Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (34 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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I closed my eyes knowing that that was the end of me, but I heard a click. Evidently he was out of bullets. I opened my eyes and grabbed the gun that I had and pointed it at him. I already knew that the gun was empty, but I tried anyway. Click click click click! Yep empty, my gun confirmed. Oh shit! Lourna’s gun. She said that she had it in her purse. I quickly reached under her body to see if she was carrying her purse while one of these might be the killer of me cats was reloading his weapon. I found Lourna’s purse and quickly pulled it out from beneath her and popped it open and there it was. A pink! I grabbed the gun and as I was clicking off the safety I heard him yelling. “Haaa, you outta bullits nigga!” He yelled as he jumped off of the bed and got ready to kill me.

What seemed like a glitch of a second he slammed in another magazine and cocked and... “Fuck y’all Ghostrydr mafuckas, y’all niggis is finished!” He screamed as he cocked his weapon and pointed it at me. I grabbed on to Lourna’s lifeless body and held her close to me as I lifted the gun that I grabbed and prepared to either kill or be killed. Suddenly I heard a barrage of bullets being shot and felt blood splash all over my face. O Shit! I’m fuckin’ dead. I thought. The blood felt warm as it trickled down my face and hands, but I felt no pain. I guess I got killed so quickly that I could still hear some screaming and shooting. These dudes killed us. Am I dreaming? Am I dead? “Get the fuck down! Clear!” Those were the last words that I heard before blacking out.














THE END OF THE BEGINNING                                   

As Po’ Boy walked down the long corridor he noticed that there was barely anyone working on that wing of the hospital. He had to see this guy that Mike had been talking about all these years. Unfortunately it had to be under these circumstances. By the time we got tipped off that Mike and his crew was in trouble. We were too late to stop what had already happened, but got there just in time to stop matters from getting worse and killing all of those who were responsible, at least so far for now anyways. You can best believe that I’m going to get to the bottom of this if it’s the last thing that I do. Anyone that was involved in that set up will be dealt with with a vengence.

There were a couple of guys in the club that night that had to know something, and every and all of the necessary steps will be taken to make sure that nothing like this will
happen again. I was very bothered that Mike had been shot, and at the fact that I couldn’t do anything to protect him only made me angry at myself. Anybody fuck with my boy gotta answer to me and I’d kill a nigga twice for Mike. I thought as I was walking down the hospital corridor to see my new recruit. Mike’s told me so much about this guy that it kinda feels like I already know him, it’s just so very unfortunate that he had to go through something like this especially so soon. This is embarrassing to me because it reflects on my leadership. Whoever those guys were they must’ve slipped under the radar somehow, not to mention that they must’ve been either totally out of their minds, or way too totally drunk to think that they’re gonna get away with something like this. Not on my command.

I know that Mike had at least one lone wolf out there sniffing out any knuckleheads. Somewhere something must’ve went wrong, but nevertheless, I got full and thorough investigation of this incident going on as I speak so that something like this will never, and I mean never, happen again. I thought as I entered the room where the newest member of my organization was.


“Yo Kore! Yo Kore, wake up!” I heard someone scream as I woke up abruptly, dazed and disorientated. “Nigga you betta get up before Sal fuck around and fire yo ass.” Mike said as he shook me gently. I took a deep breath as I wiped my eyes clear to see where I was. When my vision cleared I realized that I was at my job sitting inside of a car with the music playing. “Yo, you was sleepin’ for about two hours son, I thought you went home. Luckily Sal been on phone cryin to Frankie, and screamin at Joey about that fuckin’ Corvette again. I’m tired of hearin’ about that bullshit.” Mike argued as he walked over to a car and slammed the hood down. “It’s all fixed, shit we can chill for the rest of the day now.” Mike added.

“Now I know I’m not trippin’, how did I get here?” I asked myself out loud. “Ha haa, that must’ve been one hell of a dream son.” Mike said as he lit up a blunt and began smoking it. I looked at Mike strangely. “Nigga is you crazy or somethin’?” I asked as I peeked over my shoulder to see if Sal was coming or not.

“Maaaan fuck Sal and ‘nem, this shit makes me work better anyway.” He smirked as he took a long pull off of the blunt. “Why didn’t you just take it out back?” I asked him as I glanced over my shoulder again. “Maan Frankie gonna kill Sal for fuckin’ up his car. Sal knows that Frankie is mob related, he gonna kill that fat mafucka for real, right now, watch what I tell you.” Mike said calmly. “Kill him? Frankie, mob related? What the hell are you talkin about Mike? Why would Frankie kill Sal over a littleass scratch on a car?” I smirked.

“A little ass scratch? Where the hell you been? Nigga, take a look at that car over there.” Mike chuckled as he pointed over towards Frankie’s Corvette which was parked near the entrance of the shop. I looked over at the car. “Deeezaaam! What the fuck happened!?” I screamed. The car was now a totaled wreck. It had: FUCK YOU FRANKIE! painted all over it too in pink and lime green spray paint. Suddenly, a long stretch limosouine pulled up in front of the shop. “Awww shit, here he comes.” Mike said calmly. The driver of the limo got out of the car, walked around to the back door and opened it. “Heeeeeerrrrrr’s Frankie!” Mike said jokily. Frankie slowly emerged out of the limo and walked over to the crashed up Corvette. I was about to walk over to see what was gonna happen, but was held back by Mike who stuck out his arm. “Chill Mann, just chilllllll.” He said as he watched on, so I stopped in my tracks then stepped back. Sal came out of his office followed by Joey. Two of Frankie’s goons stood nearby while one of them walked into the office. We watched Sal walked over to Frankie as he inspected the now badly damaged Corvette. I couldn’t really make out everything that Frankie was yelling, but he was yelling very loud and angrily at Sal. “I’m sick and tired of all your fuck ups Sal.” He screamed.

“I’m sorry Frankie, I told my guys not to tow any cars inside of the shop. I fired those niggaz that was responsible anyway, at first they tried to lie and said that Joey did it. If you asked me, I’d say that they broke into the place after they got off and took it for a joyride, and then crashed it up, and then tried to bring it back and park it back where it was.” Joey wasn’t even here that day. Sal explained as Joey looked on silently. “Those motherfuckin mouli niggaz, I want their fuckin’ heads now, where are they!” Frankie screamed. “They’re in the back of the shop smokin’ on some weed.” Joey said as he pointed to the back of the shop where we were. We saw two of Frankie’s goons pull out their guns.

“Go and take care of ‘em you guys.” Frankie said as he continued to inspect the damage on his Corvette. Sal and Joey also pulled out a gun from his waist and started to follow Frankie’s men towards the back of the shop where we were. “Kill those fuckin’ moulianis now! I want them dead!” “I want their families dead! Their gonna pay for what they did to my car, now go and get them fuckin’ niggaz!” Frankie screamed at them as they headed our way. “What the fuck!?” Mike said as he pulled me down behind one of the cars. Now, either I’m dreaming or my fuckin eyes and mafuckin ears are lying to me right now! I thought as we hid behind the car.

“They’re lying on us yo, they’re gonna kill us.” I whispered hysterically. “Not if I can help it.” Mike said, and reached down into his waist and pulled out 2 9millimeter handguns. “I was waitin’ for these niggas to act up.” He added as he cocked his weapon. “What the fuck you doin’ with that?” I asked. Mike looked angrily at me. “I told you them mafuckas don’t give a fuck about us Kore!” He added, and then stood to his feet and began to shoot. “What the fuck are you doin Mike!?” I yelled, and stood up and watched Mike shoot Sal several times in his chest. Sal fell to the floor as Joey, Frankie, and the rest of the men ran for cover.

“Nigga, you betta grab your gun and kill them mafuckas before they kill yo ass!” “What!? I ain’t got no gun Mike, I don’t fuck with guns Mike!” I screamed as Joey and the rest of the men began shooting at us. POW POW! RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT! Bullets ricocheted off of the cars and walls that were around us. Mike tapped me on my waist. “What’s that then?” He smirked as he shot back at them. I looked down and to my surprise there was a 45 caliber automatic weapon sitting in the waist of my pants. Now how it suddenly got there, I don’t know but it was there, and they were shooting at us. I looked over at Mike who managed to shoot and kill one of Frankie’s guys as Joey, Frankie, and the other guys shot at us.

“You fuckin’ little nigga! I’m gonna fuckin’ hang you by your fuckin’ balls you little fucks!” Frankie yelled as he shot his gun at us. Mike tried to run behind another car, but was shot in his chest and fell to the ground. I ducked behind the car and grabbed the gun out of my waist. “Yeah, that a boy Jimmy!” Frankie yelled. “Shoot him again, kill his ass again!’ He screamed. My heart was pounding quickly as I watched Mike lying on the floor bleeding heavily and holding his wound while still holding his weapon.

“What the fuck, you just gonna sit there and let these mafuckas kill me Kore!? Shoot them niggas man, you a Ghost now son!” Mike screamed at me from the ground. I stood to my feet quickly and began firing my gun. One of Frankie’s guys must’ve been trying to sneak up on us because my first bullet slammed into his head and exited through the back. His eyes were wide open, so I guess I caught him by surprise. He fell straight down to the floor with his weapon still extended in his hands. I kept shooting though I’ve never shot a weapon before so I wasn’t a good aim at all.

Something told me that if I kept shooting, I would run out of bullets and would be killed so I stopped shooting and ducked down quickly behind the car. I looked over at Mike who was lying on the ground holding the left side of his chest. He was bleeding heavily and sighing. “Yo get them niggas for me Kore, don’t let them kill you too.” Mike said and then fell unconscious. “Yo Mike! Mike! I yelled. Yall motherfucker killed my best friend!” I yelled. “And we gon’ kill yo ass too nigga, we got cho’ bitch right here if you wanna see dis bitch again you need to brang yo ass out here right now.” I heard someone say. Hold up. I thought. Now that didn’t sound like Frankie or Joey. That voice sounded different.

“You betta brang yo ass out here befo’ we put sum holes in yo bitch nigga!” They yelled again. I peeked slowly, and cautiously. I saw a masked man holding a gun to Sinnamin’s head. I don’t know how they all got there, but there they were. Gameface, Big Ox, and Jamall was standing next to him. They were all smiling at me. “Bust that nigga ass now Gameface!” Big Ox yelled and handed Gameface a microphone.

“Let’s battle now nigga, right here on your job nigga!” Gameface screamed into the microphone. I almost burst out laughing, but when I looked at Sinnamin and how scared she looked I stopped. She looked very frightened as the masked man held the gun to her head. “Who are these people Korey and why are they doin this to me? Why aren’t you helping me?” She asked as she looked scared half to death at me while the masked man steadily held the gun to her head. “Drop dat gun, and come die fo’ yo bitch!” The masked man screamed and then shot his weapon at me. I felt the impact of the bullet when it hit me in my shoulder and exited through the other side. That shit hurt like no other pain I’d ever felt. Or did it? “Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!” I yelled as my body was pushed back from the impact, but why was everyone after me? I thought as I glanced over towards where Mike was laying, but he wasn’t there anymore. Instead Lourna was lying in the space where he was. She lay motionless on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood. I was startled and confused. What the fuck is going on!? I dropped my gun and fell to the ground. I’d seen enough. “I want out of this dream right now!” I said as I closed my eyes. “No, no, I wanna wake up, I wanna wake up, I wanna wake up!” I repeated over and over and over again.

Po Boy: 

I walked into the room and saw that Korey was fidgeting in his sleep so I called one of the nurses over to check him out. She said the pain killer they gave him earlier was wearing off and that it was time to give him another dose. I asked her would he be waking up anytime soon, and would it be alright if I spoke with him. She said that she didn’t think that it was a good idea because he’d lost a lot of blood. I know that his peoples had to be worrying about him, but with him being a new recruit I hadn’t had the chance to do a thorough background check on him. I was goin on M’s word and his word is always good with me. Uh oh, looks likes he’s coming to. I thought as his eyes began to flicker open slowly.


As I was coming to, I immediately felt the pain in my shoulder, and that shit hurt like nothing I ever felt before in my life. I was lying down on a bed trying to look upward. My vision was still very blurry, my head hurt like crazy, and it was hard to breath. I slowly started remembering everything that happened to me. I thought that I was never gonna see the light of day again. I tried to pinch myself to see if I was really there, but my fingers were too weak to grab my skin. Judging by the bleeps and sounds of the machines that were around me I sensed that I was inside of a hospital or something. “Just relax you’re gonna be just fine, I’m giving you something for the pain you’re experiencing so you’ll probably be going in and out of consciousness.” I heard a woman say as she grabbed my arm.

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