In the Heart of Forever (31 page)

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Authors: Jo-Anna Walker

BOOK: In the Heart of Forever
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Jesse rolled her eyes at my correction. We had a running bet between us. If she won, she got a vacation. If I won, I got a new car. It was a win win if you asked me.

I rained kisses on her belly before rising to my full height.

“Rave?” Her brown eyes darkened, filling with a desire that I caused.

I cupped the back of her neck and brushed my mouth along hers. “Yeah?”

She moaned against my lips at the light feathery touch.

I backed up to the couch, bringing her with me and pulled her onto my lap.

Jesse ran her hands through my hair. “When is everyone supposed to be here?”

I gripped her hips and looked at the clock, frowning. “Twenty minutes.”

She started unbuckling my belt and nipping my jaw line. “Let’s make this quick then.”

I ran my hands under her dress and squeezed her ass, making her breath hitch.

Jesse rose to her feet, reached under her dress and pulled off her panties.

My blood stirred. My body hard and waiting or her.

She smirked and looked down at my crotch. “Are you ready for me?”

I reached for her. “Always.”

She licked her lips and sauntered towards me.

I undid my jeans the rest of the way and wrapped my hand around myself as she straddled my lip.

Jesse took control as she covered my mouth with hers, licking her way between my lips.

I groaned as she lowered herself onto me. I would never get used to the feeling of her warmth during the pregnancy. My body tingled as she wrapped herself around me, riding me as fast as she could.

I cupped the back of her neck, pulling her mouth harder against mine as she slowly rode me. The snug feeling of her core squeezing me, sent shivers down my back.

Her body tensed and she placed her hands on my shoulders, gripping me tight.

Knowing what she needed, I ran my hands up her thighs and squeezed her hips. I released her mouth and bit her chin.

She smiled. “Rave.”

I sped up my hips, our bodies moving as one. “Is that what you wanted, baby?”

She moaned. “Yes.”

“Tell me.”

She leaned down to my ear, her hot breath scorching my skin. “Harder.”

Jesse trailed kisses along my jaw before licking her way between my lips.

My hips sped up, thrusting into her with a fervor we both craved.

Our tongues danced, dueled as we made love under the glow of the Christmas tree.

“Come for me.”

She moaned against my lips and cried out as her body shook through a release.

“That’s it baby.” I pumped into her, lengthening her cry of pleasure as she screamed my name.

A tingle shot down my back and my hips slowed as an explosion erupted through me.

We panted, breathing deeply as we rested our foreheads together.

Jesse placed a soft kiss on my lips and cupped my cheek, running her thumb along my mouth. “I love you, husband.”

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist, reveling the feel of being inside her. “I love you, wife.”

She giggled and pushed out of my grasp, placing one last kiss on my mouth.

My body stirred for her. God, I couldn’t get enough.

She laughed and rose to her feet. “Later baby. We have guests—“

A knock sounded on the front door.

“Perfect timing,” I grumbled. I righted my pants and watched Jesse grab her panties before heading into the hall. She looked back at me and blew me a kiss while I made my way to the door. I grinned like a fool, making her giggle and greeted our guests.

“Hi little brother.” Ren pulled me into an embrace and wrapped his thick arms around my shoulders.

“Hey, I want in on this hug too.”

I laughed as a small body pushed us apart and smiled down at our sister. “Hi Emilia.”

“Okay, can we not stand in the doorway? It’s freezing out here,” my mother in law, Jackie, stated as she came up the steps.

The sound of familiar banter between our families made my heart warm.

I took everyone’s coats and placed them in the hall closet while they went into the living room.

“Where’s Uncle Stanley?” I heard Jesse ask.

“He should be here soon. Are you sure you’re not having twins?”

My stomach dripped at Jackie’s question.

I walked around the corner just as the doorbell rang again.

Twins. Holy crap. We better not be having twins.

“We better not be having twins.”

I chuckled to myself as I opened the door. God, I loved my wife.

Jesse’s Uncle Stanley stood on the porch, a bright smile on his tanned face.

“Hi Rave.” He pulled me into an embrace and we shivered as a gust of wind flew around us. The cold winter air surrounding us as we stepped into my house.

“What’s with the tan?”

Uncle Stanley laughed. “It’s a new thing I’m trying.”

I rolled my eyes. “Ladies don’t care if you’re tanned or not.”

A cheesy grin formed on his face. “I’d like to test that theory out for myself.”

I shook my head and grabbed his coat, hanging it up in the hall closet.

“So how’s it going?”

“Good. We’re getting anxious.”

Jesse took that moment to greet us at the door. A bright but tired smile splayed on her beautiful glowing face.

I reached out for her and she stepped into my arms, squeezing me gently. I kissed her head and released her, letting her hug her uncle.

“How’s my niece doing?” he asked, rubbing Jesse’s stomach.

I scoffed. “She has you convinced it’s a girl too?”

Jesse winked at me. “It is going to be a girl. Mother’s intuition.”

I shook my head and followed them into the living room.

Since Jesse had inherited her father’s house six years ago, we redecorated everything except for his office. Even though she didn’t know him, she said that she had felt like he was apologizing for everything by giving her what she never had.

I watched my family. Our family as they chatted. The glow of the Christmas tree and fireplace spreading a warm blanket of light over everyone.

I had never had a family except for my siblings and since meeting Jesse, I gained two extra members with a third on the way.

We were having a baby. We were going to become parents any day now. Jesse and I had both promised each other and our baby that we would give it the childhood we never had.


I smiled as Jesse came up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. “What’s wrong?”

She frowned. “Nothing, what’s wrong with you?”

I cupped her cheek, rubbing my thumb along her full bottom lip. Lips that had been on mine just not that long ago. No matter how many times we kissed, it was like I was kissing her for the first time.

“Nothing’s wrong, baby,” I whispered.

Her brown eyes filled with concern. “Are you sure?”

I leaned down and brushed my mouth along hers. “I have nothing to be upset about.”

She leaned into my palm. “No?”

I kissed her forehead. “No.”

“Tell me.”

My stomach flipped at the husk in her voice. “I have the most beautiful wife a man could ask for.”

Jesse’s cheeks turned pink at my compliment. “Keep going.”

I chuckled and kissed her nose. “We’re about to become parents to probably the most loved baby ever.”

Jesse laughed and ran her hand over her stomach. “I—“ she gasped and gripped my arm. Her brow scrunched, pain etching on her beautiful features.

“Jesse, are you—“

Her hold on my arm tightened. Her eyes widened. “Rave.”

“Is it the baby?” My heart raced, my palms going sweaty.

“I…I think I’m going into labor,” she panted.

Everyone turned to us at those words. My mother in law came up to us first and placed a hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “Contractions?”

“I—“ A cry escaped her lips and she hunched over, gripping the bottom of her stomach.

I grabbed both of her hands. “Jesse.”

She shook her head. “The baby’s coming.”

My mother in law looked at her watch and waited while rubbing Jesse’s upper back.

About a minute later, Jesse screamed, squeezing my hands to the point of painful. I looked at Jackie. “Are the contractions supposed to happen this fast?”

Her brows furrowed. “Not unless she’s been in labor for a while. Did your water break, Jesse?”

Jesse breathed slow and deep. “I don’t know. I went to the washroom after Rave and I…” her cheeks heated.

Jackie smiled. “Well I think you got this baby raring to go. Let’s get her comfortable.”

“I called an ambulance,” Uncle Stanley stated.

Anxiety swirled through my gut. Please God, let Jesse and the baby make it through this.

“Rave, I want you to sit on the couch behind her. Emilia, grab some pillows,” Jackie demanded, shouting out orders but I just stood there. Frozen in place as I watched the agony soar through my wife.


Someone called my name but I couldn’t focus on them. I couldn’t do this. I wasn’t ready. What if the baby hates us?

“Hey.” Heavy hands landed on my shoulders.

I blinked a couple of times and stared into Ren’s deep green eyes.


I shook my head. “I can’t do this.”

Ren smiled and cupped the back of my neck, leaning his forehead against mine. “You can. I know you can.”

“What if we’re shitty parents?”

“Every parent makes mistakes but you and Jesse have each other, right?”

I nodded.

“Good. Now your wife needs you. Think you can help her out?”

I swallowed hard, my gaze flicking to Jesse. Our eyes locked and hers pleaded with me to go to her.

I pulled out of my brother’s grasp and walked over to my wife. The mother of my future children and one that was impatient and wanted to be born right now.

Jesse was breathing deep, lying back on the couch. She sat up when she saw me approach her. “I need you,” she said through gritted teeth.

I grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I know, baby. I’m here.”

She cried out and I rushed to sit behind her, rubbing her lower back.

“Rave, I don’t wanna do this anymore.”

“It’ll be over soon, baby girl. Stanley, where’s that ambulance?” Jackie demanded.

Uncle Stanley grabbed the phone and headed out into the hall.

Jackie looked between us both. “The contractions are less than a minute apart. That means this baby is coming now. Emilia?” Jacked said.

My sister came over tentatively and knelt down beside us.

“Hold Jesse’s hand.”

She did as Jackie suggested.

My mother in law looked at my brother whose face had gone pale since talking to me. “Now Ren. We need clean towels and a wet facecloth.”

“Towels?” I asked, rubbing Jesse’s shoulders.

Jackie smiled at us and squeezed Jesse’s knee. “It’s time.”

“Time?” Jesse asked through gritted teeth.

Jackie lifted up Jesse’s dress, looked down and nodded. “Ren. Towels. Now.”

“What’s wrong?” Jesse tried sitting up but another contraction wracked through her body. “Mom.”

Jackie turned back to us.

“I…oh God…” she grabbed my knee, digging her nails into me. She started panting. “I need to push.”

A breath left me on a whoosh as I ran my hands up and down her arms.

Jackie’s eyes widened. “Okay, baby girl. Let’s do this.”

Ren came back just as Jackie propped up Jesse’s feet. “Emilia, hold her ankle. We’re going to deliver a baby.”

Ren’s face paled as Uncle Stanley came into the room. “Ambulance got snowed in. They’re about five minutes away.”

Jackie turned to us and looked at me. “We don’t have five minutes. Are you ready to become a father?”

My throat went dry. We were doing this here. In our living room.

“Rave,” Jackie snapped.

I nodded.

“Good.” Her eyes warmed. “I know this is a lot to deal with but let’s get this baby born.”

Jesse and I took a deep breath at the same time.

“Okay. Rave, when I say push, you’re going to hold her knee, giving her something to push against. Okay, both of you, push.”

Jesse’s body tensed as she grunted and I held her.

“That’s it. I see the head.”

“You’re doing good, sis.” Emilia squeezed Jesse’s hand.

“Oh God, please. I can’t.” Jesse fell back against me, sweat coating her brow.

“A couple more pushes and you’re done,” Jackie coaxed.

I ran my hands up and down Jesse’s arms. “Come on baby. You can do it. I’m so proud of you.”

“Rave, I can’t.”

I kissed her neck and sat her up. “Yes you can. Big push.”

She took a deep breath and pushed, screaming through the agony.

“That’s it. Stan, where’s that ambulance?” Jackie shouted.

“It just pulled into the driveway,” Uncle Stanley called from the door.

A breath of relief left me, knowing that my wife and baby would be now in the hands of medical personnel.

Jackie smiled as the EMS workers rushed into the house. She let them take over and moved to the back of the couch, running a hand over Jesse’s hair.

The one EMS worker looked between us both. “She’s fully dilated. This baby wants to come quickly. There’s no time to get her to the hospital to deliver. We’re doing this here, alright?”

I nodded and squeezed Jesse’s shoulders. “Let’s do this baby.”

“Okay Jesse, push. With everything you. Give me all you got.”

Jesse gave another push and I watched as the EMS worker pulled out a small bundle from under my wife’s dress. It all happened so fast. Memories of us meeting, our time getting to know each other, our wedding and now this. We had a baby.

Jesse sighed, leaning back against me.

A wail erupted around us. Our baby. Splotchy and covered in fluid but it was ours.

“Meet your son,” he placed him in Jesse’s arms. Our son. We had a baby boy.

A sob escaped Jesse’s lips as she held him against her chest.

A lump formed in my throat and I kissed Jesse’s head. Watching my wife and son bond, made my heart swell with love. I would never forget this moment.

“Do you have a name?” Emilia asked, wiping the tear’s from under her eyes.

Jesse looked up at me, unshed tears filling her beautiful brown eyes.

I placed a soft peck on her mouth, brushing a finger along the chubby cheek of our baby. “How about Reid?”

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