Jana Leigh & Bryce Evans (12 page)

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Authors: Infiltrating the Pack (Shifter Justice)

BOOK: Jana Leigh & Bryce Evans
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Chapter Seventeen



dropped the knife in the bucket, then went in the bathroom and washed her hands.  As she walked out the two idiots were playing video games.  She walked right past them into the end bedroom.  The woman’s arms were still tied to the bed.  She was curled up in a ball when she heard her enter the room.  She couldn’t even hold her head up to scream.  She wanted to die and hoped that death would take her now. The woman wouldn't be so lucky; they had plans for her.

See the change isn’t so bad, now you are stronger, faster.”  Diane laughed.

They had changed the female with their injection.  Diane knew her mate would be happy.  Once a weak and helpless
human female, she was now part of the pack.

Why?” the woman moaned.

Because you had talents before.  Flynn didn’t know how lucky he was having a mate who had the sight.  Now, you are so much more.  A wolf with the sight.  You will be the Redeemer’s right hand man, so to speak, his adviser.  You will be able to tell him if there is danger to his leadership,” Diane said.

They had gotten so lucky when the woman stumbled into town
.  She had been searching for Flynn and another man, looking for the men who haunted her dreams, instead she found Diane at a gas station.  When she overheard the woman asking for directions, she had been friendly and offered to help.  However, instead of leading her to the Atlanta Pack, she brought her to the Redeemer, never knowing what prize she had secured.

The first time
they had seen the woman go into a trance for the first time years ago, they had known they were going to keep her.  It was the Redeemer’s idea to hold her until they could change her.  She would be powerful.

At first
, they had just held the woman prisoner, treating her like a queen, making sure she told them everything they needed to know.  They had been smart; they threatened to take her sister in order to make her do what they wanted.  It had worked, and now they needed more.  She needed to help them take what was theirs.  The Atlanta Pack.

The plan was simple, they would give the woman to the
pack, letting her think she had escaped and she would work from the inside.  They would never know what hit them. 

So you know what you have to do?” Diane said.  “They are all meeting tomorrow, you will arrive then.”

They will know,” the woman groaned.

No they won’t, Flynn will never suspect it.  Or he had better not,” Diane said.


Chapter Eighteen



Vander and Kane waited as their mate was released from the h
ospital.  It had been almost three days, Vander working during the day and then spending his nights at the hospital with his mates getting to know one another.  They had yet to discuss the actual mating, just allowing themselves to know one another.

hey had finally been given the chance to get to know one another without interruption.  It had been driving Kane and Vander mad when her father kept showing up at the most inopportune times.  Tonight, they were taking her back to Vander’s home. 

Marcus is pissed.”  Kane smiled and looked to where the Alpha stood waiting. 

He should have known she wasn’t going to do what he wanted.  Hell, she had been telling him for days she was going to do what she wanted,” Kane said smugly.

What did the therapist say?” Vander asked.  Waverly had spoken to a therapist every day for the last week.  Her nightmares had seemed to decrease, which was good.  After the first night without meds, Waverly scared the shit out of the men.  They were speaking quietly when she let out a blood-curdling scream.  Both men had jumped and held her down as she tried to rip out her IV.

She said that it will take time, Waverly knows what to expect,” Kane said.  “So do we.  One day at a time.”

nder nodded.  “Good.  We need to find out who in the fucking pack betrayed her.  It is the only way to find Josh.”

Ret, Jewel, and Lex are having a meeting with Marcus in the morning.  They are going to set up whoever is their leak.  I don’t know the details, no one does, the Alphas want it that way.  I only know that I am to be there with you and Waverly,” Kane said.

nodded, since his mate had been hurt he had been in touch with Ret and Lex only a few times.  They insisted he take care of his mate and the investigation on the police level.  They were dealing with the pack, and soon they would be able to put it together.

Waverly stepped out of her room and rolled her eyes at
the nurse who stood waiting to take her to the car.  “Really?” she said warily to her father who nodded.

Doctors orders,” Marcus said and Waverly folded her arms over her chest.

More like Alpha’s orders,” Waverly muttered.  “I think I can walk, father.”

Marcus began to argue until he saw the firm set in her jaw and then nodded reluctantly to the nurse.  Waverly smiled and kissed her father
’s cheek and then whispered something in his ear.  Kane and Vander watched as her father frowned and then slowly withdrew and kissed her on the cheek before stepping back.

The powerful older wolf swung his gaze to Vander and Kane and then he growled.  “
I expect you to be there tomorrow at ten am for the meeting.  We have a lot to discuss.”

Waverly grinned and looked at K
ane and Vander and laughed.  “Yes, father, I am pretty sure we are all going to enjoy the meeting tomorrow.”

Kane and Vander led their mate out of the hospital to the car Kane had arranged to drive them to Vander
’s house.  They had security.  It was the one concession they made to the Alpha, but they had agreed it would make them safer. 

They nodded to the Protector who was driving them home
as they got into the back.  Once Waverly was settled in between the two of them, they all relaxed.

Finally,” Waverly whispered.  “I really thought that dad was going to follow us home.”

Vander laughed.  “
He is worried.”

In case you didn’t realize, he is a bit overbearing.  I am the only one he has, and he is protective.  I understand, although it drives me nuts, I understand.”  Waverly sighed.

Well, I get it,” Kane said quietly and took Waverly’s hand.  “I imagine it is hard to watch your little girl go off with not one man but two.  I don't know if I would handle it any better in his shoes.”

"Yes, I guess.  Not that I am agreeing with you or anything," Waverly chuckled when Kane frowned at her statement.

Vander was silent as he thought about what was to come.  Would his mother finally show her face in the midst of all the chaos?  She was here, somewhere, Jewel had confirmed it.  The Redeemer remained silent on how she was involved in his plan.  Thank god, his mates didn’t blame him for that part.  When he had explained it to them the other day, they had both assured him they didn’t blame him for her actions, whatever they may be.

They pulled up to Va
nder’s house and he snapped out of his thoughts and grinned.  Finally, they were all coming home.  His place was bigger than Kane’s and the other wolf had already moved his stuff in here.  Waverly’s possessions were going to be delivered tomorrow.  Then they would all be home.

He opened the door and Waverly grinned when she saw the charming house he had been working on.  It was secluded, and close t
o pack land, which is the only reason Vander bought it.  Even then, he had to have known in his heart, his mate was close.

You know, I drove by this house every day for three months when I met with one of our families.  They lived just down the road.  I love this place.”  Waverly laughed.

Vander smiled
and pointed to the front porch.  He had just had it enclosed and add an air condition so he could sit outside at night and be comfortable.  He loved the outdoors too, but the big draw to the house had been the inside.  The well-kept hardwood floors still gleamed as they had the day he saw the house.  The dark cherry molding and banisters added to the old Victorian charm of the inside.  Vander had painted the walls a creamy white; however, every room held a distinct decorator’s touch.  The colors browns, blues, and golds were masculine but done tastefully, making the home seem welcoming and appealing.  Kane had been shocked when he had first seen it.  Claiming that Vander was a constant contradiction, but in a good way. 

This was the first time he had allowed anyone into his home other than
Kane; Jewel had not even been here she had only been to his old apartment.  It felt right to make sure his mates liked the place before anyone else saw it.  Maybe they were going to have to gut the whole thing and start over.

Waverly wandered from room to room silently, with Vander and Kane following slowly.  Vander began to feel uneasy, especially when she didn
’t make a noise, but when she entered the kitchen she gasped.  Vander looked up and smiled, he loved his kitchen, not that he could cook really but he figured if he ever got married, she would—and the kitchen was state of the art.  Chrome appliances with a deep red countertops and a black back splash.  It was his favorite room in the house.  It was warm and inviting.  The corner nook table sat in a small area surrounded by windows.  It looked over the enormous backyard, which held trees and only a wood fence that separated his yard from the woods surrounding the Grant Pack house.

It is perfect,” Waverly whispered and Vander let out the breath he was holding.  She liked it.

I am glad you like it, although we can change anything you want,” Vander said quickly.

No, it is gorgeous,” Waverly said and turned.  “I can’t wait to cook our first meal together.”

Not tonight.”  Kade smiled and looked at Vander.  “We have something planned.”

raised an eyebrow at the men and then laughed.  “Oh really, are you so sure about that?”

We hoped,” Vander said slowly.

Of course if you need more time,” Kane said.

Waverly smiled and then walked up to them.  They stood side by
side; she stepped in between them and put her hand on both of their chests.  “The doctor gave me a clean bill of health, the therapist said I have anger to work through but otherwise I am good to go if I would like to go ahead with the mating.”

And?”  Vander could not help but ask.

And, I am more than ready for this mating,” Waverly said gently then leaned closer to the men and kissed them in turn.  Kane first and then Vander, both men stood still and allowed her to make the first move, just like the therapist had told them. 

Why don’t we show you the master bedroom?”  Vander smiled.

They had worked for the last w
eek to make the room something for her.  It had been easy really, all they did was go to the pack house and see how she had it decorated and replicated it here.  Both of the guys liked the brilliant shades of reds and golds she had in her previous room.  As they climbed the staircase, Waverly exclaimed over the woodwork, but when they showed her the master suite, she sucked in a breath.  Vander and Kane waited as she took it all in. 

four-poster bed sat in the middle with a deep burgundy bedspread and gold netting hanging from the poles giving it a sensual inviting feel.  The oak dressers had a cherry shine complimented by the gold rug that laid on the hardwood floors.  In the corner was a desk and small sitting area with a window seat that looked over the backyard.  The master bath opened up to the right side of the room.  The large sunken tub and separate shower were surrounded by rustic tile with ledges lined with lit candles that made the room have a soft glow.

Let me run you a bath, you can relax while we get dinner ready,” Kane said and walked into the bathroom where the huge tub took up the corner. 

Oh my, I could swim in there.”  Waverly laughed and looked at Vander who was smiling smugly.  “Your house is amazing.”

house is amazing, and it is because you are here,” Vander said slowly.  “It was just a house before you two became my mates.  Now with both of you here, it is a home.”

Waverly laughed and leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips.  “
Thank you.”

Vander smiled and nodded.  “
We will call you when dinner is ready.”

smiled and he poured bath salts in that smelled like lilacs and then turned and kissed Waverly too.  “Relax.”

Heck yeah,” Waverly said and looked around.  “What woman wouldn’t relax in here?  It is my own personal hideaway.”

The men laughed and then left the room, intending on getting the food ready for
their impending mating evening.


I am turning the pack over to Waverly and her mates,” Marcus said to Flynn as his second stood smiling.

I think they will be good Alphas,” Flynn said and laughed.  “With Ret and Lex as allies, this pack will flourish.”

That is my plan,” Marcus said.  “Besides, I would love nothing more than to retire and be a grandpa now.”

When are you going to announce the change?” Flynn asked.

Tomorrow, during the pack meeting,” Marcus said.

I will make arrangements,” Flynn said.  “And I will serve them faithfully, my friend.”

I know you will,” Marcus said and turned back to the window.  It was time for a change, and his daughter and her mates would just be the first step.

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