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Authors: Joan Duszynski

In the Stars (12 page)

BOOK: In the Stars
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“Nice meeting you too, Adam. I will try and help keep Caroline out of harms way.” She then gives him a smile, and he puts his chair back in its original spot and walks out the door.

I notice her glancing over her shoulder while he is walking away, and when she turns back toward me the smile is still on her face. “Really Tara, you have gone ahead and joined the dark side already too? I love that I seem to be the main source of everyone’s humor lately. I get it at home, and now here at school, too?”

She starts laughing at me. “Oh, I am sorry, Caroline. You have to admit that was too easy, though. It just slipped out.”

I just shake my head at her. “Yeah well, I only ran into him two times, so it really hasn’t been that bad. Even though, in reality, counting that first Saturday I have only knowingly been in his presence three times. So I guess that really isn’t a very good track record. I’m sorry; I have to get going now. I have homework to work on. I have classes and work tomorrow, but I have a couple hours between if you would like to maybe try and get together for that run?”

Tara lights up with that. “That would be great. I will text you my address. Also, if it makes it easier, you can shower at my place after, so you can go straight to work from there. I am done with classes at 2 tomorrow.”

“Mine end at 1. Are you sure you don’t mind about me getting ready there? That really would make it a lot easier.”

We both stand up, and dump our trash on the way out. Tara leans over and gives me a hug, and this time I hug her back. “I insist, Caroline. Trust me, you coming over to run with me is really doing me another big favor.”

There goes that insist word again that her family seems to like to use. “Ok, then I will talk with you soon.”

I CAUGHT UP on all my work last night, and had a great conversation with Kyle on the phone. The only downside was Piper was in the room too. I kept catching her rolling her eyes and making tiff sounds throughout my time on the phone. This, of course, just encouraged me to talk even louder and naughtier to Kyle. Which, by the responses I was getting back from him, I don’t think he minded it one bit.

Once my classes were over, I grabbed a quick lunch from the cafeteria. Then headed back to my room to get my things together for my run and work afterward. As I am pulling up to Tara’s neighborhood, I can’t help but smile. Her home is located in a very safe and quaint part of town. I get wide eyed when I pull up in front of her rental. It is a perfect little brick rancher with a cozy white columned front porch. I can’t help but envy her a little for it.

As I am getting out of my car, the front door swings open and Tara comes stepping out. She looks great in her running attire, and I really wonder what the hell was Andrew thinking when he chose to be with Piper for the night? Piper might be shapely, but, honestly, she doesn’t have shit on Tara.

“Come on in and sit your stuff down, Caroline. I can give you a quick tour of the house if you want, then we can get going.” She holds the door open for me as I am walking onto her porch, and once I get inside my envy intensifies. Her home is just perfect. Not over the top spectacular, but very comfortable and well put together.

Her kitchen and family room are one open space, with a small island separating them. The counter tops are granite, and the appliances are stainless steel. There is a small two person table up against the double window. In the family room space, she has a small grey sectional sofa. There is another oversized chair in the corner, with an end table and lamp. I can just picture myself curled up in it, reading or working on my laptop. The floors are wide planked wood, and there is a small fireplace with a TV mounted on the wall over it.

I turn back at Tara, and I know I have the biggest smile on my face.

“Oh my god Tara, this is great! You are so lucky to have come across this.”

“Well, my parents actually know the owner, so that really worked out in my favor. I really do like it, though. It just gets lonely at times.”

I nod my head, understanding. “Do you mind showing me the rest?”

Tara gestures her hand toward the hall. “The first room on your left is the guest room. You can actually put your bag down in there.” I walk in to sit my bag down, and once again am amazed. Although the room isn’t that large, it is set up with a queen sized bed, night stand, and tall narrow dresser; all with a dark stain color. The walls are a steel blue shade, and the trim is white. There are some black and white photos on the walls, and it all just fits together perfect somehow.

I sit my bag down beside the bed, and turn back toward Tara. “Did this place come furnished, or was this you’re doing?”

She gives a slight shrug of the shoulders. “It was actually all me and my mom. The owners said we could paint it however we wanted, and they had just recently remodeled the kitchen and bathrooms. My parents helped me purchase all the furniture and decorations as a graduation present. Do you like it?”

I raise up one of my eyebrows. “Like is not a strong enough word. You and your mom have a very good eye for style.”

“Well, thank you. Walk back into the hall, and I will show you the bathroom and my room. The main bathroom is this first door on your right, and my room is the last door at the end.”

She flicks on the bathroom switch, and I peak my head inside. It has slate tile floors and a rather large tiled shower with a seamless glass door. There is a single sink with a granite top and single door, double drawer storage cabinet underneath. The walls are painted the same color as the bedroom with more white trim.

I step back out with a smile on my face. She then opens the door to her room. I can’t believe how big it is. The house might not look that big from the outside, but it holds a lot more space then what you would think. She has a queen size sleigh bed with the most gorgeous deep iridescent purple comforter on it. Her night stand has a Tiffany lamp on it that also has some shades of purple throughout it. She has a large dresser with some photos and her laptop on it. There are two doors on one of the walls. I decide I am officially in love.

Tara walks over to one of the doors and gets a big smile on her face. “Ok, I don’t know how they made this happen in this house, but this is my favorite space of all.” She flicks on the light, and we both step into a very well stocked walk-in closet. It has multiple rods and hooks for hanging clothes and bags. Then it has shelves for her shoes. Damn, if this girl doesn’t have some shoes.

I give her a big sheepish grin. “Tara, I understand now why you needed a house to rent. There is no way in hell you would have fit all this into a dorm room. I thought my friend, Raleigh, was a shopaholic, but I now know you are the one that actually may need counseling for this.”

Tara starts laughing as we are stepping out of the closet. “You might be right, but I can’t help it. It is all my mother’s fault. She is the one that got me like this, and she is even worse.”

“Well, I am never going shopping again then. I am just going to keep running between yours and Raleigh’s closest for all my needs. Although, I guess I need to keep buying my own bottoms, since everyone seems to be taller than me.”

She reaches out for me to shake her hand. “Deal, Caroline. I don’t mind sharing at all. I do believe your foot is smaller than mine, too, though, so you might still need your own shoes. I will be more than happy to be the one to take you shopping for them, though.”

We both laugh, and she then shows me her bathroom, which looks very similar to the hall bath. “Ok, I guess we better get going so I have time to shower before work. Thank you for the tour, though; I really do love it, Tara.”

We head out, and she takes me toward a paved section through the neighborhood. It was specifically made for the joggers, strollers, dog walkers, or whatever it is you might want to roam through the neighborhood doing while staying off of the road. It really is a great spot, just like Tara had said.

Once we are done with our run, I go in and grab my bag and head for the hall shower. I turn on the water, and pull out the needed toiletries. The shower has so much space, and I love not feeling so cramped. Once I am all clean and dressed, I blow dry my hair as much as time will allow, and slip on some lip gloss and mascara really quick.

When I step back out into the main space, Tara has also showered, and has on the cutest tank and pajama pants. I mean, seriously, even her pajamas are adorable on her. She is standing at the island, cutting some cheese slices, and has some crackers and fruit pulled out. “Please, have some before you head out. You just got done running three miles, and now you are going to go stand on your feet all night. You really should eat a little something.”

I walk over to the island, and grab a slice of cheese and a cracker. I smirk my lips at Tara. “Let me guess… you insist.” She then just shoves my shoulder slightly. “Seriously though, Tara, thank you for the run, and letting me get ready here, as well as the food. I really do appreciate it. We need to try and do this again soon. I really have to head out now, though.”

Tara walks around the island, and follows me to the door. She pauses her hand on the knob before opening it, and tucks her hair behind her ears. “Ok look, Caroline, I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but I have been doing a lot of thinking since we met up yesterday. I know you are not happy with your current living conditions. Then today, when you showed up and seemed to really like this place, it encouraged my decision even more. I would like you to consider becoming my roommate.”

I start to protest, knowing there is no way I could afford half of what the rent must be to this place. Tara just holds up her hand to stop me. “Wait, let me finish. My parents are already paying the rent on this place, and don’t expect help with that. I spoke with them last night about what my thoughts were, and they actually liked the idea of me having someone here with me. They know Andrew and I have broken up, and they think this will be a good thing. So, if you feel you could afford the electric bill and bring in your own groceries, then the guest room and hall bath are all yours.”

I know I am standing there with my mouth wide open. The chance to get away from Piper and actually live in this house is beyond tempting. I can’t help but worry, though—what if Tara and I end up not getting along? Where does that leave me if she wants me out?

“Wow Tara, I can’t believe this. Are you really sure about it all? I mean, living with me and only having me pay one bill? I really appreciate this, but do you mind if I think about it for a little while first?” She opens the door for me, and we both step out. “Caroline, of course I am sure; it was my idea. As far as you taking your time to think about it… well I would hope you would, actually. It shows you are not as reckless as some maybe seem to think you are. I have been thinking about finding someone to live here with me since the second week I was here. I just never felt like I found the right person until now.”

I give Tara a hug, and start to walk toward my Blazer. “Well then, I will definitely give it serious thought, and let you know soon then. Bye.” Tara gives me a quick wave, and I start up my car to head into work as she is shutting her door.

Kyle and I have text a couple times today, but I decide to call him on my way into work, since I haven’t actually talked to him yet. He answers on the second ring. “Hey Caroline; I was just thinking about you. Well, I have been thinking about you a lot, to be honest. How are you?” I can’t help but smile every time I hear his voice, and he always says the nicest things.

“I have been thinking of you, too. I hope I am not interrupting your work? I was just on my way to my job for the night, so I wanted to call you first.”

“Call me whenever you want, Caroline. I love to hear your voice. Plus, I only have one more patient for today, and then I am headed home. I know it is going to be hard to sleep tonight, though. Knowing I finally get to see you tomorrow. Even if it has just been a few days, it feels like forever since I touched you. I have a craving for you, Caroline. For all of you, but those desirable lips of yours keep playing through my head, and I feel like I’m going crazy.”

Well damn, there he goes again. I really don’t need to start building up another sweat right after I just took a shower. “I am glad you have a desire for my lips, Kyle. That way they will keep you coming back for more. Trust me, I can’t wait to have yours back on mine again either. It really has felt like a long time.”

I faintly hear my favorite rumble through the phone again. “I will meet you outside your dorm at 12 o’clock, Caroline, and I hope you are ready. I am sure, as soon as I can reach you, I will be taking over that mouth of yours.”

“Well then, I will be looking very forward to just that.”

“Good girl; try not to work too hard. If you don’t mind, can you text me when you get in your room tonight, just to let me know you got in ok?”

“Ok I will. See you tomorrow, Kyle.”

“I look very forward to it, Caroline. Be safe. Goodbye.”

BOOK: In the Stars
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