Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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It seemed like the more beer I drank the less likely that was that she was gonna walk through the door, and after five beers I was starting to feel a little drunk, and very tired. Just as I was about to doze off, the phone rang. That must be her! I thought as I jumped for the phone and answered it. “Hello?” “Yo what’s up cousin?” It was Jay. “Yeah, that was a mean and vicious battle last night dawg, you busted that nigga’s ass son for real. Yo, I heard that there’s supposed to be a memorial service for my man Gunna this week. I spoke to one of his peoples at his label and told them what me and him had talked about, and they said that they gonna see about a spot for you on one of his songs kid, but they want a demo.” He said. It was like I could hear Jay talking, but it wasn’t registering in my mind as I slowly began to fade off into sleepy land. “Yeah, that was fucked up what happened to that nigga son, they didn’t have to shoot him down like that.” I said drunkenly.

“Hell yeah that’s fucked up, and we was gonna hook up with that nigga too. But yo, I called my man Xaviar too but I ain’t get no answer so I left him a message and homeboy kept his word and called me back. He said that we could come by the studio in a few weeks and sit in on a few sessions. He suggested you bring some work with you too. I think they wanna see what you working with. Now this is the time to step your game to the maximum and show them mafuckas what you working with, and.....”

Jay’s voice began to fade out as I slipped off into dreamland. I did manage to get a few peeps at the videos as my eyes closed slowly from my drunkenness. I could faintly hear what was playing, and then I heard nothing, and then I saw nothing. I was dozing off fast. I slipped into what felt like deep consciousness. I began to hear my mom’s previous complaining about my brother Kevin. “He just thinks he’s so hard!” Her voice echoed. It was like little flashes of things that already happened to me kept popping in my mind. The fight that I had with my little brother came next.

“Move! Get outta my way motherfucker before I...Before you what? ” 

Then I heard Gunna’s voice next. “Yo Mann, nice meetin’ you fam, and oh yeah Mann if you ever make it big, and I hope you do, this nigga Jay’ll make a good manager cause yo, he be every fuckin’ where!” Then I heard Jay’s voice in my dream. “What’s up my future rap star cousin!?” I heard Sinnamin’s voice next. “I do love you Korey, but maybe we made a mistake when we started going together.” Mike’s voice followed. “That’s why I am the way I am now, that love shit. Me, I got love fo’ em, but love ‘em, nah, never that!” After that, I blacked out.

Jay, Ivan, Raheem and I sat at the bar surrounded by women, photographers taking pictures, and people asking for my autographs. It was almost evident that I was dreaming but it felt real, and at the same time it was like it was too much happening at one time to be true. I’m a star! I thought as the cameras flashed and the women moved in closer to me. As I glanced through the crowd I saw a mysterious looking man wearing dark shades looking from a distance. He was alone and dressed in all black. It almost looked like he was glowing as he stood there looking in my direction then quickly disappeared when the camera lights flashed as my view became blocked by the crowd. I sensed danger as Jay, Ivan and Raheem paid no attention to what was happening. They just smiled for the camera and cuddled up with some of the women that were surrounding us.

I moved my head around to try to get a look through the crowd but when I looked over to where the man dressed in all black was, he was still not there. I looked through the crowd again and I saw him a second time. This time he was making his way through the crowd. It was hard to see him with all the cameras flashing and people tugging at me trying to get an autograph from me.

Suddenly I saw him, but this time he was just a few feet away. I looked him straight into his dark glasses as he smiled and pulled out a gun. I was frightened and looked around to see if anyone was seeing what I was seeing but no one else saw him as the cameras flashes continued to slightly blind me. I tried to move out of the way as I saw him aim a silenced weapon at me through the crowd, and began firing it.

The bullets slammed hard into my body, but I never felt the force of the impacts or any pain as I collapsed onto the floor. Jay, Raheem and Ivan quickly came to my aide as the cameras continued to flash. It seemed like everything was happening in slow motion. This had to be a dream! I thought to myself as I lay on the floor by the bar. The funny thing about it was that it didn’t seem like no one even noticed that I’d been shot, they were too busy trying to get an autograph and taking my picture. I grabbed my chest where I’d been shot, and when I lifted my hands they were covered with blood.

I saw Jay screaming at everyone and waving his hand, trying to move people out of the way. Ivan and Raheem were going hysterical over by the bar, but I couldn’t hear a thing. All I saw were lips moving and camera flashes flashing at me as I lay helpless on the floor. I’m dying. I thought as I looked up at all of the commotion that was happening around my body, and then, I blacked out. I’m dead. I thought as I heard someone calling out my name. Then I heard another voice, and what sounded like a radio announcement, but I couldn’t see anything as it said:
“In other news today, a man was shot and killed last night after a performance at a local nightclub. Korey Manning Jackson, a.k.a. The Mann, was gunned down in cold blood by an unknown assailant. He leaves behind a loving family and friends. It’s just too bad that his girl left him stinking, and his record sales weren’t doing so well, but now that he’s dead they’re probably selling off the shelves. Moving along to the weather, we have...”

“Yo Mann! Yo Mann!” I thought I heard Jay’s voice calling out to me as I slowly began to open my eyes. “Yo Mann!” I heard someone yell, followed by knocking on the door. “Yo Kore you home!” It sounded like Jay. I thought to myself as I slowly climbed to my feet and stumbled towards the door. “I’m comin!” I yelled through my dizzy drunkenness. I opened the door slowly. It was Mike. “Damn nigga, what you doin’ in there? You got the t.v. all loud n’ shit. I saw your girl goin’ towards the Turnpike so I knew you was home. I was in the hood so I stopped by because I thought about what you said a few days ago about us not chillin’ like we used to so called you a little while ago but your phone was busy, but yo if you wanna go back to sleep I can come ba...”

“Nah nah come in Mike.” I interrupted as I opened the door to let him in and then started walking back towards the couch because I was still feelin it. “I was watchin’ some t.v. and drinkin’ a couple of brews, you want one?” I asked.

“Nah, I’m good son, but yo, I just got back from my little weekend getaway and I thought well, let me go to work today since I got back a day early, damn son you spilled some beer over there.” He informed me as he spoke on. “So I said, let me go by the shop and get a few hours in, so then Sal comes up to me and he told me that they was closing the shop down and we could come back
they opened it back up and that he was sorry and all this other bullshit. Yo, I told that fat mafucka, fuck this shop, fuck you and Joey fuckin skinny head ass, cause yall be doin’ a lotta fuckin’ bullshit up in here, and Im glad this crooked ass fuckin’ shop is closing down. Shiit, after that he gave me my checks and I jetted smooth the fuck up outta there. Shiit, I don’t need that no money payin’ ass job, fuck them mafuckas.” He said coldly.

I heard what Mike was saying but I wasn’t feelin’ him right now. So I told him. “But a nigga like me ain’t got it like that Mike. I don’t sell weed on the side like you. I need that no money payin’ ass job right now. My girl left me for some other nigga, my job all fucked up right now, shit is real fucked up for me right now Mike.” I said sadly. I felt really bad thinking about all this shit that was happening to me right now but I stayed cool. “Damn Kore, you goin’ through some real rough waters right now huh?” He asked as he looked very sad and concerned. “Damn, your girl left you too?” He added. “Hell yeah yo, I’m tired of all this bullshit man.” I said as I slumped down into the couch. “You see yo, I told you bitches ain’t shit. Come on my nigga, let’s go get some air.” Mike said as he smiled and shoved me on my shoulder, then got up and walked over to the window. “It’s just a little stormy weather right now that’s all. Come on dog let’s go, it’s a big world out there full of beautiful women, and lots of other jobs n’ shit like that out there waiting for us, nameen?” Mike said optimistically.

I smiled at Mike for trying to cheer me up. “Iight let me get dressed.” I said, and then got up and walked into the bedroom. “Yo, I’ma grab a beer or two, that’s iight!?” He asked as I walked down the hallway towards the bedroom. “Go ahead!” I replied as I went into the bedroom where Sinnimin and I used to sleep and got dressed. As Mike and I exited my apartment and headed towards the car, I saw Ole Man walking nearby searching a few garbage cans.

“What’s up Ole Man you still out here working huh!?” I yelled over to him. He glanced over at me then over at Mike. “Yeah, and I’m still in church too!” He replied. “Iight iight, well we gonna drink a couple of Buds when I come home Iight!?” I said I as opened the passenger door of Mike’s car. “Yeah alright, and you betta pay attention to them dreams too!” He yelled as I got into the car.

Pay attention to them dreams? What he mean by that? I thought to myself as we drove off. “Yo Kore, don’t sweat it son, things’ll get better for you sooner than you think.” Mike said as he drove around town. My drunkeness began to wear off a little as we rode, but I still couldn’t get Sinnamin out my head. “Yo Kore, can I ask you a serious question?” Mike asked as he drove. “Yeah of course my nikka what’s up?” I replied. He paused for a few seconds then asked. “Yo, how far will you go to get doe?” “What?” I replied.

“My nigga what I’m asking you is…how far will
you go
to get the doe?” He asked me again. “What do you mean would I sell some weed or something?” I asked. “Na, that’s little money, I’m talkin’ serious money Kore.” He said. I thought about it for a second. “Yo right now I
some serious money man, some serious doe kid.” I said sadly. “This day right here was one of the worse days of my life, for real for real. I feel like I ain’t got shit to lose right now Mike.” I said while still slightly drunken. “Iight then, say no more. We’ll talk more the further we get away from here.” Mike said as he drove towards the Turnpike and got onto it. We rode South through a few exits, got off, drove a a little while, then he pulled up into a multi level garage.

Mike grabbed a ticket from the ticket-dispensing machine, and then proceeded to drive up the ramp. “Yo where we goin Mike, why you pull up in here?” I asked him curiously as I looked around the garage. I was expecting him to do some kinda secret weed pick up or something. “Oh shit!” There goes that black Bentley Coupe right there! I yelled as Mike pulled up into the parking space next to it.

“Damn, I think that’s the one we saw earlier is it? That shit is hot somethin serious right there boyh, I’m tellin you!” I said as I got out of car quickly and rushed over to look at it closer. “My cousin Jay was tellin’ me something about these Ghostrydr niggas, I wonder if this is one of their cars.” I said as I inspected the windshield to see if it had the little ghost symbol on it that Jay was talking about. I looked in the lower and upper corners of the driver’s side windshield, but saw nothing.

“Stop buggin’ Kore, your cousin Jay always be trippin’ dog.” Mike smiled as he got out his car. I walked over to the passenger side of the car, inspecting the windshield the whole time. I saw something that looked like a little thing on the top of the passenger’s side windshield. “Oh shit.” I whispered. It was a ghost symbol. “A little ghost symbol on the windshield, this is a ghostrydr’s car yo!” I yelled.

BLUP BLEEP BLUP! was heard and the car’s lights lit up, indicating that it’s alarm had been deactivated. “What the?” I said and looked around to see who could have triggered the alarm. I looked over at Mike, it was him. He was holding a handheld remote device. “Get in.” He said and I opened the door and got into the passenger’s side. I can’t believe what’s happening to me right now! I was actually getting into a Ghostrydr’s car and yo Mike is a Ghostrydr! I thought in disbelief as I climbed into the car and began examining its interior. I thought all that shit Jay was saying about them Ghostrydr cats was a myth. How wrong was I. I thought as I looked over at Mike as he started the car’s engine.

“Yo Mike, are a Ghostrydr?” I asked in disbelief. “Yo Kore word is bond son, this shit you seein’ right here right now gotta be on some lower than low top secret shit for real.” He said seriously. “But yo, why you ain’t never tell me nothin? We work together every damn day dawg, no fuck that we grew up together and..”

“Yo hold up, hold up! Yo, on the real, I don’t be fuckin’ with niggas like this Kore word up, and for real, I wasn’t sure if you could handle some shit like this. I’m still kinda not sure that you are but I feel like I can trust you, and trust that you can keep what I’m about to tell you and show you, keep all this shit to yourself, and yo gotta take this shit to the grave with you. This shit I’m fuckin’ with is deep Kore, its mad deep yo.” Mike expressed seriously while looking me straight into my eyes. “I wanna bring you in if you want in, and I can, but I gotta have your word right here right now, that this shit right here right now is never spoke to with anybody besides us my nigga.” He added with a serious look like I’ve never seen.

I thought about me not having a job, not having my girl anymore, or any money to keep my bills paid. Then I wondered what it would be like to be a Ghostrydr, what ever that was and how they live, and where. I felt like after all of this shit that was happing to me now and how fast shit was crumbling down all around me so fast, I felt like I didn’t have anything else to lose. So I told him.

“Word up Mike, you got my word.” I told him. “So you want in?” He asked as a big smirkish smile grew on his face. “Yeah I want in, and I fuckin betta make a lotta money too nigga.” I joked, but I was dead ass serious. “Ha haaaa, Oh hell no that not having money shit is over as of this second my dude, that’s gonna be a problem that you’ll never have again! That’s my word because the first thing we gotta do is we’s gonna put some serious cash in your pockets right now nameen? Real cash!” Mike said excitedly as he pulled out a big knot of money and handed it to me.

“There you go, a fat advancement for you son.” He said as he turned the music up, backed the car out of the parking space and began to drive down the garage’s ramp. I looked at the money that Mike handed to me. “That’s yours Kore, it’s for you and the crazy thing, that’s just a little pocket money for you to play with right now, there’s much more where that came from!” He bragged. I looked through the money. They were all fresh, crispy hundred dollar bills.

“Go ahead Kore, you can put it in you pocket It’s yours dog ha ha ha haaa!” Mike joked as he drove back towards our neighborhood. I put the money into my pocket without even counting it, feeling on my pockets to check it from time to time as we rode around. I gotta make sure that this money ain’t gonna disappear or something. Istarted thinking about all the things that Jay was saying about the Ghostrydrz, but a few particular things came to mind as Mike drove around the city.

“Ghostrydrz don’t let niggas ride with them unless that’s his nigga for life…and if you ever get close enough to a ghostrydr’s car, you’ll see a little ghost symbol on the windshield.” Jay’s words echoed through my mind as I looked at the ghost symbol on the windshield. Mike rode past my block, and I saw Jay drive past us. Maybe he was coming from my crib looking for me. I felt like rolling down the window and calling out to him but something told me that Mike probably wouldn’t like that, him being a Ghostrydr and all. We rode around for maybe half an hour or so listening to music and then Mike got back on the Turnpike and then on Route 78 heading west.

It wasn’t until we exited that I remembered that I’d left my cell phone home. Mike drove for a few more minutes as I tried to recognize where we were. I looked through the dark tinted windows and saw that we were no longer in the hood. All of the houses that we drove past were very big and beautiful. The lawns were manicured and the streets were quiet. There was no one standing on the corners, or even hanging out at any of the fast food joints. Mike began slowing down and then pulled up into one of the driveways. He pulled out a remote control and pressed the button. Suddenly the garage door opened and he slowly drove into it.

“Yo Kore, what you see here, stays here dog, for real.” He said seriously as he stopped the car and shut off the engine. I could hear the garage door closing behind us as we exited the Bentley Coupe. I followed behind Mike as we left the garage and began walking towards the front door of the big house. Mike reached for his keys, pulled them out and began unlocking the door. “Yo, this is my little bat cave.” He whispered as he opened the door. “Anybody home!” He yelled. There was silence for a few seconds, and then a female answered. “I’m here Mike!” She yelled. “I’m here too Mike!” Another female answered as I followed Mike into the big spacious living room. “Oh, I see we got company.” I heard her say as I turned around too see her. “Dammmm!” I said to myself when I saw this georgous woman heading towards us wearing a skimpy negligee and some lace panties. She was holding a big cooking spoon in her hand.

Mike walked over to her and gave her a deep kiss on the lips. Yo, this chick was fine as hell too, she looked like something straight out of a Playboy magazine or something. “Korey I’d like you to meet Tamera, Tamara, this is Korey, aka The Mann.” He introduced. “Tamara from the Sahara, that;s what I call her hot ain’t she?” Mike added. She smiled, walked over to me and gave me a peck on my lips. I gotta say, I was a bit thrown off by her kiss but I didn’t mind, not at all.

“It’s very nice to finally meet you Korey, Mike told us so much about you.” She said softly. “Oh word? It’s nice meeting you too.” I said and smiled at her. Us? Damn how many of y’all is there? I thought as I looked around this bigass house. “Hey baybeeey!” I heard a couple of females yell from a short distance. I turned around and looked up the stairs. Wwhoa! I thought to myself as they strutted down the stairs quickly. One of them jumped into Mike’s arms and the other woman strolled up to Mike and gave him a soft kiss on his lips.

“Come on girl, you know I gotta watch my back.” Mike complained as he gave the woman a kiss on the lips and then put her down on the carpeted floor. I was at a loss for words when I saw that, one of them was wearing a red slip along with some red fluffy heart shaped slippers, while the other wore just a white silk robe. “Hi Korey, I’m Keesha, and it’s so good to see Mike bring someone else home besides another woman.” She joked as she and the other woman began to circle around me. I felt like I was in a movie or something, and they were about to attack me, tie me up somewhere and keep me as their sex slave. I would definitely say that my lust for these women kinda made me forget about all the other problems I had experienced today, a little anyway.

“Hey y’all cut it out y’all scarin’ him. Yo Kore, these my peoples right here, we all live here together and we all help take care of each other. Hey yall, Korey gonna roll out with us tonight, so y’all start getting’ ready. Not you though Tee, I want you to stay here.” “Hi Korey, my name is Lourna Doone, you know, like the cookies?” another woman said as she approached me, and wow she was just as stunningly gorgeous as the other three.

“But Miiike, we gotta work tonight.” Tamara complained. “Yo where’s Nikki and Naomi?” Mike asked. “They at work.” Keesha replied. “Anybody know what time they supposed to be gettin’ off?” Mike asked them. “Well, Nikki said that she was gonna go over to her mom’s place when she got off, she should be getting off now, so she might be on her way to her mother’s now. Aaaannd, I brought me a new outfit to dance in tonight. I know this one is gonna flip them niggaz wigs when they see me take this off.” Tamara said as she walked over to the couch, grabbed a box, and took the outfit out of it. She held it up in the air as Mike and I looked on. “That’s nice, that’s real nice. What about Naomi, what time did she say she was coming home?” He asked. “Naomi called a little while ago and said that she was gonna be coming home late because the club was crowded, and niggas was spending a lot of money tonight.” Tamara explained.

“Iight, let her get that money then. Check it out, I’m gonna wait here for Naomi to come home, but if she not here by midnight, can somebody please call her on her cell and tell her to get her sexy fuckin’ ass back here, and Lourna, I mean Keesha, you stayin’ here and Tamara.” Mike paused for a few seconds as he looked over at Tamara. Tamara held up the outfit again and smirked. “You can go get that money tonight, cause that shit right there is hot as fuck! Iight lets eat, what’s for dinner?” Mike asked as he walked towards the kitchen.

“What about me Mike, what should I be doing?” Lourna asked as she stood alone near the couch. “Oh Lourna. Yo Kore you hungry?” He asked smiling. “Kinda, I ain’t eat shit all day.” I replied. “Lourna, you wanna feed my man Korey here a little somethin’ before we eat dinner.” Mike ordered. “I most definitely do want to.” She replied and began walking towards me, body bangin’like my heart pace picking up as I watched her strut towards me. What the hell is this nigga talkin’ about? I thought to myself. Lourna walked over to me, grabbed my hand and lead me up stairs. I was powerless as I followed behind her. I looked back at Mike who was smiling and giggling.

“Go ‘head Kore, take a load off nameen? I got cha back dog! harf! harf! harf!” He snarled and chuckled. “Ha ha ha haaa, don’t hurt ‘em Hammer ha ha ha ha haa!” He laughed as Lourna led me up the spiral staircase and down a long hallway. She opened up one of the many bedroom doors, led me in and closed the door behind us. She let go of my hand, strutted over to the bed and climbed onto it. I was taken away by her sexy sassy provocativeness. She was hot too, I mean, flawless maple colored skintone, manicured hands, pedicured feet, knockout body, hips, thighs, tits well perfected, and the red slip she was wearing complimented her hourglass shape so fuckin heavenly. “I like those slippers.” I said as I slowly walked over towards the bed.

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