he wasn’t looking at me, he was looking over his shoulder. I turned and saw his mother Mona. She had her hands clasped together and a look of pure joy filling every wrinkle in her face making her look a decade younger. Guilt coiled around my heart as I became witness to the hope this woman had for her son. Her only son. Her gay only son. But she didn’t know that. At that moment, I heard a clearing of someone’s throat. My eyes slid to Hector whose face held the exact opposite of Mona’s. Grief, sorrow, maybe even a twinge of anger filled his features. That snake around my heart squeezed so hard I could barely breathe. Mama Mona turned on a heel and went back into the restaurant.

“Hector…” I whispered. He shook his head and opened the car door.

“Get in Mia. I need a word with Tony.”

, you know that was for show…it didn’t mean anything,” he swore, hands fisted at his sides.

Although I shouldn’t have felt hurt, I did, because I did feel something. There was a definite twinge of the lady parts when he held me and kissed me the way a man kisses a woman he’s lusting after. Only with Tony, I felt the proof that he really didn’t get turned on from kissing me. It wasn’t real. That reminded me that I needed to check any lustful feelings at the door. This man might be sex incarnate and have the most incredible body known to mankind, but he was playing for Team Hector.

I went over to the car. Hector didn’t even look at me. I swallowed down the bitter pill of regret. Before I got in the car I put a hand to his shoulder and leaned close enough to whisper in his ear. “It meant nothing. Mona was watching. He wasn’t even turned on. Only you could do that to him. Believe me, I know when a man wants me. That man wants one person. You.” That was the most reassurance I could offer.

As I sat down, Hector leaned in. “Thank you for telling me that.”

“Anytime. How about you guys take a cab back? Go to a bar and chat about how this is going to play out now that I’m here. I don’t know that you two thought about what me being here was going to do to your relationship, but it’s obvious you need some time alone.” He nodded and looked down where he scuffed a toe along the concrete. “I have a key now. I’ll see you guys in the morning. Yeah?”

“Mia, thanks,” Tony said. He waved his arm toward the street, and a cab stopped in front of him. “Hector, please come with me.” Tony’s tone was soft yet demanding.

I watched as they got into the cab and drove away. The limo took me back to the penthouse, and I just made it into my room when my phone pinged with a text.

From: Wes Channing

To: Mia Saunders

Can you talk?




I stared at the cell phone display. There were two ways to play this. One, ignore it until I wasn’t feeling so emotionally drained. Two, call him and let Wes’s voice remove the snake coiled around my heart after the shitstorm I’d just dealt with between Tony and Hector. I hoped they could work it out. The last thing I’d ever wanted to do was come between two people in love—which they were. Only it wasn’t fair that they couldn’t be free to be themselves. Or at the very least, Tony perceived it that way. Perhaps if I worked with Tony, made him see that coming out of the closet could be a good thing. That being with Hector, planning and building the family they obviously wanted was the way to happiness. What Tony was doing was eventually going to burn Hector so bad, he’d walk. I know the type. I’m excellent at walking away.

Decision made, I clicked a couple buttons on my phone. Within one ring the line was picked up. “Hey sweetheart, is it too late there? Well, wherever you are?” His voice was deep, throaty and reminded me of whispered promises in the dark, breathy moans, and nights filled with unbridled passion. I’d had an incredible time with Alec but Wes, he just did it for me. Everything about him screamed, deep, penetrating, hot monkey sex. After the night I’d just had, I’d love to lose myself in him.

“It’s not too late, no. I’m in Chicago.”

“Mmm, the Windy City. What’s the guy do?”

I wasn’t sure we were at that point in our
that we could comfortably discuss other conquests. However, since I didn’t plan on ever bedding Tony, it probably wouldn’t hurt to share. “Restauranteur.”

“Ah, I know how much you love a home cooked meal.” Instantly the image of him shirtless making me breakfast came to mind. His long body, muscled, tan chest so brown from the California sun it looked good enough to eat. And it was. Wes always had that surf and sand smell about him. Delicious.

I realized I hadn’t said anything in awhile. “Um, yeah. Well, you know how much I like to eat.”

“I do. Does he cook for you?”

“Not yet, though I’m hoping he will soon.”

A long sigh came through the phone and long moments passed before anything was said. “Are you with him, like you were with me?” Wes asked and even though it hurt that he felt the need to ask, I didn’t owe him anything.

“Does it matter?” I whispered softly and laid on the bed, the phone tucked close to my ear.

“Does to me.”

“No, and I’m not going to be.”

“Why’s that? If I know you, and I think I do, you have a very healthy libido.” That time I could hear the amusement in his voice.

Wes did have a month to get to know me. Too well really. He snuck by my defenses and dug a hole into my heart. A part that he’ll forever own. Not that I was going to tell him.

“Because I don’t think his partner, Hector, would be too fond of me encroaching on his man.”

A rumbling laugh came through the line. God, I missed that laugh. It was the kind of laugh that had the ability to heal war-torn nations. “So why did a gay guy hire the hottest escort in history?”

“Kiss ass,” I shot back. He chuckled again and the sound reverberated through the line straight into my heart, lightening the evening’s events. “No, it’s pretty messed up. He’s in a long-term relationship; I’m talking marriage-type relationship with this amazing guy. Only he feels obligated to his family and business to keep up the persona of cool businessman, Italian guy, badass boxer.”

“Shit. Sounds like he’s got some heavy burdens. Professionally, I can understand how he’d want to maintain his privacy. If he’s the type of guy who can afford Exquisite Escorts, he’s loaded and likely has the press on his ass.” He blew a breath out that came across muffled when his lips must have gotten too close to the phone. “Seriously Mia, money’s good and all, but it doesn’t take the place of privacy and the ability to live a quiet life.”

I thought about the gated community Wes lived in with ‘round-the-clock security monitoring the neighborhood, the red carpets he hated walking, and the need to hire an escort to attend important events just so he could work the room in peace. Yeah, Wes knew exactly what Tony was going through only without the issue of sexual orientation being a factor.

“He also has some family stuff. He’s the only male heir to the family’s fortune, and if he doesn’t procreate the name will die with him.”

. Talk about pressure.” I nodded even though he couldn’t see me.

“Anyway, enough about my client. What about you? How’s your movie coming along?”

“Great actually. Gina is amazing in the role,” his voice sounded wistful, and my jealousy meter spiked. “She just
the character so perfectly. I’m glad I went a different direction with the character.”

I bit down on my lip and held back the instant retort about how he replaced me with
, but knew it wouldn’t be fair. What he did, naming a character after me was honorable. Sweet even. It was a gift, and I needed to remember it as such and not taint it with the green-eyed monster. Besides, I had no claim on him, other than friends…with benefits. “So, you and Gina are getting along great, eh?” I rolled my eyes and attempted to keep my tone light.

“Yeah, she’s cool. Not as pretty as her namesake in the script though.” His tone was suggestive.

“Is that right?”

“It is.”

“But you’re having fun playing with her…I mean directing her.”

“Not as much as I’d like to

“Oh, yeah? And what would you have me do?” Right then, the conversation took a different turn. One I’d never tried but was eager to explore.

I heard his tongue cluck as if he’d held it against the roof of his mouth and then let it go the moment I finished speaking.

“Well, first, I’d place my hands on your knees and
you to open them, baring yourself. Do you remember doing that, Mia? I can still feel how hot and wet you were on my fingers.”

With my free hand I touched my kneecap and traced a small circle around it. “I remember. What next?”  

He groaned through the line, and I set the phone down for a second, grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it off in one quick sweep, tossing it across the room, and brought the phone back up to my ear. 

I caught Wes mid-sentence. “…my hands would slide down your legs, holding you open, just so I could look at you. Watch you get wetter. Then I’d take a finger and touch the very tip of your pretty clit. Would you like that, sweetheart?”

I bit down on my lip and moaned softly. “God, yes.”

“What are you wearing right now?” Wes asked.

“I took off my dress when you started talking, um, dirty to me. Now I’m lying on my bed, alone in the house, no one around, just you and me, in an emerald green bra and panties. What are you wearing?” I closed my eyes feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I couldn’t believe we were doing this, but damned if it wasn’t an incredible turn on.

Wes groaned through the line. “Just a pair of plaid pajama bottoms. You know the kind.”

Boy did I ever. Wes’s pajama bottoms were made of the softest cotton known to man. During my time with him, I loved pulling them on after sex or first thing in the morning. I even stole a pair. Not that I’d admit it.

“Are you hard, baby?” I tried out the endearment. It felt good on my tongue. Other things would feel better if he wasn’t two thousand miles away.

“Fucking hell. I’m so hard for you Mia, I’m seeping at the top.”

“Use your thumb, and rub it around the tip. You remember what it feels like to have my hand around your cock?”

“Fuck yeah, I do.”

“Do it. Close your eyes and run your hand up and down, slowly at first. Imagine it’s mine running up and down the long length. Use your thumb to rub the wetness around, along every groove, especially the part I’d swirl my tongue around. If I was there, I’d wet your entire dick licking all along the length before flicking the sensitive part under the crown with the tip of my tongue.”

Wes moaned through the connection. I could hear his breath coming and going in faster bursts of air. “What would you
me to do?”

“Remove your panties,” he demanded. I shoved the green panties down and flung them aside with my foot. “You bare for me, sweetheart?”

“Yes,” I lifted my hips as if a phantom Wes was above me and I was attempting to touch my body with his.

“Cup your pussy just like I would do if I was there right now. I’d grip it hard, you know how I like it.”

“Possessive,” I barely got out as I tilted my head back doing as he asked. The pleasure was extreme, running through my entire body like a jolt of lightening.

“That’s right. I’d possess that sweet cunt. And while you rotated your hips around, trying to get relief, I’d press two fingers in at once. Follow my lead, Mia.”

I did as he asked, pressing two fingers deep into my sex. Ribbons of heat rippled through my womb, and over my stomach, and up to my chest where my breasts were full and heavy. The twin points were erect and scratching against the satin. Delectable. So good.

“Now, remember when I took control of that pussy when we were on your bike?” I groaned in reply, nonsensical moans leaving my lips as I recalled his thick fingers pressing in and out of me, hooking just right, pulling me up his body from behind by his hold on my most sensitive place. “Hook those fingers deep, sweetheart. Just like I would.”

I tried and failed. “Can’t reach. Need you,” I blew out a frustrated breath but continued working myself toward oblivion. In my mind we were back on that bike in Wes’s garage, his hand down my pants fucking me hard and deep just like he always did.

“You close, sweetheart?”

“Oh yeah, want you, Wes. Want you inside…”

A litany of curse words came through the line as his breathing sped up. Mine matched his as we pleasured ourselves, lost to the passion of remembering each other.

“If I was there, I’d press my fingers into that spot deep inside you and tickle you there. I’d bring my tongue into the mix, swirling around that cherry clit of yours. It would be bulging and stiff when I wrapped my lips around it and sucked you until your tight pussy clenched around my fingers and you came all over me.”

“Oh Wes, I’m gonna come, Baby. I’m gonna come so hard. I want you here…” I tilted my head back, every sense, neuron and pore concentrated on the pleasure between my thighs.

“I’m there, sweetheart. It’s my fingers in you. Now take your thumb and rub that clit. Fuck, I’m gonna come too, right now, with you. So good with you, Mia. Never better. Christ!” He roared through the phone. I did what he said, using the wetness from my center and swirled around my clit.

It was the push I needed. In a rush of energy and light I came, my body tightening, a cry escaping my lungs as if possessed, and wave after wave of white-hot pleasure shook me straight through to the core of my being. Through the phone, I could hear Wes crying out in his own release.

After several moments, we both came down. The only sound the two of us breathing rapidly.

“Mia,” Wes said in reverence. My name was a benediction on his tongue and I wanted to kiss it, soak in it, build my life around it.

“Damn Wes, you give good phone sex,” I said. He laughed. “You know I’ve never done that before,” I admitted.

“Really?” he sounded surprised or shocked. It made me sad that he was if the way he asked was any indication.

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