Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1)
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I’m not sure how she escaped the duct tape.

I’m helpless right now to the overload of emotions attacking me. Max looks concerned. He pauses and takes a deep breath.

“Maybe we should stop.”

“NO!” I scream.

A tear creeps down my cheek, and he lets go of my hand to wipe it away.

“Why are you crying?”

“I don’t know. Keep going,” I whisper. I can feel another orgasm building. I’ve never gotten off without help before, and the fact that I’m on the verge of it, is both shocking and scary all at the same time.

Max’s brow furrows. I don’t want him to be upset. I want him to finish. I push back all the emotions raging inside me and push against him instead. He’s mid thrust, but I somehow weasel my way on top of him. I can’t even begin to describe how big his smile is as I slowly work him from the top. I fluctuate between fast and hard while his hands play with and pinch my breasts.

“Fuck, I’m almost there, Breezy,” he breathes.

This only makes me work harder to please him. I don’t even realize that I’ve somehow managed to hit my g-spot, and within two minutes I’m coming so hard on top of him that I’m practically screaming.

“Fuck yeah, baby, just like that,” Max says. Then as I rock through my last spasm, I feel him explode inside me, with an accompanying groan and string of explicit cuss words that follow. I collapse on top of him, both of us panting with the same rhythm.

“That was amazing,” I squeak.

His fingers glide along my backbone, and I still feel his hardness inside me. Most guys are soft after they finish, but Max feels like a goddamn steel rod. For the longest time we lay against each other, feeling the skin of one another for the very first time.

I hear him whisper something, but I’m so consumed with my thoughts, I don’t hear him correctly.

“What was that?” I ask him.

“Nothing,” he replies.

He snuggles against me, and then firmly holds me as he maneuvers himself on top of me again. Not once does he slide out of me.

“This time we go slowly,” he whispers as he begins moving again.

“Again?” I ask in confusion.

“Breezy, now that I’ve had you once, I’m going to have you again. I don’t want this dream to end.”

“Max, you’re not dreaming,” I murmur.

“Breezy, the only way I can describe being with you is by saying that I’m dreaming. Being with you is something I’ve always dreamt about.”

I’m not sure what to say back, so I push all the thoughts running amuck in my brain to the side and get lost in Max once again. He’s right . . . only in a dream world could a life for him and I truly exist.





Chapter Twenty-Three




I must be dreaming.

In my arms I’m holding the perfect specimen of woman God ever created. Last night I made love to her, not once, not twice, seven damn times! Seven! It was the most amazing sexual experience I’ve ever had. Being inside her, holding her, and making love to her without a condom, it was something I’ve never experienced before, and I’m so ready to dive in again. Breezy had me completely last night. Now that I know what it’s like being with her, I’m not sure I will ever let her go.

I feel her sigh against me and nuzzle her way into the crook of my neck. She fell asleep this way—in my arms using my entire body as a pillow. I’ve never fallen asleep with a girl in my arms before, but Breezy is different. She can fall asleep on me anytime she wants.

I’ve had to take a piss for the last ten minutes, but I’m afraid if I move, this fantasy will end. I feel her stir against me; she lifts her head smiling at me. She blinks four times and suddenly sits straight up.

“We had sex?” She gasps.

I’m not sure if I should be offended or turned on by this exclamation. I urge her back into the crook of my arm and kiss her head, refusing to answer her. I mindlessly run my fingers over her spine. She looks up at me with those tears again. I can’t, for the life of me, understand why she keeps crying. Last night was beautiful. She’s beautiful. Everything is rainbows and unicorns right now. There should be no tears.

“Max, I don’t want this to change anything,” she whispers. “I can’t lose you.”

I turn over and face her, carefully tucking a piece of her honey brown hair away from her face and behind her ear. I lightly kiss her nose, making sure not to leave one freckle untouched with my lips. “Breezy, you will never lose me, but I have to be honest. I want this to change us.”

She blinks at me strangely, and then jumps from the bed. “I’m taking a shower,” she squeaks, running away from me.

“Wait, Breezy, I need to tell you something.”

“I smell like sex. I’m sorry, but I need a shower.” She disappears into the living room, and I hear the shower kick on. I’m not going to let her run away from me like this. I get up and follow her. When I open the door, she’s leaning against the shower wall, breathing heavily.

“Breezy, are you okay?”

“Max, what are you doing in here?” She yells as she jumps in surprise.

“I thought maybe you would want someone to wash your back.” When I open the glass door, I realize she’s crying. “Breezy, baby, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t come any closer, Max. I can’t do this again.”

I disobey her and enter the shower. She’s wedged into a corner; I outstretch my hand for her to take. “Come here,” I order.

She shakes her head.

“Breezy, come here.”

Reluctantly, she places her hand in mine. She’s trembling as I bring her into my arms.

“Max, I don’t understand why I’m feeling this way,” she cries.

“Why are you shaking, Breezy?” I ask her.

“Being with you scares me,” she answers truthfully.

“Why?” I wonder if she can feel how fast my heart is beating. I don’t want her to be scared of us. If anything, I want her to embrace us.

“I don’t know. That’s just it. Being with you last night was so strange, and wonderful, and strange. I felt things towards you last night and experienced things I didn’t think were possible. You’re my best friend. I’m not supposed to be feeling anything romantic towards you.” She tries to pull away.

Oh, hell no, I’m not letting her get away that easy.

I gently take her chin and angle her eyes, so they are looking straight into mine. They’re clouded with tears. I hate that it’s because of me she’s crying. I need her to feel what I feel. I know she felt it last night. Now, she’s so scared of it; she’s ready to pass it off as a freak accident. I’m nobody’s accident, especially Breezy’s. I bring my lips down to hers and gently caress them. She murmurs in protest but doesn’t pull away.

The water is a little bit cold, so I turn up the faucet and maneuver her body so the stream hits her chest and my back. Slowly, I work my way down her body, making sure to give extra attention to her nipples which are swollen and have purpled due to our night of passion. She moans as my tongue swirls her nipple, and my hands trail down her wet skin until they rest on her hips.

“Can’t you feel the connection between us, Breezy?” I whisper, sliding my finger seductively across her entrance. She bucks into my hand, forcing my finger inside her. My lips move from her breasts and find her mouth once more. I slide my fingers in and out of her as we playfully play tag with our tongues. She groans against my lips as I twist my finger into her g-spot. I remove my hands; she wraps her hand around my length, gently stroking me.

“Don’t stop; I don’t want you to stop.” Her stroking turns urgent until I’m a stick of dynamite ready to go off in her hand. I’m about to begin playing with her clit again, but she mumbles the word “fuck it” and drops to her knees. Her mouth engulfs me until I feel my dick at the back of her throat.

“Holy fuck,” I hiss.

She played with my cock a few times last night, but never used her mouth on me. She swirls her tongue against my tip and a drop of pre-come disappears on her tongue. The moment she tastes me, she goes crazy, gripping my shaft tighter, sucking my entire length into the hot cavern of her mouth.

“Holy shit,” I moan, as I yank on her wet hair and guide her mouth along me. Then, as I feel my climax building, I push her head away, gently guide her to her feet, turn her around, spread her legs, angle her against the wall, and thrust in.

“Max,” she screeches as I slap her behind. A bright red handprint is left across her ass, and I smile at the reddened finger tattoo claiming her as mine. She screams as my slow, hard, thrusts turn more urgent. My hand finds her clit. I begin teasing it. The more I play with her, the louder she gets.

“Max. Fuck. Yes. Oh God. Right there.”

“Tell me how good I feel,” I instruct.

“So fucking good,” she whimpers.

“Tell me you don’t feel what I feel,” I ask her.

“I . . . I . . . fuck . . . I feel . . . Oh . . . god . . . I’m coming,” she booms, shoving her behind against me as she comes hard all over my dick. The moment I feel her release, I let go, filling her completely.

“Yes,” she wails. “Yes, Max, finish. Show me how much you want me.” Her little outburst shocks the hell out of me. Instead of holding my groan in, I let out a growl so deep it causes her to jump.

When we’re done, I grab a loofah and begin washing her body. I start between her legs. The entire time she has her eyes closed. She moans every time I run over her clit. When her body is fully cleaned, I watch the water run over her and almost get sad because it’s sorta like she’s cleansing herself of me. She washes her hair, opens her eyes, and takes the loofah away from me. Soaping it in my body wash, her hands swarm my body. I’m covered in suds, but all I feel is her touching me. She spends extra time on my shaft, and before she’s done, I’m hard again.

“You’re like the sexual energizer bunny. You’re always ready for more.”

“Only when it comes to you,” I murmur. When I try to push her up against the wall and steal another kiss, she rejects me and leaves me alone in the shower. I quickly wash my hair and follow her out into the living room. I have a towel around my waist, but she’s fully clothed.
That was quick.

“Max, we should talk,” she starts.

No. Not now. Not after making love
. “Let me get dressed first.”

She follows me into my bedroom and watches me as I throw on some boxers and a pair of jeans. The way she’s staring at me is enough to excite me again, and I take a dominant step towards her. “Shall we go for round nine?”

She puts up her hands and lays them flat on my chest. “We need to stop.”

“What? Why?” To say I’m shocked is an understatement. I just fucked the shit out of her in the shower, and she’s blowing it off.

“It was a mistake,” she tells me.

“No it wasn’t,” I argue. I gently take her elbow and pull her into my body. Like two magnets, we perfectly align; she whimpers a little bit when I start kissing her neck. “Breezy, I need to tell you something. I’ve waited a long time to tell you this. I think now is the perfect time.”

I take a deep breath, ready to spill ten years of yearning, ten years of adoration, ten years of love that I’ve kept hidden from her. I’m ready to tell her I want us to have a forever. I want
to have my babies and wear my ring on her finger. I want sex to be an everyday thing for us and not a one-night-stand. I’m ready to step out of the friend-zone and directly into a relationship. I’m about to tell her all of that, but I hear the doorbell ring.

“Breezy I . . .” I start.
The person at the door can wait

“I’ll get it,” she exclaims, pushing me away.

I’m shocked to see her sprint from the room. The doorbell rings again, and she shouts, “Coming”.

What the fuck? Why is she running away?

I grab my shirt and tug it on. I scamper out after her, desperate to get her to open up to me. I’m not even three feet to the door when I hear her speaking to someone, the door slam, and then silence. My body screams at me as I crack my back. Eight times can really do a number on your lumbar region. Even my dick is not very happy with me at this moment. Well, he’s definitely happy, but also dead and refusing to go for round nine at this point in time.

I come out of my bedroom smiling, hoping that Breezy is lying naked on the couch waiting for me. Instead, I’m met with an empty living room. Breezy’s flip flops are missing by the front door and so is her purse. I go to the front door and open it, just in time to catch her climbing into a car. A man holds the door open for her. When he shuts it, he looks over at me and smiles, giving me a small wave. Holy fuck, it’s Travis.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Breezy eyes meet mine. They’re full of shame and tears. We hold our gaze for few seconds before she drops her head, and Travis climbs into his car.

No she can’t leave. Not after the night and morning we just shared.

“Breezy,” I shout after her. I take a step towards the car, hoping I can convince her to come back inside, but I’m too late. Breezy and Travis take off down the road, leaving me on the door step in a cloud of dust. I cough, waving it away from my face. How could she go with him? Why would she leave after everything we did last night? I didn’t even get a chance to tell her that I love her.











Chapter Twenty-Four




What the hell did I just do?
That was the first thought in my head when I woke up in Max’s arms after the most mind-blowing sexual experience I’ve ever had. My entire body ached. From my back, to my pussy, every inch of me screamed of Max. My second thought was to
run the fuck away
. That’s what I tried to do when I went to take a shower.

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