If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3) (33 page)

BOOK: If You Only Knew (Harper Falls Book 3)
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She would miss this place. Funny how easily she’d become
resigned to the idea that she was going to lose it. She was sad — she wasn’t
devastated. There were other places, better places. This was her first. That
made it special.

The doorbell brought her out of her musings. Setting her cup
aside, Tyler went to see who it was. Looking through the peephole, her eyes
widened. Standing back, she took a deep breath. She must have been mistaken. It
couldn’t be. Cautiously, as though it might bite her, Tyler looked again.

Well, damn. What a way to ruin a perfectly good morning.

Tyler pulled back her shoulders then took a deep breath. Her
wish for a mirror had nothing to do with her wardrobe, her hair, or the lack of
makeup on her face. She wished there was time to check her expression. She
wanted calm, composed. Hiding the sneer would be difficult. Tyler thought for a
moment then shrugged. That might not be such a bad thing after all.

Deciding she was as ready as she was going to get, she
opened the door.

“Regina Harper. As I live and breathe.”

Tyler barely contained her groan. Where the hell had that
come from?

“Miss Jones.”

In terms of proximity, this was the closest she’d gotten to
Drew’s mother. It felt… strange. Uncomfortable. Something she hoped never to

“Are you going to ask me in?”

Of course
, Tyler remembered. Vampires needed to be
invited before they could enter someone’s home.

Tyler felt her lips twitch, something the eagle eye of the
other woman didn’t miss. Regina’s lips tightened. Humor, in any form, was not
appreciated. When aimed at her, it was verboten.

“Come in.”

Tyler stepped back to let Regina Harper enter. A whiff of
French perfume filled the air causing Tyler’s nose to twitch. Ugh. Expensive
didn’t mean good.

Regina walked around, examining — careful not to touch.
Tyler shouldn’t have worried about her sneer. Queen Reggie had hers beat by a

Take her coat
. Tyler heard her mother’s voice as
clear as a bell.
Ask her to sit. Offer her a cup of coffee.
She wondered
if etiquette applied when your enemy came to call.

“Nice coat.”

Recognizing sarcasm when she heard it, Regina’s eyebrows
lifted — sort of. Botox, or whatever toxins the woman had injected into her
face prevented much range of movement.


No kidding
, Tyler thought.
I was going to guess

“I can do the stare down as long as you, Regina. Cut to
the chase. Why are you here?”
And how can I get you to leave as quickly
as possible?

“You’re exactly what I expected,” Regina purred.
And sneered. An interesting combination.

“Is this where I ask what you mean?” Tyler shook
her head in amazement. “I don’t play that game, Reggie.”

Regina stiffened further. How she didn’t break into tiny
pieces, Tyler didn’t know.

“This is no game, Miss Jones,” Regina assured her.
“But, if it were, you have lost.” She almost smiled. “At

“Fine,” Tyler sighed. “I give. How have I
lost? I’m back in Harper Falls. I’m breathing.”
I have Drew

Tyler refrained from adding the last part. Yes, he was the
source of the contention between them. Yet only one of them loved him. She
refused to discuss Drew with a woman who looked on him as a possession she
would never have, instead of the son she didn’t deserve.

“I have a business proposition for you, Miss

Business? Tyler frowned. Then the light bulb went on. Well,
shit. How stupid could she be? Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner?

“You’re RRAH Limited.”

“Yes.” This time Regina did smile. It was full of
self-satisfaction. “Would you like to know what the initials stand

Tyler didn’t answer — she was still reeling.

“Regina, Russell, Andrew, Harper.”

“Together for the first time.”

“You think you’re very clever, don’t you?” Regina
hissed. “Perhaps that sharp mind is what attracted Andrew.”

“No doubt. That and my big breasts.” Tyler watched
the other woman’s eyes move to her chest. “Yes.
, in case you
missed it, was also sarcasm.”

“Enough! I will pay you twice what this hovel is worth
if you leave town. Find some place new. You can start over — debt-free.”

“I’m already debt-free. You saw to that.” Tyler
turned her back on Regina so they both had the same view of the studio.
“As soon as you take possession, I owe nothing. Clean slate.”

“Don’t be a fool. I’m offering you more money than
you’ve ever seen. Considering your… profession, it’s more money than you will
ever see at one time.”

“I wonder.” Tyler paused. She knew she shouldn’t
do this. She could hold her tongue. Throw Regina out. Leave it alone. Common
sense said it was what she
do. Ah, what the hell. This was
probably the only chance she would ever get.

“Do you think it was your money that my father wanted?
Or was it you?”

For a second, Tyler thought Regina was going to faint. She
turned white as a sheet; she swayed.

Before Tyler could decide whether to try to catch the woman,
Regina pulled herself together. Her eyes narrowed; her gaze laser-sharp.

“You have a lot of nerve, young woman.”

“Not nearly as much as you, Regina.”

Tyler turned towards the bathroom door. Drew. How could she
forget he was here?

Drew circled around Regina. If this was about picking sides,
without words he firmly established where he stood. Right beside Tyler.

Fresh from the shower, his dark hair still damp. In jeans, a
t-shirt, his feet bare. Drew looked cool, calm, controlled. Only his eyes gave
away the storm of emotions he felt. Without thinking, Tyler reached for his
hand; her only thought was to comfort. Drew laced his fingers with hers,
squeezing gently, letting her know it was all right. That
was all

Ten years. In all honesty, when he left Harper Falls, he
never thought to see Regina again. Even after he returned, he avoided any
situation that would bring them together. If another ten years passed before it
happened again, he would be just fine with that.

“Andrew. I didn’t know you were here.”

“That’s obvious. I’m sure you wanted to catch Tyler
alone to share your generous offer. Sorry to crash the party.”

“I won’t apologize for trying one more time to save you
from polluting the Harper bloodline.”

“That ship sailed when you gave birth to me.”

Regina gasped. It seemed Drew knew her weakness. Tyler was
surprised to find out she had one.

“I can trace my family back to Plymouth Rock.”

“Give the blue-blood crap a rest, Regina. No matter how
long your family’s lineage, the fact remains they needed money. I don’t know if
you convinced my father that you loved him. Maybe he was dazzled by your beauty.
I’ll admit you were a looker.”

“You’ve said quite enough, Andrew. You have a legacy to
maintain. Tyler Jones is not the woman to help you do that. You’ve played at
your little company, had your bout of rebellion. You have a duty to your name
and this town. Now it’s time to step up.”

“You don’t get it,” Drew said in amazement. He
turned to Tyler. “She’s delusional. You heard her.
at my

Tyler could feel the anger vibrating through him. She would
have tried to put an end to it if she didn’t think he needed to get it out.
He’d held it in his entire life. He needed to get this off his chest. All of

“I’m here, Drew. It’s okay.”

“You!” Regina pointed a finger at Tyler.
“Before he became involved with you, he was headed down the proper path.
He was a Harper, through and through. You ruined him.”

“Wow.” Tyler looked at Drew. “What do you say
about that?”

Drew lifted her hand, kissing the back.

“Thank you.”

“You’re more than welcome,” Tyler smiled. “I
wish I could take all the credit. Regina here did most of the work. She pushed
you out of town long before you fell under my evil influence.”

Drew smiled back, his eyes warm, loving. The storm was

“Stop this, Regina. The Harper name will be fine. You
will continue to reign over the town. Nothing has to change. All I ask is that
you leave Tyler alone. This is her home. Let her continue to make her regular
payments. Drop the foreclosure.”



“I will burn this place to the ground before I let her stay
here. Nothing you can say or do, Andrew, will make me change my mind.”
Regina lifted her chin. There was no heat in her words — no passion. Just cool

“I don’t believe you will throw me out of Harper House.
If you do? Fine.” She looked at Tyler. “We will both be without our

Without another word, Regina Harper turned, calmly walking
out, her steps even and unrushed.

The door was barely shut when Drew took Tyler into his arms.
He buried his face in her hair, swaying.

“I’m sorry, Ty.”

“Me, too. I’m sorry you grew up with… that.” Tyler
hugged him with all her might. “I’m so grateful you’re stronger than she
is. Somehow you became your own man; a good, fine man.”

“I had my father.” Drew sighed. “Which is why
Regina was right. I won’t throw her out of Harper House. Dad asked me to let
her stay there. There’s nothing in writing; he didn’t make me promise.”

“He asked. You want to honor that.” She rested her
head above the beat of his heart. “Like I said — a good man.”

Drew tipped up her chin taking her mouth with his. The kiss
was a comfort to them both. Sweet, gentle. Loving.

Tyler felt her heart swell. She loved him. Not as a young
woman of sixteen. This time the stars were out of her eyes. She didn’t expect
the perfect love — or man. For the rest of her life, she would fight, laugh,
seduce, cry. She would be ferocious, relentless, tireless. Whatever it took to
keep him, this time she wasn’t letting go.

“We’ll fight her, Ty. This is your home; we won’t let
her take it from you.”

“It’s just a place.”


Tyler leaned back to look into his eyes, her smile serene.

“This morning I looked around. I realized something

“Tell me.” Drew gave her cheek a caress.

“These are only walls, a ceiling. This place is not who
I am. What if it burned to the ground? Would I cease to exist? Would I curl up
— give up?”

“Hell, no.”

“Damn straight, hell no. I have my health, my talent. I
have good friends. My mother.” She laughed. “I might even have
Kyle.” Her gray eyes became a little dreamy. “Most important? I have

“Never doubt it, Ty.”

“You are so pretty.”

Startled, as much by the sentiment as the abrupt change of
subject, Drew frowned. He looked uncomfortable. Almost embarrassed.

“Jeez, Ty. Really? Why would you say that?”

Tyler smoothed back his hair, her smile teasing and sincere.

“Remember that first time we met on the bridge?”

“Like it was yesterday.”

“I meant it when I called you ‘Pretty Boy.’ Now you’re
a man. Handsome, sexy.”

“I like that.” Drew smiled back.

“You’ll always be my pretty boy. Seventy years from
now, I’ll still think of you that way.”

“When you put it that way…” Drew nipped playfully
at her fingers. “Let’s keep it between us, if you don’t mind. Kind of our little
secret. Of course, if you want to spread around the handsome and sexy part, I
can live with that.”

“I’ll bet.” Shaking her head at his silliness,
Tyler gave his chin a quick kiss.

“I need more coffee.” Drew watched as she poured
herself a cup. “Want some?” she asked, holding up the pot.


Drew took the cup, thanking her. He knew what he wanted to
say. Weighed the words. Then spoke. “Move in with me.”

Tyler didn’t hesitate; she simply shook her head.



“Why not?” Drew demanded. “I’m all alone in
that big house — our house. You need a place to live.”

“Not this second.” Tyler set her cup down,
crossing her arms over her chest. “Even Regina can’t throw me out
tomorrow. I have a month, according to my lawyer. It will take some time to
find a new studio. That means finishing the projects I can. Putting things in

“All of which you could do living with me,” Drew
reasoned. “There’s more than enough empty garage space for storage. As for
a new studio, you already have one.”

“I do?”

Drew hitched his shoulders. “I had it built with the
house. It needs some final touches. You decide. The room can be finished to
your specifications.”

“Why didn’t you show it to me when I was out

“Because it was …”

“Too soon.”

“Fine,” Drew said. “You have to admit, Ty. A
lot has happened since then. Not just this shit with Regina. Between us.”

“I agree.”

“Our lives are intertwined. They always have been. Ten
years and thousands of miles couldn’t change that.”

Lord knows she tried
, Tyler thought. Thank goodness
she was lousy at purging him from her heart.

“I plan on spending every night with you.”

“I like that plan.”

“Then why delay the inevitable?” Drew gave her his
most charming smile. It was almost enough to make her give in.

“Drew.” Tyler took a deep breath. How could she
explain something to him that
barely understood?

“Do you know what I see when I look at you?” he
asked, circling back to her earlier comments about him.

“A hard-headed fool?”

“Now you’re reading my mind.” His smile was teasing.
“Though I would never call you a fool.”

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