Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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GET MONEY!                                                                            


It was nightfall by the time we picked up Naomi from the other motel room then headed to the club. The Sparrow was a club located just a few miles away from where we were staying so it didn’t take very long to get there. Mike drove one of the older more worn cars to the club. I didn’t bother to ask who car it was but knowing Mike now, I could guess that they were all probably his. When we got to the club Naomi, Lourna, and Nikki went into the back dressing rooms to prepare for their strip dance performances.

I followed Mike to one of the rooms in the back where Jimmy and a few of his boys were. They had a couple of tables, a few chairs and a couch set up in a room near the back entrance of the club. Mike walked over to the desk, opened the drawer and pulled out a triple beam scale and placed it on the table. Jimmy walked over to one of the file cabinets and unlocked it. He leaned down and opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a black duffle bag. He threw the duffle bag at Mike, who was now sitting in a chair behind the desk. Mike opened the bag and pulled out several sandwich bags filled with cocaine.  I sat down on the couch and looked on as Mike and Jimmy set up their operation. “Where’s Kain?” Jimmy asked one of his homies.

“He out derr by the barr fuckin’ with dem gurls and givin’ up dem dollas ‘n sheit.” The guy said. “Iight he’s all good for now, but tell him he’d betta keep his eyes wide open when da monee start cummin’ thru therr.” Jimmy said. “Yo Kore, come over here.” Mike said, so I walked over to him. I glanced down into his hands as he sat behind the desk. He was holding a gun in his right hand. He glanced up at me and whispered. “Yo, I want you to take this, and stand over there.” “You want me to take what, and stand over where? I asked.”

My heart fell inside of my chest. I was kind of startled that he offered me the gun. “The gun Kore, listen you gots nothin’to worry about my nikka. I’ve been doin’ this shit for years down here and a nigga either gotta be fuckin’ retarded, or retardedER to try some bullshit on us tonight. We Ghosts son, niggas don’t fuck
with us, niggas fuck
us.” “The only reason I asked you to hold this is so niggas see the strength.” Jimmy and his niggas be checkin’ shit on the outside and searchin’ mafuckas, and plus niggas can’t get shit unless I know the mafucka. I just want niggas to see your face and to get used to seein’ you. You never know when you might be runnin’ this spot one day. This shit is sweet Kore, watch you’ll see.” Mike reassured confidently.

I’d never held a gun before, but I took it anyway. I felt a little frightened that it might go off or somethin as I held it by my side, making sure that the barrel was facing down toward the floor. “Why you holdin’ it like that?” Mike giggled. “You holdin’ it like you about to have a Wild West shootout at the mafuckin OK Corral ‘n shit ha ha ha ha.” Mike joked. “Oh my bad.” I said as I put the gun inside of my jacket pocket, making sure that my hand was as far away from the trigger as possible. One of Jimmy’s boys came back into the room.

“Yo they’re startin’ to pack the joint already.” He said. Mike looked at him and then at me. “Y’all ready?” He asked. Everyone looked at each other. “Yeah we ready.” The guy said. “Iight send ‘em in one at time, y’all know how we do it! Let’s get this money!” Mike said excitedly. The other guy opened the door and let in the first customer. The customer came into the room and walked over to the table where Mike was sitting. “Yo son, let me get ten ounces of that raw shit.” He said. Mike pulled out one of the sandwich bags that had the cocaine in it and put it on the scale.

“There it is son, ten ounces, check it out and then go over there with him.” He replied. The customer checked the scale and then handed Mike the money. Mike handed the money to Jimmy’s dude. “Here, take this and my man here and go count that up real quick.” Mike ordered as the guy grabbed the money and walked over to the other table and began counting the money as the customer followed and looked on. The guy placed the money into a money counting machine and counted it all.

“Iight, it’s all good.” Mike said to the guy as he handed him the cocaine. “Iight, yo Mark, good lookin’ son, I’m probably gonna need some more tomorrow so I’ll be callin you.” He said as he stashed the cocaine in his underwear. “Iight just hit me up I’ll be around.” Mike replied as he reached under the desk and pulled out a shopping bag, opened it up and held it towards my direction. He signaled towards me to get the bag and put the money in it, so that’s what I did. I guess he wanted me to hold the money, so now I’m the money man and the gun man, but if this is what it takes to get rich then that’s what it is so that’s what I did. After dude dropped the money inside the bag I closed the bag and put it down by my feet. The customer walked out of the door as another one came in.

“What’s up Mark? Let me get those 25 O Zees I ordered.” The customer said. Mike pulled out another plastic sandwich bag and put it on the scale. He adjusted the scale to the proper weight. “There you go, check it out.” He said to the guy. The guy checked the scale, nodded his head and then pulled out a sneaker box and handed it to Mike who handed it to dude again who grabbed the box and began to count the money. It took a few minutes more to count this time because it was more, but nevertheless it was all there, and not a penny less.

Within the first half hour must’ve ran through at least twenty customers, and I must’ve seen dude count over $60,000 easy and they were still coming. After about an hour and a half Mike shut down shop for a little while to let the customers enjoy some of the performances that Lourna and the other girls had lined up. Jimmy and his crew hung out nearby while Mike and I prepared the money. “Yo Mike, I mean Mark, what’s up with the fake names?” I joked at him. Mike smiled. “Yo, we don’t ever use our real names around here Kore, I mean Hank.” Mike said jokily. “Oh! why you had to give me a ol’ fucked up name like Hank? Ain’t no black women namin’ they kids Hank yo.” I argued.

“Nigga, what about Hank Aaron that famous baseball cat from back in the day?” Mike said smiling. “Ha ha ha nigga, that was like back in what, 1956 or somethin’? That was a long ass time ago Mike ha ha ha ha, you funny as hell yo.” I chuckled. “Nigga, I know a lotta Hanks that’s deep up in this here game playa. What about Big Bad Hank from the Sugarhill Gang. I said a hip hop a hibby to the hibby say up jumped the boogey to the bang bang boogey.” He recited then said.

“Yo, I knew this one cat who called himself Gangsta Hank, and this cat yo, he used to make major chips around these here parts for real partna’.” Mike joked.  “Oh yeah, well where the hell that nigga at now?” I asked. Mike took a deep breath, “Oh yeah that nigga doin’ ‘bout 25 to life for killin’ his mama for namin’ his ass that bullshit!” Mike joked. We both burst out laughing as Mike began wrapping up some of the money in plastic and double wrapped it in tape. “Yo, I’m about to go check out the show for a little while you know?”

“Feel up on some fat asses you feel me?” Mike smirked and then walked over to the file cabinet, unlocked it, opened it, put the cash inside it and closed and locked it back. “So, that was the stampede all y’all was talkin’ about, all those customers flockin us like that?” I asked. “Oh helllll no, that’s not the stampede, I’ll show you the stampede. C’mon lets go have us a lil’ fun son.” Mike said, and we walked out of the door.

We walked out of the back area and headed towards the front where the music was playing loudly. Mike told Jimmy to watch the room until we returned. Jimmy agreed and we walked out to the bar area. Wowwww! The Sparrow was bigger than I expected it would have been. There were women everywhere dancing on multiple stages that were spread out throughout the big club. Some of the women were swinging naked on swings, walking around half naked, and all were topless while serving drinks behind the bar. There had to be at least 100 women dancing on the stages, and sliding down poles that led all the way up to the ceiling. It was like a dance ‘o rama type shit and the men were going wild for them, putting money in their G-strings and grabbing on their asses and tits. I looked around to see if I could find Lourna or any of the other girls amongst the many other beautiful and sexy women.

I saw Nikki and Naomi dancing on one of the stages, surrounded by a flock of lust thirsty, half drunk men who were filling up their G-strings with cash. I couldn’t find Lourna anywhere as Mike and I made our way through the stampede of men. “Now thissss…is the stampede my nikka!” Mike yelled over the music. I looked around over and over to see if I could see Lourna. Suddenly the music stopped and the lights went out for a few seconds. When they came back on all of the girls were leaving the stages and heading backstage. The crowd of men responded with oohs and boos as the women cleared out. The noise from the men was interrupted by the sound of some microphone feedback as a sexy voiced female began to speak.
A female’s voice echoed throughout the club. “Hell yeah we ready, bring them bitches on!” Yelled one guy, and then the rest of the men began to respond with cheers
The female yelled through the speakers. Suddenly the club went dark and quiet and the sound of 1000 anticipating stripclubbers could be heard throughout the near darkness and silence.

Suddenly spotlights gleamed down on all of the bars and slide poles as the music crashed through the speakers. The girls simultaneously started sliding down the poles that were spread out throughout the club. They slid down through the ceiling like firemen, but these were no firemen, they were some of the most exotic women that I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I’m talkin’ straight Ebony, Jet, Playboy, Spice t.v. type of chicks. They all slid down the pole in sync and sexily dressed in some of the most skimpiest outfits that made all the men run from stage to stage to get a glimpse of all of the women that were sliding down the pole. Some of the women even came out into the crowd to dance with some of the men, for a fee of course. I mean me and Mike had to literally run out of the way of the stampede of men that made their way from stage to stage. Now I can see why they called this the stampede.

There were plenty of bouncers spread throughout the club to make sure no one got out of hand either. All of a sudden, I felt someone grab my ass. This is some bullshit right here! I thought as I turned around quickly to see which one of these horny drunkass mafuckas thinkin’ that I’m one of these chicks in here grabbed my ass. So when I turned around to knock the shit out of who ever it was, I was startled to see that it was Lourna. She was dressed in a pink two piece satin lookin bikini type of sexyass outfit with some high heeled pumps and surrounded by at least twenty guys flashing money at her.

“Excuse me sir, would you like to step into the v.i.p. area for a private dance!” She yelled into my ear. Between the loud music and the noisy crowd of men, I could still barely hear her, but I did hear that though so I looked at her and nodded my head. She grabbed me by my hand and led me towards the other side of the club, slapping down some of the mens’ hands that were trying to grab on her. When we finally got through the crowd, Lourna led me through a roped off section that was guarded by two big bouncers. One of the bouncers removed one side of the rope and let us through. Dimly lit red lights surrounded the back area of club as we walked into a large lounge area surrounded by lounge chairs and sofas. Lourna led me to one of the chairs that weren’t being occupied by some of the other women and their dates and sat me down. The music from the club was drowned out by some slower music as Lourna stood over me lookin’ hotter than a burnt baked potato.

“Welcome to the red light special baby.” She leaned over and whispered into my ear. I was dumbfounded and speechless by her beauty and her appearance. Lourna’s flawlessly well shaped body excited me a lot as she began to dance slowly to the music that was playing. Her body moved along with the groove of the music as she danced in front of me, showing me her well rounded ass and breasts. I looked around the lounge area to catch a glimpse of what the other couples were doing.

Hmm, same damn thang huh? I thought to myself as I saw some of the other guys getting lap dances also. I looked back up at Lourna who had her back turned. She backed up and carefully placed her sexy frame onto my lap. This was my first time at a strip club as well as my first lap dance ever and I think that Lourna sensed it because she moved her body gracefully on top of my mid section. I put my hands on her hips, thinking back to a little while earlier when I had her twisted like a pretzel around my manhood. “Daaammm.” I whispered as her hips rotated across the bump that was now growing inside of my pants. Lourna stopped suddenly and stood up. She turned around slowly, and slid back onto my lap, this time facing me. I welcomed her by grabbing her on her hips, then carefully easing my hands up her back pulling her close to me as she wrapped her arms around my head and smothered her face into my neck.

“You like that?” She whispered. “Mmm hmm, keep up the good work and I might just give you a tip, honey dip.” I joked. Lourna giggled. “That’s okay, this one’s on me. You know you can do anything you want with your hands right?” She said as she grinded her mid section against mine. “Anything?” I asked as I leaned my head back and looked up at her face. “Mmm hmm, anything.” She leaned over and whispered into my ear. So I carefully slid my hand down her back and grabbed her soft firm ass. I liked Lourna, and I could tell she was attracted to me, but in the back of my mind I still couldn’t get over the fact that just yesterday I had a girlfriend. Was this meant to happen like this? Was Sinnimin and I really meant to break up like that? Will I ever see her, or speak to her again? Did she really have sex with that nigga Gameface, AND Jamar like that nigga said she did in his raps? So many questions ran through my mind.

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