Islam without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty (60 page)

BOOK: Islam without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty
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theocracy, 249–50
Thomas, Saint, 65–66
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 118
on blasphemy, 280–81
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 262
Todorova, Maria, 311
toleration, issue of, 125
Torah, 23
on blasphemy, 280
stoning in, 297
totalitarianism, 199, 201–2, 242, 257
Toynbee, Arnold, 95, 190
Traditionist-Rationalist confrontation:
in Abbasid dynasty, 107–12
Asharism and, 115
commerce vs. military bureaucracy in, 126–27
context and, 119–20, 123–25
free will vs. determinism debate and, 96–98
Hanbalism and, 115–16
House of Wisdom and, 110, 112
Islamic government debate and, 252–53
Kharijite fanaticism and, 120–22
and literal interpretation of Qur’an, 113–14
and, 109–10
Mutazilites and, 110–12
physical environment and, 128–32
rise of Sufism and, 114
as social conflict, 125–26
Traditionist victory in, 113–14, 117–18, 139, 171–72, 304
Wahhabism and, 116
Trench, Battle of the, 16, 57
tribalism, 48, 61
collectivism and, 49
of Kharijites, 121–22
penal system and, 48–49
polytheism and, 49
Qur’an and, 49–50
women and, 48
Trinity, 84
as term, 118
Tripoli, 159
trusts, legal doctrine of, 75
Tunis, 169, 170
Tunisia, 132, 174, 241
Turgut Özal Thought and Action Society, 321
Turkey, 18, 128, 131, 135, 152, 176, 261, 214–17
case and, 320
Communism and, 35
constitution of, 203–4, 211
creation of Republic of, 180
EU and, 219, 223
exceptionalism of, 212–13
and freedom to sin, 271
future of, 242–44
Hadith Project of, 273–74
Hat Reform in, 17, 178, 180
headscarf controversy in, 203–6, 291
illiberal secular mindset of, 36–37
Iran and foreign policy of, 241
Islamic literature in, 232–33
Islam of,
Turkish Islam
Kayseri industrial boom in, 228–30
Kemalism of,
Kemalism, Kemalists; Kemalist Revolution
in Korean War, 210, 213
Kuleli incident and, 314
Kurds and, 36, 185–86
liberalism of, 203–11
“lost decade” of, 221
Mamak Prison of, 34–35, 36
middle class of, 38, 230–32
as model of Islamic democracy, 241–42, 243
Muslim world and, 240–41
NATO and, 210
1960 coup in, 211, 217
1980 coup in, 35–36, 217
Nur movement in, 22, 209–10, 214
Nursi and,
Nursi, Said
“postmodern coup” in, 221–22
Privates’ Rebellion and, 314
religious freedom in, 184–85
religious liberalization in, 233–37
secularism of, 36–37, 184–85, 212, 214, 243
single-party period of, 183–84, 209
sovereignty issue and, 152
Soviet Union and, 213
2001 economic crisis in, 221
university reform in, 206
U.S. as perceived by, 195, 216–17
War of Liberation of, 182
in World War II, 226–27
Turkish Islamism, 214–17
decline of, 220–22
Islamist-Socialist coalition and, 216
Islamist mindset and, 216–17
Nur movement and, 214
perception of U.S. and, 216–17
and, 215–16, 217
Turkish National Library, 321
Turner, Bryan S., 134–35
TÜSI·AD (Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association), 25, 227–28
Uhud, Battle of, 16, 47
Ulama, 25, 304
Ülgener, Sabri, 131–32
Umar, Caliph, 64, 258, 276, 325
Umar II, Umayyad caliph, 87
Umayyad dynasty, 23, 26, 64, 81, 102, 107, 118, 159, 300
apostasy in, 276
free will vs. determinism debate and, 86–88
26, 56–57, 69, 190, 194, 250, 284
in Charter of Medina, 56–57
Milli Görüs¸ movement and, 215
United Kingdom,
Great Britain
United Nations, 241, 274, 275
United States, 25, 157, 184, 194, 218–19
capital punishment in, 255
Constitution of, 206
Middle East dictatorships and, 318
militant Islam’s perception of, 195–96
in Philippines conflict, 159–60
pop culture of, 196–97
prohibition in, 267
slavery abolished in, 169
Turkish perception of, 195, 216–17
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 274
Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Islam, 274–75
(local customs), 26, 89
usury (
), 24, 63, 75, 105, 261, 269
Uthman, Caliph, 64, 80–81
van Gogh, Theo, 31, 280
Vienna, Second Siege of, 145–46
Violence in Politics
(Akyol), 35
Virtue Party, Turkey, 321
vizier, 26
Voltaire, 184
voluntarism, 26
Wahhab, Muhammad Abd-al-, 26, 115–16
Wahhabism, 17, 26, 116, 141, 162, 174, 176, 324
Wajdi, Farid, 200–201
(religious foundation), 26, 75
Waraqa (Khadija’s cousin), 45
War of Liberation of 1919–22, 182
War on Terror, 195
Watt, William Montgomery, 47–48, 59
Wavell, Archibald, 168
Wealth and Poverty of Nations, The
(Landes), 132
We Are Not Free Yet
(Akbulut, Kaplan, and Yılmaz), 205
“We Are Not Free Yet” (website), 204–5
Weber, Max, 38, 134, 229, 291
Welfare Party, Turkish, 221, 222, 321
West Africa, 174
Who Needs an Islamic State?
(El-Affendi), 253
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 61
women, 62, 63, 171, 264, 269
capitalism and empowerment of, 238–39
genital mutilation of, 31–32
Hadiths and, 233–34
handshake question and, 236–37
headscarf debate and, 203–6
in Iran, 188–89
Islamic oppression of, 30

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