In Deep (18 page)

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Authors: Chloe Harris

BOOK: In Deep
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“Please, sir,” Jaidyn begged, knowing what he wanted to hear. “Come down my throat.”

Straightening, Connor pulled the black shirt he still wore over his head. His dark hair came undone, skimming over his chin and neck. His shoulders rippled as he rolled them. Then he blew out a long breath and took one step closer to her, gritting his teeth.

Gathering her hair up again in his hands, he moved his hips forward, thrusting into her waiting, open mouth.

Jaidyn shuddered. The feel, the taste of him, back in her mouth, deep in her throat was so heady, so unbelievably ecstatic, the spiral of lust in her belly had her core clench once more with the impending tempest.

Trying to tear his control into pieces, she bathed his cock, bombarded him by swallowing even harder, even faster the deeper he thrust into her mouth. Every muscle in his body was tense and trembling. His response to her laving and sucking him was urgent, his hips’ movements frantic, almost out of control. She heard him moan and let him take whatever he wanted, whatever he needed from her.

A tremor washed over his body, right down to his member. Jaidyn felt the vibration on her tongue, the quaver right before the storm would break.

He let out a choked cry and, as his seed spurted down her throat, Jaidyn swallowed voraciously.

When he slipped out from between her lips, she couldn’t help the broad smile on her face. She’d just broken him down, robbed him of his iron defenses.

But with that rush of excitement, her own neglected desire rebounded with full force. It wasn’t just heat that slung itself like ribbons through her body; her blood was boiling lava. It wasn’t just her fast pulse that beat between her legs; it was a ruthless, pounding ache that demanded relief.

“Connor. Take me. Please take me now. Please,” she pleaded breathlessly. Jaidyn was sure she’d go insane if he didn’t take her now, but somewhere deep down she feared he wouldn’t.

All she got in return was a condescending chuckle. “You plead so beautifully,” he whispered right into her ear. “However, I must refuse.”

Squeezing her eyes shut, she felt tears of frustration dot her lashes.

“Not so smug anymore now, are you?”

She heard him walk around her. “I love your ass, but I like it even more when it’s a deep, angry red.”

After a swish, the pitiless sting of the branches of the birch rod pricked her skin. Jaidyn jumped at the biting pain, groaned as the flaring heat on her backside turned into a fierce tingle, adding to her misery. She didn’t have time to decide whether she liked the sharp bite of the birch rod or not. She heard another swish, and it landed farther down, where her thighs met her buttocks.

Jaidyn pressed her lids together even more tightly, trying to focus on not stumbling just yet over the precipice into the abyss of the raging orgasm that was looming. It was going to come as fast as lightning if she wasn’t careful. Collapsing on the table, Jaidyn gave herself up to the vicious pleasure and held on to her sanity with what little strength she had left. Another sharp pain had her body seesawing between ecstasy and distress, and another bite of the birch rod had her core pulse severely.

“I think that’s enough,” she heard Connor say as if from far away, and the sweet torture stopped suddenly. The skin on her backside down to her thighs felt as if it wasn’t sure where to pucker. Her arms twitched erratically, the muscles sore from gripping the table too hard for too long.

His hands lifted her upper body just far enough so he could reach her nipples and free her of those terrible clamps. The blood rushing back to her breasts speared her core like a hot poker. Then she felt him moving that plug in her, turning it a few times before he imitated slightly pumping movements.

Those small thrusts in her backside had her pleasure spike once more, build even higher and was about to turn into an inferno–

Too soon Connor pulled the plug out and was gone. She was left alone with her pent-up desire, passion thrumming so hard and fast and unrelenting through her body that she was ready to cry and moan and whimper in despair.

“You’ve earned your reward.” His voice was silken whispers that sent multiple shudders down her spine. “I’ll put these away, and when I come back I expect to see you spread yourself for me. Either your creamy lips if you want me to fuck your pussy, or your cheeks …”

Jaidyn hadn’t thought it possible she could react any more, but at his words desire shot through her yet again, increasing the fierce, steadily pulsating ache in her core. She couldn’t stand the wait until he’d be deep inside of her, and what he’d shown her so far tempted her with the promise of ecstasy.

She also remembered how hard it had been to accommodate just two of his fingers. His member certainly wouldn’t fit, but the erotic memory of how he’d felt, how that plug had felt when he’d wiggled it …

Her body made up her mind for her because when she heard him approaching, she reached back–and spread her cheeks for him.

Smooth, thick liquid trickled down the cleft of her cheeks. Jaidyn gasped in surprise, quickly braced herself on her elbows and bent her head to look over her shoulder.

Totally absorbed in his task, Connor was putting the lid back on the tiny flask before he put it aside. His fingers, shiny with the oil he’d used to lubricate her tight entrance, dug into her cheeks. When he leaned forward, he rubbed his very impressive erection into the cleft of her buttocks until it, too, came away shiny, oily, lubricated.

Without lifting his head, his eyes wandered up and locked onto her gaze. A corner of that arrogant mouth kicked up and his hands gripped her waist. The corded muscles in his shoulders flexed. Veins bulged in his forearms as he held her down tight, keeping her in place with his vise-like grip.

The thick column of his member nudged between her cheeks and Jaidyn mewled, but whether it was because of trepidation or anticipation, she didn’t know.

The lubricated, broad tip pressed against her, stretched her. There was a slight burning sensation as her tender flesh was opened so wide she thought she couldn’t take it. She wanted to tell him it didn’t work, she was too tight, he’d never fit. But suddenly, as he glided past the barrier of the ring of muscles, mind-numbing pleasure like she’d never known before swamped her.

Jaidyn crumpled on the table, her body as weak as jelly. Connor dug his way inside agonizingly slowly, and every inch he burrowed deeper, she welcomed.

The erotic edge had never been more tempting, more overpowering. She moaned with bliss when she was stretched so completely. But the pleasure didn’t stop there. He pressed into her even more until she felt him up to the hilt in her.

There he stayed, completely unmoving. Panting hard, she felt her muscles flutter to accommodate him. Every other breath left her lungs in a low moan.

Then that zing of lust shot up and down her body as she opened entirely for him.

Connor started moving a little and then gradually more. Bittersweet, slow and long thrusts shook her very being with their intensity.

Ecstasy was coursing through her and Jaidyn didn’t think she could stand one more second of it, couldn’t hold back any more from what Connor had denied her for so long. As though he could read her thoughts, he croaked, his voice no more than a sensual rasp, “Don’t hold back any longer, Jaidyn. Come. Come for me as much as you can.”

More heat was thrown onto the fire raging in her body and between her legs as his strokes quickened. Screaming, she clamped down on him. The orgasm she’d been holding back for too long slammed into her, as sharp as a knife, shredding her mind to pieces. Release so sublime found her and robbed her of the ability to breathe. Her vision blurred as he slid in ruthlessly, disemboweling her every time he retreated.

Her orgasm didn’t end. Instead it went on and on, her core fluttering so hard Connor could hardly move in her tight sheath. Despite that he began to ride her faster and harder.

One last brutal thrust, a savage bark, and he came also, long and hard and powerful. And once again Jaidyn burst into so many scorching little pieces her consciousness dissolved.



aidyn paced Connor’s cabin like a caged lioness. She had no idea what to do with herself. Their destination was only days away and she was getting very anxious.

She’d never allowed herself to need anything as much as she needed Connor. The thought alone should scare her, but it didn’t. Seeing him, looking at him, feeling him, and touching him in return, when his musky rose scent tickled her nose, when his deep voice resonated in her body and mind, a sense of tranquility settled over her. When Connor was near, everything eased.

His lovemaking in the night had acquired something like a desperate tinge. She rarely saw him during the day now. He’d asked her to stay put while the crew was busy with something–he hadn’t said what exactly.

Of course, she hadn’t been happy about it, but at least he’d
and not demanded.

Up until now she’d been able to go wherever she wished. She didn’t understand when suddenly she was stuck here. Jaidyn didn’t like it all. There just wasn’t enough space or enough to do in the cabin for her to be able to work off all her nervous energy. She hated the tightness in her chest and rolling in her stomach; it made doing nothing agonizing.

After a few more laps around the room she threw up her hands in disgust as she stomped across the wooden floor.

This was ludicrous!

Jaidyn was torn between wanting to memorize every nuance of every experience with Connor and wanting to forget it all so it would be easier to walk away. She couldn’t even look at anything in the cabin without it reminding her of Connor and the way he made her feel. She couldn’t look at the table without remembering how the warm wood dug into her hips as she bent over it, or the bed without thinking of how good it felt to lie in his arms in the aftermath. And she refused to let her gaze go anywhere near that damned trunk filled with all his “treasures.”

Moving away from the table and trunk, she was left with no choice but to confine her pacing to a small path back and forth in front of the large stern windows. So she was left with staring out at the empty sea.

Out of the blue, there was more to see than just a vast, nondescript ocean. Jaidyn stopped short, jumping back in surprise. A pair of bare feet in need of a bath dangled into her view. Then, with a slow, jerky motion, legs in dingy canvas pants followed.

Cautious, Jaidyn moved closer to the window. Soon it was easy to see the wooden plank, where the sailor sat, was attached to two ropes, and he was obviously being lowered from above.

What in the world was he doing? Jaidyn wondered as the rest of the young and slightly diminutive member of the crew came fully into view.

Seeing her staring though the panes, he tipped his imaginary hat with a smile. Not sure what else to do, Jaidyn waved back. She continued to watch him, trying to understand what was happening as he started to work on something.

She shook herself back to her senses. Eager to investigate, her mind jumped into action at the opportunity for something besides her feelings for Connor to think about.

Jaidyn moved around the windows, trying to see exactly what he was doing, but she couldn’t get a good look with the windows closed. Whatever he was doing, he was too flat against the hull for her to see.

She really should just let it alone and go back to her pacing. It was ship’s business and no business of hers. Jaidyn was just a passenger. Why should she stick her nose into the crew’s business?

But she was a passenger paying dearly enough that she should be able to make simple inquiries if she chose to.

Moving away from the window, she took another full turn around the room while continuing her inner debate.

Who was she kidding? She couldn’t take the curiosity and she knew it. Plus, something strange was going on, and finding out what would at the very least give her something else to do for the moment.

If she couldn’t find out or if she objected to what it was, she’d also have an excuse to get out of the stifling cabin and confront Connor. And she’d rather confront him than sit alone and face her worries about him.

Jaidyn moved back to the bay of rear windows. She couldn’t see the sailor anymore. The ropes were still there, so she guessed he’d been lowered to the next deck. Careful to avoid the windows that the ropes passed in front of, she opened one to the right of where she thought he should be.

Swinging it wide, she leaned out the window as far as she dared, thankful her pale blue flowered day dress had a demure neckline. Jaidyn looked down to find him painting.

She was disappointed. With the salty air and crashing waves, ships often needed to be painted. It wasn’t really anything mysterious or interesting all at.

With a maudlin sigh, she started to close the window–

But it would make much more sense to do something like that in port and not while at a full sail.

She looked out once more to see that the young sailor was in fact painting right over the word “Coraal.”

Why in the world would he paint over the name of the ship? That didn’t make any sense.

She tried to contain her growing excitement as much as she could as she bowed out again. Bracing both hands on the sill and leaning her whole upper body out, Jaidyn watched him for a while, debating the best way to get his attention and not startle him off his precarious perch. Having not come up with a better plan, she cleared her throat with unladylike volume.

Gripping one of the ropes for stability, the sailor looked up toward the noise. “Afternoon, miss.”

“Afternoon to you too. Say, what are you doing there?”

After a pause, he replied, “Painting, miss.”

Well, he had no problem with stating the obvious. She’d have to try again. “Yes, I can see that. But what are you painting, exactly?”

His sun-darkened face looked thoughtful for a moment. “Painting this part of the ship, miss.”

Stating the obvious seemed to be his only talent, outside of painting, of course. “I must say that is fairly apparent, but why are you doing it?”

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