Jana Leigh & Bryce Evans (11 page)

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Authors: Infiltrating the Pack (Shifter Justice)

BOOK: Jana Leigh & Bryce Evans
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Vander rubbed up and down Kane
’s back.  “So good, baby.  So good.” 

Kane smiled loving the sound of a satisfied mate. 
He felt the loss as soon as Vander slowly pulled out.  Vander rubbed his back and shoulders as he stood.  He leaned back into Vander as he wrapped his arms around his waist kissing his neck and shoulder area then he laid his head on his back trying to catch his breath. 

Once they gathered their composure back
they exited the shower, Kane dried Vander off placing more attention on his erection that was coming back to life.  Vander realized that this was the most intimate and erotic sexual encounter of his life.  He knew that nothing compared to this.

Kane smiled as he dried off watching his mate dress in some blue jeans and a t
-shirt.  They both watched each other as they packed up their supplies smiling.  Afterward, Kane opened the door for Vander as they walked back to Waverly’s room.


Vander and Kane decided they would take shifts if one of them fell asleep.  Vander advised that he would take the first shift so he could com
plete a summary so he pulled his chair closer to Waverly’s bed, then pulled out his laptop and began typing. 

After a few hours
, he leaned his head back stretching his neck from side to side when he noticed that Waverly was awake and staring at him.  He smiled at her as he relaxed back into the chair. 

I was adopted by Marcus.  Did you know that?” Waverly whispered.

Yes I did.  Jewel told me,” Vander spoke quietly.

I have heard a lot about her but we haven't crossed paths since I moved back.  I barely remember her from when I was younger. You are her partner?” Waverly asked.

Yes and she is my best friend,” Vander admitted and Waverly half smiled. 

Must be nice to know you can depend on someone like that,” Waverly proclaimed.

It is and she can depend on me too.  We're more like family than friends.  She picks on me and I pick on her.  But I have always got her back and she has mine.  I would do anything for her and I know she would do anything for me,” Vander explained.

Kane never moved but listened
to the conversation.  He knew she needed to get used to them, and since she started the conversation he wanted her to continue.

Did you ever meet your biological parents?” Vander asked.

I remember bits and pieces of them.  I think I scared the shit out of them so they didn’t want me anymore.  They couldn’t handle the whole Omega thing,” Waverly added.

Must be hard on you?” Vander concluded, wanting her to keep talking.

It is. It really is.  I can feel all the pack’s emotions and it can wear you down fast.  That's why my dad sent me to Uncle Mitchell's pack.  I was far away enough so I wasn't overwhelmed at such a young age, it would have been too much then.  My dad came to visit often and we would go places together but he didn't allow me to come back here until I was grown enough to take on the responsibility of being an Omega.  He means everything to me, I couldn't have asked for a better dad than if I chose them myself.  My birth parents did me a favor that day they left me,” Waverly explained.

The Alpha feels the same about you, it shows in his actions.  Can you turn the emotions from the pack off somehow?” Vander asked quickly.

I’m learning to do that, but sometimes I just can’t.  I need to talk to more Omegas and find out how they handle it.  I was going to meet up with one from the Louisiana pack on the cruise but that never happened.”  Vander could see her mind start to wonder back to the torture.

I guess you could say I was adopted by my aunt Miriam,” Vander said to bring her back to the conversation.  “She was a wonderful woman to me.  She treated me like her own son, she still does.  I think she would like you.  She loves strong women who can take care of themselves.  She would pop me upside the head if I ever gave her any lip.  She can cook too.  The woman can do just about anything.  She can sew you an outfit that looks like a designer made it.”  Waverly smiled as Vander told about his family.  “She can see a cooking show on TV, then the next day she makes it and it looks and tastes just like in a five star restaurant.  Now my mother, on the other hand, can’t boil water without ruining it.  She can hire a caterer or a designer to decorate her house, is what she always said.  But of course she would have to stay somewhere long enough to make a home.  She sent me to my aunt’s house when I was five years old.  My aunt never pushed herself on me or tried to make me call her mom.  She never let me forget who my mother was even though she missed all my birthdays and graduations.”

I’m sorry about your mom, Vander.  I think I met her,” Waverly spoke softly. 

Vander looked up and smiled at Waverly
. He could see that she was sorry for his loss.  “No don’t be sorry, Waverly, my aunt Miriam was the best mom anyone could ever have.  And yeah, I think you did, but that woman is not my mother, I don’t know who she is.”  Vander had laid his hand down on her bed as he explained about his family.  He didn’t notice it at first that Waverly had placed her hand there too and was holding his hand.

I never knew my mom.  My biological dad told Marcus that I was scaring the shit out of her so she never came to visit.  Eventually my dad—Marcus—saw how confusing it became for me so he asked my biological father to stop coming.  I’m thankful for him.  He saved my life and loved me just like his own.  He is a great Alpha and leader.  He is just my dad to me.  I guess you could say he saved my life by taking me in kinda like you and your Aunt Miriam,” Waverly said.

Twins.”  Vander laughed quietly. They didn’t realize that Kane was awake and listening to them talk.

How are you feeling?” Vander asked.

Tired but getting better.  Why are you still here?” Waverly asked curiously.

Do you really want to know the answer?” Vander asked and Waverly nodded.  Vander looked at Kane who just waited to hear what Vander said, he looked back at Waverly and then smiled gently.  “Because I feel like I can’t leave until you leave with me, you have been with me for days.  You came to me, you know, in my dreams.  You just don’t remember.  I’m not a wolf, Waverly, but I feel something that I have never felt for anyone.  You two drive me crazy.  I want to touch you all the time.  I don’t like it when anyone other than Kane or me touch you.  I can’t explain what a mate is because I’m human but I care deeply for you and I’m scared to death you are going to say no to us being your mates.” 

Waverly blinked then looked over at Kane who was staring at her with heated eyes.  She could smell his scent and it was intoxicating to her.
  “I know, I remember looking for you and Kane.  It was the only thing I could hold onto.  I don’t know…right now…I can’t make any promises.”  Waverly had pools of tears in her eyes ready to fall.  She knew they were her mates but after everything that had happened to her, it was just so fast.

We can wait for you, Waverly.  We’re not going to rush you,” Kane responded.

No hurry, Waverly.  Just get well,” Vander advised as he rubbed circles over her hand.  Her eyes fluttered shut again as sleep called to her.



Chapter Fifteen



Diane sat at the window waiting for the guards to bring Josh Campbell into the room.  They always brought Josh in with silver handcuffs.  They considered him to be a very dangerous man who could get out of handcuffs and jails.  He was constantly observed so he spoke in code and wrote letters in code.  What the paranormal police didn’t know was that Josh Campbell was running a multi-million dollar operation from inside his jail cell.  He had contingency plans for contingency plans.  He planned for this.  Just in case he did get caught, then he would have a back-up plan.

Josh Campbell sat down at the
table across from Diane.  The guards stood to the side of Josh just in case he tried anything.

How is the business running?” Josh asked with a smile on his face.  He already knew how his business was running but he loved to hear that he was still making millions of dollars.

Great just like you said,” Diane advised.

So I hear from the grapevine that our little doggy got loose?”  Diane knew who Josh was talking about.  Orion had informed him the two idiots dumped Waverly Grant’s body but she was still alive.

Yes, Master.  The two idiots thought the poor dog was not breathing anymore and they went to bury it at the dump.  Poor little thing was still alive when an old man found him, nursing him back to health.”  Josh giggled like a little kid.  “Bet that got the local dogs' tails a wagging.”

Yes, Master, they were very pleased to have the doggy back home.  However, he may have to stay a little longer to get better.  The local police had a field day with it, sending their very best dog catchers to help,” Diane said and Josh laughed aloud because he knew it was Jewel and Vander she was talking about.

Well now, we wouldn’t want that doggy to get angry and bite the hand that feeds him. If the poor doggy starts to lose his mind, then he would have to be put down by the vet.  I hope the owner doesn’t get hurt and have rabies or something worse happen to him for his failure to keep the doggy safe.  If it becomes a problem then you know what to do with the poor animal and then help the owner out too.  Get the information we need about the fleas,” Josh nodded his head up and down smiling at Diane, letting her know that if Waverly starts to remember anything, including Orion, then she and Orion would need to be killed.  They knew Orion wasn’t a true Alpha and wouldn’t be able to take it if they put pressure on him to talk.  Orion and Waverly were a liability now.

I will be needing a few more trainers in order to get this thing rolling.  Flynn’s puppy will be taken care of tonight,” Diane said and put her hand out.


Chapter Sixteen



Vander fell asleep shortly after Waverly closed her eyes.  He continued to hold her hand as they slept.  Marcus walked in the next morning and Vander was still asleep ho
lding Waverly’s hand.  Waverly was awake as she watched both of her mates sleep.  They were both handsome men and she knew they were her mates just from their smell.  She had taught enough classes to younger wolves about finding their mate.

Marcus quietly
walked in, coming up to Waverly’s side.  “How are you, baby girl?” 

Waverly looked up at her father and smiled.  “
Better, Dad.  How is the pack?” 

Marcus frowned and shook his head.  “
Always thinking about others.  The pack is fine.  They call constantly asking about you.  You are very loved, baby girl.”  Waverly teared up as her dad spoke softly to her.

Kane woke up as Waverly spoke to her dad.
She noticed he was awake and staring at her.  “Did we wake you up, Kane?” Waverly asked concerned.

No, sweetheart.  It was time for me to wake up.”  Marcus tilted his head at Kane calling Waverly sweetheart.  He noticed she didn’t cringe or act as if it bothered her.  He watched as Kane moved and stood beside her bed.  “Are you hungry?”

Starved.  I think I could eat a cow.” Waverly smiled.

Well let me go to the kitchen and get you something to eat.  Be back in a few,” Kane said and walked off ignoring the Alpha.  He only had eyes for Waverly and getting her well.


Vander woke up feeling his hand bei
ng rubbed by the softest feather.  When his eyes finally focused he observed Waverly rubbing circles on his hand as he had slept.  She didn’t even realize she was doing it.

Breakfast is served.”  Kane brought in a big plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast.  He sat the tray across her legs then raised her bed so she was sitting up.  “Ahh, you see I remembered this time.”  He smiled at Waverly as he pushed the button so she could sit up.  Waverly smiled then looked over at Vander who shyly smiled back at her.  She released his hand so she could eat.  This breakfast had her name all over it.  Vander and Kane watched as their mate consumed her meal.  She even licked her fingers before she pushed her tray away.  “Now I need to go to the bathroom and get a shower.”  Waverly informed everyone in the room.  She felt they would probably tell her she shouldn’t but she couldn’t stand it anymore and needed a shower or long bath.

Waverly was about to throw
the sheet off her when she realized she was nude. She looked up as Vander and Kane watched her movements.  They knew she was nude but was smiling as they watched her realize it.  She knew how to handle this so she scooted up and wrapped the sheet around her body, then smiled back at them.  Marcus was about to come around to the side of her bed and help her up but Vander and Kane were already there.  He watched how delicately they were with her.  Vander picked up the end of the sheet and carried it so she wouldn’t step on the end of it.  They slowly walked to the bathroom but Kane couldn’t stand it so he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the bathroom.  She loved the feel of his arms around her but she couldn’t let him know that.  She wasn’t ready for him yet.  Vander walked in the bathroom first and looked at the Jacuzzi tub and the shower.  He knew she probably needed to get in the tub so she didn’t fall.  Vander walked toward the tub and turned on the faucets getting it ready for her.

As the tub filled up Vander looked back at her then asked,
“Can you do this by yourself?”  Vander and Kane waited for her answer.

Yes.  I may need some help getting out, but I can bathe myself.”  She grinned knowing where they wanted to go and that was in the bathtub with her.

You can put me on the side of the tub, Kane.”  Vander watched Kane snicker and instead of putting her on the side of the tub, he placed her in the tub with the sheet floating around her.  “Kane, what are you doing?” Waverly quickly asked.  There was no malice in her speech, but she saw the smile on Kane’s face.

Nothing, just making sure you don’t fall.  Now hand the sheet over, mate, so you can relax and take a bath,” Kane said softly.

Waverly ti
lted her head and shouted, “No.”  Vander looked back and forth from Kane and Waverly.  Neither was playing now.  He knew Kane was used to being in charge and thought his mate would never say no to him.

Waverly, I said to give me the sheet so you can have a bath,” Kane gritted out through his teeth.

And I said no and that is what I mean,” Waverly snapped.

Damn it, Waverly,” Kane bristled.

Don’t cuss at me, I am still healing,” Waverly yelled. 

Kane rolled his eyes and said
, “It is not like we haven’t seen that before.”

Well you haven’t seen mine, so go away, and let me deal with this,” Waverly said. 

Kane narrowed his eyes.  “
Please, just let us take care of you.” 

Fine,” Waverly said and let the sheet fall off her.

Vander looked down and could see everything his mate had to offer.
Kane just stood with his mouth open; she was beautiful.  The bruises were almost gone and the cuts were healing.  Kane’s mouth tightened, the sight of his mate's injuries pissed off his wolf and he nodded, turned, and left the room.

Give him time, he wants to fix everything,” Vander said.

He doesn’t have to fix me, I am fine,” Waverly said firmly.  “I can take care of myself.”

You don’t have to anymore though,” Vander said softly.


Kane slammed the door muttering under his breath as he stopped in his tracks.  Marcus was sitting in the chair be
side Waverly’s bed.  The nurse was finishing making Waverly’s bed as he came out.  Marcus stared at Kane like the predator he was.  He had his legs crossed and arms sitting beside him.  He looked calm but he wasn’t.  He was an Alpha and there was many sides to him, one was staying calm under pressure.  Kane was about to walk out of the room when Marcus stopped him.  “Kane!  A word.”

Kane swallowed hard
, then turned back around and went and stood before the Alpha.  He felt like he was in front of the principal and getting in trouble for being bad.  And he was being bad. He wanted to help Waverly but she wasn’t letting him and it pissed him off.  He was an Alpha male and his word was always followed. 

Sit, Kane.  I won’t bite…yet,” Marcus muttered.

Kane sat
down and waited for what the Alpha needed to say.  He probably was going to tell him to leave her alone and to leave.  The Alpha had another thing coming if he thought he was going to do that.

Kane, I like you.  I think you and Vander will be good mates to my daughter.  She is strong willed and she is like my Beta and her word is followed too.”  Kane was still back at the ‘Kane, I like you’ comment.

I think you give up too easy.  She is testing you most of all.  You are a wolf and she knows how dominant you can be, but she doesn’t trust males.  Her biological father who was supposed to love her had to stop coming around to see her because it was confusing to the young child with me adopting her.  She feels betrayed.  I have loved her like she was my own flesh and blood and I always will, but she is testing you and you are failing.  Stop telling her what to do and find a way to go around her, making her want what you want.  Love her and show her love, not a dominant male.  She knows you and Vander are Alpha males, but she is an Alpha too, my friend, and you have to learn to turn over the reins to her some too.  Don’t always give in to her, but you can’t always get your way with your mate, son.  Stop the fighting and start loving her.”  Marcus stopped talking then got up and walked out. 

He sat there in shock.  “
Did he just call me son?” Kane said aloud.

Yes, he did.  Sounded like good advice to me.  You know since I’m a female and all,” the nurse smugly stated as she picked up the dirty sheets then walked out closing the door.


Vander started taking his clothes off without saying a word.  Waverly
’s eyes got bigger and started stuttering.  “Wh-what are y-you doing?”  Vander still didn’t speak but as he pulled down his underwear, she knew exactly what he was doing and she wasn’t ready for that.  Waverly started to get up out of the water when Vander placed his hand on her shoulder.  “I’m just going to wash your back and that is all.  I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.  Okay?”  For some reason Waverly knew she could trust Vander so she nodded and scooted up in the tub so Vander could slide in behind her.

Vander grabbed the faucet handle and turned the water
pressure on more, then he turned the nozzle toward her hair as he told her to lean back.  Vander let the water soak her hair then he opened the shampoo and started washing her hair, using his fingers to scrub her scalp.  She moaned as he washed her hair.  Waverly closed her eyes as he continued to scrub her hair clean.

Lean back so I can rinse it.”  Waverly did as Vander instructed her to do.  She tilted her head back so Vander could rinse all the soap out.  Then he put cream rinse in her hair.  She relaxed back into him and could feel his erection pointing against her back.  For some reason Waverly knew he wouldn’t touch her if she didn’t want him to.

Vander knew he couldn
’t stay like this long without sliding into her from behind. He wanted her too much.  He took the washrag and squirted the liquid soap on it then started washing Waverly from top to bottom, staying away from her breasts and between her legs. “Here, you can do the honors of your private places.”  Waverly turned sideways staring at him. 

Who are you, Vander?” she asked innocently. 

Just a man who knows his limits and if I touch you, then I will fuck you in this water and you’re not ready for that.  In fact…” Vander stood before Waverly could protest and exited the tub. “You clean those spots, then I’ll pick you up and dry you off. 

I think Kane has been punished enough.” 

Waverly smiled.  “
You think so?”

Yes I do.  He cares about you and only wants to do stuff for you, Waverly.  He has helped in this investigation trying to find you.  He is a good wolf and only wants to help.”  Waverly felt like her mate had just chastised her and she felt guilty for it.  She knew he only cared, but they would have to come to some kind of understanding about the bossing thing.

As Vander finished drying off, Waverly had finished washing her fac
e, neck, and all her private parts.  She could still feel Vander touching her.  She wanted both of them, but she started feeling tired again. She dropped her head down toward her chest rubbing the hot rag across her shoulders trying to loosen them up.

e felt his warm hand touch her shoulders, then he started to massage them.  She looked up and Vander was staring at her across the room.  She turned her head and Kane was massaging her neck.  She could tell he was ready for another round, but she didn’t say anything and lowered her head back down so he could finish massaging her. Nobody spoke as Kane continued to rub her shoulders, back, and neck area.  She could feel herself slipping off to sleep when she felt herself being picked up by Kane.  She inhaled a deep breath smelling of her mates’ scents.  Vander dried her off then Kane sat down in a chair while Vander plugged in a hair dryer and started drying her hair.  She couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer with the heat and being held safely in the arms of one of her mates.


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