Jana Leigh & Bryce Evans (10 page)

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Authors: Infiltrating the Pack (Shifter Justice)

BOOK: Jana Leigh & Bryce Evans
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Marcus nodded.  “
You are, which is why I was so worried.”

There was something strange about it.  It was almost as if I couldn’t feel the danger, which would mean my gift wasn’t working.  That has never happened.  Regardless, I was hurt, but I am a shifter, and the daughter of a powerful Alpha, I won’t roll over and let them win.  So you can forget that.  As for my mates, well you know as well as I do that it is a gift.  They came to me when I needed them the most, and for that, I am grateful.  I will take my time and get to know them, but I will accept their mating claim,” Waverly warned her father.  “You need to accept them as well.”

Marcus growled but then nodded when Waverly shook her head and laughed.
“Fine, I will be watching though.”

Of course,” Waverly smiled and kissed her father gently.  She looked up and Kane was standing in the doorway.


Vander walked to the end of the trail to a beautiful pond.  There was a deck with some c
hairs and an umbrella.  He walked over to one of the chairs and sat down.  Fall was starting but summer was still trying to stay.  The temperature made Vander sit under the umbrella for a little shade.

Vander closed his eyes breathing in deeply as his body started to rel
ax a little.  He knew Jewel was near.  She had taught him well.  He listened for the sounds that let him know someone was coming. 

What are you doing out here by yourself?” Jewel said and Vander smiled. Only his best friend could make him smile even though he was having a shitty day.  Asking a silly question was just a way for her to say that she knew what was going on with him.

Getting some air,” he replied and Jewel noisily sat down in the chair beside Vander.

You know this is a beautiful area.  I wouldn’t mind living on this kind of property,” she said softly and Vander looked over at Jewel.  He knew her so well and she was beating around the bush, which was unlike her.

Jewel, spit it out.  It worries me when you’re not blunt.  It’s so not you.”  Vander snorted.

Jewel laughed
.  “I’m worried about you and Kane.  I smelled him on you earlier so I know something has happened between you two and I wondered how you were taking all this in.  Plus, Waverly not knowing you two, I am sure you are upset.”

I don’t know…I…really don’t know what to do.  Waverly and Kane know me, it is weird, but they know me.  To see Waverly look at me when she was in my head, I don’t know, it hurts.  My body is reacting to both of them and I don’t know how to stop it.  I don’t even know if I want to stop it, Jewel, but I’ve never been with a man before…and I know Kane has so this is nothing to him.  I don’t think I’m gay but…” Vander blushed as he looked back to the pond.  “But I crave him.  I want to be with him…and I just don’t know if I can deal with that.” 

Jewel got up and sat in Vander
’s lap hugging him.  She knew he needed that.  She could see the stress and desperation in his eyes as he spoke. Jewel held Vander for a few minutes before she spoke.

Vander, you are my best friend and I don’t care if you are gay or not.”  Vander was about to speak.  Jewel put her finger over his lips.  “I know you’re not gay, what I’m trying to say is if you were gay it wouldn’t matter to me.  Now wolves are very sexual creatures so it is not uncommon for wolves to be with both sexes.  It doesn’t mean anything except they like the closeness with each other.  You have been blessed with two mates, my friend, just like me. Waverly will remember, it may take time but she will.  You are going to get the best of both.  It doesn’t mean you are gay, just means you have two mates and one of them is a man. Live, Vander, because life is too short and you never know.”  Vander nodded.

I just don’t think I can handle Kane in that way.  He wants…” Vander smiled at her.

I know but give yourself time and see how you adjust to this,” Jewel replied.

I guess we need to get back before Kane comes looking for me,” Vander murmured.  Jewel agreed as she got up holding Vander’s hand.


Chapter Fourteen



That smells wonderful,” Waverly whispered as Kane walked back in her room carrying a tray.  When he had come into the room earlier, Waverly had asked her father to order some food.  Kane had shook his head and announced he would take care of his mate and gone to get the food himself.  She found it endearing.

He sat the tray down on the table and then came over to her.  “
Let’s scoot you up so you can eat.  Hold the sheet up to you so I can pull you up a little,” Kane said politely.

As Kane started to pull her up
, she groaned from pain.  Kane immediately stopped and looked down at her with concerned eyes.  “I’m okay, just see if the bed will tilt up,” she said gently and then Kane nodded.

Sorry, I didn’t know he would have that kind of bed.  Did I hurt you when I pulled on you?” Kane whispered and Waverly reached out before she realized what she was doing and touched his face, then immediately pulled back. 

Kane smiled down at her then went over and got
the tray, sliding it between her thighs.  He grabbed the spoon and dipped it into the soup then blew on it before he put it to her lips.  “I can feed myself,” she argued but Kane smiled and continued to blow on the spoonful of soup.  As he finished cooling it, he put it to her lips.

I know you can, but I want to feed you so you don’t waste the energy doing that,” Kane said and Waverly stared at him then opened her mouth.  She chewed her food as she watched the wolf feeding her.

What is your name again?” Waverly asked.

Kane Foster,” he said as Waverly leaned back.

Hold on, let me rest a minute,” she said and Kane placed the spoon back in the bowl as Waverly rested.  “Where is the other man you were with?” 

Vander Collins.  He is a Detective with the Atlanta Police Department,” Kane said and looked her in the eye.  “He is our mate.”

The pair remained silent as Waverly ate a little more. 
Vander and Jewel came back in the house as Kane took the tray off the bed.  He looked over and saw Vander and Jewel watching him.

I have some questions for you, Waverly, if you are up for it?” Vander asked.

Sure, I’m not going anywhere,” she said and Vander smiled at her joking. 
It was a good sign
, he thought.

Kane took the tray and sa
t it on the table as he watched Vander and Jewel go and sit beside her bed.  “Do you mind if I record this so I don’t have to take notes?” Vander asked Waverly.

No I don’t mind.”  She shrugged and Vander turned the recorder on, then laid it beside the bed. 

I would like for you to start from the time you left Grant house heading to the airport for your trip.  Explain everything even something you might think is strange but just over looked it.  People you may have seen that looked at you funny.”  Marcus and Flynn walked back into the room as Vander asked her to describe everything and everybody she saw.  Marcus went to the other side of the bed and grabbed Waverly’s hand letting her know he was with her.

Well, I remember leaving around four in the morning so I could get to the airport early.  My flight was leaving at seven so I wanted to be there early enough to eat breakfast.  I don’t remember seeing anything strange before I left.  I remember seeing Orion and Jon before I left. They were getting ready to meet with dad later that day and they wanted to go for a run before that happened.  That wasn’t unusual for either of them.  They both kissed me on the cheek and said good-bye.  Then I drove down to the market on Fifth Street to pick up some magazines and gum for the airplane ride.  I remember going in the store and then coming out but somebody grabbed me from behind.  I woke up strapped to a table being cu…”  She felt calmness come over her when the hand slipped into her other hand.  She looked over and Vander was holding her hand.

That is enough for right now.  Just rest, Waverly.  We can talk later after you have regained some of your strength,” Vander said softly.

They tortured me just to see how I would heal, then they would beat me with their fist and a bat,” Waverly said angrily and shook her head.  “It needs to be said.  They want the pack; they are going to try to take over.  Vander, your mother is involved.” 

Marcus, Kane
, and Flynn who had just walked in, all started growling as she told about the torture.  Finally, Vander couldn’t hear because of all the growling.  “Stop growling so I can hear.  Look, I want to kill the bastards who did this to her, but we will never know who it is if I can’t get her story.” 

Waverly laughed as everyone loo
ked down at her.  “I wish I had a camera for the looks on your faces when he told you all to stop growling.”  Waverly started giggling until she stopped abruptly because of the sharp pain to her stomach.

That’s enough for right now, Detective.  Waverly needs to rest and heal and the only way to do that is to get some sleep,” Doctor Morris advised as he walked into the room.  He went to Vander’s side of the bed and took her pulse.  Vander grabbed the recorder and stopped it, handing it to Jewel as he watched Waverly breathe through the pain.  He continued to hold her hand as the doctor inspected her vitals.

Kane continued to linger as Flynn kissed Waverly on the cheek.  Kane growled as Flynn kissed his mate.  Flynn just laughed then p
atted her hand and walked out.  Waverly looked over at the men who said they were her mates, they watched her as well.  Waverly’s eyes fluttered as the doctor pushed a button on the IV.  Then they closed as she drifted off asleep.

How is she, Doc?” Marcus asked.

She is getting better.  Her color looks better and some of the bruises and cuts have started to heal.  We need to give her food and rest.  That is what her body needs to get better.”  He turned and faced Vander, “I know, Detective, you want to find out what is going on but with everything she has been through, I just don’t think she needs to relive the incident again.  At least for a while.  She needs to feel safe so let’s give her that.  Alpha,” Doc Morris respecting the position, bowed and walked out of the room.

Marcus grinned then looked over at Kane and Vander.  “
I guess it wouldn’t do me any good to tell you two to go home and let her heal.”

Not a chance, Alpha,” Kane advised.

Vander looked over
his shoulder and against the wall was a sitting area he didn’t notice before.  One recliner and a chaise lounger were nestled in front of the window with a lamp and table in between them.  A fireplace set to the side of the recliner. 
Now all I need is a shower and some clothes
, Vander thought.  Jewel who had left the room when the interview was finished, now entered as she could read his mind, carrying in two bags.

I know you two will not leave without her so I asked Ret to get each of you a bag packed.  It looks like everything you will need is in here so play nice you two and remember you are mates,” Jewel bit out.  Vander and Kane both knew she wasn’t playing by the tone she just used. Vander looked away from Jewel and took the bag from her hand. 

Thanks, Jewel,” Vander replied then kissed her on the cheek.

walked over to Jewel smiling.  “Thank you, Alpha.”  Kane bowed his head to her smiling. He knew how much she hated the bowing crap.  Jewel giggled, smacking his arm playfully.

You two will be the death of me.”  Jewel turned around and looked at Marcus.  As she started to bow, Marcus mimicked her actions bowing to her.  Jewel giggled shaking her head as she turned around and walked out the door. Marcus watched as Jewel walked out the door smiling.  Kane and Vander watched the Alpha.

She is one of a kind,” Marcus murmured.

Yes, sir, she is,” Kane answered.

Well, gentlemen, I have some business to attend to.  The doctor said the sleeping medication would wear off in a few hours.  I trust I can leave her in your care, without tearing the house down would be preferable.” 

This time Vander laughed
softly, turned, and faced the Alpha.  “I’m not used to all the sarcasm that you wolves use but I do know that I’m trying to help catch who did this to your daughter so why don’t we just stop with the smartass remarks.  We only have your daughter’s best interest.” 

Marcus had never been spoken to
like that by anyone.  He tilted his head and stared at Vander then laughed.  “I like you, Detective.”  Then he walked out of the room without another word. 

Vander shook his head
, then turned around to pick up his bag he had set on the floor after taking it from Jewel.  He needed a hot shower to release some of this stress before he went off on someone.

I’m going to take a shower.  The nurse showed me a room where we could take one.”  Vander didn’t wait for a response before he walked out of the bedroom.

Kane sat down on the chair and put his head in his hands
, rubbing his face. He sat back up, took a deep breath, stood, and grabbed his bag, then went in search of his mate.


Vander leaned forward as the water beat on his skin
.  He couldn’t remember when his day had been normal.  As he thought about who could have took Waverly, hands wrapped around his waist.  He knew it was Kane as he laid his head against his back.  “I’m sorry you're having a shitty day,” Kane whispered softly.

Vander leaned back into him as Kane starte
d kissing his back and neck, leaving little kisses.  Kane reached and grabbed the liquid soap, lathered up his hands, then started rubbing Vander’s body. Vander groaned as Kane massaged his hands over his butt and then erection that was hard as a rock.  Vander spun around, quickly grabbed Kane by the head, and brought his lips against his.  He licked the seam of Kane’s lips making him open so he could taste his mate. 

All Vander could think about was fucking Kane.
Funny how one day happenings can change things,
he thought, being with Kane seemed as natural to him as breathing. When his tongue touched Kane’s the moan was loud as Kane grabbed onto Vander’s waist pulling him closer to him. He grabbed his butt cheeks and squeezed them as they passionately kissed.  Grabbing Kane’s hair, Vander jerked his head back kissing up and down his neck.  Vander could feel Kane’s erection as it poked him in the stomach.  Vander reached and got some of the liquid soap, lathering his hands, then he reached down and grabbed Kane’s cock.  He rubbed it up and down, palming his ball sack as they continued to kiss.

Vander had never felt thi
s out of control in his life.  And he surely had never felt like this for another man.  He wanted Kane so bad he knew he couldn’t wait any longer.  He jerked Kane around and pushed his head down toward the bench. He got behind him pushing his legs apart with his.  Then he placed his cock to Kane’s ass and pushed in slowly.  The moan let Vander know that Kane was okay with what Vander was doing.  Vander was scared he would hurt Kane because he was a little unsure of what he was doing but knew he didn’t even prepare him before he started.  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Vander gritted out.  “Tell me to stop, Kane.  Just tell me to stop.  Okay?”

Don’t you dare stop,” Kane moaned, spreading his legs wider allowing Vander more room.  He leaned further up as Vander pushed in further.  Vander reached around and grabbed hold of Kane’s erection stroking it as he pushed further in.  “Oh God yes.  Keep doing that,” Kane urged Vander.

er didn’t know which one was making him feel good so he continued.  He pushed in further seating himself fully into Kane as he continued to stroke his erection.  He started to move slowly in and out, Kane pushed back as Vander pushed forward. 

Kane was pa
nting as he got closer and closer to coming.  He had never felt like this before with the other men.  He had always heard that being with your mate, the sexual tension would be so extreme you would have nothing to compare it too.  Vander picked up the speed as he withdrew, then glided deep in again.  As Kane leaned forward, Vander's fist tightened on his erection.  They grew more frantic as their arousal built.  Kane could feel Vander’s fingers squeeze his erection then glide up and down using the soap as a lubricant

You feel so good,” Vander murmured, his voice was gentle as he grabbed Kane’s hair taking it in his fist squeezing it. 

Vander bit down on his neck as Kane growled
, loving that his mate bit him like a wolf. He knew he would leave a mark and that was fine with him. The connection between them was growing stronger and stronger as they continued to mate with each other. 

Come with me,” Vander demanded as he sensed Kane trembling and tightening. “Kane, come now,” Vander gritted out. 

Kane could feel Vander climax as his
own cock jerked pumping thick milky semen all over the shower wall.  Vander pressed his flaming body against Kane’s back as he came inside of him. 

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