Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty- Five




I’ve spent the last two hours waiting for Breezy to come home. It’s stupid, but I honestly thought she would tell him to turn the car around and come back to me. When ten minutes passed, I figured they were talking at a park somewhere. When thirty minutes passed, I thought maybe they went to breakfast. By the hour mark, every bad thought I could possibly have was in my head.
She’s fucking him. She’s back together with him. She doesn’t care about me. She loves him, not me.
I stressed myself so much I made myself sick and ended up spending the last thirty minutes dry heaving over the toilet. Nothing came out of me, but I still tried to wretch everything out of my stomach anyway. When hour two rolled around, she finally came through the door.

“Max,” she calls.

I come out of the bathroom. I brushed my teeth moments before, so I still have minty breath. I rush towards her, ready to feel her lips again. Instead, I’m met with her hand holding me back.

“Max, we need to talk,” she remarks.

“Yes, we do. Why did you leave?” I question. I try to side step her arm. She keeps it firmly in place, and finally I give up trying to hold her.

“Travis wanted to talk, so I left with him.”

“Why couldn’t you talk here?”

“You know why, Max.”

She briefly makes eye contact with me before shying behind her hair. I reach out to move her hair back, but she jumps away from me, almost as if my touch will disintegrate her skin. “Breezy, what’s going on?”

“Last night was a mistake, Max.”

“No. It. Was. Not.” I say each word firmly and with power. This time I grab her wrist and move her hand from my chest so it fits around my waist. I lift her chin until I see her beautiful green eyes. They’re starting to form tears. “Look at me, Breezy. Last night was meant to happen. It’s been something I’ve craved for a very long time. I’ve wished on stars to know what it would be like to be with you, and it finally came true. Breezy, I know you don’t want to hear this right now, but I really think that you and I are meant to be together.”

She gasps, takes a step back, and holds up her arm again. “Max, you’re my best friend, but we aren’t meant to be together.”

“How can you say that? I know you felt exactly what I felt last night. What happened between us can only be described as perfection. My heart beats only for you, and every second you spent in my bed, my heart raced faster than it ever has, swelled bigger than my chest could take, and warmed my body to the point of overheating. You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a relationship, and it’s always been you that I’ve wanted to be with, Breezy.”

She looks at me in shock. Tears are streaming down her face. When I go to wipe them away, she jerks away from me.

“Max, don’t say things like that. We CANNOT be together. I won’t allow it. I will not put our friendship in jeopardy for some insane idea that we could work as a couple. You’re a man-whore, Max. You’ve had so many women in and out of your bedroom that I lost count. How can you say you want to be with me, when every weekend you’re at the bar picking up some new barfly? I don’t share, Max. I’d rather be with someone who only has eyes for me.”

“I do only have eyes for you, Breezy. Those other girls meant nothing to me. I only slept with them to get over the fact I couldn’t have you.”

“Bullshit,” she mumbles.

“It’s not bullshit. It’s the truth. Let me prove it to you. Kiss me again and feel the connection we have together. I know you can feel it just as much as I can.” I gently grab her waist to bring her in closer, her hair moves behind her back exposing her neck. As I lean in to kiss her, I see this gargantuan hickey right smack dab on top of her jugular. It’s in an odd shape, almost like the shape of Maine. I drop my hold on her and take a step back.

“Max, let me explain,” she instructs, covering her hickey with her hand.

“You went from my bed to his?” The anger has set in my stomach. The sickness is back,and I feel like vomiting all over again.

“No, nothing happened,” she steps towards me.

“You have a fucking hickey on your neck that wasn’t there when you left your bed this morning, and nothing happened?” She nibbles on her bottom lip. “No, don’t do that, Breezy. Lip nibbling is not okay right now. I want the fucking truth. Did you go from having sex with me to having sex with him?”

“NO!” she yells. “It’s true that I may have made out with him a little bit, but WE DID NOT HAVE SEX!” She’s crying and shouting.

I feel a tear fall from my face, and I quickly wash it from my cheek. “How can you spend an entire night in bed with me, having the fucking best sex either of us have ever had, and then go running straight into his arms like what we have is nothing?”

“Because it is nothing!” She blurts. “Max, you know I care about you, but I don’t think of you in that way. I’m sorry if you want something more than a friendship with me. I refuse to ruin our friendship over something as trivial as sex. Sure, we had an amazing time last night. Our chemistry was off the charts, but can you honestly say you expected more afterwards? Why is it such a big deal? You have girls in and out of your bed constantly. I’m not anything but another number for you.”

“That’s a fucking lie and you know it. Another number? Are you kidding me? Breezy, the only number you have ever been is number one. No girl will ever compare to you. You’re it for me. I only slept with other girls because I couldn’t have you.”

“Max, stop saying that.”

“Why? It’s the truth.”

“Because, I don’t feel that way towards you. Besides, I got back together with Travis.”

My heart literally stops. It’s like it exploded into a million fragments, each of them devastated by this new curveball she hurled in my direction. I made love to this woman. I poured my heart and soul into her and gave her everything. I dipped my dick into her without protection because the consequences didn’t matter to me, and yet, she goes running straight into his arms—dismissing everything we have together like it was one big mistake. I’m not a fucking mistake.

“You did what?”

“I got back together with Travis. I told him we could try again.”

“So you slept with him?”

My fists clench, my jaw tightens, and I’m infuriated to the point of wanting to hit something to make me feel better.

“No,” she repeats. “I stopped it before anything happened. I told him I wanted to take it slow this time. I didn’t want to hurt you, or betray you.”

I grab her arm a little too forcefully. I tug her behind me and push her into the bathroom. Then I grab her neck and force her to look at the hickey. I’ve never manhandled Breezy this way in my life, but it’s like I’m on auto-pilot and can’t stop myself.

“Do you see that?” I yell. “That right there betrayed me. That right there fucking breaks me in two.”

“I’m sorry, Max,” she cries.

“No! You can’t fucking cry right now, Breezy. You don’t deserve to cry. You want to push me away and run away from me, then fine. Congratulations, you’ve officially succeeded.”

“What do you mean? Max, come on. Please don’t throw away our friendship over sex. See, I told you everything that happened last night was a mistake.”

Hearing her say it one more time sends me over the edge. My fist goes crashing into the mirror, shattering it into a million fucking pieces, just like my heart. The glass rains down into the sink, and she squeals, cowering towards the shower curtain. I pull my hand back and little tiny shards are embedded in my skin. I don’t feel the pain. Nothing hurts more than Breezy’s betrayal. Seeing the fear in her eyes snaps me back into reality. I drop my hand, turn away, and take off.

“Max, wait. Where are you going?”

I’m out the door and into my car before she can say another word. The moment my hand hits the steering wheel, the pain of smashing the mirror hits me full force. I rip my shirt and wrap my hand up, driving immediately to the hospital. I’m pretty sure I broke the fucker, too.

On the way to the hospital I call Tony. He shows up a few minutes after I get there and sits in the chair next to me. He looks at my hand that’s covered in the bandage and grimaces.

“Who won?”

“Breezy,” I mumble.

“Aww shit. What happened?”

“We had sex last night. She broke my heart.”

“Wanna talk about it?” He asks.

A few young nurses walk by and giggle when Tony flashes them his goofy smile. He waves at them and they wave back, still giggling. I look up at him and shrug my shoulders. Talking about it will only make things worse.

“We had sex last night. She broke my heart,” I repeat robotically.

“I get that, but how did she break your heart?”

“Left our bed. Went out with her ex. Came back with a hickey and tried to say nothing happened. Then she told me she doesn’t see a relationship with us working, and that last night was a fucking mistake. She also said that she’s just another number to me.”

“Yeah, number one,” Tony remarks.

“That’s what I told her.”

Tony is about to say something when one of the hot nurses comes out calling my name. We both get up from the chairs and follow her into the screening room. Her name tag says Paula. She starts by assessing my hand. She unwraps the piece of my shirt that I was using as a makeshift tourniquet to stop the bleeding. There are still pieces of glass in my blood-covered hand. All of the sudden, Tony begins to sway.

“Is that blood?” He asks.

Next thing I know he hits floor.

“Oh shit, Tony,” I exclaim jumping up to help him.

“You stay there,” Paula instructs. She falls to her knees and picks up Tony’s head.

Tony is completely unconsciousness. With the way his head hit the concrete floor, I’m not sure if he can bounce back from it either. Paula looks up and tells me to push the call button. A few seconds later the other two nurses, who were with her in the lobby, come crowding in.

“What’s wrong with the ginger?” A tall lanky brunette asks. She drops to the floor and grabs Tony’s hand, pulling it up to her chest. If he was awake right now, that hand would be full of boob. I think she’s trying to take his pulse, but with the way she’s holding him, you would think she was trying to get him to cop a feel.

The other nurse, a redhead herself, heads over to a cabinet while Paula and the brunette start arguing back and forth.

“He needs mouth to mouth,” Paula demands. She bends down to put her mouth on his when the brunette pushes her away.

“He fainted. I have a pulse. He’s fine,” Sierra says.

“I’m still giving him mouth to mouth,” Paula grins. She bends over Tony ready to administer C.P.R.

Sierra pushes her away from him. “If anyone should give him mouth to mouth, it’s me.”

“No way, I got here first, Sierra.”

“Don’t be such a hussy Paula. Don’t take advantage of him because he’s sleeping.”

“Um girls?” I question.

Neither of them acknowledges me. I’m starting to feel a little woozy myself, and I realize when she unwrapped the bandage that some of the glass came out, causing the blood to come out even faster.

“Fine, we’ll take turns giving him mouth to mouth,” Paula agrees, But I’m going first.” She bends down again. Her lips are almost on Tony’s when Sierra grabs Paula’s blonde bun and rips her head up.”

“No, I’m first. I don’t want to kiss him after you do.” Sierra now takes a domineering stance over Tony’s lips and is about to place her mouth on his when I start seeing black.

“Girls, I think I’m dying,” I shout.

Both girls look up simultaneously, and notice me sway on the bed.

“Oh shit,” Paula gasps. She jumps to her feet and rushes to my side. “I’m so, so sorry. You’re losing a lot of blood. Here, let’s get you fixed up.”

“Good job, you idiots,” the last nurse says. She holds some kind of stick under Tony’s nose, and he shoots to his feet.

Sierra glares at her. “Melinda, we could have woken him up,” she barks.

“Fine job you did of that. While you two were arguing about who was going to make out with the unconscious red head, the hot Italian almost lost his entire blood supply. When will you two learn that work is not a place to pick up guys?”

“Wait, you guys were arguing about who was going to give me mouth to mouth? How come I don’t remember this?”

“Cause you passed out like a bitch,” I reply laughing. Really, I should’ve kept it to myself, because before I know what’s happening, I pass out myself.

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