Jana Leigh & Bryce Evans

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Authors: Infiltrating the Pack (Shifter Justice)

BOOK: Jana Leigh & Bryce Evans
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Infiltrating the Pack by Jana Leigh and Bryce Evans



Infiltrating the Pack

Shifter Justice

Book Two




by Jana Leigh and Bryce Evans




Copyright March 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.


All cover art and logo ©
Copyright March 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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Edited by Caroline Kirby

Artwork by Jess Buffett

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.


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From Jana Leigh:


I want to thank Michelle and Caroline for all the input and advice they gave me. We are all excited about the next book in this series.



From Bryce Evans


I would like to dedicate this book to my Mom, who I miss so much.  The older I get the more I miss her.  She would have loved this and been so proud of her

To my amazing husband and beautiful children.  I love you all very much.

Next, I want to thank my sister who tells me I’m the greatest and gives me hope to continue with my passion.

I would like to thank Jess Buffett for creating my beautifu
l cover for me.  She does awesome work.  Thank you, Jess.  

Thank you to all my fans for supporting me and giving me the push I need to prosper.  I hope to continue writing and with your help get better and better. 

And as always, thank you to the JK family; my Editor, Caroline Kirby; CEO and mentor, Jana Leigh. 


Take care and keep reading!

Bryce Evans




Vander looked around the room stunned.  It was fucking creepy.
And what the hell did his mother have to do with all of this? He turned to his partner, Jewel, and said, “What the fuck is all of this?  I mean, think about all the crazy shit he has done, my mom, you, Ret, his dad.  All of the lives he brought together for what?”

His murder room is what this is and this is where we will find the answers to our questions.  We just have to think butt ass crazy like him,” Jewel said slowly and looked at one wall first, it held her old wedding picture to the crazy asshole, then Lex at work, and Ret dining out.  All of their movements documented down to their daily schedule. 
Shit, he had been watching since he faked his death

They moved f
rom wall to wall until they got to the last one.  Vander stepped back and looked at his picture in the center.  Kane, Ret’s Head of Security, picture was next to him, and then there was a picture of a woman.  None of them recognized her, but there was a heart drawn around the woman’s face.

Fuck, what the hell did this mean
? Vander wondered and looked at the picture closely.  She was beautiful; he had to admit.  He shook off the tingling feeling he got by just looking at her picture.  He could feel it; something was going to happen in the next few minutes to piss him off.  Of course, it could have been the hairs on the back of his neck raising in warning.

He looked over his shoulder and closed his eyes.  Damn it, no
t again.  Kane was there again.  The wolf had been dogging his footsteps since they had met, Vander couldn’t figure out why.  When he asked, Kane said it was not the time to explain, but he would know soon enough.  It all seemed a little weird but the dude was like a fucking rock, taller than Van, Kane looked like he used to be a famous wrestler.  His short dark hair and bulging muscles made him look like he would kick ass and take names given the chance.

Well shit,” Jewel heard from the back of the room.  She turned and saw her mate, Ret, with his Head of Security, Kane, looking down at his toes.  His partner apparently knew what was coming since she was grinning and nodding.

What?” Vander said, looking at the pair suspiciously.

Kane just told me, sorry, we were going to wait outside, but he insisted,” Ret said and pushed his friend with his shoulder.  Jewel saw the look of amusement on her mate’s face and she knew what was coming.  This should be entertainment for the whole room.  Vander had no clue what was coming, and for once, her commitment shy friend was gonna be knocked for a loop and she had front row seats—priceless.

What?” Kane said and Jewel laughed when the shifter turned red.  “Oh yeah, sorry.  I…uhm…that is…I know this will come as a shock.  I wanted to wait until the case was over and all, but Vander is my mate.  And if I am not mistaken, she is our other one.”

The fuck you say?!” Vander said and looked around the room at the wolves who were laughing.  His best friend and partner had just found her mates.  He had seen many of his friends find their mates.  He was
going to fall for this whole thing.  He had a choice, right?  The whole fated thing had to be a crock of shit when it came to humans, he was made differently.

I have no clue what you are talking about,” Vander said and looked Kane in the eye.  “I am a human, and don’t know what you’re talking about.  So, let’s deal with the case.  I am sure there is a mistake of some kind, like your sniffer is off or something.  We will find your mate and you can go about your business, okay?”

Kane frowned and shook his head
, “I am not mistaken.”

Yes, you are,” Vander said frustrated and turned around.  He wouldn’t be roped into this poor guy’s delusion.  He had only met him a few times and although he liked the guy, he wasn’t going to go around saying they were mates.

The gods don’t make mistakes, we are fated to share this woman,” Kane insisted and Jewel held up her hand and smiled.

Looks like we are staying in Atlanta for a few more days, guys,” Jewel said smugly and then walked to the stairs.  “Let the lab crawl through this and then send the report, we need to find out where the real asshole Josh or whatever the fuck he calls himself these days is and fast, our mystery woman is in danger.  Vander, with me, let’s go and sort this mess out.”

Vander shook his head and walked to where his partner was waiting.  Ther
e was no sorting anything out, he was not going to get sucked in.  They had a case, one that was taking a bizarre turn.  Josh or The Redeemer or whoever you wanted to call him was leading them on a merry chase, and Vander wasn’t going to allow anyone else to be hurt by him if he could help it. 

How many followers do you think he has?” Benny asked from the corner and looked at the picture, Vander had forgotten the man was with them.  He turned and looked at what the man was staring at.  It was what nightmares were made of, a picture of women and men, all in a state of undress, cut and bleeding. 
Sick bastard
, no one should have to see this sick shit.

I don’t know, but this is far from over.  We have to find out where the real Josh Campbell is,” Vander said and walked to the stairs, looked at his friends, and smiled.  “Pony up, cowboys, and girl.”


The real Josh Campbell watched as they looked at his lair.  It was
humorous really.  They thought the Redeemer was their only problem, it was laughable.  Yes, he had trained his followers well, and no matter what they did, Josh was going to make sure that everyone knew who the real Redeeming Light was.  Their leader may have been captured, but it would not dissuade them.  The Redeemer’s Queen was leading them now.  That was going to be fun to watch, when Vander was reunited with his loving mother.

Josh le
aned back and looked at the monitor.  They had no clue that even now he was watching them.  So much for intelligence, they didn’t even check for a camera.  Not that they would have found it.  Josh had been careful about where he put it.  In the rafter of the basement.  The wood obscured the little red light. 

It had all started when the Redeemer approached him to help him find a way to turn humans into wolves with biting.  It had taken a long time, he had worked with him for years to perfect the injection,
and it was almost ready. Soon they would have an army of their own, and do what they were born to do—lead the human world.

, the fun was just beginning
, he thought when he saw the look on the human’s face.  He had just seen the pictures of him and the others.  Idiots, it only took the oldest magic of mates to help them figure out who the next would be.  It had worked out perfectly since the woman was an Omega. It was just too bad that she had begun to ask questions too soon. 

The Redeemer had wanted t
o make sure that she was dead and spread for the detectives to find.  As it worked out, Josh had her all to himself, and he didn’t want to move too fast, first they needed to get some information.  The Omega of the Pack would be the perfect source from which to obtain information. 

Josh turned and looked at the woman who was tied to the table in his real lair.

“Oh my dear, do you think your mates will be able to feel your pain?  Maybe we should put it to the test, just to experiment a little, what do you think?”  Josh laughed at the anger in the woman’s eyes.

She already knew how sick his mind was, but was she prepared for the level of depravity he had been taught
?  He thought not, but she was feisty. Since he had kidnapped her, she had fought him every inch of the way, making it all the more sweeter for him.

Your mother-in-law will be here soon.  She is going to welcome you to the family,” Josh crooned.

Waverly glared at him, she didn
’t care who the fuck was coming, 'cause she was going to kick someone’s ass when they loosened the ropes.

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