In the Stars (23 page)

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Authors: Joan Duszynski

BOOK: In the Stars
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I WAKE UP the next morning with only a slight pain in my head, and a faint memory of a strange dream. I am pretty sure I was a wish bone, and Kyle and Eric each had ahold of an end of me, pulling to see who got the bigger half. What the hell is it with my brain and these crazy tugging dreams? I find myself struggling to remember who actually won, but come up with nothing. Then again, who wants to remember being snapped in half, right?

I stretch, and let my eyes take in my space again. The sun is up, but it isn’t beaming through my blinds, and it is still dark enough in my room that I could sleep even longer… if I had the time. As it is, I am actually waking up late and better hurry up and get ready. I dig through my bags, getting clothes out for the day. I gather my shower bag and all my extra bathroom items to take to my bathroom as well. I never really finished unpacking anything last night, so I still have to take care of all this sometime soon. As of right now, my space kind of screams sloppy, lazy chic resides here.

I peek out my door, and listen for Adam or Tara and hear nothing, so I dart across the hallway real quick to the bathroom. I shower and shave within fifteen minutes, and take only another twenty minutes finishing up getting ready. I hang my towel on the hook and walk out, headed back toward my room. I almost run into Tara when I exit the bathroom. She is already dressed, and looking very well put together, as usual. I do notice her eyes look a little heavier than normal, but other than that, she looks perfect.

“Hey girl; glad I got to see you before you left. How are you feeling?”

Tara shrugs her shoulders slightly and smiles. “Not too bad, considering I had several shots and only one slice of pizza last night. I really need to eat more when I am drinking. You think I can play it off today? I mean, I don’t look hung over or anything, do I?”

I start laughing. “No. Honestly Tara, I don’t know how you do it but you always look good. Even our first crazy morning, considering everything you looked pretty damn good then too.”

“Uggg that morning; at least I can say it brought you into my life. Other than that, though, I try and just forget about it. Glad I look ok, though; Eric should be here any minute to pick me up.”

I feel my stance weaken, and my legs start tingling. “Wait, Eric is coming here? You aren’t driving to your parents?”

“He said he would just take me back and forth. I think he might just be trying to catch me by seeing if the house was trashed. He knew you were moving in yesterday, and I jokingly said something about partying it up. I already took out the trash, and cleaned up where Adam had slept last night. He had cleaned the kitchen up, actually, and was gone when I woke up this morning. So I just had to put the sheets in the dirty clothes and get the trash out; he made it easy.”

“It really was nice having Adam here; he is fun. Sorry I didn’t help with anything, though. My room is even a mess. I promise, as soon as I get back, I will get all that straight. I won’t try and turn your place into a dump, and I promise to help with keeping the whole house straight. So far, I am not doing very well at that at all.”

The doorbell rings, and I actually jump. “Wow Caroline, are you nervous? Don’t worry; I know you will help with everything around here. Last night was supposed to be fun, and that is what we had. I better get the door, before Eric thinks I am trying to hide everything under the couch real quick.”

Tara walks for the front door, and I shut myself into my bedroom really fast. Unlike Tara and her well thought out Thanksgiving attire, I am in a two toned brown sweater and jeans. Nothing special to speak of, and I didn’t really spend much time on my hair and makeup. My hair is still pretty wet, actually. I hear the door open, and then I hear his voice. My god, I don’t even have to see him; just the sound of his voice has my hormones flooding me.

I hear them talking some, and can tell his voice is getting closer to my room. I grab up my phone, purse, bracelet, and my boots. I sit on the edge of my bed, trying to put my boots on, but my hands are actually shaking. I look up to the sound of my door knob turning, and Tara yelling something. The door opens, and there he stands in my door frame with all his godliness. I just freeze with my leg up in the air, still from trying to pull my boot on. “What the hell, Eric!? Not only is this not your house, but this is now Caroline’s room. You have no right just walking in here. What if she was changing her clothes, or with a guy, or something?”

I see his lip twitch when she says this, and I finally release my boot, letting my foot fall back down to the ground. “Hello Caroline, we were getting ready to go and I wanted to say I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving. Tara said she wasn’t going to bother you, or make you come out, so I figured I would take care of it myself. Even though the you getting dressed, might not have been too bad of a thing, I am glad I didn’t walk in on you and a guy. I will be sure to knock from now on. Sorry for the intrusion.”

Tara is standing behind Eric, staring daggers into his back with her arms crossed over her chest. I once again, feel pretty numb, but somehow manage to pull the zipper up on my boot and stand. “It probably would be best if you knock and wait for a response from now on, Eric. I guess I will be sure to start locking my door if privacy is needed. Thank you, though, I guess, for wanting to wish me a nice Thanksgiving. I hope you and your family have a great day as well, and drive safely.”

Tara pushes past Eric, and walks in to give me a hug. “God Tara, I am so sorry. I swear he doesn’t normally act this persistent. Maybe he was just disappointed he didn’t find the drugs, alcohol, and naked bodies lying all around the house when he came in.” I hear Eric let out a growl of irritation, and I can’t help but look up at him again. That sound, that growl coming from him, just did all new things to my insides that I didn’t even know were possible.

I can’t imagine how red my face is right now. Not from embarrassment this time, but, once again, from arousal. I actually stutter a little as I speak again. “I think I might be starting to get use to it, Tara; it is ok. See you tomorrow most likely, alright?”

Eric is still just staring right at me, as Tara walks past him, nudging him on the way out. I grab my purse, and drop my phone into it. I get up and walk toward my door with my bracelet in hand, trying to hook it. Eric reaches out and gently takes the bracelet from me. “Here; the least I can do is help you get this on.” He wraps the bracelet back around my wrist, and gently opens and closes the clasp. He twists it around on my wrist so the clasp is facing down, but his hand doesn’t leave my arm. His eyes slowly lift, and with all their green intensity he looks right into mine. The chill bumps have once again made their presence, but I don’t think he noticed, since I have on the long sleeves.

“Well, have a good day, Caroline.”

I can’t help the smile that is now on my face. “You too, Eric, and thank you.”

“It really is good to see that dimple again, Caroline. I really like it. I am going to have to try harder and make you smile more around me just to see it.” I bite down on my bottom lip and look away. Eric’s hand releases my wrist, and then I feel it on the side of face, slightly nudging me to face back toward him. Our eyes are now connected again. “Please don’t look away from me, Caroline. I’m not trying to embarrass you. Even though I seem to have a strange way of showing it around you, I really do love to see you smile.” He then gives me one of his full on smiles, and of course I have no choice but to give it back. “That’s my girl. Ok, I really have to go now. Enjoy your day, Caroline.”

“I have to leave now as well, so I will just follow out the door behind you guys.”

We all step out, and I reach back to make sure the door was locked. Tara already gave me a key for my key ring, so everything is set. Once I get in my Blazer, I watch Eric and Tara drive off. I am still frozen, with my key hanging in the ignition. All these strange moments I keep having with Eric. They make no sense. There has yet to be one normal, casual encounter between the two of us. So, how is it I still feel this pull to want more from him; with him? I can’t keep blaming it on lust alone, there is something more there. My head and body just can’t connect enough to fully figure out what that is. Why would he be so determined to see me and wish me a good day that he just barges into my room? Then he is so gentle while helping me with my bracelet, and the way he looked at me was like he had so much more to say. Then the words he did say; love to see you smile and my girl. Yes I heard everything, but those two things will forever be etched into my brain coming from his lips.

I finally pull myself together and start the car. I am already running a little behind, and I know Grandma and Mom both aren’t going to be too happy about that. Thanksgiving is a time we all get to get together as a family, and it is important to them. It is important to me, too, but this year everything seems to be so mixed up in my mind when it comes to my feelings.

ONCE I WALK into my grandparents’ home, I can hear the conversation already coming from the dining room. I walk in and peek around the corner, trying to give my most adorable smile possible. Grandma sees me first, and her hands rise up and clap together. Everyone turns and looks at me, and Grandma gets up and walks over to give me one of her the-best-thing-on-earth hugs. “Oh, my precious granddaughter is finally here. I knew you would be here any minute. I am sure you just got a little mixed up on what time to leave. Being that you stayed in your new place last night and all; right, Honey?” She pulls back and gives me a wink. I give her a big smile back, and lean in to give her one more kiss on the cheek.

She then starts to make her way back to her seat as I make my way around the table, hugging and kissing everyone. Once I reach Pop’s seat, he scoots back and stands up, giving me one of his very popular bear hugs. “Don’t you think you were going to get away with just leaning in on me girl.

I haven’t seen you in what feels like forever, so nothing less than a full on hug and kiss are going to do, Little O.” This is the name Pop has called me my whole life. For some reason, the O in Caroline really stuck out for him—so begun Little O. I give Pop a good squeeze back and a kiss on his cheek. “I wouldn’t have sat down without one, Pop.”

I sit down in my seat, and everyone starts passing around the food for me to fill my plate. Now, I know they say gluttony is a sin, but there are a few times a year I feel this sin must be done. Thanksgiving, of course, being one of them. I notice Mom and Mark smiling at each other throughout the meal, and it really makes me feel good. Mom was always scared to really try and love again, but she let her walls down for Mark, and I think it has been a wonderful thing.

After my second plate of food, I go for my sampler mix of desserts. I seem to feel the need to at least say I gave it all a try when it comes to sweets. My grandma looks over at me with a big smile. “It is good to see you eating so much, Caroline. You feel like skin and bones. Do you eat right at that school of yours?”

I can’t help but laugh, and shake my head. “Yes, Grandma, I promise you I am eating. I just stay busy with work, and I have been running again recently—with Tara.” Of course, I leave out the whole exercise time spent with Kyle. My mom knows I have gone out with him a couple times, but I have never let on that it has been more than that.

The rest of the day goes on with stories of good and crazy times. There are lots of laughs, and even a few tears. I help Mom and Grandma in the kitchen with the dishes, and the guys are in charge of covering and putting away all the food that needs to go back in the fridge. Then of course, they are off to watch some more football. Grandma puts on a pot of coffee, and I love the way it smells as it is brewing. There are just certain things that stick with you throughout life. The smell of coffee brewing in my Grandma’s kitchen will always be one of the best things to me. Something about it brewing here smells different than anywhere else.

As soon as the pot is ready, Grandma pulls out three mugs and pours coffee in each for her, Mom, and I. Mom and I both add what we need to our cups, and we all go sit around the small kitchen table. We talk about Mom’s plans for the wedding, and I can see the pure joy on Grandma’s face to see her daughter so happy again. Mom seems to have an extra special glow going on with her as well. I am really happy too, but I am definitely starting to feel the effects of the sin I just committed. I feel, well, just blah and tired. Hopefully the coffee will help with the tired part.

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