Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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“Korey, hold up for a second before you start work.” He said sadly as he walked up to me. “Korey listen, now I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have to close the shop down. Frankie’s having some IRS problems so he has to close this shop down.” He said sadly. “But why, I thought we were doing well here? Shit, we fix a lot of cars here Sal, why he gotta close this shop down? I asked curiously. “I don’t know why Korey, Frankie just called me a little while ago and told me the news.” He explained. “Here’s some severence pay along with last week’s pay.” He added sadly as he handed me two checks. “Word?” I said sadly, but in the back of my mind I was thinkin’ that all of this might’ve had something to do with Frankie’s car gettin’ scratched. Damn, I really need this job too, especially now when things are startin’ to look a little brighter for me. I thought to myself. “I’m really sorry for the short notice.” Sal added sincerely. I could tell that something was really wrong because I never seen Sal look this sad before. I slowly began to pack my tools.

“Yeah, me too Sal.” I said, and we shooks hands. Sal walked away and went back into his office. It took me a few minutes to try to figure out what just happened. I wondered where Joey could’ve been. It’s probably gonna break his heart when Sal tells him the news. Shiit, it’s probably all Joey’s fault that the shop is closing down anyway. I don’t know, maybe I’ll probably see him at a club or at some rap concert or something. I thought as I packed up my tools and left the shop.

By the time I got home I was feeling like even though I won the battle last night, without my job it was gonna be very hard for me to pay all of my bills. I don’t think Sinnimin heard me come in because normally she would call out to me if she heard the door opening or shutting. I was about to call out to her but the thought of telling her that I lost my job kept me silent. I could hear her talking, so I assumed that she was on the telephone. I decided to sneak up on her. I know that she had to know by now that I won the battle last night. When I came home this morning from the club she was asleep and I didn’t want to disturb her so I slept on the couch for a few hours and then got up and went to work.

As I walked down the hall I could hear her on the telephone. I was feelin’ kinda playful, like running up in there and scaring the shit out of her, but just as I was about to enter the bedroom I changed my mind because I overheard her talkin’ on the phone. “Yeah girl, I had a good time what about you?” I was soooo drunk, I could barely walk. Giiirl did you see what them payless bitches was wearin haa haa haa, I’m talking tacky, trashy, and straight up busted nasty.” I overheard her saying as I eased in closer debating whether or not to jump in and scrare the shit out of her. I was listening in to see when would be a good time to make my presence felt so we could finish up our little sexcapade thingy she was messin with me about yesterday. Seem like she must’ve had a good time at the baby shower yesterday too. That’s what’s up. “Oh hold on a minute someone’s on the other line.”

“Hello? Hi Jay, no Korey ain’t come home yet, did you call him on his cell? Well if he didn’t answer…oh his voice mail came on? No Jay I haven’t heard from him yet today but I’ll tell him you called when he comes in. Did you call him at work?....Oh, it was busy. No he didn’t tell me he was getting off early. Ok I’ll tell him. Bye. Hello? Sorry ‘bout that, but no girl nobody calls me at home. Oh that was Jay, Korey’s cousin. No you don’t want to get with him. No, because if he fucked with you, then that might blow up my spot, you know you my BFF cover card. Speaking about hooking up I can’t wait until next month, next month the trip…..hello daaah, trip with Brian and Jamar.

Jamar said that he was gonna take me to the Poconos after this. I told you we went shopping Saturday didn’t I? Yeah, we had to drive all the way to damn near Pennsylvania where all those big outlets are and where we wouldn’t be seen. So what if he got a girl, I got a man...and if he givin’ it then i’m spendin’ it, and a lot of it. Fuck his girl, she a old ugly heavy set bitch anyway...I know and check it out, is you ready for the head cracker? He said that he can’t stand her and he about to roll up off of that rolley poley bitch for me. Me and Korey went to check out that Kevin Hart movie, and that bitch sat right in front of us. She was with that other bitch what’s that chick name that drives that silver Mercedes? Yeaah Peaches that bitch, she was with her. I think them bitches is fuckin each other if you ask me, and the bitch got the nerve to be trying to peep out my man on our way leaving out the movie.

I wanted to tell her, bitch, we already sharing one so let’s keep this shit to a minimal bitch okay? Ha ha. No, my lips didn’t say it but the look I gave her made her know. Look, I only been messing around with Jamar for a couple of weeks now and I got that nigga open like a window in the summertime with no fan, ceiling fan or air conditioning, and I ain’t even his girl. I’m a fuckin’ dizime piece, that bitch better recognize. Sinnimin said into the telephone.

Wholly shit! My mind could not believe what my ears are hearing right now. Not only is my girl fuckin around on me, but she playin’ me
the fuck
out too
! My heart started beating fast and I felt kinda dizzy as I listened to her talking on the telephone.

I’m buggin, I’m ‘bout go in there and wild out on this... Hold up! That name Jamar sounds familiar too
. I thought to myself as I listened to the woman that I love brag about her cheating adventures. “Anyway I told him all about Korey and he told me all about her.” She continued.

What!? She told
all about
! Yoooo! After all these years, my girl been playing me the fuck out, all the while tellin me about how she would be so hurt if I ever cheated on her
. I thought as the floor creaked beneath my feet.

“Hold on a minute Lisa, I think I hear someone.” She said, so I stepped back into the closet in the hallway and closed the door. 

Damn, my girl is a fuc-kin bird. I would never have believed it if I hadn’t heard this shit for myself. If I confront her now she’s gonna try to fix her story. So ima chill for a minute.
I thought as she walked up to the front room and looked out of the window. After looking outside, she checked the front door and then went back into the bedroom.

“Yeah girl I’m so ready to move out of this building. These apartment walls are way too thin, it sounds like people walking in and out of your house around here. Anyway, I better get off this phone and take a shower Jamar supposed to be coming to see me later. Don’t make me repeat that, because it wasn’t meant for you to hear.” She chuckled.

What!? Did she just say that nigga was comin tomy crib?
I asked myself out loud as my heart felt like somebody just stabbed me in it.
Oh now I heard enough! This shit stops now. I have no idea who the fuck this girl is that im looking at right now. Wow!

This some triflingshit. I thought that she really loved me, and all that talk about wanting to have my baby and what not. She really played a mafucka out for real
. I started getting mad at myself for thinking that she would wanna stay with a no real money gettin’ guy like me, but she coulda just told me that she wanted to fuck around with other dudes instead of having me beliving that she wanted to be with just me.

It’s hurts because I was faithful to her and out of all the chances I had to fuck other chicks and turned them down because she was my girl. I need to see the look on her face right now. I quietly eased out of the closet, crept up to the bedroom doorway and peeked in. She was lying on her stomach with her elbows propped up on some pillows with her back facing the doorway so she couldn’t see me. She had on some black lace panties and one of my white tees. She let her hair swing down over the t-shirt as she rocked back and forth on the bed while holding the telephone to her ear.

“Yeah Jamar told me that Korey beat Gameface last night at Foxes.” She explained.

Jamar, at Foxes, last night!?
I thought hard to myself. OH SHHHIT! Wait a minute, I know she not talkin’ about that nigga Jamar that be runnin’ with Big Ox and ‘nem! The same nigga from the football game!? Oh shit! That bitch betrayed me!
I didn’t know whether to storm in there and just straight fuck her up or cry out of pain from the betrayal that I just heard. “Damn!”
I whispered
She quickly glanced over her shoulder, but I managed to duck back in time so she couldn’t see me.

“Damn, these walls are thin as hell Lisa”. She continued on as I slowly slid back towards the front doorway. I carefully unlocked the front door, opened it slowly then carefully crept back out of it and locked it quietly.

I walked down the hallway to soak in what I just heard my girl talkin about. I walked over to the staircase, sat down and cried. I couldn’t begin to believe that this woman that I’ve been in love with since high school and talked about having babies with. Not to talk about all the fun times and how many times she sincerely confessed her love for me.

She was actually lying and playing me out all this time. She never loved me. This was probably all just some game to her. So all that shit that Gameface was spittin at me about my girl last night was probably true after all. I felt like I had to put an end to all this bullshit and how she might act when I tell her that I heard her talking about on the phone. I walked up to the door, unlocked it and went inside the apartment. “Sinni you home!?” I yelled out to her as I took the key out of the door and closed it. There was a pause for a few seconds.

“Yeah, I’m back here in the bedroom.” She yelled from the bedroom. I walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and stared into it. I wondered if she was still on the phone talking about her secret love triangle or if she was startled by me coming home from work early. I cringed at the the thought of me coming home and finding another nigga in my house, in my shower, or in my bed…. Suddenly, she burst into the kitchen.

“Hey baby, damn you home early, how was your half a day?” She asked as she walked up to me and attempted to kiss me on the cheek while still holding the phone to her ear. “It was alright, but you know how Sal be trippin.” I replied as I moved away from her advancement and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. I tried not to look at her as I stood up and opened my beer.

“Lisa said hi Korey.” She added.

No, this bitch ain’t tryin’ to kiss me after she..
. I thought.

“Word? Tell her I said what’s up.” I replied, thinking she already know what’s up. “Well listen Lisa, my man is here so I’m gonna have to call you later. o.k., bye.” She said and then hung up the phone. “What’s the matter?” She asked me. I took a long gulp of the beer as I closed the refrigerator door. “Ahh, burp nothin’, why you ask that?” I asked. “Because you ain’t actin’ right for someone who won a battle last night.” I know what I promised you if you won. She said as she came closer towards me. “Not right now Sinn, I’m not feelin’ too good.” I complained as I slowly looked over at her. For the first time since I met her, looking at her now was like looking at someone who I really did not know at all. Not like I thought I did, I can’t trust her now, not after what I just heard. I just stood there, staring at her and thinking about our life that we talked about having together.

“What’s wrong Korey did something happen at work?” She asked as she hugged me tightly. I wanted so badly to hold her in my arms and just forget about the whole thing like it never happened, but it did happen and now I know that something is going on between her and that nigga Jamar. I slowly loosened her grip and started walking towards the living room. “What’s wrong? Psss, everything is what’s wrong. At work, at home, I’m what’s wrong. I’m all wrong from me, that’s what’s wrong. I need to stop fuckin fooling myself.” I said as I felt my whole world crushing down on me.

“Why you talking like that, what happened at work today?” She asked sounding as sincere as my ma ma would. “I lost my job today, I gotta find another job fast, but that’s not all, I don’t know how the fuck I’m gonna pay all of these fuckin’ bills now.” I explained, holding back what was really on my mind. “What!? You lost your job, how’d that happen, you quit, you got fired? I thought you and Sal was cool.” She said concernedly.

I felt like sayin’: “yeah right, like you really care. You got some other nigga takin you shoppin’ and on trips n shit, so don’t fuckin’ act like you fuckin’ care about what the fuck happens to me because you fuckin’ don’t! But instead I said. “I don’t want to talk about it now.” She walked up to me and tried to hug me, but I rejected her.

“Please not right now. I need to be alone I got a lot of shit to think about right now.” I explained as I became more and more angry and disappointed at her because of the fact that she has no idea that I know that she’s a fuckin’ trick. “Why you gotta push me away though? I’m here for you Korey, you still got me and when I find some work I’ll be able to help you out more. You’ll find another job, a better job, but can’t you collect some unemployment for now, to at least pay the bills so we can have some place to live right?” She asked. I stared at her.

Many thoughts flashed through my mind, not excluding me hauling off and knocking her fuckin’ block off of her shoulders for trying to play me the fuck out, but I said nothing as she looked me straight into my eyes. “Why you looking at me like that?” She asked curiously. I paused for a few seconds, looked around the apartment, and then back at her. I took a deep breath.

“Let me ask you somethin’ how do you feel about me Sinni, you kno’ what I’m sayin, cause we’ve known each other since high school, and then we hooked up and started goin together, and having sex, or makin love or whatever you wanna call it, so then you moved in with me and, I could honestly say that back then, I knew you loved me, and you know I wanted to spend more time with you, but people change and it’s a lot of temptation out there for both of us and I love you like I love my own mother, just a different kinda love. I just need to know that shit that we got goin’ right here ain’t changing up on me. I explained.

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