Her: A Memoir

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Authors: Christa Parravani

BOOK: Her: A Memoir
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Author’s Note

To write this book, I looked to my sister’s journals and other writings not only to include some of them in this memoir but also to confirm my memories of the events of our childhood. I asked questions of patient family members, particularly my mother, who also kindly provided a box of personal letters and her own journals to help guide me. I also consulted many of the non-family who appear in the book and, finally, I relied on my own memory of these years. I changed the names of some people in the book to preserve their anonymity.


for Cara Marie



Title Page

Copyright Notice

Author’s Note



Part One

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Part Two

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one

Part Three

Chapter Thirty-two

About the Author




I am fortunate for you, Mom, for having the courage to stand by me through every day of the creation of this manuscript. You believed in the importance of this book from its first inkling, even when that seemed like crazy talk. Your support has been everything. This book is as much for you as it is for Cara; she would have insisted on that. Dara Wier, Noy Holland, and Sabina Murray, thank you for the consideration you showed my sister in her life and work. I believe it was your support that kept her going through the hardest years. She was always proud to say she was your student. My gratitude to Jayne Anne Phillips, my literary mother, my teacher. What an honor to have placed
in your good hands. You were the woman I wrote to as I sat down each day. My thanks also to Alice Elliott Dark, who was a guiding force in the difficult work of balancing pain and humor, and honesty and compassion. I am blessed to have had such a brilliant woman in my corner. Thank you, too, Paul Lisicky and James Goodman at Rutgers; you both read early pages of my manuscript with insight and sensitivity. And then there is Barbara Jones, my editor, the angel at my shoulder. You picked this book up and breathed into it another kind of life. I only wish that Cara could have witnessed your grace and intelligence in this endeavor. She would have been astonished by how great a woman you are. We are so very lucky that you found our story.

And to all those at Henry Holt: Joanna Levine, Maggie Richards, Melanie DeNardo, my appreciation for the hours and care you put into the making of this book. Lisa Bankoff, my agent, you are fierce and wise, the hull of the
ship. Thank you for your good advice and for seeing me through the completion of this book, warts and all. None of us would be here without you. And thanks, too, to Dan Kirschen at ICM for your good cheer. Linda Bates, Elaine Falzano, and Marguerite DiNovo-Gregorie, what would I have done without your careful eyes on Josephine? Your time with my girl gave me time with this book. Amanda Snellinger, my second sister, thank you for being just that. Devon White, your manila folder filled with Cara’s love letters warmed my heart and helped me understand her better. Betsy Bonner, Danielle Pafunda, Julie Orringer, and Laurie Sandell, you are the best friends a woman could ask for. Finally, with admiration, thank you to my husband, Anthony Swofford. You appeared in my life when you were least expected. Thank you for building with me our home of love and words. It has been beneath our roof that the miracles of my life have occurred. You have my devotion. You have shepherded me through.



Part I


Chapter 1

used to be
an identical twin. I was Cara Parravani’s twin.

I forgot who I was after my sister died. I tried to remind myself with a trinity mantra. I whispered my mantra to the woman who stared back at me in my morning mirror: I’m twinless. I’m a photographer. I’m Christa.

I saw my sister when I tried to see myself.

We were twenty-eight when Cara overdosed: we had the dark hair we were born with; we had angular faces and we fancied red lipstick; we had knobby knees, slightly crooked eyeteeth, and fingernails bitten down until they bled. We had a touch of scoliosis: grade school nurses pulled us into their offices for yearly back checks. Cara had a steppage gait that caused her right foot to drag a little behind her left, an injury she sustained during a car accident in college. My stride is steady, but my posture is horrible; Cara stood straight as a pin—her shoulders were proud and strong and she held them back. I slouched. She said I went round like a little worried pill bug; I’d roll up into a ball tight as a fist. We both flinched at the smallest sounds: slamming doors, quick gestures, and laughter if the pitch was too high. We had looks and fears in common.

I gazed at myself in the mirror after she died and there she was. Her rusty brown eyes, frightened and curious as a doe’s. In the mirror I’d smile at myself and see her grinning back. She was a beauty. And her square waist, narrow hips, and round breasts were now mine. I’d imagine all of my sister’s regality and blemishes as part of my reflection: I saw Cara’s weak chin, her cherry lips pricked into a bow, lipstick smudged at the corners of her mouth. I’d hold out my arms and turn them, exposing my bare forearms. I’d see each one tattooed with a flower from my wrist to my elbow. The stems of the flowers started at my pulse and grew up to the crook of my arm, blossomed. Cara had gotten these tattoos after many tough years, images that decorated and repelled. She had wanted to make sure she was rough enough around the edges, that she seemed impervious to danger, but the part of her that needed to be dainty and female selected flowers to mar her body. She designed a garden to conceal the evidence of her addiction. Her right forearm she marked with an iris. Its rich purple petals became the target for the puncture of heroin-filled needles. Her left arm she’d drawn up with a tulip. Tulips had been our grandmother Josephine’s favorite flower, and the tattoo was meant to pay tribute. Near the end, Cara had run out of good veins. Her tulip’s soft petals became blighted with track marks. Both of her flowers were drained of ink, which had been slowly replaced by scars.

My reflection was her and it wasn’t her. I was myself but I was my sister. I was hallucinating Cara—this isn’t a metaphor. I learned through reading articles on twin loss that this delusion—that one is looking upon their dead twin when really they are looking at themselves—is a common experience among identical twinless twins. It is impossible for surviving twins to differentiate their living body from their twin’s; they become a breathing memorial for their lost half.

Cara’s reflection became a warning. I would become her on the other side of our looking glass if I wasn’t careful. It wasn’t only her likeness I craved. For me, her self-destruction was contagious. I mimicked it to try to bring her back. To be nearer to her, I tore apart my life just as she’d shredded her own.

On my face I saw the thin scar our mother’s carelessly long fingernail had made on the apple of my sister’s cheek.

I remember the origins of all our scars.

We were three years old when Cara got scratched, on the way home from a petting zoo. The three of us—Mom, Cara, and I—rode unbuckled in the hard-shelled covered carriage of my uncle’s pickup. Mom held us close as the truck bumped along. We were almost home when Uncle jammed the brakes to avoid an animal in the road. The truck stopped so short and fast that the three of us slid forward. I stayed under Mom’s arm but Cara catapulted toward the metal hatchback door. Mom grabbed for her quickly and missed; Mom’s fingernail sliced straight as a surgeon’s scalpel into Cara’s cheek.

The scar that remained was ordinary—it healed as harmless as a paper cut, but in a dotted line. It was difficult to see unless the light hit it in such a way that the scar would gleam, like a row of flat stones set out to dry in the sunshine after a downpour.

During the closest years of our lives, Cara liked to fasten bobby pins into my hair and admire the updos she invented. We administered weekly sisterly beautification, little animals that we were. We applied honey face masks, avocado hair glazes, and salt scrubs. We performed on each other the tedious process of individual split end removal with a pair of haircutting shears. She called me her “raven sister with the sexy beehive.” I called her “my messy, unmatching flower goddess.” Of course, there were other names, the cruel and loving ones we give our siblings. Cara took her nicknames for me with her when she died: pumpkinseed, digger, shave, and newt.

I am the sole historian left to record our lives. It’s difficult to know if my memories are true without her. We mixed our memories up. Our lives were a jumble. I can remember being where I never was, in places I never saw: my sister’s marital chamber on her wedding night, the filthy hotel rooms of her drug buys, sitting at her writing desk as she tapped away at her keyboard.

It wasn’t uncommon for us to remember something that had happened to our twin. It can seem that I was the one who kissed Chad Taylor in the parking lot of our junior high school, his whale of a tongue bobbing back and forth in my mouth, his hands heavy as bricks on my hips.

But it was Cara who kissed him. She ran back home and spared no detail. I felt that kiss myself: my first kiss. My sister spun her tale until I knew it, too, until it was mine as much as it was hers. Nothing could happen to one without it happening to the other.

I could tell the story either way: me kissing Chad or Cara kissing him. Cara claimed what was mine, just as I took what was hers. We shared everything until there was nothing of our single selves left. It was my task in grieving her to unravel the tight, prickly braid of memory rope we’d woven—to unwind and unwind and unwind until I was able to take my strand and lay it out beside the length that was hers.

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