Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Introduction To Hard 2 Da Kore (Hard2daKore Book 1)
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I felt like I had to stop my mother from talking about my father because if I didn’t. “Whew!” Yeah he’s back there in his room with his hoodlum friends, I was gonna kick them out but he would have prpbably left with them. So I let them all stay until one of yall got here.” She explained. “I’ll talk to him. Yo Jay wait here I’ll be right back.” I asked, and Jay walked over to the couch and sat down as I headed towards my brother’s bedroom. I tried to open the door but it was locked. DMX’s “Niggaz Done Started Something” was playing loudly so I banged on the door with my fist. I got no response so I banged again.

“Open the door Kev!” I yelled and grabbed the doorknob. This time the door was quickly opened. Kevin was sitting on his bed playing his Playstation’s All Madden Football game with one of his friends while another watched. The other two boys looked over at me briefly, but Kevin never took his eyes off the T.V. “Yo turn that music down!” I yelled over the music. The other two boys looked over at Kevin who was at this point ignoring the hell out of me. I walked over to the stereo and shut it off.

“Yo yall two niggas gotta roll up outta here! I said angrily.” Wow, none of them moved, so I snapped and grabbed the closest kid to me, who stood up quickly and greeted me face to face. “Yoooo, what up little nigga you tryin’ to play hard up in my moms crib? If you play hard you gonna lay hard you know how it go, now make me stomp the shit out yo’ lil’ ass in here nigga. All yall betta get the fuck outta my mom’s crib now.” I ordered, growing more impatient by the second.

“Go head y’all roll out.” Kevin said. The other boy got up quickly and they both left as Kevin continued to play the game. “Yo what up Kev, why you makin’ things hard up in here for mommy yo?” I tried saying as calm as I could. “oh so now you don’t hear me talkin’ to you?” I said. Kevin reached up and turned off the game and sat back on his bed. “What you want yo?” He said agitatedly. “What I want? Mommy calls me, tellin’ me you actin’ all wild and cuttin and skippin class n’ shit like that. What happened to the talks we had. I thought you wanted to go to college and make something out of yourself, what happened to that?” I asked. “Mommy be buggin’ yo, she be treatin’ me like I’m some kinda fuckin’ baby around here. I ain’t no little ass kid no more, and you ain’t my daddy, so I can do whatever the hell I want.” He snapped. “You only sixteen Kev, you need to act sixteen and stop tryin’ to grow up so fast. Yo, everything you tryin’ to grow up so fast for is gonna be right there when you get older Kev. The first thing you need to do is watch your mouth and stop all that cursing.” I told him.

“You curse, you just cursed just now.” He replied angrily. “You right and that’s my bad, but at least I have respect for mommy. That’s your mother in there Kev and you only gonna get
of those. You can’t be disrespecting mommy yo. If you dis her, you dissin yourself, and you dissin our family,so you dissin me too, and I can’t let you do that. That’s why I’m here now.” I explained. “I don’t wanna hear that shit.” He said then stood up, reached over me and turned the music back on. That’s when I lost it. I mushed him hard in the face making him fall back onto the bed.

Kevin got up quickly and tried to rush his way through me. That’s when I stepped in, preventing him rushing past me. “What you doin?” He said while I held him back. “You might not wanna hear what I gotta say, but you gonna hear it.” I told him as he tried to force his way through me. “Get the fuck outta my way mafucka before I…” “What! Before you what Kev!” I interrupted as he struggled with me. “You betta.” He tried to say. “I betta what! Go ‘head you makin threats tough guy!” We wrestled for a second before I threw him on to the bed still screaming at him as I pinned him down. Suddenly Jay, my moms and my older brother Tyrone burst into the room and pulled me off of him. I was pissed and ready to hurt him, but Jay and my brother managed to pull me into the living room while my moms grabbed Kevin. “Yo chill out Mann, that’s your little brother dawg don’t hurt the little man Mann.” Jay consoled as he forced me out into the living room. “I wanted you to talk to him Korey not beat him up, even though he need a butt whipping right now, but don’t hurt my baby.” My moms said as she stood nearby as Jay held onto me tightly.

My brother went intothe room and came out a few minutes later, closing the door behind him. By then, I was sitting on the couch trying to calm down. “Come here.” He ordered. “I sure hope you can talk some sense into him because I can’t I’m done, he trippin” I explained still heated. “Let me talk to him for a while, he’s still a kid Korey. I know he’s hard headed, but so was we.” Tyrone added. “But not like that Ty, that little nigga ain’t gonna be disrespectin’ me or mommy like that, fuck that!” I argued. “I’ll talk to him, alright? Go head I’ll call you later.” my brother said. “Iight, let’s go Jay.” I said, and we walked out of my mom’s apartment. My long day was turning out to be longer than I expected as Jay dropped me off at my crib so I could get ready for the party tonight. Let’s see what tonight has to offer. I wondered. 




















IT’S PARTY TIME!                                                                    



I left my mom’s house still pissed. I walked into my closet and started pulling out shit. I grabbed a new pair of One Family jeans and coordinated it with a nice matching One Family tee shirt and a pair of Tims. Jay called me from his cell phone, telling me he was about a block away and for me to come out side. We all met up, jumped in Jay’s G ride and spun off to the party, arriving there just shortly before midnight. When we pulled up we could see that the club was already packed.

I was really hoping Jay was gonna be able to get us in the club without paying too. Well, I guess he really is as good as he says, because here we are all up in this mafuckin’ club clubbin’ it up! I hadn’t been out in a while so I felt a little out of place as me, Jay, Ivan and Raheem made our way through the massive crowd. We got here just in time for the show too because the music stopped suddenly, and the crowd began to flock towards the front of the club area. “Come on y’all let’s get a better look.” Ivan said as he moved up with the crowd. I couldn’t see that well from where we were standing. A male figure stood on the stage holding a microphone in his hand.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Fabulous Funnel nightclub!”
“Dam this feels like daja vu.” I thought to myself.
“Tonight we got one of the hottest rap groups to ever bless this stage! We got the Born Criminals up in here tonight y’all! I’m seeing we also got a lot of other celebs up in here tonight too! Big shoutout to the LOX, I also see DMX is in the building. I see you too over there Nicki! I wanna give a major shoutout to all of yall up in here tonight!
But first I wanna bring out the man of the hour! We got a big bash going on up in this here tonight yall! So y’all ready!?”
The crowd responded with cheers.
“So now I want us all to come together and sing a super big happy birthday to our man Xaviar before he comes out with Cipher and Righteous! Ladies and gentlemen, thugs and thuggettes! I give you! The Borrrnnn Criminalllls! Come on, sing along!
Everybody sang happy birthday and cheered as The Born Criminals walked out onto the stage. The announcer handed the microphone to Xaviar.

“Word up word up! I wanna thank y’all all for comin’ out tonight and showin’ a grimey mafucka like me mad love, even though I don’t give fuck about none of y’all mafuckas in here!”
He yelled into the microphone. The crowd responded with cheers and laughs.
“Nah I’m just bullshittin’, but yo, on the real, on behalf of me, and the rest of the Born Criminals we wanna thank y’all for all the mafuckin’ support, as well as helping make our joint go platinum! Aight check it out we gonna come back out and kick somea that hardcore shit for yall in a little while, so y’all enjoy y’all selves till then iight, One!”

His voice echoed throughout the club as they exited the stage. The music started playing again and the crowd began to move back onto the dance floor. Me, Jay, Ivan and Raheem went over and sat at the bar. Jay ordered a round of beers and some shots of Hennessey. The bartender brought us the beers and gave each of us a shot of cognac. Jay grabbed one of the shots and held it in the air. “I wanna pose a toast! A toast to movin the fuck up to bigger and better things! Nameen!?” He yelled as he put his glass forward towards ours.

“Bigger and better things,” Ivan repeated and we all touched shot glasses and downed our shots. “Aughhk!” I said as the cognac slid down burning my throat. So I chased it down with a big gulp of my beer. “Yo, it’s mad packed in here! Look at all the honeys, damn! I wish we could take
these bitches home right now! Especially her! Look at her!” Ivan pointed while screaming over the loud music. There were lots of very attractive women in the club tonight, walking past us as we sat at the bar drinking. “Deezam she holdin’, wit ass like her mama
be a donkey or something, dammm!” Ivan added. “Well, what the hell yall expect!? It’s a birthday party for a platinum status rap star on a Saturday night! Yo look y’all! Ain’t that DMX over there!” Raheem said. “Where!?” Ivan asked as we all looked around the club. “Right there, over there!” He yelled over the music as he pointed into the crowd.

“Hell yeah that’s him! Damn, I still be bangin that nigga shit too!” Ivan yelled. “Oh, you star struck now nigga! You might as well go and take a bow in front of that nigga or somethin’ the way you starin’ at him all Cupid like that!” He added. “Well I don’t know about y’all but I’m about to go do a little mingling with some stars and what not! Hey yo look right there!” Raheem yelled as he grabbed the back of Ivan’s head and neck and pointed into the crowd. “Ain’t that Lil Kim right there, over there!? Raheem pointed. Now that chick right there, that’s all Hardcore material for real!” He added as he let go of Ivan and strutted into the crowd. “Where? I don’t see nobody, wait for me yo!” Ivan said as he followed behind Raheem into the crowded club. Jay and I were sitting at the bar when this chick strolled up and sat next to me. I overheard her ordering a drink as the music jammed on. “Excuse me, can I have an Almond Joy please!?” She ordered. I glanced over towards her direction. She was fine as hell too, not as fine as my Sinnimin but she did look good. She looked over at me and smiled. “How are you!?” She asked loudly over the club’s loud music.

She looked like the type of chick that wouldn’t just up and speak to a guy, so I was kinda caught off guard. I caught a quick glance at her body and could see that she had the kinda body that would make other chicks look twice. “Hey how are you!?” I replied. “Fine, and you!?” She smiled again. “I’m aight, but I’d probably be better if I had one of those drinks you just ordered. What was that you said, an Almond Joy!? I’m sorry, what’s your name!? My name is Korey but most people call me Da Mann!” I said loudly over the music as I held my hand out for a shake. She shook my hand and moved in closer towards me. “My name is Simone it’s really nice to meet you Mann! Oh an Almond Joy is just some rum, some amaretto, some crème de cocoa brown, not the clear kind and some milk. She said as she moved even closer to me.

“Oh yeah, that crème de cocoa stuff sounds good. You come here a lot!?” I asked. “Not much, you? I bet you probably come here all the time to try to pick up some of these chicks in here don’t you?” She asked as she grabbed her drink off the bar top and began sipping on it. “Nah, I spend most of my time at work or with my girl! I might write a little music sometime.” I said. “Oh you write music what kind, do you sing? Because I dance. I been in a few videos, if you make a video can I be in it!?” She asked. Hell, I was at a lost for words. This chick was coming at me hard as hell on some video chick type shit, and I ain’t even made a song yet. I was thinking before hearing my name being yelled out. “Yo Mann!” I heard someone yell. I looked around and saw Jay signaling me to come to him. “Oh I gotta go it was nice meeting you Simone.” I told her abruptly then left to follow Jay.

“Gunna! Yo Gunna!” Jay yelled as he made his way through the thick crowd. I finally caught up to him as he was greeting his friend. “What’s goin’ on Gunna!?” asked Jay. “How you my nigga!?”  Gunna responded as he and Jay embraced. “I’m iight, so how that album comin’ along!?” Jay yelled. “What!? I can’t really hear you out here come back here to the V.I.P., I ain’t with all this yellin’ shit!” Gunna said as he led us to the V.I.P. area. He managed to shake a few hands and sign an autograph as we followed behind him. When we got to the V.I.P. Gunna ordered a few bottles of champagne from the lounge. “What up Jay, What happened?” I thought you was gonna comin to the studio that day.” He questioned. “I was, but some other shit came up and I fucked around and lost my phone and your number was in it. Yo, I want you to meet my cousin Mann I was telling you about.” Jay said. Gunna shook my hand and stared at me for a few seconds while nodding his head. “So you say he can flow huh?” He asked Jay as if I weren’t even there. “Hell yeah, all he needs is a little exposure and some studio time, oh, besides a record deal.” Jay said.

Gunna reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card and handed it to Jay. “Yo we up in the studio all this week and next week, yall can stop by anytime. Just make sure you call first. I’ll check your cousin out, and if he’s as good as you say he is, on the strength of you Jay, I’ll throw him on a cut on my next joint word up. Yo Mann, I just met so I don’t know you, but if you ever make it big and I hope you do. This nigga Jay, your cousing right here would make a helluva manager cause yo, he be every fuckin’ where and always big uping you my dude.” He said. “Yo, I just had beef with some nigga in the bathroom. This nigga comes up to me poppin’ all kinds of crazy shit, talking bout I betta stay away from his bitch, stop calling her and all kinds of crazy shit. I had to tell that nigga, I said nigga fuck you and your stinkin’ ass bitch nigga, I don’t know what bitch that nigga was talikn’ about. I know mad bitches son. Shit is crazy hectic when mafuckas know your face son. That’s the down side to this super star shit niggas like us be living. A nigga can’t do shit on the down low no more.” He complained as he drank from his bottle, then handed both me and Jay a bottle of champagne. “Yo Jay gimme a call, you can stop by anytime fam.” Yo Mann, nice meetin you too son. I wish you mad luck, I’ma get up with y’all later.” Gunna said as he walked away with a few of his dudes. I was trying to remember if I’d ever seen my man Gunna’s video or something because I couldn’t remember him. Like I said, it’s already about a million other rappers out there already. I thought as Jay slid over to where I was.

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