In the Stars (22 page)

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Authors: Joan Duszynski

BOOK: In the Stars
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Tara looks over at him with her mouth open, and then over to me while tucking her hair behind her ear. “When I walked past your room Caroline, he was laid across your bed with his feet hanging off the end. He said he had to get a feel for the bed and see if it would sleep right. That is why I was laughing. He hadn’t mentioned to me yet that he thinks he is going to be testing mine out, too.”

“Uh huh, sounds like Adam alright. I only have a couple more things, if you two want to grab them and bring them in. Wouldn’t want to keep Adam’s Italian waiting.”

“See Caroline, this is where you fail to realize I actually gave this very serious thought. Pizza is good hot, warm, and cold so it will work throughout the night just fine, no matter how fast or slow it is eaten.”

Tara and I both look at Adam and laugh. “Always such the brains of the group, Adam; thank you.”

“I try, ladies, I really do try.”

After we have everything in my room, I start to put away just a couple necessity items. “Which drawer do you want your underwear in, Caroline? I will be happy to help you get it all put away.”

I smack Adam on the arm. “Keep talking like that, Adam, and you won’t even be allowed to sleep on our couch. I will be calling you a Taxi, or have you sleep in your car with no keys, or heat.”

“Ouch that hurts, Caroline; I was just trying to be helpful. I am going to go claim my space in the family room then. I want to make sure I have a comfortable spot with easy access to everything. Do you have movie channels, Tara?”

Tara rolls her eyes at Adam. “Yes Adam, and Sports channels too, so you should be all set. Help yourself, even though I don’t think you really need permission to do just that.”

“Thank you, I will. See you ladies in a couple minutes then.”

Adam walks out the room, and Tara and I are both shaking our heads back and forth. “He sure does have a way of just settling right in, doesn’t he?”

“Yes Tara, he does, and not just in his surroundings. He tends to settle in quickly in your head and heart too, don’t you think? I can’t help but really like him; he is special like that.”

Tara gets a very shy look on her face, and I notice her cheeks slightly blush as she tucks her hair once again. “Yeah, I guess that seems to be true too. There is something special about him for sure.” I give her a big smile, and put away a couple more things. I plug in my iPod docking station, and put it on my nightstand before we head out to Adam. He has his ankle already propped up on his knee, sitting on the corner spot of the couch with a slice of pizza in his hand. I notice he has set his beer on a coaster, and has a napkin in his lap, so that earns him extra points.

Once Tara and I mix up a small picture of Kamikaze for shots, we each grab a slice of pizza and claim our spots in the family room. I reach the couch first, so I take the opposite end from Adam, leaving either the chair or the spot beside Adam for Tara. She gives me a quick look, and then plants herself down in the middle. Adam puts his leg, down and looks over at both of us.

“Hey, what type of shots are those? Plus, you can take over the remote if there is something else you want to watch.”

“Well, thanks for offering me my own remote, Adam, and they are Kamikazes. They are usually cocktails, but same thing—basically—this way. They are lime based. You want one?”

“I might try one later; I tend to be a beer guy, though. The movie is Warrior. It is about fighting, so….”

Tara bites at her bottom lip. “Tom Hardy and fighting, no really you can keep it.”

I notice Adam glance down at Tara’s lip, and then he lets out a slight groan sound while shaking his head. Tara is still looking at the screen, and doesn’t seem to notice. “Tom Hardy works for me, too. Does he use his English accent in it?”

Tara looks over at me with a big smile. “Oh, you have never seen this, Caroline? It isn’t like when he talks in This Means War, no, but at least his shirt is off a lot. I do love the accent, though.”

We both start giggling, and Adam lets out a huff. “Great, I pick it for the fighting and now I have to listen to you two grovel over his body all night.”

Tara leans her head over on Adam’s shoulder looking up into his face. “Awe it’s ok, Adam, we will still pay attention to you too. I promise.”

I see Adam’s hand actually flinch some, like he wants to reach out for her once Tara’s head hits his shoulder. As soon as Tara’s words are out, though, she has raised her head again, and is looking back at the screen. Adam actually has a slight look of disappointment on his face, as he glances over and notices me looking at him. He gives me a very weak smile, and then looks back at the TV.

When the movie is about through, and I am about four shots in, my phone rings. Of course, it is Kyle’s ringtone Raleigh had set. I really need to change that. Adam and Tara both look over at me. Adam’s face is all scrunched up with his what the hell look, while Tara starts laughing. “I thought you said you were going to change that, Caroline? That shit really is funny, though.” Adam still looks confused and I get up from the couch, so I can go answer the phone in my own room. “Don’t worry, Adam, I will explain it to you while she goes and talks with Kyle.”

Tara gives me a wink as I look back over my shoulder, and answer the phone. “Hey Kyle; you off from work now?”

“Yes; finally. I hate it when you are off and I have to work. I really would like to have seen you before I head to my family’s home tonight.”

“Sorry Kyle, it would have been nice. We will both be so stuffed tomorrow, we won’t be able to think straight, and then there will only be one more day of waiting after that. I will be with you all day Saturday, and I can’t wait to hear and watch you guys up on stage.”

“That is still too long, and no amount of over eating will keep me from thinking about you, Caroline. I miss you. When Saturday comes, you just make sure I am the main guy you are watching up on that stage. Tim tends to be a bit of a man whore, as you women say, so ignore his uncontrollable flirting that I know he will have with you.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Tim, man whore got it. So you are staying at your parents tonight and all day tomorrow for the full Thanksgiving event, right?”

“Yeah it is kind of a family tradition to be there for breakfast, and then the whole over the top late lunch. You said you will be at your grandparents with your family all day, right?”

“Yes. I haven’t decided yet if I am going to drive back tomorrow night, or wait till Friday morning. I’d rather be back here when I wake back up, but it all depends on how I feel. This is my first night in my new room, so it is pretty exciting.”

There is a pause of silence for a moment. “I wish I could spend your first night there in bed with you, Caroline. Did you get all your stuff settled away?”

Now it is my turn to pause. These are the types of things he expresses to me, letting me know I mean something important to him. Yet, I still can’t decide fully where my feelings stand. I just try and avoid his statement as best as possible with my response. “I have brought it all inside, and put away a couple things. Adam is here with Tara and me, so we are all celebrating the move. He brought pizza, and we are having a few drinks and watching a movie. I do believe I am going to have to slow down the drink part, though. I want the food to be my problem tomorrow; not the big head I could wake up with.”

“You guys have fun then, and make sure you drink plenty of water before you go to sleep, too. That should help. I will try and get hold of you sometime tomorrow, but I hope you have a great Thanksgiving. I know I have become very thankful for you, Caroline.”

Damn it, there he goes again. What is wrong with me? Why can’t I care about this man, unconditionally? Truth be told, though, I do care about him; I’m just not sure about how strongly. “I am thankful for you too, Kyle. Have a great Thanksgiving, and I am sure we will talk sometime tomorrow.”

When I walk back into the family room, Adam looks up at me with a big smile. “So did you and your ding-a-ling have a nice talk, Caroline?” I can feel my face turn red as I walk back over to the island, grabbing another slice of pizza and one more shot.

“Thanks Tara for explaining that, obviously, so well to Adam. I appreciate that. Yes Adam, we had a nice talk; thank you for asking.”

Tara leans into Adam again, and starts laughing. I notice she has another fresh shot in front of her, and Adam has another slice of pizza and a fresh beer. “Sorry Caroline, you know it just had to be told. That has to be one of the best ring tones ever.” Adam throws his arm up on the back of the couch behind Tara, and they both suddenly seem very comfortable. Did the whole talk of ding-a-lings suddenly change the whole comfort level between the two of them? At least I could be of assistance in some way, I guess.

Throughout the night, and one more drink each, we decide Adam really does need to stay over and sleep on the couch, of course. Also, the fact stands that he really did pack a bag for just such an occasion, so he could head straight to his family’s place from here tomorrow. When we are all ready to go to sleep, Adam decides to take a shower first so he is ready to head out early.

I notice Tara glancing several times toward the bathroom door while he is in there. She is trying to busy herself with getting sheets and a pillow for him, but I notice her tucking her hair several times. It also seemed to take longer than necessary for her to grab the linens down from the closet right outside the bathroom door.

I help her lay the sheet out onto the couch and catch her hand with mine for a second, causing her to jump and look up at me. “So Tara, you wouldn’t happen to be daydreaming about a certain naked male right on the other side of that wall, rubbing himself down right now, would you?”

Tara’s face turns blood red, and she smacks me across the arm. “Oh my god Caroline, did you really just say that? Do you really think he is rubbing himself down right now?” Her hand then flies up to her mouth, and I think somehow her face turns even redder. “Oh shit, that has to be the alcohol talking. Please don’t say anything, Caroline. I really do like Adam, and, yes, maybe a few things have crossed my mind when it comes to him. I just don’t want to ruin our friendship, though. I know now, right after Andrew, would not be the time to start something with Adam.”

“Your secret is safe with me, Tara. Even though the two of you aren’t really that good at keeping it a secret when it comes to your attraction for each other.”

“You really think he is attracted to me? God I hope I don’t go screwing things up. I need to just get myself out there some first, and then if things are meant to be between Adam and I, then maybe. Speaking of not being that good at hiding an attraction for one another, Caroline; you and Eric aren’t very good at it either. Don’t worry, though, I will keep that between us as well.”

Now I feel my face turn red. “Ok, so have I really made it that noticeable that I find him more than just attractive? I have to tell you, and I hope this doesn’t sound bad. I know I have been going out with Kyle, and trust me when I say he is great to me in all ways. Yet, my damn thoughts keep going back to Eric for some reason when I am not with Kyle. Isn’t that just messed up? I mean, what is wrong with me?”

“We all have things we need to work through, Caroline. Just try your best to be honest with yourself, and others, throughout the process. I say this, but obviously it is a lot easier said than always done.”

We hear the bathroom door open, and out walks Adam past the steam leaving the bathroom. His hair is still wet and messy all over his head, and he is wearing long mesh shorts but no shirt. I look over at Tara, and notice her mouth has dropped open. Adam hasn’t looked up at us yet, so I reach over quickly and push up on her jaw to close it for her. She shakes her head, and looks over at me all wide eyed. I just smile at her and mouth “good luck”.

Adam stops by the couch as he and Tara just stare at each other for a moment, and then he raises his arm, running his fingers through his wet hair. This makes his stomach muscles and biceps tighten up some more, and I swear it looks like Tara’s legs go a little weak. Adam also has several tattoos that, of course, I knew nothing about. I had seen part of one before peeping from the upper underside of his arm, but I never had asked about it. Not only does he have that one, but he has one across his other shoulder that runs down the side of his arm and back some and one more down his ribs. They look very detailed, and I don’t want to get caught staring, so I can’t really tell what they all are of.

I loudly clear my throat, and they both look over at me. “Ok Adam, so your bed for the night is all ready. You think you will need anything else?”

He looks over at Tara and smiles. “No, this will work just fine; thank you both. I will set the alarm on my phone, so if I am out and gone in the morning when you two wake up, thank you again for a great night, and have a great Thanksgiving.”

I walk over to him and give him a quick hug. “Goodnight Adam. It was a lot of fun; we will have to do it again soon.”

Once he releases me, he reaches out to hug Tara. She pauses for a second, and then steps in for her hug. This isn’t their first time hugging, but it is there first time hugging while Adam is shirtless. Their hug seems to last longer than mine, and I notice his hand rubbing small circles on her back. They pull away and Tara has a shy smile on her face, looking up through her lashes at Adam. “Goodnight Adam. I really am glad you joined us tonight. It was a lot of fun.”

I walk to kitchen and grab a couple Tylenol and a bottle of water, as Adam lies down and Tara heads back to her room. Once I get the Tylenol down, I head to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. When I reach my room, I shut the door and lean my back against it, looking around. I take in the space, genuinely realizing for the first time that for the next several months, at least, that it is all mine. I can’t remember the last time I felt so happy. I change into one of my dad’s old NASA shirts, turn off the light, and run and jump into my bed and spread out all my limbs in excitement for all my new space. I crawl under my covers, lay my head onto my pillow, and fall fast asleep.

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