In the Stars (27 page)

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Authors: Joan Duszynski

BOOK: In the Stars
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I feel the heat rising hotter to my cheeks and down to my core. “Kyle, whenever you feel like you guys need to take your be back in fifteen, I am sure I will be more than willing to oblige. You are looking mighty damn hot yourself. You have no worries, though, with this Tim, or anyone else. I promise you, tonight I have eyes only for you.”

Kyle’s lips pull together tightly. “I would like to make it to the point where I know every day you only have eyes for me, Caroline. Remind me to thank Tara for this outfit, by the way. I can see part of your tat from the back side, and all I want to do is rip it off and take you right now. I am only worried every other guy is going to be thinking the same thing as me when they see you. I don’t want to ruin it, though, and we really have to get going so I can meet up with the guys in time.”

I look down at my top, and then back up at Kyle. “I brought different clothes, too. I can go change if you think this is too much. I am still a little worried about it myself. I don’t want to take any chances of my girls popping out, even though Tara promised me as long as I tie it up right there are no worries.”

“Hell no; don’t change it. You are like my own personal dream standing in front of me right now. I will make sure I am the only one undoing the tie on this later tonight. Along with the music, the thought and vision of that exact thing is what is going to keep me amped up throughout the whole show. I can’t wait to get you back here, and into my bed.”

I rise up on my toes, and take Kyle’s mouth with mine again. Once I pull away, Kyle shakes his head back and forth and lets out a grunt. I walk over to the sofa, and sit down to put my shoes on. Kyle reaches down and picks up his guitar, and carries it over to his case to put it away. Once I have the shoes all strapped, I stand and walk toward the island to grab my phone and slide it into my pocket along with my lip-gloss.

“Ok, I am all ready when you are, Kyle.”

Kyle stands up straight, and turns around with the guitar case in his hand. He looks over at me, and then his eyes roam down. “Son of bitch, Caroline; you’re fucking killing me here. Are those Tara’s added touch too?”

I feel the shy expression come across my face, and I look down. “Well, I can’t say these came out of my closet. I have never owned any shoes with quite this look before. I own heels, but not exactly these kind. I do like that they make me feel a lot taller, though.”

“Unless you decide you don’t like, them I will buy you your own pair, because I want to see those wrapped around my waist and shoulders.”

I just went weak at the knees when Kyle said that. “Ok Kyle, if you are suppose to be meeting up with the rest of the band we better go. Otherwise, with the way you have me feeling right now we might not ever leave this house.”

Kyle walks over to me and glides his finger up my arm, and another shiver runs through me. “I am seriously contemplating canceling. The only thing stopping me is knowing you will be coming back here with me tonight. Do you have a coat of some kind to put on?”

“Oh shit. How, with all the planning Tara had to do, did she possibly forget about a coat? How did
forget? I hate being cold.”

Kyle walks over to the coat closet, and walks back over to me with a black leather jacket. “Here; wear this. I will love having you in my coat any way. I won’t be needing it, since I already feel like I just stepped out of an oven.”

I smile up at Kyle as he slides his coat onto my arms, and then pulls my hair out from underneath. He leans in for one more kiss, before we head out to his car.

WE ARRIVE AT Lee’s, which is the drummer’s place. Kyle was right about Tim, because as soon as I walked into Lee’s house he rose from his seat and walked right up to me, grabbing my hand and kissing it. He stared right into me as he introduced himself. Kyle stepped in, giving Tim’s shoulder a slight nudge, and introduced me to everyone as he kept his eyes trained on Tim. “Guys, this is my Caroline; the one I have been talking to you about. Tim, you are going to have to find your own girl for the night, because this one is mine.”

I look between Kyle and Tim, and then they both get a smile across their face. Kyle’s is a little less happy, but, obviously, they know how to deal with each other. Tim gives Kyle’s shoulder a pat, and nods his head. “I will try my best to remember that, Man. What are you going to do about all the other men that are going to be around her tonight, though? Trust me, it is going to happen.”

Kyle’s shoulders fall slightly. “Yeah I am aware. I have faith, though.”

Kyle looks over at me and smiles, and I give him a big smile back. I haven’t even taken his coat off of myself yet, and now I am nervous to, since I can still feel Tim watching me as they get things together to head out. Lee’s wife, Taylor, comes over and hangs out with me as the guys finish up. She has gorgeous red hair, and some of the longest legs I have ever seen on a woman. She also has a lot of skin showing with her outfit, yet somehow still looks very classy. We fall right into conversation, and it feels like I have known her for years, rather than minutes.

We have to get to the show before the rest of my friends are due to show up so everything can get set up. Kyle takes my coat when we walk in to the bar, and, suddenly, all eyes are on me. I feel my face turn red, and Kyle wraps his arm around my waist and leans in to kiss me. He looks back up at all the guys. “Like I said, mine, so all hands off. Got it?” The other guys hold their hands up in the air in front of them, but their eyes are still on me. I feel like I am on complete display, and I feel like I really shouldn’t have worn this now.

Taylor walks over to me, and starts laughing as she places her hand on my shoulder. “No worries, Caroline; men are likes dogs: they can’t help but pant when they get over heated. They will get their dicks re-adjusted in their pants, and their heads back in the game, before you know it. You look great, by the way. You can’t blame them for noticing.” I look over at Taylor, and can’t help but start laughing back at what she just said and the expression across her face. I feel a lot more relaxed already, and I am very grateful for her presence.

All the guys just grunt and speak muffled protests at Taylor‘s comment. Kyle reaches over, lifting up my chin to face him. “You doing ok? Sorry about that.”

“No; I am good. I guess I knew this attire was going to bring attention, but as long as you like it; that is all that matters. Plus, I have Taylor to keep me company while I wait for the others, so I’m all good.”

Kyle gives me a very mischievous grin and winks at me. “Oh, I think we already know how I feel about your outfit. It is a lot more than just the outfit that has my attention, though.” I lean in and give him another kiss, before he walks away to help with everything. Taylor and I walk off to find a place to sit before we go pick our spot on the floor.

“So, you and Kyle have been hanging out for a few weeks now, right?”

“Yeah; I met him at his work when I was there for my friend, Raleigh’s appointment. She will be here later tonight, so you will get to meet her too. Kyle really is a great guy.”

Taylor looks at me and squints her eyes in thought for a moment. “You know; I am usually pretty good at picking up on people’s feelings quickly. I can’t quite grab what I am picking up from you with Kyle, though.”

I jerk my head toward her quickly with a very confused look. “I don’t mean that in a bad way, Caroline. I just tend to take good notice on people’s feelings toward one another. See, I am a couples counselor, so I guess I never really let the job stay at the work place alone. I am always overly observant of two people together. I can tell you that Kyle has talked about you a lot in the time he has known you, and it has been a long time since I have seen him act like this. Kyle is a couple years younger than Lee and I, but they have been friends since middle school, and Lee and I have been off and on since High school. We finally got married last year, though, and I couldn’t be happier.”

Taylor pauses for a moment, watching me, and I just sit there frozen with my mouth slightly open. “I would never try and push anyone into something they are not positive about. I have seen way too many cases of mistaking love, and lost causes. So, I just want to tell you—and I hope this doesn’t upset you, since it is probably over stepping my boundaries some—Kyle really is, or actually has, falling for you, Caroline. So just be aware of that. Relationships are never easy, and you can’t force the heart into something that it just can’t be. So basically, no matter what you choose I will understand. I am not saying I will be happy about it, but I will understand. Kyle really is a great guy, and he is a strong guy too, so I know he can pull through anything. Right now, though, I am pretty sure the only thing he wants is you—as in all of you.”

I am still just staring at Taylor, but my hands start fidgeting in my lap. Shit, shit, shit, shit; what am I doing? I don’t even know how to answer myself, much less explain my feelings to someone else. “Shit. I am sorry, Caroline; that was way too much heavy for one night. One day I am going to learn to keep work where it belongs. Kyle is just important to us all; you know? Don’t pay any attention to me, though. You have to do what feels right for you. The rest will all just work its way out. Here; let me get you a drink. I think we can both use one after that. I hope I didn’t screw up your night. Let’s just try and pretend none of that just happened, and let’s have fun. Trust me; these guys are going to rock your world. They act like they are really not that big of a deal—well, that is, all of them except Tim. Trust me, though, they kick ass.”

I try my best and give Taylor a genuine smile as all her words still swim around in my head. I am going to hurt Kyle; aren’t I? God I hope not. I scrunch up my lips and give my head a little shake. “Yes; a drink sounds like a good idea. I really don’t know how to answer you about Kyle—other than to say that I can tell you he is very special, and I would never purposefully mean any wrong toward him. I think you are right about Tim, though. I can already tell he feels himself to be deemed rock god material.” Taylor gives me a smile, and orders us both a drink as I hand over my fake ID.

TAYLOR AND I sit and talk awhile longer as we finish our drink. I am definitely ready to see my Raleigh and get some music started¸ though. They are going to be my therapy for my sudden overly active thought process. My enthusiasm has definitely taking a nose dive in the last half hour since Taylor’s little council session.

The guys are now back out on the small stage, and Taylor and I go find our spot to stand for the night. I am looking down at my phone to read a text from Raleigh, when I feel warm arms wrap around me and moist lips press against my shoulder. A smile spreads across my face, as I turn my head to the side and kiss Kyle. “I just had to hop down here and hold you a while longer before things get started. Plus, I might have wanted to be seen by all the other guys piling up in here, so they know that you aren’t here alone.”

I turn fully to face Kyle, and wrap my arms up around his neck. “Well then, Kyle, let’s make sure there is no question about that.” I rise on my toes and press my lips to Kyle’s, and then part them and make a visual show of my tongue going into his mouth. The place has gotten loud now, but I can feel the rumble run through Kyle as I roll my tongue around his. As I am pulling away, Kyle presses himself against my hip and I can feel the hard thickness of his erection through his jeans. He has a big smile on his face.

“I can’t wait to get you back home with me, Caroline. You have me all worked up like a high school kid that can’t keep his dick down.”

I look down at Kyle’s erection in his pants, and then back up to his eyes. “You might want to get that under control before you hop back up on stage, and all the women in here try and trample over me to get to you to rectify that problem.”

Kyle winks at me, and then leans in for another kiss. “No worries; as soon as I can make myself let go of you adjustments will be made. This, tonight, up on stage, to me it is all for you. Ok?”

My face feels like it is going to split into two, because I am smiling so hard. “Kyle, you have no idea what that does to me.”

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